As we mentioned yesterday, it’s Blogiversary Week, baby (still can’t believe it’s been four whole years). And since we shared a day in the life during our last annual celebration (and about a year before that too) it’s time for this year’s breakdown (similarities: no day is ever the same, differences: now we have a toddler running around and a 260+ page book we’re writing on the side). This year we had fun recording a full day from both of our perspectives so you can see what each of us (and even Clara and Burger) may be doing at any given time. Woop, here it is:
7:30 am – 8:00 am
JOHN: Clara’s awake early enough (7:30) and the weather’s good enough (and I have enough energy) to take Clara on a run in the ol’ jogging stroller around the neighborhood. After changing her diaper, filling up her milk, and grabbing some goldfish for her to snack on we hit the road. I manage to squeeze in four miles and return home within about 40 minutes.
SHERRY: I wake up around 7:45 and the house is too quiet so I know John and Clara are on a run. Burger stays in bed, but I drag my butt up and walk straight to the office and sit down in front of the computer. I’m not ready to make major decisions like which t-shirt I’ll wear today or what I’ll have for breakfast, so I check blog comments and answer a few questions instead. I also glance at my planner which always looks like this. I know it’s crazy, but it makes sense to me (I use it to write notes about post ideas, appointments/calls we have, book stuff that’s due, deadlines for our BabyCenter & Do It Yourself magazine columns, etc). I check what’s going on for the day and notice that I have a call with USA Today at 2pm for a furniture painting article they’re writing (they just want a quick quote) so I set my phone alarm to go off at 1:58 so I don’t forget.
8:00 am – 9:00 am
JOHN: After returning from my run around 8:30 I take a quick shower and make breakfast for everyone (yogurt for Clara, two scrambled eggs for Sherry, and a bowl of cereal for me).
SHERRY: I continue answering comments and Facebook questions until John gets home from his run with Clara and I get to smooch that face. Well, both faces actually. I play with Clara a little bit while John takes a shower and makes breakfast (we read books and do some highly coordinated dancing). Yes, this is a picture of me in my pjs answering comments. Gotta keep it real. I’m still not dressed.
9:00 am – 10:00 am
JOHN: I watch Clara while Sherry does blog stuff. We read books, play with a ball and a car, and she helps me put in a load of laundry. She loves laundry.
SHERRY: This whole hour feels like it’s a minute. I spend it proofing the morning’s post which usually goes up between 9:30 and 10:00. On this specific morning it goes up right at ten because I need the whole hour to proof read. Proofing usually involves previewing what we wrote to make sure photos are centered and reading it through at least two times (sometimes three times if it’s a detailed tutorial- just to make sure things make sense and are in order and I haven’t written “somebody punch me” when I mean “somebody pinch me”). I also add links to things that I reference and additional info if I think something needs more explaining. We still average about two typos a post so I can’t imagine how bad it would be if I didn’t read things through beforehand.
10:00 am- 11:00 am
JOHN: I continue to hang out with Clara while Sherry does more blog stuff (we do more reading, play outside with a ball, and read even more books). Most mornings involve the me-with-Clara ritual since Sherry usually answers comment questions, which roll in furiously in the morning (she has better recall for the “where did you get X” and the “how much did that cost” queries). Although sometimes we switch. Every day really is different (so I might have more Clara time or more project time one day and Sherry may have more of it the next day).
SHERRY: I’m on comment duty the whole hour. Over two hundred of them roll in over the course of an hour, so I furiously try to keep up and answer every single question we get (and delete the occasional spam message that sneaks in there). Here’s a screen grab that I snapped when I got it down to 30 pending comments, which is usually when I can breathe again.
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
JOHN: I start measuring and planning for our next project, which is to add trim/molding to the bottom of our wall to wall desk to make it look more built-in. After taking measurements, pow-wowing with Sherry about ideas, and drawing a quick sketch to keep things straight, I head off to Lowe’s to grab the trim that I need. (NOTE: This is what happens after Sherry says I don’t look “dynamic enough” taking trim out of the car).
SHERRY: Eleven o’ clock means it’s time for Clara’s morning nap, so I take a break from the computer to change her diaper and “tuck her in” (which really just involves turning off the light, closing her blinds, turning on her sound machine, and saying “sweet dreams”). While John is measuring and running his errand I toss on real clothes (jeans and a black t-shirt) and hop back on comment duty since around 80 more have rolled in before noon.
