***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries****
Just like last year, we’re celebrating this blogiversary with our biggest giveaway of the year – and it’s $500 big. Yep, one lucky person will be walking away with five benjamins to splurge on whatever they want from… (drumroll please)… Z Gallerie!
Z Gallerie has always been one of our favorite spots to snag beautiful / sparkly / sophisticated items for our home (our addiction to them started long before they blew our minds by becoming sponsors). Not to mention they’ve got more white ceramic animals than Sherry can shake a stick at – which is dangerous because they’re fragile. So of course we’re thrilled (read: jealous) that one of you gets to score a chunk of change to spend there, especially since laying our eyes on their recently introduced Fall / Holiday collection.
So whether you’re looking to hoard accessories or put your winnings toward a new piece of furniture, this season they’ve go you covered from black to white…
…silver to gold (with a splash of teal)…
…and even cool to warm.
Here’s how you can score a chance to get your mitts on this prize:
- PRIZE: $500 gift certificate to Z Gallerie!
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “Z ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: …tell us what you’d spend this $500 on? Some new art? An armload of holiday decor? Feel free to be as general or specific as you want. And if you’re not sure yet, don’t worry- we don’t select winners based on these bonus q’s.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, September 29th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the USA
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck…
UPDATE: Due to the volume of entries, Z Gallerie is upping the ante and not only giving away the original $500 gift card, but is also throwing in two $100 gift cards to runners up!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just take them on to reward our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Z Gallerie.
Stacy L. says
Z ME!! A girl can never have too many accessories!
Megan C says
Z ME!!! I desperately need some festive holiday decor!
Lauren says
Z ME!!! We just moved to a new house and it’s pretty empty. We need accessories and decorations galore!
Elli says
Z ME PLEASE! That chair is amazeball…
Andrea Caputa says
Z ME!!!
I would pick out some lovely art work to add color to my very white (and very bare) walls in my new home!
Megan Stans says
“Z Me!” (please)!
I would have to say that I would use the five bennies from Z Gallerie to get some great art pieces and accessories for our work-in-progress ‘Grown-up’ bedroom. I’ve got the paint color and bedspread down, but definitely need to pull it all together with some killer accessories, artwork, and maybe some sheers for the windows in addition to some groovy curtains! Good luck all! : )
jo says
“Z me!”
i would buy a new bed. or a new couch. or some rad pillows. so much to choose from!!!
Judy says
Z Me! Some of those drapery panels are calling my name!
Eric says
Definitely a new office chair. Thanks!
Denise says
Z ME!!!!!
My fiance and I are moving to Texas in 3 weeks and it would be an awesome moving present! We live in a town that’s probably never heard of Z-gallery so the chance at shopping there is such an awesome dream :)
Ellie says
We have a worn out armchair that needs to be replaced! Or else maybe a nice storage cabinet for the kitchen since we have hardly any cupboards.
Darcy says
I want a new chair for our living room to match our eq3 dark gray sectional
Stacey says
Z ME!!!
I’m not exactly sure what I’d spend the $500 on, but I know I’d have a blast doing it! I’ll start making a list of possibilities just in case ;o)
Erin says
Katie says
Z ME!! I just bought a house and have tons of space to decorate!
Heather says
I am not sure what I’d get but I know my living room needs a nice makeover :)
Aliesha says
We would love to purchase some fab accessories to spruce up our living room!
Megan V. says
Z ME!!
If I won this gift card, I use it to decorate my dining area. We just moved in to a new house and the dining area has taken a backseat. It deserves to be properly loved. :)
Ana says
Z Me!!!
I’m a little overwhelmed by the choices so not sure what I would get yet… but I love everything at Z Gallerie!
Meghan says
Z Me!!
New decor for our recently purchased home!
Mandy says
Z Me!
I would love to be able to trade-in some of my hand me downs for some real stylish pieces for my house. Art and random decor things or maybe even a side table. So many good things to pick from!
Rachel Gill says
Wow! Z ME please…and thank you! What an awesome giveaway! I desperately need a nice chair for my somewhat bare living room and if there’s anything left over I’ll snatch up some accessories for my bookcases! Thanks guys!
Carrie says
Z Me!
I would go crazy with seasonal decorations.
Tawanna says
Z Me!
I would buy some artwork for the naked walls in my living room! Z’s NY and LA artwork is speaking to me.
Stephanie says
Z ME!!
Wow! I love Z Gallery. If I had $500 to spend there, I would get something toatlly funky that I normally wouldn’t want to splurge on. I keep my big purchases very tame and nuetral – but if I had a free $500, I’d get something funky that I’ve always wanted!!
Patrick S says
Z me!
rug for kitchen
Marlo says
Z ME! I would use it for anything in the dining room, which is pretty much a blank canvas right now!
Lori says
Z ME!!!!!!
$500 is the perfect amount to blow on their amazing holiday stuff!!!! oh, and I want the deer head for my office!
Karen says
Z ME!!!!!
I creep Z Gallerie weekly and scope out at least 5 – 10 things i would love to add into my humble abode…my furnishings need accessorizing!
Meg says
Z Me!
I’d scoop up some wall art. My boyfriend and I are still looking for the perfect something to hang above our couch.
Miranda says
I’d probably look for artwork or a cool chair. Maybe a lamp shade. Not sure!!
Katie says
My husband and I can’t wait to start replacing our college furniture for a more cohesive/grown-up look. First on the list…a comfortable couch!
Amber Shah says
Z is probably my favorite decor store, but I tend to avoid it at all costs since I will just end up spending too much money. At this time of year, it’d probably go towards some swanky holiday decor.
Janet says
Z ME! We just bought our first house and it needs a LOT of updates. I don’t know exactly what we would get, but we could definitely put it to good use!
Liz says
I would love to get a dining room table!!
heidi @ wonder woman wannabe says
Z ME, PLEASE!!! ;) I so heart Z Gallerie – I would go for some furniture or fun/funky lighting for sure!
Shaye C. says
Z ME!!!
I would love a new dining room light fixture!
Ashley Eiban says
Z Me! :D
I would love to get all sorts of decor for our home! We still have quite a few empty walls around the house- so some amazing artwork would be awesome! We love some holiday decor too!
Congrats on the blogiversary!
Lisa says
We just bought a house and it needs to feel more at home with picutres, artwork and furniture. Love that store so this would be a great perk
Jill says
Art, for sure. They have a beautiful selection.
Jacqui says
Z ME!!!!
I want to get some new wall art for our living room. Thanks!!
Nicole Hansen says
Z ME!!
Jess says
Z Me!
I have my eye on 3 white animal heads… the deer, moose, and mountain goat. We have a vaulted ceiling and they would look awesome on the support wall!
MaryAZ says
Z ME! We are just now getting art up on the walls after living here one year this month! Would love more art… or a cool chair!
Rhonda says
We need some furniture and a couple of lamps, but I’m sure there’s more to find too!
Natalie LaLuc says
Z ME! I love Z Gallerie, what wouldn’t I buy there is the question!?!
Diane Montgomery says
Z Me! This Christmas will be my first in my own home, I need more Christmas decor!
Heather Byrne says
Z Me Please!
Darchelle Webster says
Z Me!
I think we’d update our dishes a bit!
Robin says
I have a new house that needs to be filled up!