***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
And our lucky-slash-friendly winner this week is… Jennifer M (whose best friend is her husband. They met in college studying architecture together and now work together). Congrats!
If you saw that title above and thought “oh, like the Bestå media storage system from Ikea” instead of “typo alert!” then you may be just as into the fine purveyor of flat-packaged Swedish furniture as we are. And if you’re not the only Ikea lover in your circle of friends, then you’ll be happy to learn that this Saturday on March 9th Ikea is celebrating BYOF (Bring Your Own Friend) day as part of their ongoing Life Improvement Project. The day will feature freebies, special discounts, seminars, activities, and even gift card giveaways. Speaking of which… they’re giving one lucky reader three $100 gift cards right here this week (one for the winner and two for his or her friends) – which I’m pretty sure would solidify your status as BFFs for life.
- PRIZE: Three $100 gift cards to Ikea
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “BYOF ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … about your BFF. How did you meet? How long have you been besties. What’s the weirdest thing you love doing together? Do you have funny nicknames for each other – or a secret handshake that involves winking and doing the Macarena?
- PRIZE SHIPS: We always beg every vendor to ship internationally but some companies are not legally able to vend things beyond specific areas (more on that here). This giveaway is open to the United States.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 6th at 8pm or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Ikea.
Anne says
BYOF Me! My BFF and I met in the 6th grade when our entire class went to camp for 3 days. We bunked together. We share a love of painting, renovating and antique furniture.
kristin p says
BYOF me please!
My sister is my bff. We met in womb…being that we are twins and such.
Brandi Pittman says
BYOF me!!
My BFF and I met in college and are now married! And… we have learned from experience that we don’t travel well together…
Jane Davila says
My sister is my BFF and every summer we head to Ikea for a girls’ day out. We spend hours “butt testing” all the chairs and sofas, we wander delightedly through the marketplace, and we always take photos of the Tetris-like packing job we do on the car to get everything back to our respective homes. Nothing like an Ikea day with a kindred spirit and a shopping list, but no time crunch!
Vel says
BYOF ME! my BFF is my one and only true love – my hubby! We have been friends before lovers and we still have our friendship dominate our lives and love!
Kristen M says
BYOF me!!
My BFF is actually my grandma – because she is THE COOLEST! She’s hilarious, witty, and adorable all wrapped in one. I always save her voicemails to listen to again later. I just LOVE HER!
Jenny says
My best friend and I have known each other forever (since we were four-ish!). I actually helped her decorate her last apartment–all with Ikea accessories and sewing drapes and pillows from Ikea fabric!
Amanda B says
BYOF me! My Bestie and I met at church and bonded quickly because we were both new to NYC and were both middle school teachers. Our hubbies are besties too.
Sarah Ott says
My BFF and I met in high school, and our birthdays are reciprocals of each other!
Ashley says
My BFF and I have literally known each other since we were born…our Dad’s were BFF’s too! :)
bethanyblntn says
BYOF ME! My best friend is my sister ! <3
Kristin H. says
Byof me! I have two, one from kindergarten and one was my college roomie!
Christina says
I met my BFF in 5th grade.
SJ says
Crystal says
BYOF me!!! I met my BFF 15 years ago when we were roommates @ Virginia Tech. We were total preparedness/organization nerds together, which definitely makes us Ikea fans. :)
Kierstin says
BYOF me!
My best friend and I met at culinary school, so naturally we love to cook and eat together, and there is usually a little drinking as well.
Marcie says
BYOF me!!
Chelsea says
BYOF me!
kelly says
Kendra says
BYOF me! I met my husband at a college Bible study…funny thing is, neither of us went to that college. : )
Alicia Zepeda says
“BYOF ME!” My best friend is my mom. She has always been there for me.
Lindsey says
BYOF ME! I met my bestie in 3rd grade!
Jeanie says
Met my BFF in junior high. We now live on opposite coasts but catch up whenever we can!
Elizabeth says
BYOF me!
My BFF and I met in elementary school and sixteen years later we are still best friends :)!!
Melissa Jurewicz says
My best friend and I didn’t even like each other when we first met. We were stuck together in the same small room during our teacher plan bell that year. By the end of the school year, she was in my wedding party. 11+ years later, 2 children a piece, a battle of breast cancer (which I won, thanks to her), were still together. We go together like Cookies and Milk.
