*** This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below! ***
Random.org has done it again and crowned an oh-so-randomly selected winner. That lucky person is… Doris Johnson (who can’t contain her love for her puppy, Finn. She even included a link to his picture!). Congrat Doris… and Finn!
It’s no secret that storage boxes and trays are pretty much our jam when it comes to organizing. And this week someone will be taking home the motherlode thanks to Rubbermaid’s new Bento series. Beyond just being pretty chic looking, the boxes have flexible dividers inside that pop out if you need to corral smaller items within and the trays – and also double as box tops (see it in action here). A full set includes an extra large, large, and a medium sized box – all with tops/trays as well as two small boxes.
- PRIZE: A set of Rubbermaid Bento boxes and toppers in either Loose Linen (pictured), Chadwick, or Paprika ($113 value!)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “BENTO ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what you just can’t contain these days. Is it your love of sarcasm? Your propensity to giggle when nervous? Your urge to dance when your favorite song comes on?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, January 11th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States or Canada (although we do try to wrangle as many international giveaways as possible)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Rubbermaid.
Amy M says
Bento Me!
I can’t help teasing my husband of his quirks.
Juliana says
Bento me! It is hard to contain all my daughter’s toys! I find little piles all over the house!
Jeannette says
I can’t contain my joy at being hired by a great company after 7 months of unemployment!
K Brady says
Bento Me!!!
cassie says
BENTO ME!!!!!! I can’t contain my excitement when my husband comes home at the end of a work week :)
Jenny! says
Bento me!
Since getting rid of a kitchen cupboard to make room for a new dishwasher, I cannot contain all of the school lunch stuff!
Katie says
Betno me! I just can’t contain my love for spearmint icebreakers mints- it’s kinda ridiculous.
Chrissy says
Bento Me! Please :)
Kat says
BENTO ME! I can’t contain my love for penguins! I’ll be out shopping and yell “penguin!” when I see something with penguins on it. Bonus points for sparkly penguins, covered in glitter. :)
Destiny says
I cannot contain my love of Pintrest. Honestly, I feel like I mention it in some form or another in every conversation these days. Pathetic…
ashleyK says
Bento Me!
I can’t contain our clutter! That’s why these boxes would be perfect!
Megan G says
Bento Me!
I can’t contain my excitement for new bedroom furniture!
Jackie Smith says
Bento Me!
I’ve been trying to contain my five years old stuff for 2 straight weekends now…toys, clothes, bedroom and NOW artwork/school stuff…haven’t even touched the books or the duh duh duh toy box!
Trina says
Bento Me!
I can’t contain my love of butter cookies. I’ve almost finished an entire bin (got it Thanksgiving).
sabrina Noah says
Thanks, Sabrina
Tracey says
Betsy says
I just can’t contain all of the junk in my house…need these :)
Emily A. says
I would really love to contain my rambunctious goldendoodle dog! He’s absolutely insane!
sarah says
I can’t contain my pregnancy joy. 35 weeks and counting! can’t wait to meet this little one!
Alison M. says
Toys is the top of my uncontrollable list. But, I also really need to reign in how hard I laugh when people fall or otherwise sustain mild injuries. I should at least ask if they’re ok first!
Lana says
I guess I can’t contain my desire to sleep… it was a fun, but too busy Christmas and New Year’s!
Camille says
Bento Me! My nightstand is out of control. Too much stuff to contain.
Kristina Gulino says
BENTO ME, BABY! Because I can’t contain my thrill for containers…no seriously, they’re kind of crazy addicting!
Kristina Gulino
Something 2 Write About
Kerry says
I can’t contain my daughter’s toys – they are overtaking the house!!!
Yulia says
Bento me! I can’t contain the laundry. I think it multiplies when I’m not looking!
Roxanne says
Bento Me! I can’t seem to contain my thoughts about all the sugary goodness I consumed over the holidays. I just cut it off a few days ago (the sugar that is).
Kerry Trice says
My love of cheese!
laura says
I just can’t contain my paperwork! It’s taking over the house. Seriously.
Nikky says
I can’t contain my baby clothes! I’m pregnant with my first and just found out it’s a boy, so my sister merrily passed on 100,000 outfits my nephew has outgrown!
Natalie says
BENTO ME!! I can’t contain my love for our new home and all the never-ending, fun, projects it has in store for me!
lorie says
Bento Me!
I can not contain myself when it comes to home decor!!
Christina says
Bento me!
I can’t contain the hysterical giggles that come after 11pm and before 1am- when everything is funny except the things that make me cry! This includes anything from “pudding” to tripping over an as-yet unpacked box in my bedroom or office.
Megan Mc says
BENTO ME! I can’t contain my obsession with adding a wall to my guest room that will create an actual entry way in my house. I cannot wait to get that project moving!
Tracy says
Bento me
I have way too many toys at home for my 3yr old. They are all over the place. Having them organized will help me sleep better at night!
Sarah H. says
I can’t contain the baby shower gifts from generous friends and family! Only 2 months to go until we meet our little boy!
Danae says
Bento Me!
I can’t contain my excitement over coffee.
Tara T says
BENTO ME! I am super excited to start putting my little man’s nursery together! I’ve already made one curtain panel following Sherry’s tutorial, number 2 is tonight! Can’t wait until it’s all put together!
dan says
bento me.
Irina Netchaev says
I really can’t believe how many comments you’re getting on this post. Totally awesome!!!
Can’t wait to use these containers to contain all my nick nacks!
Kim says
I can’t contain my junk! So this would be perfect. :)
Tanya says
Bento Me. I can’t contain my hope for 2012.
Dayla says
Trish says
I can’t contain my excitement for life
Carolyn says
I can’t contain my dorky jokes!
JennW says
Nicole says
Can’t contain my need to constantly search Etsy for cute art for our daughter’s nursery.
kristen says
I can’t contain my sarcasm and sometimes it gets me in trouble…..
Jenny says
My daughter got about a million toys for Christmas, and I need some way to corral them all!
Dre says
BENTO ME! I can’t contain my joy at finally finishing painting my kitchen cabinets WHITE!
Elisha says
BENTO ME!!! I just can’t contain my love for the Alabama Crimson Tide!! Roll Tide Roll!!