We’ve been in our new house for one whole month, and there are definitely some things that are shaping up differently than we had pictured. So today we’re sharing why some house projects have been easier than expected, but getting settled in a few other ways took some turns we didn’t anticipate. We’re also diving into the history of three popular and persistent design trends – like the true origins of subway tile and why the fiddle-leaf fig isn’t a recent phenomenon. Plus, a curtain hack that Sherry secretly tested out for an entire year, and what happens when Alexa commands get lost in translation. What’s New We talked about how we’ve been pleasantly surprised
Our Downsized Smaller Kitchen, Three Weeks In
Well, we’ve almost been in this house for a month. How crazy is that?! We moved on the 14th of last month and this Sunday is the 14th again! The pod is all unpacked and picked up (you can listen in here about what the heck we overpacked & then donated when we got here). It’s so crazy that a single pod of stuff can be too much – but then again, John was a pod-packing champion. Like too good at it. And going from 14 rooms to 6 (and 3150 square feet to 1400) is not a small challenge. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. This was a multiple month long undertaking. But it was
500+ Highly Recommended Black-Owned Businesses To Support
All week on our Instagram stories we’ve been highlighting Black-owned businesses as a way that you can get involved, vote with your dollars, and show these super deserving small businesses some love. It all started because after getting personal in this post on IG and Facebook, I came across an article that said “…over the past 30 years, the US has seen a sharp decline in independent Black-owned business, and that Black women in particular face so many obstacles getting their business ventures funded.” That SUCKS! So after highlighting some of my favorite Black-owned shops, you guys started flooding my DMs with some of yours. Dozens of enthusiastically recommended shops quickly turned into hundreds, crossing
Volunteered Expertise For Black-Owned Businesses
Since sharing our list of Black-owned businesses that hundreds of you so highly recommended, we’ve been receiving messages from all types of experts, professionals, and creatives who would like to volunteer their services to help small Black-owned businesses. We didn’t want them to get lost on Instagram, so we’ve copied their messages and contact info below: Business Coaching Bryn Braaten – “I’m a Recruiting Manager for Amazon that focuses on Software Engineers, Managers, Technical Program Managers, Research Science, Data Engineers, and Program/Product Manager Tech. I’d love to offer 5 Resume Reviews per month to help edit/curate skill set and connect them for applicable jobs within Amazon.” CONTACT: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/ Kathy Campbell – “I would love to
#177: Bathrooms: A Slippery Slope?
Today we’re talking about how it has been as a family of four who is sharing one bathroom, and what plans we have for adding onto that number down the line. And while we’re on the subject (this podcast always seems to turn to bathroom-related things…) we look into the uniquely American obsession with bathrooms and learn why the heck in the past 50 years the number of them per American has DOUBLED. We also finally have real beds in our house after weeks of sleeping on mattresses on the floor, and it feels good! So we’re sharing how they each serve different functional purposes in our smaller house. Plus, we learn what decor styles
#176: The Part Of Moving To A Smaller Home We Didn’t Expect
We’re in Florida (!!!) and we’ve got LOTS to tell you about all that went down on our moving day and throughout our first couple of weeks in our new home. We’re covering a lot of ground, like how we made the 13-hour drive feel faster, which of our moving predictions from our last episode came true, and what we really thought about using those travel pee bags. Plus, getting unpacked and settled into a smaller home has presented some challenges that we didn’t anticipate, so we’re sharing what those were, and why they’re giving us a whole new appreciation for this part of the downsizing process. We’re also recapping what items we overpacked (even
Refinishing Pine Floors For A Beachy Look
Alternate title: putting the floor in Florida. I’ll pause while you slap your knee. I’m telling you, I’ve got mom jokes for days. And speaking of days, I googled this topic for days on end. And let me tell you, finding someone who shared actual photos and an exact rundown of what floor products they used on pine floors to get the result we were aiming for was BLEAK. We were looking for a soft and light end result (not darker or more amber-toned/yellowed, which seems to be what pine likes to do, especially if it’s sealed with regular old oil based sealer – even just the clear stuff yellows it significantly). Oak floor refinishing
Our Smaller Home’s Exterior Makeover
You guys. I am very excited about this post. And John’s computer froze and crashed two times this morning while we were trying to work on this, and my enthusiasm STILL ENDURES, which is a good indication of just how into this I am. I’m going to try to let the pics do all the talking because I just want to get this post UP AND INTO THE WORLD! So without further ado, here is what our house looked like back in February when we offered on it. Remember it was a super rainy/overcast span of two days when we checked it out (as is our tradition of buying houses – more on that here).
#175: Our Big Move Is Officially Underway (& We Have Some Predictions)
While we’re getting settled in our new house in Florida, we’ve got one last episode for you that we recorded in Richmond. In fact, we took a moment as “Past John & Sherry” to make some predictions for what our moving day might look like, along with our hopes-slash-fears for our first night in our new home. We’re also talking about temporary, affordable, and easy-to-change decor ideas that are great for renters and homeowners alike, thanks to interviewing an expert on the subject named Medina Grillo. She was full of smart solutions and also took the opportunity to bust some myths about being a renter. Plus, the Instagram account that has us in stitches, and
Our Painted Brick House’s Exterior Makeover
We’re currently still in Richmond (not for much longer though!), and in order to share a huge progress post about our Florida house’s exterior, we want to be there in person so we can take tons of progress photos that’ll explain a lot more and make that post exceptionally exciting. So that’s coming your way next week (yes, by this time next week we’ll definitely be living there!), but buckle up because this post is not a consolation prize. It’s just as dramatic as the before & afters of our current house’s interior, which we shared a few weeks back. In fact, our Richmond house’s outside transformation could probably be filed under: “Biggest update we’ve
#174: That Time A Psychic Came To Our House
On the cusp of our big Florida move, we take one last look at how downsizing and living for three weeks without almost all of our worldly possessions has changed our view of our “stuff” – including what we miss the most, and why it’s not what we expected. Plus experts predict how the pandemic may change the way people renovate and build homes moving forward. From floor plan changes to smart technology, it’s interesting to see what they think might carry on for years to come. We also stumble into a very random discussion about astrology, pet psychics, and whether the stars can tell us where in the world we really should be living.
Our Downsizing Renovation Progress
Our Florida house reno is moving right along. Wanna see it?! We do too! That sounds like a joke, but I’m serious. We haven’t seen any of these changes in person yet, so all of the pictures in this post are from our contractor who has been working on our house over the last two months. So please forgive us if some are a little blurry (like the one below) or not exactly the same angle as our before photos. We’re happy to have any pictures we can get! And when we finally LIVE THERE (there’s still not an exact moving date pinned down – but fingers crossed for sometime next week) we’ll share approximately
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