Megan says
BYOF ME! My BFF and I met when we were in 2nd grade, and grew up down the block from each other!
steph says
I hired her :-)
Kellie says
My bestie and I met in 5th grade (we both turn 30 this year!)… We’ve done lots of crazy things in the past, but these days it’s mostly play dates with our girls and helping each other decorate our fixer upper homes!
Jenni says
BYOF me! Met my best friend in college. My name is Jenni, her name is Brenda. Everyone called us Jenda. :)
Michelle says
My best friend is my husband, who loves IKEA cinnamon buns!
Alice says
BYOF me!!!
My BFF and I couldn’t stand each other when we met in 6th grade, but we’ve been besties ever since!
Kathleen says
Winning would be so cool! I have an Ikea shopping list on my phone and hope to make the trek within the next couple week!
Katie S. says
BYOF me!
My BFF and I have been friends for 15 years–since we were 10! She laughed at me when I cried during “Anne of Avonlea” and I got back at her by laughing when she bawled giving her MOH toast at my wedding (after I wiped my own tears…). :)
Becky says
Samantha says
BYOF me!
Donita says
“BYOF ME!!” My daughter Deena is my bff. Her and I have the same taste in decor. We love to shop, craft, visit and makeover our homes. My second bff is Jammie, we love to talk on the phone, shop and laugh a lot.
Donita says
I met Jammie 11 years ago, when she married my friends son.
Anne says
BYOF ME! My husband and I were best friends in college, started dating our senior year and were married a few years after that.
Erin says
BYOF ME! We love shopping at Ulta. We love lip plumper and sampling all the high end glosses there. We realize we have a problem. :)
Emily says
BYOF me, please! My fiancé is my bestie.
paintergal says
My Bff is my sister. Our older brothers like to remind us that when we were little we would call each other “Carol, Parol, Darol” and “Laura, Pora, Dora” Yeah- we were cool.
BYOF me!! says
My BFF met me 26 years ago when I was born. My mom is my best friend. It wasn’t always that way, but over time, we’ve both realized that we have a great time together, and we get each other! Doesn’t get better than that!
Kristina Strain says
BYOF me!
I met my best friend in college, freshman year. We lived on the same floor, had the same major, were both only children and Capricorns. C’mon, it was FATE.
Sheyenne says
BYOF Me! My BFF and I met when I was in high school. She & her husband owned the video store (yes, those nearly extinct Blockbuster-like establishments, of which our children will know nothing) where I worked. We’ve stayed friends long after they sold the video store, and I am so forever thankful for that!
Vanessa says
My best friend and I met at our first job straight out of high school, each of us working for a different Vice President at Florida International University. We call each other ‘Buddy’, her family all knows me as ‘Buddy’, and even her son calls me ‘Tia (Aunt in Spanish) Buddy’. We’re going on 17 years of best friendship and she is the pea to my carrot…I can’t imagine life without her!
WendyK says
My BFF is my husband of 20 years – we met senior year in college after I got back from my junior year abroad and he’d transferred in and had managed to infiltrate several of my groups of friends so we kept running into each other. The rest is history!
Kristina says
BYOF me!
My BFF and I met my freshman (her junior) year of high school. Two different out-of-state colleges and several other moves later, we are still long-distance best friends. Our loves have shifted from watching “Newlyweds” (remember that show??) to discussing our most recent YHL obsessions! :)
Ashley says
My BFF and I met my sophomore year of high school. We bonded over marching band! We used to write notes to each other and she was my “Little Ray of Sunshine” and I was her “Little Ball of Joy.” Haha!
Bethany says
BYOF me!
I’ve known my BFF my whole life, we grew up across the street from each other and still only live 20 minutes apart :)
cassie says
my bff and i met through…… blogging!!!! seriously we “met” about 2.5 years ago, and in person for the first time 1.5 years ago. she is in cali and i am in maryland, so it’s not easy but we make sure we get to see each other once a year (that means twice so far!) and will continue that… we talk every day. i miss her!
Elisa says
Never been a fan of the ‘BFF’ title — but I will say my closest friend and I met through our husbands, which are close too. Works out great!