I also glance at my email but it’s too overwhelming so I just skim the page and delete the junk mail so the number in my inbox gets slightly less intimidating…because seeing 76 new emails at 11am (!!!) when there were none the night before can make ya crazy. A lot of it is sponsor and giveaway stuff that we have to manage along with book stuff or column stuff for DIY mag/Babycenter. Mixed in there are sweet reader letters that we love. I star those and read them out loud to John a few evenings a week so he can share the warm fuzzies with me.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
JOHN: Clara’s still napping (she usually gives us about an hour to an hour and a half) so Sherry and I meet up to chat about what we think about a few trim options/methods for the base of our new desk and I go down to the basement to make some cuts to see how trim looks around one cabinet before cutting the rest of it. I also quickly check email and coordinate the next week’s giveaway and send a few sponsor renewal notices.
Sherry – I have a little meeting with John about the trim, answer more blog comments, get through a few emails and am just about to begin writing a post for the next day when Clara wakes up at 12:30. So I change her diaper and hang out with her while John finishes the rest of his trim project. The bean waits for no one.
1:00 – 2:00 pm
JOHN: Trim project is finished, so I turn my attention to lunch. Usually it’s sandwiches, but today we’ve got quiche leftover from last night’s dinner along with some other random leftovers (some spaghetti, corn, and beans). With everything reheated and Clara in her seat, we finally have a moment for all three of us to spend some time together (Burger is still sleeping). But about fifteen minutes later we’re done and I take Clara to go play and read some more. Note: ignore the crazy furniture placement in the kitchen- we are perpetually moving things around and it makes no sense.
SHERRY: I try to proofread as much of the afternoon post as I can (which usually goes up between 2 and 3:30) before lunch is ready, but I don’t make it all of the way through. I finish up after lunch by adding some links, catching some more typos, fixing a few unclear parts and it’s finally ready for posting at two.
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
JOHN: Clara and I hang out while Sherry tends the afternoon post. She “helps” me fold laundry and we play ball with Burger outside (who is finally out of bed- yes he moseys out of bed around 2pm).
SHERRY: I have a quick call with USA Today (they want that speedy quote for an article they’re writing about painting a chair). It takes fifteen minutes tops (maybe twelve if I’m being exact?). Then I answer comment questions for the rest of the hour.
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
JOHN: Time to trade with Sherry (she takes Clara, I head back to the computer). I do a bunch of emails involving more giveaway and sponsor stuff along with exchanging a few messages with some guys at our blog hosting place (they’re doing some back-up server work and we want to make sure the site doesn’t crash). I also catch up on Twitter messages that I need to reply to.
SHERRY: I hang out with the bean. We put things on our heads, sing songs, chase the dog, and Clara looks tired again around 3:45 so I change her diaper and put her down for an afternoon nap. Sometimes we get one and sometimes we don’t, but she actually falls asleep right away today. Sweet girl.
4:00 – 5:00 pm
JOHN: I edit and size photos that we’ve already taken and begin writing a post for tomorrow afternoon. I also set up the tripod and shoot the wall-to-wall desk trim project that I did this morning for a future post about that (the thing about sharing 8 in a 5 day period means you always have to be working on future ones while proofing/publishing/answering questions on the ones that are already written).
SHERRY: I had big plans to spray prime the office chairs (the first step in painting/reupholstering them) but it’s already four and I haven’t written the next morning’s post (a project that we already shot, but I still have to write it and edit the pics). So that takes priority. Those chairs and my can of primer might have to wait until tomorrow. By 4:30 Clara is awake, so I don’t get to finish my photo editing/post writing, but at least it’s a start.
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
JOHN: The bean is restless so we decide we should go for our evening walk now because it’s supposed to rain a little later. Burger’s psyched and ready to go.
SHERRY: We walk around the neighborhood for about an hour and brainstorm post ideas for the following week. We also briefly talk about the kitchen floor plan and toss out a few more potential layout ideas. Who the heck knows where we’ll end up with that- we just believe in talking things to death until we land on something we both can’t wait to do.
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
JOHN: I cook a recipe that I tore out of Everyday with Rachel Ray (chicken with apples, raisins, and olives). It takes about 25 minutes to make, so Clara plays on the floor of the kitchen while I cook and we chat whenever I’m not furiously trying to make sure nothing burns.
