***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries****
Just like last year, we’re celebrating this blogiversary with our biggest giveaway of the year – and it’s $500 big. Yep, one lucky person will be walking away with five benjamins to splurge on whatever they want from… (drumroll please)… Z Gallerie!
Z Gallerie has always been one of our favorite spots to snag beautiful / sparkly / sophisticated items for our home (our addiction to them started long before they blew our minds by becoming sponsors). Not to mention they’ve got more white ceramic animals than Sherry can shake a stick at – which is dangerous because they’re fragile. So of course we’re thrilled (read: jealous) that one of you gets to score a chunk of change to spend there, especially since laying our eyes on their recently introduced Fall / Holiday collection.
So whether you’re looking to hoard accessories or put your winnings toward a new piece of furniture, this season they’ve go you covered from black to white…
…silver to gold (with a splash of teal)…
…and even cool to warm.
Here’s how you can score a chance to get your mitts on this prize:
- PRIZE: $500 gift certificate to Z Gallerie!
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “Z ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: …tell us what you’d spend this $500 on? Some new art? An armload of holiday decor? Feel free to be as general or specific as you want. And if you’re not sure yet, don’t worry- we don’t select winners based on these bonus q’s.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, September 29th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the USA
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck…
UPDATE: Due to the volume of entries, Z Gallerie is upping the ante and not only giving away the original $500 gift card, but is also throwing in two $100 gift cards to runners up!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just take them on to reward our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Z Gallerie.
Courtney McIlwain says
Z-me I would love anything from this store. It is so awesome
Dorothy says
z me
A little of this and a little of that
Alison says
We’re in need of artwork.
Chesna says
Z ME!!!! I want their blue china, my husband and I are hosting our first Thanksgiving at our house and I’d love to use it for Turkey Day!!!!
Karen says
I would love to be able to buy some mighty fine holiday gifts for family and friends! They’d be so impressed!!!!
kim says
I’d use it to buy a picture for over our mantle
Tina says
Looking to redecorate my outdated living room so I would love the use the money for that purpose!
Kathryn says
We need a new, beautiful rug. And, considering white is my new favorite color…some beautiful trinkets to spice up the living room!
Beth C says
Z Me!
I’ve been obsessed with owls lately, so I’d probably choose something with an owl theme.
amy says
Becca says
I would pick up some decor for our front entrance & master bedroom!
Kimberly says
Z me! We’d use it to buy decor for our guest room
Alexis says
I’d love some new floor lamps.
Steffanie says
Z me! We are military family located in Key West, I’d love an excuse to head to the mainland for some shopping!
Erin says
Z ME! i would spend it on mirrors, vases and pillows!
Alison says
Z ME!!! Maybe a cushy armchair or cool lighting fixture…who knows?!
Heather says
Z Me! I could use a bunch of things!
Brook says
Z Me!! I’d love to go on a shopping spree!
rich says
I’d use it to buy my wife some nice things for the living room.
Sara says
Z ME!! I would spend it on some decor for our currently “blah” living room! :)
Denise says
“Z ME”! I just painted my living room Ben Moore HC-168 chelsea gray…I would so appreciate this! Thank You!
Tara Venable says
Pretty, pretty PLEASE!
And, I’d spend it on EVERYTHING. It will take me WEEKS to choose! :)
Katie Shively says
Z ME! We are closing on a new house wednesday, I would love one of those beautiful deer heads!
Tami says
“Z ME” pretty please, I could really use a lighting upgrade. Right now I have brass fixtures with dangling crystals =(
LatteLove says
I would spend the money on TABLES. We have a seriously lack of end tables, night stands and a coffee table in our house :-)
Gail says
Z Me!! I would probably spend it on some accessories, lighting, or a beautiful chair!
Anna says
Z ME! I’d spend it on some some cozy bedding to freshen things up for winter.
Abby says
I would love to replace some of the wonderful but mismatched hand-me-downs currently furnishing my first place.
Bree says
We’re redoing our living room, so I’d totally buy new pillows, wall art, and some more holiday decor! What a great giveaway!
Antonette says
Z ME!!!
I’d love to put the $500 toward a new sofa.
Carolyn says
Z ME! I need art!
Courtney says
Z Me!!! My husband and I bought our first house about a year ago and we’ve been slowly fixing everything up. I’d love a chance to splurge on some accessories that really make a house a home!
Samantha says
Z me!
I’d love to spend 500 bucks at Z Gallerie. I’m not sure what I’d spend that money on! I’d try to buy everything!
Steve Croswell says
Z ME PLEASE! Congrats on the anniversary.
Amy Lipski says
I would have to pikc out some new artwork I just can’t seem to find anything I want to hang lately!!! Oooh, unless they’ve got curtains…? I think they do!! I’m drooling now…
Aly says
z me
Christina Marie says
Z ME!! Golly, the Studio Tripod Floor lamp sings to me…
Erica says
“Z Me”
Yes – pah-lease! I used to live mere blocks from a Z Gallerie but since I moved to Minneapolis I lack the Z love. A $500 online spending spree for accessories or furniture would be awesome!
Brandi says
I’d love to get some new items for our bedroom – which is of course the last room we decided to makeover :)
Katherine says
Z ME!!! I’ve been eyeing this wall art… it’s GORGEOUS, has a painting of 2 horses, and it is $436. OH HOW I WOULD LOVE to SPLURGE :)
Amy says
Z Me, please! I’d love to decorate my bedroom which, right now, is four white walls and a headboard-less bed.
Valerie Rust says
Z Me!! We just bought a house and are renovating it. We could really use some artwork for the house!
Erin K. says
Z Me!!!!! I’d get a coffee table or some new fun art/accessories for our house.
Darbi says
Z ME!!!!
I am searching for a new chair in my living room. I have this empty spot that is begging for a cozy chair and lamp to curl up in!
Tania says
Z ME!!!
My husband keeps harping on me that I need to “decorate more”. $500 would be a great way to start!!
Lindsay Dryver says
I want it all! :)
Nancy F. says
Z ME!! PLEEZE!!!! I’d love to pick up some new fall stuff for my newly decorated kitchen!! + Fall is my favorite season!!
Lauren Owens says
Z ME!!!!! I would spend the money on a new coffee table or side table and some accessories for our living room. My hubby and I bought our first house about a year ago, and we are still in the process of getting everything just right. The past year has been full of DIY projects, and we are loving it! Thanks for this fab freebie YHL!
Lindsey says
Oh my! Please Z ME!!
I’ve been coveting a couch from Z gallerie so this would certainly help in the purchase price. Oh man, my fingers are crossed ever so tightly!
Crystal says
I have no idea on what I’d spend it on yet. . .but I’m sure I could figure something out!