This morning, while Clara was doing this: I attempted to tackle this: A few days ago I slapped some spackle on the walls in the bathroom (we like Dap Crackshot), because as happy as we were with the big bathroom overhaul, you could tell it was definitely our first rodeo when it came to drywalling. And in our hurry to get paint on the walls we were a wee bit less careful with the mudding and taping than we could have been. But thanks to Operation Sell This House we’re making all those never-got-around-to-them tweaks to get things looking as close to perfect as possible. You know, tackling all of those projects that we’ll never
Mood Board Making: Dark Teal, Wood, & White Bedroom
I can’t promise that we’ll execute this mood board to a T when it comes to our future bedroom – heck, the entire vision could easily shift by the time we move into a new home. But as of right now, this is what I’m loving (and John’s surprisingly right there with me): 1. I’m dreaming of a cozy and enveloping room painted in a rich and saturated teal like the stripe of color across the top of the mood board (Benjamin Moore’s Rendezvous Bay 726). I’d temper the bold color by adding some white furnishings/accessories and some rich dark woods to ground things. And then I’d add a pop of tangerine, just because I’m
How To Make Puffy Paint Pumpkins
I know, I know. The idea of puffy paint in most craft projects makes you skeptical. Me too. But a few weeks ago John and I were brainstorming about what we should do to our pumpkins this year, after painting them last year: … and carving intricate designs into them the year before: Anyway, so somewhere along the line John said “too bad we can’t use nail polish or something to build up shapes on the pumpkins.” I sort of looked at him sideways at the nail polish suggestion, but I liked the idea of somehow creating raised designs on them… and so the idea of puffy paint was born. We figured it was made
How To Make Kids Silhouette Art
The time had come to make a silhouette of Clara’s cute little head to replace the placeholder that we created well before she was born. Here’s how we did it.
Hanging With Nate Dog
This post might be filed under the annoying “teaser” category but we can’t tell you anything other than to cryptically announce that you might want to watch The Nate Show next Monday (the 25th) or DVR it if you’re fancy like that because… we’re going to be on it!!! It’s a syndicated show, so we don’t know what channel or time it’s on in your area (in fact it doesn’t even air in Richmond, which is the bane of our existence) but if you hit up you can use their station finder feature for more info. We’ve always been huge fans of Nate and his work, so we can’t wait to check out Monday’s
Fab Freebie: So Haute In Here
HauteLook offers 50-75% items 48 hours at a time. Enter here to score a $100 gift card! Giveaway closes October 20th at 8pm EST.
Cleaning & Mulching To Stage Our Home To Sell
If it’s true that cleanliness is next to Godliness, then selling our house is practically turning us into saints. Not that we weren’t teetering on clean freak status before, but I’ve always considered myself more tidy than clean (i.e. clutter’s a no-no, but the tub can go unscrubbed a little longer than I’d like to admit to my mom). But now that we’ve got strangers touring the place it has kicked us into cleaning hyper drive – which I should note is much needed considering that having a newborn all but halted it for a good while this summer. Yes, that’s me breaking out the ladder to give a good wash to the outside of
Bed Burgers
I make the bed. Burger unmakes it. Thus is the viciously cycle we’re living this month. At least I caught this amusing footage of Burger in action.
Our Style Evolution: From Color Crazy To Cohesive & Halfway Back
After years of trying to make our house look “grown up,” Sherry and I are now letting our house show the youth of its occupants with more color, whimsy and child-like fun.
How To Paint Metal Cups To Make Two-Tone Votive Holders
When we spotted these odd little metal cups for $1.50 a pop at Goodwill (which you may have noticed in our recent Halloween post) we decided to take them home for a speedy little spray paint makeover. We fell in love with the little cut-out shape and since we already had yellow and white spray paint around (thanks to this project and this project) we got right to work. Our concept was to make the inside of each cup yellow and the outside of each one white, just for a little two-tone fun. So we thought up a few ways that might work when it came to accomplishing that effect. First we debated spraying the
When The Thing You Really Want Sells Out
I was going to do it. I was finally going to buy the Coco mirror from West Elm that I’ve been obsessing over forever. Yes, we’re moving, but it’s such a classic piece that it could be hung anywhere in this house or the next one. And I was just gonna go for it- all $199 of it. Even though I’m usually too cheap to buy things full price (even if I’m head over heels in love) I had this whole talk with myself about putting on my big girl pants and bucking up and just splurging for something that I’m 99.9% certain would make me happy for decades. Then I saw this when I
Katie Bower In The House
Well not anymore, but she was this weekend. Along with her main man Jeremy and their adorable bambino Will. And if you don’t know who the heck I’m talking about, you can read up on the Bowers over at their blog: Bower Power. We had tons of fun feeding them, showing them around and just generally having a grand old time from Friday all the way through Sunday. We even squeezed in a little video (as is the tradition whenever we’re together- check out this original one along with these three shot during our rendezvous in Nashville last summer: hotel inspiration part 1, hotel inspiration part 2 and shopping for DIY inspiration). We went back
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