SHERRY: I’m back doing blog comments, finishing up that post I started for the next morning, and editing some photos. Dinner is on the table around 6:45. And it’s awesome. John even gave me extra olives. I’m a lucky lady.
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
JOHN: Time to clock some quality family time together before Clara’s conked out for the night. We three, er, four (Burger decides to join us) hang out, read more books, and generally try to tire Clara out.
SHERRY: Burger is full of energy, so he’s zooming around the room and Clara finds it hilarious. But 7:45 is here before we know it and its time to put that baby to bed. After brushing her teeth and saying goodnight to her grandparents (well, a photo of them) she’s out like a light.
8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
JOHN: Now that Clara’s in bed for the night we can do most of our work. It’s normal for us to both have laptops going until midnight or later, but we try to sit in front of the television and occasionally chat so it feels more casual. Some nights we do major DIY stuff together instead of sofa-computer stuff (since during the day it’s hard to get anything other than very small projects done with a one year old around), but not tonight.
SHERRY: We sit in front of the TV (Project Runway’s on) and I finally finish the post for the next day that I’ve been writing on and off. It’s normal for a post to take us around 2-3 hours to write since we have to edit/size/upload photos along with writing detailed steps (that doesn’t include the time it actually takes to buy materials and do the project). Unless it’s fast like a giveaway – those only take around 30 minutes to write (but probably take an hour or two to coordinate via email beforehand).
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm
JOHN: Then I realize that we need to record our Q & A video since that will take me a few days to edit so I’d like the weekend to work on it. I set up the tripod & Flip cam in the office and quickly organize the 80-ish questions that people submitted on Facebook (removing any duplicates so we can just read the rest off as we go on camera).
SHERRY: I get ready for the video, including a very important outfit change from a t-shirt to a sweater (I’m a wild woman, what can I say). It’s finally time to sit down, turn on the camera, and answer things in a one-shot-only-no-do-overs way (we hate feeling scripted, so having the one-take rule is nice because it keeps it real). Hopefully we can knock it out in about 30 minutes.
10:00 pm – 11:00 pm
JOHN: General weirdness and chattiness ensues as we film our answers to a variety of questions. Gosh we’re dorks. And boy is this taking longer than we thought.
SHERRY: What he said. The thirty minute goal of completion is shot, but we’re having fun talking to no one (aka: the Flip cam).
11:00 pm – 12:00 am
JOHN: We’re finally done with the video and I get the uploading process started while I respond to a few more tweets and emails. Then I turn my attention to Google Sketch-Up, which I’m teaching myself to use so we can render a few kitchen layout ideas in 3D. There’s a bit of a learning curve here, but not the kind that prevents me from eating some ice cream (with whipped cream) in the process.
SHERRY: I begin writing another post, but realize I haven’t updated our House Tour page with new photos since sharing some bedroom and office updates, so I add the “progress” label to those pics and update those. Five minutes later I realize that I need to update them in the Paint Colors and Where We Got It pages too, so I do that. Then it’s back to comments and emails.
12:00 am – 1:00 am
John – We talk about going to bed, but I pull a “give me ten more minutes” so I can try to finish my Google Sketch-Up rendering. But it’s nearly a half hour ’til it’s done (we like it, but not enough to make any decisions or anything – we’ll keep ya posted whenever we decide to stop flip-flopping). I go around the house and turn off lights, turn the alarm to our “night” setting, and do one last check on Clara, our sweet little sleeper.
Sherry – While waiting “ten more minutes” for John I start writing a BabyCenter post. Don’t quite finish it though. Still need to add pics. But for now I just want to get my contacts out and myself into bed. Can’t believe it’s nearly 1 am already.
1:00 am – 1:30ish?
JOHN & SHERRY: All three of us are finally snuggled in bed (the third “person” being Burger). We recap some of the highlights / issues of the day and do a quick run-through of any important plans for tomorrow (gotta write ten book intro chapters, spray prime those chairs, proof and publish the two almost-finished posts from yesterday, try to get our inboxes back down, etc). It doesn’t take long for our conversation to turn into sleep. But not before making an out-loud wish that Clara miraculously sleeps until at least 8am. (Spoiler alert: she made it to about 7:45).
