***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries****
Just like last year, we’re celebrating this blogiversary with our biggest giveaway of the year – and it’s $500 big. Yep, one lucky person will be walking away with five benjamins to splurge on whatever they want from… (drumroll please)… Z Gallerie!
Z Gallerie has always been one of our favorite spots to snag beautiful / sparkly / sophisticated items for our home (our addiction to them started long before they blew our minds by becoming sponsors). Not to mention they’ve got more white ceramic animals than Sherry can shake a stick at – which is dangerous because they’re fragile. So of course we’re thrilled (read: jealous) that one of you gets to score a chunk of change to spend there, especially since laying our eyes on their recently introduced Fall / Holiday collection.
So whether you’re looking to hoard accessories or put your winnings toward a new piece of furniture, this season they’ve go you covered from black to white…
…silver to gold (with a splash of teal)…
…and even cool to warm.
Here’s how you can score a chance to get your mitts on this prize:
- PRIZE: $500 gift certificate to Z Gallerie!
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “Z ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: …tell us what you’d spend this $500 on? Some new art? An armload of holiday decor? Feel free to be as general or specific as you want. And if you’re not sure yet, don’t worry- we don’t select winners based on these bonus q’s.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, September 29th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the USA
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck…
UPDATE: Due to the volume of entries, Z Gallerie is upping the ante and not only giving away the original $500 gift card, but is also throwing in two $100 gift cards to runners up!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just take them on to reward our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Z Gallerie.
betsy says
i like the summer bounty artwork set
Chrystal says
Z Me!
I need the Loft Chandelier and a few things to hang on the wall
Katy says
AHHHH please Z ME! I love Z anything…but I’d probably get some sweet lamps for our bedroom and maybe some nice artwork. We’re planning on redoing our living room soon, and this would help a lot.
Amy Wolff says
Z ME!!!!
I would spend it all… I love Z Gallerie. I need a picture for above my buffet, an area rug for my dining room table, a lamp for my console table, some decorative accessories. HAVING BABY#2 in five weeks and money is tight so I haven’t been able to get these things.
Misty says
I would love to buy holiday accessories for my home because we have a new baby and have never decorated for the holidays and we want his 1st holiday to be special.
Abby says
So many good choices…I’ll take one of everything!
David S. says
I have no idea what I would get…I love all of Z Gallerie’s things!!! Oh and CONGRATS on 3 years of great, intertaining blogging!!!
Ashley G says
Z me!
Definitely some end tables!
AshleyG says
Our guest bedroom needs some accessory lovin’ so my husband and I would love to have some money to Z Gallerie!
Katie says
Z Me!! I need some wall art!
blair says
Nikkilina says
Z Me! I’m in love with those sweater pillows!
Erin says
Z Me! I love your blog and while I only have an apartment, I have found some great ways to update and accessorize. Thanks for the inspiration :)
Phoebe says
Z ME! I would put it towards a new couch!
Katherine says
Z ME, pretty please!!! I love so many items at Z Gallerie. We do need some new art so maybe we would spend it on a few key art pieces that we are so desperate for!!!
Jen says
Z ME!!! We are building a new house and I’m going to need to decorate it!!!
Jessica B. says
Z ME!! Not sure what I would spend it on yet…
tarynkay says
Rebecca says
Z ME! We just finished gutting our kitchen and dining room, and we gave a fresh facelift to the rest of the house. Unfortunately, with our accessories/furniture/picture editing, we’re severely lacking in the art department. I would love some inspiring prints to hang around the house, and Z Gallerie has some pretty amazing ones.
Christina says
Happy blog birthday! I would go on a super shopping spree and buy new accessories for every room!
Harper says
Oh man oh man there is so many useful things I could buy for my home. Just some of the items include a lighting fixture for my dining room, artwork for the living room, and a side table!
Patrck says
Framed artwork!
Kari says
Z ME!!!!!!!!
I would prob spend the $ on decor items…lamps, accessories, wall art, rug, etc…YAY what a FAB giveaway, thanks guys!!!! :D
Tara says
Z Me! My husband just recently became self-employed and we’ve been wanting to create a home office. $500 would certainly help!
Erin says
Z ME!!!
I’d love some new art!
Kelly Sanders says
Z ME! Z Me! z me! Not sure what I’d get!
Jenny Bright says
Z ME!!
I would put the $500 towards replacing our college furniture with grown-up pieces!
Erin says
Z Me!!! I’d love to get lots of new pillows. I kind of have a thing for pillows. :)
Amanda @ Heart Tree Home says
Z Me! What a great giveaway. I would definitely need some new furniture for our house!
Linden says
Z ME! I love this place! I’d love to put it towards some new furniture….
Nicole says
“Z ME!” I am in dire need a dining table! Help me out, YHL!
missy says
Z Me! I would love some new art for my living room!
simpleginger says
No idea on what I’d end up with..I only let myself window shop there, but to actually have money to spend there, omg..giddy just thinking about the possibilities! Congrats on the blog-o-versry!
KK says
I love Z Gallerie! I would use the money to buy new dining room chairs. Although I’d probably have a hard time sticking to that since I love everything in their store.
Happy Blog-versary!
Megan says
Z ME! I would love to get some plaques and decorative items from there! :)
Katie P says
I think I would put it towards some lighting!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Lisa says
Z me! I’d love some new items for my living room–like a table lamp, accessories, maybe a coffee table.
Ashley C says
“Z ME!
I would totally buy accessories! Its time for a change in this house.
Kimberly Senn says
Z ME! We just bought a new home in San Francisco and can’t wait to start filling it with lovely things – I don’t even know where to start!
Tra J. says
Z Me!!
I’d spend the money on decorative pillows and curtains, two things I’ve been wanting from there for a long time.
Catherine says
Z Me!
I’ve had my eye on the white ceramic moose head for a LONG time, but I could never justify spending $200 bucks on it. I would start there…
Millie says
Z ME!! I’d like to buy a nice accent chair…but honestly, anything in the store is perfect – it’s exactly my style. Just not my budget.
Amy G says
Oh, there’s so many things I would spend $500 on! First, perhaps some art for our newly renovated kitchen. Then, maybe an updated coffee table/ottoman for the living room!
denise f says
Z me! i have that exact moose head in my queue – my niece found it an actual Z Gallerie store in Raleigh. She thought it would complement my white deer head nicely! She’s so right! I’d buy the moose, and a bunch of accessories to spread the joy throughout my house!
thank you and so happy to find YHL what seems like many moons ago!
Lindsay says
Z ME!! mirrors and art. Our new house has some very bare walls!!
Jen says
Z Me!!! I would buy some art!!!
Meghan Huber says
Z ME! I can’t even fathom what the store experience would be like with $500. I would probably need a baby sitter for a couple hours and a notebook for pro con lists, venn diagrams, and various mood boards.
Thanks for your awesome blog guys, you are a constant source of inspiration.
nicole says
I would probably spend the $500 on lots of cute, quirky little accent pieces that I otherwise wouldn’t think to buy.
Heather B says
Z ME!!!
We’re supposed to be getting our first home very soon, so I could definitely use that money to decorate our new family room!
Lindsay says
Z ME! My boyfriend is moving in and we need to find some common-ground home decor!