***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
Thanks to random.org, the person who’s about to experience $750 worth of bliss is… Eryka (who also finds bliss in clean sheets and sleeping in!). Congrats!
Who doesn’t love a good house splurge? Especially when it’s blissfully free because you win it. This week’s prize comes from Bliss Home & Design, a high-end home furnishings boutique that curates luxurious furniture, accessories, bedding, and antiques that blend old-world craftsmanship and timeless style. Basically, tons of statement pieces that can take any corner of your room and immediately posh it up. And did I mention that they’re giving away a $750 store credit? Not a bad way to get your bliss on if you ask me.
- PRIZE: A $750 credit to Bliss Home & Design
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “BLISS ME” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … your idea of pure bliss at home. Is it enjoying a quiet cup of coffee before the rest of the family wakes up? Kicking back with a stack full of magazines in your favorite chair? Snuggling up to watch a movie in the dark with a big bowl of popcorn?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, Aug 29th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States (although we do try to wrangle as many international giveaways as possible)
- DISCOUNT: 15% off your first order with code YHLBHD15 (through Sept 30)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Bliss Home & Design.
Nicole A. says
Bliss Me! Bliss is being at the beach, watching my kids play in the ocean. It’s the only place that truly clears my mind.
Nina says
Bliss me!
I love sitting out on the porch in the middle of summer, with ceiling fans and a good book!
Jennifer A says
Definitely coffee by myself, in quiet, before anyone else is up… the BEST!
Katie says
Snuggling with my boyfriend and my dog at home, watching TV or reading, and eating warm chocolate chip cookies.
Allison says
Bliss me! A book, a couch, a cup of tea… Add in some rain outside and that’ll do it!
Sarah says
My idea of bliss is a freshly cleaned house, a cup of coffee (maybe with a pumpkin chocolate chip muffin) and a good book…or blog post to read :) All during nap time, of course.
Claire O'Connor says
BLISS ME! My fave– poring over decorating mags in my comfiest chair with a cup of Lady Grey tea!
Brooke Neuerman says
Bliss ME! My blissful home is quiet and peaceful, with a nice hot bubble bath…just me and my Pandora :)
Jamie says
Bliss at home is a good cup of tea, a good book, my husband nearby, candles and a good thunderstorm.
Beth says
Bliss me! It would be pure bliss to come home from to work and see a home-cooked meal prepared by the hubs.
Nan says
BLISS ME! Bliss is reading a good book while laying down on our porch swing on the screened in porch with pillows and a blanket.
Mandi says
Curled up on the couch with my sweet family!
Casey says
BLISS ME! It’s a tie for me between laying on the hammock with my husband, or watching a movie when the house is completely clean and the kids are asleep. With ice cream. Of course I also love those crazy moments chasing two wild boys around in circles and reading together in a big chair… ahh, I’m thinking any moment with all four of us together in our home is pretty blissful. :)
Emily L says
Bliss Me! My idea of bliss is getting to cuddle with my son in bed on the weekend mornings! There’s nothing better!
Kristen says
BLISS ME!!!…definitely snuggled up with the husband and the little one on the couch, eating yummy treats and watching movies on a Saturday evening :)
Lauren Holbrook says
Vacationing in a cabin on a lake with my husband and 5 mo daughter.
Danielle W says
My idea of pure bliss at home is curling up on the couch with my husband and watching Friday Night Lights (we’re borderline addicted now that we found it on Netflix).
Cindy Jones says
BLISS ME! My idea of bliss is cooking with a glass of red wine and some fabulous tunes.
Carol S says
On a typical night it’s lounging on the couch with my fiance and a cocktail. Right now though our place is torn apart as we deal with a bed bug infestation and so I’d do anything to have some peace, quiet and organization back in our home. That would be blissful…..
Christa says
Bliss Me! My idea of bliss at home is a clean house and a stack of new magazines waiting to be read. Oh, and a cup of my “weekend coffee” (coffee and Baileys)!!
Carrie O says
I love laying in bed with a magazine and a hot cup of coffee, tea, or hot cocoa [depending on my mood]!
Kelly says
Bliss Me! Coming home to a clean house after having been on vacation!
sara says
Bliss me!
A bowl of homemade popcorn watching a good movie with my husband.
Rachel Ochoa says
BLISS ME!! My idea of bliss at home is entertaining a house full of people! The bigger the croud the better!!
Carrie O says
I love laying in bed with a magazine and a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa [depending on my mood]!
nina says
Bliss me!
Laying on my couch enjoying one of my favorite tv shows, also with a large bowl of pb & choc icecream :)
Hayley says
My idea of bliss is putting on some George Winston on the record player early on a Sunday morning, making some tea, and reading until I fall back asleep on the couch.
Cindy Bettinger says
BLISS ME with peace, quiet and light.
Ericka Hawkins says
Bliss is snuggling in bed with my babies and hubby any chance I can get.
Cherie says
BLISS ME. A nice bubble bath and glass of wine.
Jacqueline W. says
Bliss Me!
My idea of bliss is relaxing on the chaise lounge after my toddler is fast asleep, while indulging in DVR’ed Reality TV.
Jason says
BLISS ME! All the chores done and nothing left to do but sit on the back porch with a nice cold one.
Nina R. says
I love watching movies. It gives me time to relax and not worry about anything.
tricia says
Bliss me! A cup of coffee on the patio in the morning while it’s nice and quiet outside.
Megan S. says
A great big bath tub and a good book with clean sheets on the bed that I can crawl into directly afterwards! :)
Lindsay says
Favorite thing is sitting in the quiet with tea and cream, with a book not far away. Ahhh!
Leah Do says
I love the feeling when I’ve knocked out my to-do list and I’m just sitting there on the couch with a cup of tea.
having rain pouring down on the roof and being cozy inside with my hubby and “snack night” for dinner. Oh the bliss.
Danielle C says
Bliss me!
michigangal says
Bliss Me! Bliss is just being at home with my honeys.
Megan says
Bliss me! Bliss is a long run on a fall Saturday followed by burgers and a beer!
Lorel B says
Reading on a rainy day! :)
Tracey says
Bliss me! I imagine bliss in our future home to be sitting on our porch with a cup of coffee, a book, and the pets at my feet. Or possibly by the fire in a our new fireplace!!!
Sarah says
Sitting on the porch with a hot cup of coffee during the fall mornings.
Kate says
Bliss Me!
A toddler who sleeps in until 9 am!
Kaitlyn says
A night of catching up on our favorite tv shows with a glass of wine in hand :)
Shannon Zickrick says
BLISS ME! I love to sit on our patio at dusk, watching the sunset over the Rockies and enjoying a glass of wine. Most of the time, though, I’m working on my laptop, but it’s still lovely to be outside!
Ginger says
Bliss me!
My idea of bliss is a stormy day outside, with me inside sipping hot cocoa and reading a good historical novel.
Cate Z says
BLISS ME! Snuggling in my oversized leather club chair with my cat to yet another replaying of the West Wing!
michelle morris says
BLISS ME! Lazy Sundays with the kids, cartoons, coffee and my iPad!
Kristin says
BLISS ME! My greatest bliss is a clean, uncluttered house….
It never happens.