Amelia says
Hi Sherry & John-
I almost feel guilty posting a question seeing how busy you guys are:) I was just wondering what you mounted inside your ribba frames in the family room (see photo 11pm-12am)…I have the same set up (thanks to yhl:)) and have been trying to come up with what to place on the colored paper. Thanks so much for the reply & for all the work you guys do. Wishing your business and you family all the best!!
YoungHouseLove says
Here’s a post about that for ya:
Jessica D says
I always wondered when you all slept, but now I see that you don’t! Are you two actually machines?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, robots actually. We have microchips made from kryptonite.
LauraC says
Oh wow, I wish I could just press a “like” button; so easy! ;-)
Cherie says
Wow- what a busy day! Just wondering what you guys do for exercise during the winter months when it gets too cold for those evening walks outdoors?
YoungHouseLove says
We go dormant. Haha. Just kidding. Thanks to Richmond not really getting as cold as it used to up north (and probably thanks to living in NYC and walking everywhere even in the winter) we just bundle up and still go on our walks. Clara has the cutest little snow-suit thing with built-in mittens and booties. And Burger even allows us to stuff him into a sweater. I think our walks keep us sane. But sometimes John cools it on the running thing in the coldest months (usually Dec and Jan) and by Feb it starts to warm up again.
Tracy says
Wow! Thank you for sharing and showing us what busy days you have. It makes me love and appreciate your blog even more, now that I know the work that goes into it. I am one of the readers that looks at the morning post right when it gets posted and then again in the afternoon. (Speakers down since I am at work). I recently painted my door yellow after your post, and I text a picture to a friend (who I had forgotten reads the blog too) and she said “you are just like Sherry”. – What a sweet compliment.
So thank you for working so hard and sacrificing time together to give us such great ideas. (I have been reading this for 2 years and my home is so much more beautiful because of it).
Diane says
Hi guys – you can really tell that this is your passion – what is it Oprah said on her last show? Everyone is called to do something – you two were destined to be together and make this blog your ft jobs. And it really comes out in – and every project, big or small.
If more people did what they love, this world would be a much better place :):)
Thanks so much for all that you do – and Happy Anniversary!!!!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw, you got me with the last Oprah show reference. That had me tearing up. It really is true. Doing what you love is so amazingly rewarding and we’re beyond thankful that our lives have taken this unexpected turn. So crazy and fun.
Tricia says
I have to know…who took the pics of all of you together?! Great post, btw.
YoungHouseLove says
We set up the tripod and used the timer feature. Haha. But I wish I could say “Burger!”
Jenna says
I love this!! When I read your post on Sunday that outlined all you would talk about this week, I got so excited.
It’s so cool to see what things are like for you guys behind the scenes. I think it’s funny that sometimes people think bloggers have it easy. You guys work so hard! It’s so great you found something to do that you both enjoy, that pays the bills, and that keeps your family together all day long.
I love it!
Mai says
Loved this post! So interesting to see what goes on “behind the scenes”. Happy blogiversary!
Crystal Cole says
I’m sorry but you lost me at Clara sleeping in until 7:30. Now I’m giving my 16 month old the stank eye (again). Don’t reply to this for the love of God you have enough on your plate.
Julie says
Ha ha – love that last sentence, SO true!
Annie says
YOU GUYS! This is insanity! Reading a recap of your day makes my head spin. And I’m aself-employed, small business owner and a SAHM to a 3 year old boy…so I KNOW busy.
Be soooo careful to watch for signs of burnout. It can happen overnight and suddenly you’re in the garage (carport) screaming “serenity now”!
I would think it would be very manageable to hire an assistan to help with certain aspects of the business. Someone to manage and execute the giveaways. Or someone to talk over comment moderation a couple days a week. Or childcare a few afternoons a week.
Seriouly, a little padding in your schedule can really go a long way.
Annie says
Okay, just skimmed the other comments and had a couple of other thoughts:
* If you wanted to bring someone in to help with comment moderation, you would probably want to incorporate that person’s personality into the blog (ala Dooce with her assistant). SO MUCH of your blog is your personalities and another person in the mix could actually be fun. Is there a relative? What about Katie Bower?
* In terms of paying this person, maybe you could link one of your advertisers into this. I know you guys don’t accept comps but surely an advertiser (West Elm? Z Gallerie?) would be interested in comping something to your assistant (in exchange for a write up or something). It’s all about trade! No money spent!
Paula says
Wow- now I know why John is barefoot in every pic- you guys work your socks off!!
