***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – check back soon to see who won!***
Good news – everyone can get 10% off Mrs. Jones Soapbox products using code YHL10! Even better news (for two of you), random.org has chosen our winners as… Jenna (who can’t wait to clean up and declutter her office) and Erica (who’s excited to clean her garage of all the winter cobwebs, salt and dirt). Congrats!
Spring is (mostly) in the air, so we figured this week’s freebie will excite anyone who is setting out to do some spring cleaning and doesn’t want to disturb the fresh spring air with the scent of chemical cleaners. Since we’re not ones to get on our soapbox, we’ll let Mrs. Jones do it instead. Mrs. Jones Soapbox is a line of natural homemade cleaning products that work. And they come in recycled and reusable packaging. What’s not to like about that? Plus, you get your choice of glass or plastic packaging – either of which is pretty enough to leave out on the counter (you know Sherry goes crazy for the “they look so posh” glass bottles, right?).
- PRIZE: All Mrs. Jones’ Soapbox products shown: 5 piece Combo Kit (including Clean, Shine, Soapy, Sparkle, and Scrub) plus an 80-wash jar of Laundry Detergent (a $60 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SPRING CLEAN ME…” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … mention something that you’re desperate to tidy up, organize, or scrub down. Is it your tub? Your windows? All that desk clutter?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 30th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States and Canada
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Mrs. Jones Soapbox.
Summer says
SPRING CLEAN ME! Our bathtubs have been avoided for far too long! Hope I win! :)
Jessica says
I am desperate to get our garage organized! My husband started building shelves and a workbench this past weekend but it’s still a work in progress. As for windows, I have a few that still have not been cleaned of all the construction dust sense we moved in last fall!
annette says
my bathroom
needs to be
Nora Dolder says
S P R I N G C L E A N M E !
We just moved in February 14th(yep! On Valentine’s Day!) and the windows need some S P R I N G C L E A N I N G L O V E !
nancy says
SPRING CLEAN ME! My pantry/laundry room is in desparate need of spring cleaning. would love to give these products a try.
Chris says
I need to get rid of stuff in the basement and the garage.
Jennifer says
SPRING CLEAN ME!–the whole house!
Suzq says
I just discovered you guys! Love everything!
My 88 year old mom is moving out of her big house! I have a LOT of spring cleaning to do for her!
Christine says
SPRING CLEAN ME!!!! I’m dying to clean our windows, the windows were dirty when we put the dirty storm windows on and they’ve been driving me nuts all winter!!! I’ll never let it happen again.
Adriane says
Spring Clean Me! My kitchen drawers are in need of a clean and a re-organize!
kathy says
spring clean me
as # 4,792 – I feel like i have a shot at WINNING
Tanja says
My utility/storage/laundry room. Its a mess and its dusty and its dirty. I really need to fix it up.
Lindsay says
Spring clean me!
I think it’s safe to say every room in my house needs a good spring cleaning! :)
Misty says
Spring Clean Me!!
I am so ready to finish our garage cleanout!!
Meg B. says
SPRING CLEAN ME! My floors are a disaster right now, those definitely need a good mopping. I also recently realized that I haven’t cleaned my windows since I moved in – a year ago! The house was vacant for awhile so who knows how long the grime has been building. Oopsie!
Annie Rooney says
Spring clean me! Would love to try these products!
Holly says
I just cleaned out my winter clothes in my closet…now I have to bring in the spring/summer ones. This task always results in 2 bags to donate to the to the Salvation Army.
Kathryn says
Spring clean me! Out wood floors need a good scrubbing.. hands and knees!
Emily Baer says
SPRING CLEAN ME! We basically need to clean everything…we’ve been remodeling and things have gone untouched for a bit too long….oops!
Jen says
Spring clean me!
Can’t wait to get ready for the spring yard sale!
Spring Clean Me says
I’d love to try these products. For real.
Liz C says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I can’t wait to get my windows sparkling, and it’s about time to pack the brass stuff and bring out the crystal, so that’s going to need some shining up, too!
