Known as one of the most colorful minerals in the world, rainbow fluorite is a mesmerizing multicolored crystal with distinctive purple, blue, and green banding. Beyond its obvious decorative qualities, it’s enjoyed around the world for a multitude of manufacturing benefits – and many believe it has metaphysical properties as well. What Is Rainbow Fluorite? Rainbow fluorite is a multicolored variety of the mineral fluorite, also called fluorspar when used in manufacturing. It is the crystal form of calcium fluoride which, like table salt, is a member of the halite family. Fluorite is an abundant mineral that’s most commonly found in Mexico and China, but also in the United States, Spain, Russia, and more. It
Green Aventurine: Crystal Meaning & Properties
Green aventurine is a special type of quartz that’s characterized by sparkling metal fragments embedded within it. It’s found in a variety of colors, but green is the most common (and my personal favorite!). Like its color might indicate, it’s thought to be the luckiest gemstone and is said to bring prosperity and good fortune to those who hold it. I definitely love decorating my shelves and tabletops with it. The subtle green color is just gorgeous. What is Green Aventurine? Aventurine is a form of quartz that’s characterized by mineral inclusions that give the crystal a shimmering or glistening appearance. This effect is called “aventurescence.” Different kinds of mineral impurities produce different shades of
4 People Sharing A Bathroom: How & Why It Works For Us
Any time we mention having only one bathroom it spawns a flurry of interest in our Instagram DMs about how we manage that with our four-person family. Although we’re definitely not intrepid for having this setup in any way (so many families in the US & abroad live a wonderful life in a smaller home with one bathroom), and we also have an outdoor shower that we can use almost year-round (which definitely takes the pressure off of our single indoor bathroom), there’s a surprising amount of curiosity around the topic. So we’re here to break down why it has worked so well for our family and what we’ve done to make it extra efficient
Fiddle Leaf Fig – Care Guide
Fiddle leaf figs are equally beloved and notorious in the houseplant world. When they’re big & healthy, a fiddle can make a room. We’ve all seen the glossy magazine shots to prove it. But they can also leave you feeling like a good-for-nothing plant killer when they droop & die. Luckily I’ve got some simple methods to keep your fiddle leaf fig happy, thriving, and looking its best. Fiddle leaf figs (Ficus lyrata) are native to African rainforests, so they thrive in sunny and humid environments. So the better you can recreate those conditions for it in your home, the happier it will be. That’s why keeping a fiddle leaf fig alive boils down to three
How To Make An Ikea Pax Wardrobe Look Built-In
Raise your hand if you remember how much closet space our bedroom used to have. The answer is zero. We used dressers for a while and eventually added some floor-to-ceiling Ikea Pax wardrobes. And – big news! – we’ve added another Ikea wardrobe, which means we have just as much storage in our current bedroom as we had in our last house’s FANCY WALK-IN CLOSET! I know. It’s downright mind-blowing. For comparison, this is our last house’s walk-in closet (it was an 8′ x 6′ room). Each side had one 29″ cabinet in the middle and two 19″ cabinets (one flanking each side of the larger cabinet). That’s 67″ of linear closet space on each
Blue Calcite: Crystal Meaning & Properties
Blue Calcite is a rare version of an otherwise common mineral – and it’s one of my favorites to collect! Calcite is found all around the world and is a key ingredient in limestone, marble, and other building materials. Blue calcite, on the other hand, is a beautiful crystal that’s less common and is said to have calming properties. It definitely has a peaceful look to it – like a soft blue sky or peaceful blue waters. I have several blue calcite crystals in my home, like the large one on the open shelves in our bedroom. Their rich moody color and polished surface looks good with everything, and definitely adds a nice calming vibe.
How To Fit A King-Size Bed Into A Small Bedroom
This is a meandering journey of a post, so make yourself comfortable. We mentioned in this side table post that we traded our queen-size bed for a bigger king-size one. The reason might seem obvious – because it’s bigger, duh! But we happily sailed through over 17 years together without ever wanting one. So why the sudden about-face last fall? Well, it essentially boiled down to: “the things we do for our dog” (more on that in a second). We also had to carefully plan how we’d squeeze the biggest bed we’ve ever owned into our smaller bedroom. And we had a big realization about larger furniture in a smaller house in the process (it’s
How To Protect Plants From Freezing
Last month’s arctic blast brought surprisingly frigid temperatures to Florida. We had three consecutive nights with temperatures in the low 20s – and an ultimate low of around 18 degrees! A lot of our outdoor plants aren’t built for that kind of freezing weather (in the 3 winters we’ve spent here we can remember one other low of about 32-degrees, but things went right back up to our more normal lows of around 45 degrees within a few hours). They’re calling our recent deep freeze a “once-in-a-century event” here in Florida. In other words: the ultimate test. So here are the steps we took to protect our plants, including a few things that worked better
5 Ways To Prevent Frozen Pipes
We thought frozen pipes were a worry we’d left behind by moving to Florida, but last month’s arctic blast sent our temperatures plummeting into the low 20s for three nights in a row (with an all-time low of 18 degrees, which they’re calling a once-in-a-century event here in Northwest, FL). This was especially concerning because Florida homes in our area aren’t always constructed with this weather in mind. Frozen pipes are bad news because water expands when it freezes, potentially causing pipes to burst or crack, leading to leaking or flooding. Luckily, with a few easy prevention steps we successfully kept our pipes from freezing! Which, sadly, isn’t something a lot of our neighbors can
The Rooms We Don’t Miss After Downsizing
Sherry’s post a few months ago about what furniture & decor we still own after downsizing was the first time I’d looked back at photos of our previous house in a while. It was a fun walk down memory lane (how has it been 2.5 years since we moved?!). It also jogged my memory about how much “extra house” we used to have. As in, full rooms that were so under-utilized that I’d almost forgotten about them! Don’t get me wrong: we loved that house. But, as you know, it was a much bigger house than we realized we needed (spending an entire summer in our smaller pink beach house really clarified that for us
Ikea Besta Hack: Turn Them Into Built-Ins
Want to turn Ikea Besta cabinets into custom built-ins? We made 3 simple “hacks” to make our Betas look like higher-end custom storage with a high-end price tag. So now we’ve got extra storage and bonus architectural detail in our bedroom. Built-in storage is helpful anywhere, but especially in a smaller home like ours. We’ve added built-in Pax closets in our bedroom, a custom desk & bookcase to our son’s room, and the wall-to-wall media cabinet in our family room. So when we needed a solution to the empty spots next to our fireplace, we knew more built-ins were in order. Why Choose Ikea Bestas? The fireplace you see above is directly across from our
Are Robot Vacuums Worth It?
We owned a Roomba robot vacuum almost a decade ago because it sounded so good in theory. But in reality, we had SO MANY ISSUES with it. It was extremely loud, frequently got stuck, and didn’t cover much ground before the battery died. It required so much babysitting someone that our time was better spent just vacuuming ourselves. We finally ended up selling it on Craigslist. So imagine our surprise to now be declaring that we actually LOVE having a robot vacuum and the technology has come SO FAR. It feels lightyears ahead of the one we owned before – and it was much less expensive! In fact, we’ve owned our new robot vacuum for
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