John says
Glad your both young, I’m exhausted just reading your post!
Remember to relax on the weekends.
Caroline says
Love this post! You guys rock. :) Thanks for sharing your lives with us, and for always being so inspirational and awesome.
Love the sneak peek into the daily routine.
Maybe if I show my husband this post, he’ll agree I should also get a new macbook so we can work together into the wee hours of the morning…instead of me having to be in the silly office on the desktop. Ha. A girl can dream, right?!
Julie says
Though I’m still insanely jealous that you all pull off being a “stay-at-home family”, after reading this I think I’ll stick to my “day job” (as a HS math teacher – haha!) :)
Nancy says
Wow! I almost hate to leave a comment knowing it will give you more work to do. Y’all have a lot of energy! And you do a great job with this blog. I have always marveled at how much you publish and figured your life must be really organized and hectic. Thanks for all your hard work so that we can learn and be entertained! I’m just not sure how you will fit another baby into this scenario…:)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, my BFF was just saying that to me last night (she has two and is going craaaazy, haha). I think we’ll make it work though! There’s always room for a sibling for the bean! As soon as we’re allowed to try (another year at least due to complications with Clara).
Nancy says
Well, now that I think about it, I have three and get much more done than when I just had one. They play together and take care of each other which gives me free time I didn’t have with just one. Y’all are hard workers and I admire that. I’ve always heard that when you are your own boss, you never have time off and this blog entry is proof of that.
Rudi says
I’ve loved this site since I found it earlier this year. We bought our first house in April and have gotten so many tips and ideas from you. We also have a 1-year-old daughter, and they sure keep life fun and exciting and busy. It’s interesting to see how you balance it all. What a fun life, getting to spend every day together.
Mollie says
I just want to say how fabulous I think it is that John gets to spend so much time with Clara. I think having a daddy so involved and loving is one of the best things parents can do for little girls. She will grow up feeling loved, cherished, and important.
This in no way diminishes mommies, of course. I just think that not enough daddies realize what an important role they play in their little girls life.
Rachel says
I love y’all, thank you for sharing this! I know from experience that being your own boss is the hardest job because you do end up pushing yourself to much longer hours. I know you guys are passionate about it, but seriously, you work so hard on the “ol’ blog” as you call it. :) You deserve every wonderful opportunity that comes your way.
You have already addressed your feelings about having an assistant/intern to approve comments, and you said that you like doing all the projects and posts yourself (understandable!). What do you think about the kind of posting schedule that Design Sponge uses? I guess Grace has several other contributors posting about totally different topics like flower arranging, upholstering, furniture refinishing, etc. Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE the way you guys post now, and I think it is perfect for y’all since your house is still pretty new-to-you. But what about down the road several years (if you stay in this house), would you consider a doing it differently? What about adding a community section a la Dooce?
YoungHouseLove says
We have definitely talked about adding forums for you guys to chat amongst yourselves (would love that! we just hear it’s a lot of time to monitor since there’s some heavy spamming that can go on). As for contributors, we think about that too but I think we just like being two people with a baby and a blog. You know, keeping it simple and small and grass roots.
Cindy says
I just found this blog last night and I may never leave (bwahahaha!). I love it!
OK, seriously, thank you so much for sharing your behind-the-scenes stuff. I’m just getting ready to start my own blog and it was wonderful to read how you guys make it work for you.
I had to chuckle at the earlier comment about it not sounding like a life. Let’s see…you’re following your passion, you’re controlling your own financial destiny, you’re doing something that enriches your own lives as well as other people’s AND you’re spending quality time with your little one!
Who could ask for a more fulfilling existence than that?!
Thanks for sharing with us! I’m really enjoying your blog.
MJB says
I have the same sort of flexible work/life schedule. I start the day in my pajamas at the computer. A few days a week I go to the office, but I’m always home when my kids get home from school and can help with their homework or chat about the day. I can take the day “off” (sort of) to go on field trips or volunteer. I sometimes am writing/scanning/photo editing after they go to bed, but it’s so worth it to have time together.
Although a lot of people now have this life, people in traditional 8-5 jobs think we never work. Au contraire!
Caroline says
whoa, I’m exhausted just reading about your day! I had no idea so much work goes into what you guys do, but boy do I appreciate it! Reading YHL is the highlight of my day so thank you so much for all you put into it! Love you guys!