Spring Clean Me says
Would love to try these products
Rebbie says
I’d love to get my garage cleaned out. Not enough to do it by myself though.
Tifanee says
We have HUGEEEEE floor to ceiling windows in our living room…yeah, I think you know where I’m going with this…lol
Elizabeth S says
Spring Clean Me!
We are expecting a baby in June, and I am itching to get the whole house spotless ! :)
ashley says
We’re getting ready to move, so I’m a purging and cleaning fool! No dirt is safe with me around :-)
Ann says
Spring clean me!
My toilets all need a major scrub-down, thanks to my 4 little boys!
I have a little 3 month old baby girl and she has inspired me to GO GREEN with everything. I think I am going crazy trying to find natural products:) I NEED any natural help I can get to clean my 1950s bathroom (which never seems clean). I love my white distilled vinegar but I would rather have something that smells a little better!
Kelly Allen says
Now that we’ve had our yard sale and we’re $226 richer (yay!) we’re ready to pull our spring and summer clothes out and tidy up/organize our closets!
Kai says
Have to scrub down the second bedroom as we turn it into a nursery for our (due in July) twin boys!
Clarissa says
SPRING CLEAN ME!! The whole house! Baby on the way! Eeek!
cara marie says
spring clean me! oh my gosh my bath tub is not doing so hot these days. and our floors. it just seems like no matter how hard i scrub i just can’t get them clean! i blame it on the low quality (i have no idea what the tub is made of… plastic??) textiles and what nots they used for the tub and flooring. i can’t wait to get a beautiful old house to play in!!! lame poor college student lifestyle.. haha. but it teaches my husband and i to be resourceful! :] woo!
EMMA S says
Spring clean me! I REALLY need to clean out our closets and get bags ready for Goodwill/The Salvation Army. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for 6 months now, to no avail. I also have a bunch of things I wanted to sell on our local classifieds website that I still haven’t gotten around to taking pictures of and posting!
Amy Dowding says
My floors need some love :)
lauren meeh says
With a new baby on the way in MAy I need to spring clean our entire house! I know after she comes I will be way too exhasted to even think deep clean, let alone clutter management. These products look amazing. If I don’t win, I may just have to buy them :)
Marg Leed says
SPRING CLEAN ME!…..My sewing/craft room needs some HUGE, BIG TIME HELP….fabric stash, clutter etc.!!!!
Nicole says
Since we are living through a major home renovation right now, there isn’t a horizontal surface in our house that doesn’t need dusting or cleaning!
Emilie says
Spring Clean Me! I hate the toxic smell of cleaning products, so these would be great!
Rachel says
I really need to get my sewing “corner” in order, which has sort of expanded onto the dining room table, my desk, and a side table in the living room.
Maeve says
I really want to clean and organize our office closet. We live in an apartment with very little storage so it has kinda become a catch all.
Hannah Magee says
We are moving into a “new to us” house that needs EVERYTHING cleaned… cant wait to start scrubbing!
Melani says
Lori Bamber says
Oh, how beautiful the words … ships to Canada!!! (*Cartwheels of glee here*) Spring cleaning is definitely in order throughout the little 679-square-foot, 2-bedroom Vancouver apartment that I share with my daughter — but I’m most excited about getting the balcony into live-in condition.
Thanks for everything you do — you’re such a beautiful addition to my day, every day.
With gratitude,
Trinity says
“SPRING CLEAN ME” I needed my junk room cleaned
Nisha says
Spring Clean Me!
Leslie says
I am needing to clean my fridge, every nook and cranny! I have so many old, random sauces and packets of odds and ends that I need to purge. There just may be some 2 year old pickles somewhere from our move-in day way back then. Eek!
Cat says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I am dying to clean out my closet and organize all of my college stuff from the past three years.
Ashley McDaniel says
I can’t wait to spring clean my master bathroom garden tub! Opening the bathroom window and letting in the spring crisp air, while I’m hard at work scrubbing away soap scum…can’t wait!!
Kelli C says
I just moved back in with my parents and all of my things are piled up… It looks like a hoarder lives there. I’m dying to organize, and take care of things!