***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – check back soon to see who won!***
Good news – everyone can get 10% off Mrs. Jones Soapbox products using code YHL10! Even better news (for two of you), random.org has chosen our winners as… Jenna (who can’t wait to clean up and declutter her office) and Erica (who’s excited to clean her garage of all the winter cobwebs, salt and dirt). Congrats!
Spring is (mostly) in the air, so we figured this week’s freebie will excite anyone who is setting out to do some spring cleaning and doesn’t want to disturb the fresh spring air with the scent of chemical cleaners. Since we’re not ones to get on our soapbox, we’ll let Mrs. Jones do it instead. Mrs. Jones Soapbox is a line of natural homemade cleaning products that work. And they come in recycled and reusable packaging. What’s not to like about that? Plus, you get your choice of glass or plastic packaging – either of which is pretty enough to leave out on the counter (you know Sherry goes crazy for the “they look so posh” glass bottles, right?).
- PRIZE: All Mrs. Jones’ Soapbox products shown: 5 piece Combo Kit (including Clean, Shine, Soapy, Sparkle, and Scrub) plus an 80-wash jar of Laundry Detergent (a $60 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SPRING CLEAN ME…” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … mention something that you’re desperate to tidy up, organize, or scrub down. Is it your tub? Your windows? All that desk clutter?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 30th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States and Canada
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Mrs. Jones Soapbox.
Lisa V says
SPRING CLEAN ME! Our projects are the garage and laundry room over the next few months!
Lisa P. says
I have been slowly making progress on my bookshelves in our family room….putting photos in photo albums, sorting thru and getting rid of books, etc. It has come a long way, but still more to do.
Crystal says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I need to get organized before we move
Weezie says
SPRING CLEAN ME! My linen closet needs to be reorganized. All those sheet sets mixed up (from having college kids in/out of the house). It’s time to switch over to percale from flannel and take off the duvets for quilts!
Anne says
spring clean me! i need to organize my garage like whoa!
Gigi says
Have been planning on cleaning all the base boards in my house…Scrub..scrub!!!
Barb says
Hands down…windows and screens(ugh)!
Lindsay says
Sharing my bathroom with messy boys means frequent cleanings.
Victoria says
I can’t wait to tackle the garage once it gets warm. We bought our house at a foreclosure auction, so we have put a ton of work into it… But the garage has become the repository for all the boxes, empty paint cans, broken tools, etc.
Jessie C says
Our front porch catches a ton of wind, I can’t wait to get out there and scrub down the furniture and sweep out all of the corners full of leaves!
Jen says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I need to clean and reseal my slate floors!
Sara says
Spring Clean Me!
Hmmm…I think the yard could use the most help right now! But, next on the list would be windows.
Anne says
The doors at my new house need cleaning desperately. The previous owners obviously corralled a small herd of young children at the domicile and the poor, (formerly) white doors show the brunt of the abuse!
Corri Cole says
SPRING CLEAN ME… I’m dying to clean our windows and kitchen/bathroom floors after a cooped up winter. Thanks for the giveaway :)
Jayne says
Spring Clean Me!
We live in an area known for mold, so it is hard to keep it away! Blah!
Ashley says
I need to clean my entire house.
Corri Cole says
SPRING CLEAN ME… my office could use a good scrub down too!
Serina Shook says
Spring Clean Me please!
I am currently untertaking all 4 closets in the house right now, and it’s a pretty big task!
Amy in Pittsburgh says
I am beyond desperate to clean up our backyard. With a slight slope to the lawn, a missing set of stairs (courtesy of my DH) and an 80-lb squirrel chasing dog, it’s a veritable mud pit in dire need of grass. If I have to clean his paws off ONE MORE TIME…! The dog’s, not the husband’s.
Stephanie says
My basement needs such an overheaul it’s scary!
christine says
I’m dying to clean EVERYTHING!!! but definitely the basement!
Lindsey says
Spring Clean Me!! My closet is in serious need of cleaning!
Mary says
I am looking forward to opening up all the windows, taking down the curtains-they’re looking pretty dusty and at least shaking them out, maybe I’ll even wash them.
tara says
SPRING CLEAN ME! Our garage is next on our list!
Allison says
SPRING CLEAN ME!!! Need to scrub both bathrooms from top to bottom!!
Alyssa says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I’m dying to have a new place to clean once we sell our current one:)
MaryB says
“Spring Clean Me” -My Balcony!!! If anyone has any tips for having a “green thumb” please let me know!! Im new at it!!
Rachel says
I have a pile of clothes that are too small for my kids that need to be sorted and stored. The pile is driving me batty!
Erin says
Spring clean me! I actually need to tidy up my laundry room! this is a great giveaway!!
Juana says
My husband just finished renovating our kitchen and now we need to clean up our temporary kitchen space which was our first floor family room. Sawdust and tools everywhere!
Nicole says
Spring Clean Me!
I need to tackle our closets!
Lisa says
Spring Clean Me! Our storage room needs a serious amount of work!
Chris says
Spring Clean Me!! Need to organzie the whole kit and caboodle…especially a hall closet and the garage…ugh…but how fun would new products be for motivation???? :-)
Kate B says
Oh my goodness, SPRING CLEAN ME!
I can’t WAIT until we get into the new house, I’m itching to clean everything top to bottom and organize!
pedro says
SPRING CLEAN ME! Our windows are in desperate need of attention.
Katy P says
Today we are painting a knotty pine shellac’d bedroom a pretty grey for our new baby (due in November). That room needs a LOT Of work and this stuff would go a LONG way in sprucing it up!
Great giveaway!
Caitlin says
Spring clean me! I really need to clean our wood floors – cat hair tumbleweeds abound!
Dawn says
SPRING CLEAN ME! Really, the whole house could use a good spring cleaning. And the yard…
Elva says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I am dying to clean up/organize my work/craft room! It’s the pits!
Megan says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I’m dying to tackle organizing ALL the closets in our house.
Amy says
My kitchen counter is tile and the grout is in sad shape. It’s definitely on the top of the list.
Rebecca Miller says
Spring clean me!!! We got a new stove and I need therapy after seeing the floor under the old one!!!!
Lajana says
Spring Clean Me!!!
I need to clean out my closet!!! There are probably shoes still hiding in there from the 80’s!!! It’s on my list to do this summer when I have more time along with repainting the kitchen cabinets!!!!!!
Kate S. says
I’ve been “spring” cleaning for weeks, but there are still a few rooms to go–plus our “junk” bedroom, still filled with leftover (mostly empty) boxes from our move . . . a year ago.
Elsa says
SPRING CLEAN ME! My kitchen utensil drawer is in desparate need of organization. Also have a few too many “junk” drawers, need to condense.
Meggin says
Spring Clean me!!
I have a huge spring cleaning list! I already got a bunch of rooms done this past weekend.
Smita says
I have been wanting to tidy up my closet with spring coming…
Erin Savage-Weaver says
Spring Clean me :) My wood floors need cleaned – two hairy dogs and one toddler equals yucky :) Plus, we adore cleaning supplies!
Andrea says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I am itching to tidy my “spare room” which looks similar to your spare room a.k.a. it is filled with things that don’t have a home:(
Lauren says
Spring Clean Me!
I’m dying to deep-6 my small, apartment bathroom but a tight space with little ventilation and harsh chemical fumes are never a good combination! Please, Help me tacle that tub!