T-A says
Wow you guys are busy. Love reading all your posts. Of all the blogs I read, I sometimes save YHL to read last at the end of the day. Congrats on your blogiversary :-)
Patti says
After reading your post, I am now officially going to take a nap…Wow, that’s alotta work! I commute to NYC every day from Queens and manage a law office but I’m telling you, I don’t work as hard as you two. Lucky for us you love it! Kudos to you, my YHLovers!
Mia says
This was such a fun read! Can’t wait for the video. And I have to ask, where did you get that adorable chevron headband?
YoungHouseLove says
Target! It’s actually leftover from the Missoni collection. It was sitting on the shelf looking lonely so I snatched it up. Haha.
Melissa says
I loved reading this post so much! The whole time I was thinking 1. How much this made me realize you’re normal people who are such role models and true inspiration. 2. How I wish I could see one of these every day! It was so neat to see and I loved it a lot. Definitely do this next year! Or more often :) and 3. That maybe I want to start having a blog like this one day! I have your blog in my bookmark bar and check it several times a day. It’s one of my favorite’s and I love it so much. So thank you, John and Sherry, for putting your lives out there for us to read about and learn from your DYI projects. Those projects are true inspiration as well.
shelby@honeysuckle says
I just made that same receipe from RR magazine recently – and it tasted as good as it looked:
YoungHouseLove says
So funny! Mmm, we loved it.
Pamela says
I have to ask, in an earlier comment you answered that for chores you generally tidy up and do laundry and dust….but what about the bigger chores? Like vacuuming, washing the floors, and cleaning out the toilets? lol.
Also do you guys ever try to designate time to not talk about the house? lol.
YoungHouseLove says
We usually spend about an hour a week vacuuming, just whenever we can squeeze it in. Sometimes while Clara’s napping we do all the rooms but hers or on a weekend one of us will watch her and since the blog is a bit quieter the other can get ‘er done. John also mows the lawn every few weeks and I try to clean the toilets once a week because it’s just swishing the brush around and flushing since it doesn’t have time to get very gross if you stay on it as a weekly thing. I probably wash the floors every season or so at this house? Usually on a weekend when Clara’s napping or asleep for the night. We have a more detailed cleaning post all about it on our Projects page if you’re interested!
Rosie says
Congratulations on your Blogiversary!
Question: Where did you buy your laundry basket (pictured in the laundry room w/John & Clara)? It is just the color/shape I’ve been looking for. Thanks!
YoungHouseLove says
That was from Target for something like $4 a while back. Hope it helps!
Kathy says
Hi, May I please have the chicken, apple, raisin, olive dish recipe? It looks delicious.
Good read today. Congratulation on 4years.
YoungHouseLove says
Two folks actually linked to the recipe over on Rachel Ray’s website for ya. Hope it helps!
aaroohii says
Is that a missoni headband?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, yes. Couldn’t resist it when it was left hanging on the shelf with little else. So it came home with me.
aaroohii says
Sherry, did you forget to take a shower or did you forget to write abt it :D?
YoungHouseLove says
Nope, haha. Didn’t get to shower. Wanted to keep it real, so as the mom of a 16 month old I hope other ladies out there can relate! Sometimes there’s not always time for a shower…
megan e says
I love, love the photos in this post! My favorite is the one through the carport window looking in on Sherry working. The symbology, that we’re the nosy outsiders looking inside your life/house, is so true of us readers. Also, it gives a great never before seen angle of the office. Runner up is the shot of you guys on the couch with your laptops. The blog is so focused on how the rooms are created, it’s great to see a perspective of how the room is actually used! By the way, I totally would have pegged you as coasters-under-the-beverage-type-people on that wood kitchen table, but alas you surprise me once again.
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yeah, we throw caution into the wind with coasters. Haha. Except on the new wall to wall desk and console. They’re our babies, so we use them on those. Haha.
Charlotte | Living Well on the Cheap says
I feel overwhelmed just reading this! Y’all have some crazy serious work ethics!
amy @ Croquet & Cocktails says
Oh my goodness.
I’m tired for you! I suppose if I did an hour by hour breakdown it would look like I do more than I feel like I do, but still, it probably wouldn’t hold a candle to all that you guys get accomplished.
Thanks for sharing. I always wondered how there was enough time in the day for you guys. I feel better knowing that there isn’t really enough. Nice to know you guys are human!
