***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries****
Just like last year, we’re celebrating this blogiversary with our biggest giveaway of the year – and it’s $500 big. Yep, one lucky person will be walking away with five benjamins to splurge on whatever they want from… (drumroll please)… Z Gallerie!
Z Gallerie has always been one of our favorite spots to snag beautiful / sparkly / sophisticated items for our home (our addiction to them started long before they blew our minds by becoming sponsors). Not to mention they’ve got more white ceramic animals than Sherry can shake a stick at – which is dangerous because they’re fragile. So of course we’re thrilled (read: jealous) that one of you gets to score a chunk of change to spend there, especially since laying our eyes on their recently introduced Fall / Holiday collection.
So whether you’re looking to hoard accessories or put your winnings toward a new piece of furniture, this season they’ve go you covered from black to white…
…silver to gold (with a splash of teal)…
…and even cool to warm.
Here’s how you can score a chance to get your mitts on this prize:
- PRIZE: $500 gift certificate to Z Gallerie!
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “Z ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: …tell us what you’d spend this $500 on? Some new art? An armload of holiday decor? Feel free to be as general or specific as you want. And if you’re not sure yet, don’t worry- we don’t select winners based on these bonus q’s.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, September 29th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the USA
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck…
UPDATE: Due to the volume of entries, Z Gallerie is upping the ante and not only giving away the original $500 gift card, but is also throwing in two $100 gift cards to runners up!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just take them on to reward our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Z Gallerie.
Clare says
My husband and I recently got married, and we have NOTHING to hang on our walls. I would definitely get art and other wall decor to make our house feel more like a home.
brenna says
Z ME! I would definitely use the prize $ to help fund our need for a new sofa!
Ellen says
I am not sure what I’d spend it on! That bulb chandelier looks pretty awesome though :)
Jodi says
I would love some new art but we could really use some new furniture too!
Heather Loveless says
I would buy an area rug for our family room- not a singel rung in my house and I need some!
Christina says
Congrats on your anniversary!
Z ME!! I would use the money for curtains and rugs in our new home.
Becky says
“Z ME!”
We’re almost finished building our new home, so this would definitely come in handy with the decorating!
heather says
Nearly forgot: Z ME.
Jaime Scott says
Z ME! I have no idea what I would pick, but I would have fun figuring it out!
Angela says
Z ME! I will definitely buy some wall art and accessories!
Laine says
Z ME!!
Geez, quite the question!! More than likely accessories. Our bedroom is the next project, so maybe bedding instead!
Lisa C. says
Z Me! New lighting for my new rental!
Allison says
Choices, choices! We’ve been piecing our home together little by little with hand-me-downs, and clearance and thrift store finds. I would love a new coffee table. Our current one was bought by my parents before I was born. Then again, i do have a weakness for fancy mirrors…
Jen says
I love Z Gallerie! It would probably be hard to choose what to buy, but I’d probably get some glitzy home decor items!
And congrats on the anniversary!
Tracy says
probably a little bit of everything. holiday decorations. artwork. etc.
margaret says
Z ME!! I would love some decorative accessories!
Jess says
Z Me!! So many beuatiful things to chose from! I would definitely start with some art for our new apartment. Ab something blingie for the babies room.
Danielle Allen says
Z Me…I just got a new couch so I am looking for the perfect accent chair:)
Krista says
I’d spend it on family room chairs most likely. I have a hand-me-down ugly-as-sin green chair and matches nothing and I just can’t look at it any longer!
Jon says
I would love to use it to buy furniture and wall art for my plain beige living room! Those humor books they have at the store would be great on my coffee table too!
Ashley says
Z Me! mama needs a new sofa!
Heidi says
Z ME! We would splurge on fabulous new accessories for our newly redone family room.
Susan says
Z Me!
Our first home is finally painted – now just need stuff to hang on the walls
Kristen Lenca says
Z Me!
We are re-doing every room in our house… so although I am not sure what I would get, I’m sure I could find something to spend it on :)
Erika Spooner says
Accessories or a rug!
WindyLou says
My husband and I bought our first house together earlier this year. We have made a lot of progress as far as our decor, but have a long way to go. I especially want to jazz up the master bedroom since we have never bothered decorating our room before.
$500 at Zgallerie would make me a very happy lady indeed!
Summer says
Ug. My couch broke last winter and I STILL haven’t replaced it. Those sofas are mighty nice!
Diana S. says
Z Me!!!
I would shop for some lighing for our bedroom and some accessories for our mantle =)
Courtney says
Z ME!! Hmm it’s hard to choose but I would probably go with lots and lots of accessories and holiday decor. We are severely lacking in holiday decorations!!
Sarah R. says
Z ME! How would I spend $500 at Z Gallerie? Where do I start?! I desperately need a living room chair, but I could also use some fun accessories.
Erin H. says
I have had my eye on that moose head for a while now!
Stacy Marie says
Z Me! Not sure what I’d spend it on, but we are buying a house that needs love and I’m positive I could find something that would fit!
Jessica says
Z ME! The Sophia bedding collection would be mine!
Tracee M. says
Z ME!!!
I need just about everything on that website!!!!
Will L. says
Z ME! We could use some additional living room seating.
Robin L. says
I would love some colorful new accessories to re-do the living room.
Kim says
Z ME!!!
We recently bought our first house and between buying furniture, we don’t have much money left right now for the fun, decorating stuff. So I would go crazy with accessories!
Allison says
Z ME!!!! Love the Z…so many choices with $500..love the chandeliers…sofas and hall mirrors
Vaea says
There are a few articles I could use to revamp my living room area.
Jamie says
I’d love to get a light fixture for my hallway or some art for my walls!!!
Val says
Z ME! I’d put the gift card toward a new sofa!
Melissa E says
Aw man, I don’t live in the states.
And that teal wing back chair… I fell in love even as I was scrolling down the page to see if I could be part of the festivities.
Oh well. Congratulations to the lucky whoever that wins.
Katheryn says
We could really use a new set of clothes drawers, and new bedding.
Lori says
Z ME!!!!!!!
omg, this would be so perfect for me. I’ve been totally eyeing a mirror there for our formal dining room wall which is HUGE. and also $500!!!!!
*crossing fingers*
Karen W says
Z Me!
I would buy furniture for my house (maybe a nice chesterfield or ottoman). (<–Barenaked Ladies)
Jeremy says
Z ME! We have been planning on getting a new couch sone. This would sure help!
Beth says
z me!
my boyfriend and i are moving in together and we have ZERO furniture!
Beth says
Z ME, baby!
Laura T. says
Z Me! I’d buy new bedding and some accessories.
Dana says
I would get a sprinkling of accessories! I’m like Sherry and I love white ceramic animals! I would love the white ceramic deer head (I live in Texas, it makes sense!)