Ever since we first posted about our vent-tastic Arietta hood back in October, it’s been one of the most asked about items in our home. Does it work? Does it really look that good? Is it too good to be true? We had to dodge those questions for months while the hood just sat on the floor waiting for its friends, the cabinets. But now it’s been up for a few weeks and we’ve been able to put it to the test. So let’s put all the speculation to rest. Yes, it works. Yes, it looks pretty darn fine. And no, it’s not too good to be true. For all of you out there who
An Updated Video Tour Of Our House
Every good movie has a sequel (Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit, anyone?) so it’s about time we debuted the follow-up to last fall’s partial-house tour. Sherry’s back in her starring role as “tour guide” and I’m directing again, but the set is much improved this time around. Not only do we have a completed kitchen to share, but this time we take you through the bedrooms, the other bathroom, and even let you a peek inside our fridge. As you’ll see, a lot can change in five months. So grab some popcorn, silence your cell phones and enjoy. (Also, please excuse Sherry’s blurry face in the very beginning. The censored look wasn’t intentional.)
How To Hang An Asymmetrical Gallery Wall
We gathered some photos, images, and articles along with a bunch of white frames and hung them on the wall in an asymmetrical pattern for charm and style in our third bedroom.
3 Sweet & Sentimental Art Ideas
A while back we promised another post about wall art, so here it is. Being sentimental- and on a budget- we’ve had to get creative in the art department. So until we can afford that original Warhol piece we have our eye on (yeah right), we’ll stick to providing interesting art alternatives. For example, take this vintage map project that Sherry surprised me with this Christmas. She found this amazing map (from 1907!) on eBay for around ten dollars, picked up a white frame at Ikea, and then removed the glass and added some cork backing and pinned the map in place. Then she stuck more pins (actually called “map pins” from Office Depot) into
Making Personalized Initial Art To Hang Over The Bed
We made custom bedroom monograms and framed them above our bed to personalize our room and add a bit of black and white charm.
Breaking The Mold
We promised more photos of our two guest bedrooms sporting their new crown molding, so here they are. First, we bring you the second bedroom, with crisp white three inch molding to swank things up: And the third bedroom (also known as our old converted dining room) looks mighty fine with the same polished white molding adding some architecture: But the real transformation took place in the master bedroom, with the addition of an 8 inch plank of wood that makes the wardrobes look like custom built ins. Stay tuned for the juicy reveal tomorrow. We can hardly wait…
How Much Did Our Kitchen Renovation Cost?
After our big kitchen reveal yesterday, it seems like the million dollar question still lingers: how much did it cost? (Hint: It wasn’t millions… and it was WAY below the national average spent on a major kitchen remodel, which is $44,000 according to realtor.org) After crunching some numbers last night we figured out exactly how much our wallets really bled during this project and (thankfully) how much we managed to save in the process. And we’re talking start to finish- wider doors, new floors, electrical, lighting, appliances, etc, etc. This wasn’t just your average cabinet and countertop update. Here’s the breakdown: Demo & Construction: $1,400 (negotiated down from $2,400) A local contractor and mason removed
Checking Out Our Pashmina Granite At The Stoneyard
Our new and improved granite slabs moseyed into town this week and, unlike our last visit to the stoneyard, it was definitely love at first sight. Here’s Sherry gettin’ friendly with our two hunks of Pashmina before they go in for cutting. The best news of the day was that our beautiful new counters are coming home on Tuesday. Score! That means our Home Depot installer can come back on Wednesday to hook up the plumbing and – dare I say it? – our new kitchen will be COMPLETE. ‘Til then, you’ll find us drooling over this photo we snapped of our soon-to-be countertop.
Why You Should Pick Granite Counters From A Slab, Not A Sample
The excitement began yesterday when we visited the stone yard to check out our granite slabs. And ended when we laid eyes on the giant hunk of Blanc Noir. The small, white sample with gray & black flecks that we fell in love with months ago looked nothing like the huge, gray, polka-dotted pattern in front of us. We knew our tiny kitchen definitely couldn’t pull off that busy, 101 Dalmations-esque look and we had to hunt down another option. Fast. Thankfully, several trips to Home Depot and a few local stone yards led us to our one true love: Pashmina. It’s everything that Blanc Noir isn’t: much lighter and less spotty with much more natural “movement” (think
How To Add A Lamp Shade To A Ceiling Fan
We updated our ceiling fan with a simple lamp shade that we attached in the place of the glass bulb cover. The result is a lot more current and crisp- and it was super easy!
Kitchen, You Are Missed
This not having a functioning kitchen thing is getting old. It may sound strange, but we were too lazy to go out to eat tonight. Instead, we mustered the energy to attempt cooking in our counterless and sinkless kitchen. Fortunately, the meal itself (chocolate chip pancakes) was relatively easy to make using a cabinet top as our work surface. We also confirmed that our stovetop still functions after almost 3 months of dormancy. It’s the already annoying task of clean-up that reminds you how frustrating it is to not have a kitchen sink. Let’s just say doing dishes in the bathroom doesn’t exactly inspire me to play chef again anytime soon.
Blast From The Past: Part 3
We’ve returned from our Christmas in West Virginia just in time to grace you with the third and final part of our “Places We Used to Live” video series. This time it’s a new city (Richmond, VA) and a new arrangement (cohabitation). Ooh la la. Our First Apartment Together in Richmond was a pretty cookie-cutter one-bedroom in a pretty cookie-cutter suburban apartment complex. That didn’t stop us from being over the moon about finally sharing a home together AND getting way more space for less than half of our combined rent in NYC. Here are the goodies to watch for this time: The giddiness in Sherry’s voice as she excitedly points out certain “features” Our