Tara says
your day planner looks like mine. My mother has always said functionally disorganized. Like my room as a kid I always knew where everything was even when the hamper exploded.
Monica M says
Thanks so much for sharing a personal peek into your life. I have to comment that it’s so awesome to see a hands on, capable dad. My husband is quite frankly better than I am at the house stuff, and not a day goes by that I’m not thankful that we’re totally 50/50 partners in this crazy life. So good work John!(and Sherry, you’re obviously adorable and great too!)
(PS Don’t comment back- I feel almost guilty leaving a comment! LOL)
Veronika says
I loved this post. U guys are super busy! It made my head go around how much u get done in a day!
But most of all I’m amazed how easy it is for you to put Clara down for a nap. I have a nine month old, and if I do what you do which is darken the room and leave he will cry his heart out! What’s your secret? There’s gotta be something? I’ve tried CIO a few times, but it’s just do cruel! have you ever let Clara cry it out or was she a perfect sleeper from day one? I still nurse my little one to sleep at nap times, but he sleeps on his own at night, though wakes up and screams sometimes too. I wish u had a post about your sleep routines.
Lot’s of Love for the four of you! Happy Fourth!
YoungHouseLove says
We didn’t do cry it out with Clara or anything, she just started being cool with going to sleep on her own (we turn on her sound machine and close the blinds and put her in and say night-night and she pops her thumb in her mouth and she’s half-way out by the time we leave the room). I think it’s a personality thing because she was a sleepy baby pretty much from the day she was born. But I think our next kid is going to throw us for a loop since we have it so good with Clara.
Amanda says
Have you tried putting him down drowsy but awake and then staying in the room with him while he falls asleep? That is the only thing that worked with my twins. I would sit in the room with them and run their backs until they fell asleep. With my girls I couldn’t make eye contact (or they would get excited and want to play) so I would feel like a big dork looking at the wall the whole time. After a few weeks of this they would just fall asleep without crying (maybe a little bit of fussing) without me in the room.
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yes, good tip! We did drowsy but awake with Clara. We waited til she started sucking her thumb and acting really tired to put her down. Then she popped her thumb in her mouth and was ok with dozing off in her crib!
catie says
wow! i’m tired just reading what you do all day, i can’t imagine doing it all! you guys are such hard workers, which truly shows in how great your blog is ran and how good your content is. i’m glad to hear you are teaching yourself sketchup, i think it’s a huge help. and once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy!
happy blogiversary to you both!
Casey says
Your FAQ link for your giveaways is a dead link.
YoungHouseLove says
Lisa says
Thanks for sharing. Now seriously, you never get tired of being in each others’ faces all day??!! I love my BF but don’t know if we could handle the life you both live… never being away from each other, all day, every day, working together, sharing meals, etc. Guess that’s why everyone’s lives are different. More power to ya!! Keep on, keepin’ on. :)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, I think we actually aren’t in each other’s faces very much at all since we divide and conquer so much. We just spend lunch and dinner at the table together and squeeze in a walk if we’re lucky (and chill on the sofa when the baby is napping). We used to work in advertising together in NYC and we’d see a lot more of each other at the office in long meetings and presentations. Now we’re sort of like two ships passing in the night (until meals and walks and TV time, haha). Of course we also try to get out and do things alone too (I go shopping with friends, John plays racquetball with his boys, etc).
A.S. says
Thank you for a peek into your lives. It’s probably too late to ask for this, but I would have a loved a sneak peek into your lives while Sherry was BFing (especially when Clara was less than 6 months old). I have read the post that Sherry wrote on BFing countless times for inspiration, often in the middle of the night while nursing. I am only 3 months in my journey of exclusively BFing and admire your path. I would love to hear how your family lived life during that year – not the big stuff, but how you made it one day at a time…grocery shopping, cooking, etc…Thanks again – I love your blog.
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, that post would have been: answered five comments, breastfed the baby, swaddled her for a nap and started a post, baby woke up and I fed her again, repeat, repeat, repeat. Haha. I was about a third as productive, but it was really nice to get little breaks with my lady.
