This week we’re sharing the mystery of how half of the power in our house suddenly went out when we were just about to leave the country on vacation. We’re also catching you up on the highs and lows of getting our bathroom nearly completed, including how the flu, a surgery, and a sudden deadline kept us on our toes. Plus, an illuminating update to our upstairs hallway and what we learned about “life admin” and how to better tackle it. What’s New First off, if you missed last week’s episode and our big duplex news, you can listen to it here or read a full transcript here. Sherry also referenced a previous episode about
How To Make Built-In Pantry Shelves
I’m so excited to share how we constructed these built-in pantry shelving for our beach house. They’re surprisingly straightforward to construct and can be easily customized to any space, even if you’ve got a small pantry or simple pantry closet. They’re made entirely of two things: 3/4″ MDF sheets and 1 x 2″ pine boards (well, and some screws and nails). Plus, this process can be easily adapted to just about any space where you want to add some custom storage or shelving (bedrooms, playrooms, living rooms, etc). So even if you’re a beginner, you can do this. Seriously. Also, if you’re looking for more shelf ideas & DIY shelving projects, this post has 16
How To Add Decorative Wall Molding
We love a DIY wall molding just as much as the next blogger, but I think we have a new favorite: the thick framing that we added to our bathroom. And it almost didn’t happen! And it was one of the smaller costing line items compared to a lot of other updates we did in there (gotta love when that happens!). We still have some finishing touches to put on the room before we’re ready to “reveal” it fully (like a bathroom door would be nice – and we’re also going to share a full budget breakdown in that big “after” post) but I know that many of you are eager to hear about this
#160: And Now For Some Big Duplex News
It’s our first episode of 2020 and WE BOY DO WE HAVE NEWS! We’re excited to share it because it not only means good things for us, our friends, and the duplex itself, but it’s also connected to our continued efforts to simplify, and it involves a twisty tale of switching tables with a stranger. We’re also sharing a special gift that we gave this holiday season that can help your family honor a loved one. Plus, a check-in on our bathroom reno progress, the Instagram account that keeps us laughing, and our favorite geography-based game we’ve ever played. What’s New Our Big Duplex News Game: Weird Town Names We’re Digging If you’re looking for
A Beach House Bedroom With Wallpaper And Board & Batten
BEHOLD! The new & improved middle bedroom at the beach house (*crowd goes wild, people do The Hype, battle rap horns sound, DJ Khaled shouts “DJ KAHLEDDDDD”, maybe Cardi B. is there with one of those t-shirt cannons?*). I hope you enjoyed that mental image as much as I did. ANYWAY, the beach house middle bedroom update is done, and I can’t get over how sweet the board & batten and the wallpaper look together – especially with the old heart pine floors and doors. Those are 115 years old, and the wallpaper and the wall treatment are brand new, but they feel so good together – especially in person. My biggest pet peeve with
Ikea Pax Closet Makeover With Budget & Video Tour
This post is going to cover a lot of ground. Not only are we sharing before & after photos and a video tour about how we organized it all, we’re also spilling how much the whole thing cost, tossing out some closet planning tips to help you tackle an update yourself, and the details on how we made it all look built-in like a bonafide custom closet (with just $65 of wood!). First let’s get to the eyeball-related things: the before & afters. Also, please note how badly Burger wanted to be in this post. Photobombs out the wazoo. This little room of ours has come a long way. The photo below shows how we
How To Install A Dual-Flush Toilet Kit
We’ve super-charged our toilet with two new functions that cost under $75, took less than 2 hours and required zero tools to install.
A Big Bathroom & Closet Update
We made some pretty exciting progress over the last few weeks that has earned us a much more functional space with a random but doable smattering of tasks left on our to-do list. We’re definitely rounding third base on this bathroom (that sounds weird, but you know what I mean – we’re getting extremely close to the end) and for that I’m straight up Carlton-dancing. Let me tell you, having a double sink for the first time in our lives (and my favorite toilet! and an actual closet system instead of a few old hanging bars!) is a huge upgrade. We’re thrilled, even if this feels like it has been a much longer renovation than
How To Build Scrap Wood Storage… Out Of Scrap Wood
The scrap wood pile in our garage was getting out of hand, so creating some scrap wood storage was a top priority in our new shed. And, better yet, we wanted to use as much of our scrap wood to actually build it! So this post covers the steps we took to construct this easy and functional storage system for you collection of leftover lumber. It may not be the prettiest scrap wood storage on the Internet (and it’s a little hard to see with all of wood-on-wood tones), but it’s way better than the garage pile we started with! Step 1: Assess Your Scrap Wood Pile To build this organizer, we started by bringing
Staining Your Wood Cabinets Darker
Updated January 2022 We weren’t happy with the color of our existing kitchen cabinets – too orange and dated looking! – so we wanted to give them a quick makeover for a darker, more contemporary look. We decided to stain them to maintain the wood grain appearance, but we worried that would require us to sand off all of the old finish. Yuck! Luckily, we knew of a product that would let us skip that messy and tiring step while still giving us the end results we wanted. You can see our results above, and read below for how we got there! What Stain Product Did You Use? We used Minwax Polyshades for this project,
Painting Our Shed & Adding Window Boxes
This post is for everyone who has been asking for a shed update since we finally painted it to match our white house (it only took us a year!). While we were updating things, we switched out the lights and added window boxes because I can now be described as “extremely passionate about sheds.” Like if I was on that would be in my bio somewhere. This is perhaps the largest personality change for me throughout adulthood. The idea that I like sheds is an extremely new revelation. Remember when I didn’t care about sheds – and maybe even hated them – especially when John wanted to use half of our beach house’s tiny
#159: Are You A Maximizer Or A Satisficer?
Have you ever thought about your approach to making decisions? It turns out that humans tend to have two distinct styles (and they even have fancy psychological terms to go along with them). The funny revelation is that Sherry & I each exemplify a different one. So this week we’re sharing what we’ve learned about each type of decision maker, and how it can impact everything from how we choose items for our home to how we booked our first international family vacation. We’re also outlining five ways you can refresh a room without spending ANY money whatsoever. As in zero dollars (Sherry would add a “holla!” right here). Plus, the new kid-friendly kitchen activity
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