***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries****
Just like last year, we’re celebrating this blogiversary with our biggest giveaway of the year – and it’s $500 big. Yep, one lucky person will be walking away with five benjamins to splurge on whatever they want from… (drumroll please)… Z Gallerie!
Z Gallerie has always been one of our favorite spots to snag beautiful / sparkly / sophisticated items for our home (our addiction to them started long before they blew our minds by becoming sponsors). Not to mention they’ve got more white ceramic animals than Sherry can shake a stick at – which is dangerous because they’re fragile. So of course we’re thrilled (read: jealous) that one of you gets to score a chunk of change to spend there, especially since laying our eyes on their recently introduced Fall / Holiday collection.
So whether you’re looking to hoard accessories or put your winnings toward a new piece of furniture, this season they’ve go you covered from black to white…
…silver to gold (with a splash of teal)…
…and even cool to warm.
Here’s how you can score a chance to get your mitts on this prize:
- PRIZE: $500 gift certificate to Z Gallerie!
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “Z ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: …tell us what you’d spend this $500 on? Some new art? An armload of holiday decor? Feel free to be as general or specific as you want. And if you’re not sure yet, don’t worry- we don’t select winners based on these bonus q’s.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, September 29th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the USA
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck…
UPDATE: Due to the volume of entries, Z Gallerie is upping the ante and not only giving away the original $500 gift card, but is also throwing in two $100 gift cards to runners up!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just take them on to reward our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Z Gallerie.
kiley says
Z Me!
furniture, furniture, and more furniture
Carrie says
“Z ME!”
Oh my goodness! I would either buy a boat-load of holiday decor or a new chair. It’d be really hard to decide!
Whitney says
A new couch or new art work… or both!
April B says
I would buy some new lamps and other accessories from Z Gallerie! I love that store!
JMB says
Z ME!!! I can’t even begin to decide what I would choose, but would welcome the challenge! Happy Blogiversary…thanks so much for sharing your success with us :o)
ashley says
ooooh how exciting! after scouring the entire website just to be inspired i would probably buy a cool buffet or cabinet with doors for our dining room where i have big dreams of storing some gorgeous colorful anthroplogie dishes!
Rachael says
That teal chair is totally calling my name.
Morgan says
Z ME!!!!!!
JulieA says
Z ME! Probably accessories, but a great chair for our living room would like awesome too!
Bree says
Z ME!! I would love a new chandelier or something to hang on those bare walls of mine!
Whitney says
Z me! I need some new accessories for our new, first ever home.
sarah says
Z Me!!
I’d spend it on the guest bathroom reno we are working on!!
Srilu says
Z ME! There is just so much i love at this store that I don’t know where i would start – hmm… new lighting and accessories. Or maybe some side tables? or even art? the list goes on… and on…
Amanda says
I would put the $500 towards a new pair of chairs… sold the old ones on craigslist!
kristin fulghum says
z me!
i really don’t know what i’d spend it on…lots of fun decorations probably!
Tyler says
Not sure what I would spend it on, but I am sure it wouldnt be too hard to find something!
Beth says
Z ME! I would love to get some funky cool new art!!
Sarah H. says
Z ME! Z Gallerie is one of my go-to places to get inspired and shop for great accessories. I have trouble narrowing my wish list, but a lighting fixture or large mirror are at the top.
Kelsey says
Z Me!
I love Z Gallery and don’t know where I would start with $500! Maybe some great Holiday decor.
Julia K says
Z ME! <3
Anything!!! Would be nice to shop without listening to my husband saying stuff like NO we don't need this and don't need that.. :)
Rachel Austin says
Z ME!! Thinking about redoing our extra room/office and I would love to add some stuff from Z Gallerie!
Jennifer says
z me!!!!
the challenge is narrowing down what to buy
Kristen Nussbaum says
Z me please!!! My husband and I have recently purchased a lot of land and are going to build our first home together!!! There is gonna be a lot of empty wall and shelf space to fill up. Starting with the white owl…i just love him :) Congrats on the Anniversary. I check in almost everyday!
flyingbird says
What an incredible giveaway. I think I would use the money to create a “reading nook” (comfy chair, lamp, shelving, decor…) in a corner of my home. Just in time for winter.
Stephanie says
Z Me!
We are moving next June and would love to have $500 to start the decor process of our first place together!
Zack says
This would be for my wife. This is her favorite website and she loves Z Gallerie. She’s always decorating our house and making things look amazing on a small budget, it’d be great for her to be able to buy the real thing instead of having to improve a copy (which she is great at).
Alexa says
Z ME!!
I would buy some beautiful pillows for my couch and bed and also some awesome lamps!!
Cara says
Z ME! Accessories baby!
Tyler says
My husband is getting ready for a year-long deployment and we hope to have a house when he gets out for good. I would use the giftcard for a “grown up” couch!
Dennis says
Z ME! I would have to pick up some great accessories!
Laura in LA says
Z Me! I would get so many things! Probably some holiday decor and a few year round items. I am in love with mercury glass right now, so that large hurricane would be at the top of the list.
Sarah says
Z ME! hmmmm…way too much fun stuff to decide!
Cole says
Z-Me. My wife is achin’ for a new master bedroom. Here’s hoping…
Lindsay says
Z me!
My husband I are finishing our new home renovations and we’ve just started looking for a couple pieces of furniture and, of course, accessories!
Kelly says
I would spend it on redecorating our guest bedroom – it is in need of some serious help!
Kassi says
I would use it towards a couch for when I am married!!!! Or a dining table. Or a new bed! Possibilities are endless.
Kerri says
Z Me! So many choices at such a fabulous store….I would probably put it towards one of those awesome chairs. Congrats on the blogiversary!
Dave K says
Z ME! Tschotskes, Tschotskes, Tschotskes!!!
Angela says
Z ME! Ooh, need bedroom furniture and accessories!
Caitlan says
Z Me!
If I win, I’d probably buy a mirrored dresser for my mom–she’s working on redecorating their 110-year-old house! It would be perfect in their bedroom.
Shelby says
Z Me!
We could definitely use some art…lamp, pillows, light fixture, oooh I could just LIVE in ZGallerie!
Kristen says
We need some new lighting for our sunroom, accessories and furniture for our finished basement, and I’d love some gorgeous display pieces for our upcoming holiday gatherings!
Rebecca-Lyn says
Hello Christmas gifts for everyone–and happiness to my savings account!
Angela says
Z Me! Finally my husband and I would get rid of some of our college kid furniture and replace it with something beautiful and grown-up!
Jill A says
I would love to pick up some accessories to make my living room move out of blah-ness! Congrats, you guys!
McCaulie says
Z Me!!
oh man too much to choose from . . .
Melissa says
Z Me!
I would buy pillows.
marika says
Z me! for any and everything!
Alicia says
Z ME! I would load up on some gorgeous accessories that would be the focal point of my dining room and bedroom and then use all the wonderful tips and tricks from your blog to finish up the rooms!
stephanie says
I love Z Gallerie….that gift card would disappear in seconds! We’re moving in the spring which means I get to decorate a new house!