Katie says
I am so excited for all of the behind-the-scenes posts this week! You guys certainly are busy bees :) I love that you take the time to read and answer so many (if not all) of the comments and questions. I think that’s a big part of why people keep coming back to your blog and posting comments…we know you’ll read them and when you get a response it’s SO cool! haha…I’m a dork, but it’s like having a celebrity acknowledge you or something :)
Couple things…I’m surprised at how many people are commenting about Clara not using a blankie. We use the sleep sacks in the winter months also (don’t they rock?!) and with footie pjs and comfortable temps in the house kids shouldn’t need a blanket on them anyway. My daughter has a blanket in her bed but it’s not for warmth, just comfort. It would never stay on her all night anyway!
You may answer this in a future post, but how do you know when comments are posted? Do you get an email or alert on your phone? Also, do you recognize people who comment frequently? Always curious if you see a trend in the same people commenting or maybe it’s so many all day that you don’t recognize repeat offenders…oops I mean commenters :)
Ok, last thing. I saw a pic on Flickr of Clara in her bathing suit on the beach and it looked like she was wearing her cloth diapers? Have you seen the cloth swim diapers from Bummis? If you’re not into the disposable swim diapers these are a great option if she’s in a pool/ocean. Obviously they won’t “hold in” whatever she puts in them (haha) but neither will a disposable swim diaper…might be a nice option to think about. Just a suggestion :)
Love you guys! Happy Anniversary!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks for the cloth diaper suggestion! We have a few cloth swim diapers (hand me downs from Clara’s cousin Elsa) so we use those but will have to check out the Bummis once she outgrows those. As for recognizing commenters, we do! It’s actually pretty surprising to myself how much I remember about certain people who comment to tell us what they’re up to. I love it. As for how we know when comments are posted, they go into something called “moderation” (like limbo) and don’t show up until we hit approve. This way we can catch all the spam before it shows up and can also answer any question before it’s posted (because if things auto posted instead of being moderated, to find questions that might have been submitted we’d have to scroll through a million (well, thousands) of the giveaway comments that would auto post. So instead we post them manually so we don’t miss any (so we know once something’s posted it should be answered if it’s a question). Sounds complicated but we’ve tried a few methods and it’s the easiest for us!
LauraC says
Haha, that’s why I haven’t changed my gravatar in 2.5 years, maybe Sherry will remember me. Oh, wait, maybe it’s just cause I’m too lazy . . . ;-)
YoungHouseLove says
Of course I remember you LauraC!
LauraC says
Wow, you just made my day. Will definitely make Josh read this!! :-)
Actually, I know the secret to your loving and loyal fans, of course it’s because you take the time to comment and reply! I really don’t know any other blog that does. And I still remember waaaay back in 09 when I sent you a quick email saying I loved your site and what not, and you ANSWERED BACK!! Totally didn’t expect that, but trust me, it made a difference. And if you do get to do a book tour and come all the way over to Seattle, I. will. be. there!!!! Ok, no more comments from me, I’ve left enough for two weeks!
YoungHouseLove says
Wahoo! We’ll have to beg to get Seattle in there. I totally remember that letter from you. Gosh, was that really 2009? Time flies.
jenn says
writing a comment makes me feel so guilty now! you spend soo much time writing back to us. maybe we can start replying more to each others comments to help you out.
YoungHouseLove says
Aw don’t feel guilty at all! I love to chitchat. Haha, and really your feedback keeps us so excited and helps with momentum whenever we’re sooo sick of paint and hammers. Haha. You guys inspire us daily!
Jen says
WOW! I love the teamwork you and John have. Clara is a lucky girl!
Molly P-H says
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY :}. Saw YHL, a chevron print, and D*S on home page of Front & Main — then my head almost exploded with design love ;). Molly in Florida
Paula says
Seems only fitting that John is doing laundry in this post – he seems to go through a lot of wardrobe changes!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, between running and working with wood in the basement he sure came off like a diva, huh? Hahaha.
Angela says
Sooo the last sentence in this blog I read like: “but not before making out…” and had to re-read it. Ha. I didn’t think you would get THAT detailed. LOL
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, you’re not the first one to say that. Hilarious.
Lisa says
Love this day-in-the-life post. Where did you get that planner? Love the weekly on two pages.
YoungHouseLove says
It’s from Target. I get new inserts for it every year.
Megan says
A lot of our projects and blogging take place after the our two kids (2 and 4 months) are asleep. No matter how hard I try I can’t get to bed before 12:30 a.m. Never enough hours in the day. Thanks for sharing and sorry for adding to your work load. Ahh…another comment to read/approve.