***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – check back soon to see who won!***
Good news – everyone can get 10% off Mrs. Jones Soapbox products using code YHL10! Even better news (for two of you), random.org has chosen our winners as… Jenna (who can’t wait to clean up and declutter her office) and Erica (who’s excited to clean her garage of all the winter cobwebs, salt and dirt). Congrats!
Spring is (mostly) in the air, so we figured this week’s freebie will excite anyone who is setting out to do some spring cleaning and doesn’t want to disturb the fresh spring air with the scent of chemical cleaners. Since we’re not ones to get on our soapbox, we’ll let Mrs. Jones do it instead. Mrs. Jones Soapbox is a line of natural homemade cleaning products that work. And they come in recycled and reusable packaging. What’s not to like about that? Plus, you get your choice of glass or plastic packaging – either of which is pretty enough to leave out on the counter (you know Sherry goes crazy for the “they look so posh” glass bottles, right?).
- PRIZE: All Mrs. Jones’ Soapbox products shown: 5 piece Combo Kit (including Clean, Shine, Soapy, Sparkle, and Scrub) plus an 80-wash jar of Laundry Detergent (a $60 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SPRING CLEAN ME…” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … mention something that you’re desperate to tidy up, organize, or scrub down. Is it your tub? Your windows? All that desk clutter?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 30th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States and Canada
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Mrs. Jones Soapbox.
Emily Knoll says
Spring clean me! Our baseboards and windowsils are in need of cleaning (and some painting)!
Amy in Richmond says
SPRING CLEAN ME! I have a 65 yr old bath tub or 44 year old windows. Can’t hardly choose where to start…
breeann says
Spring clean me!
I desperately need to tackle my closet! It’s scary!
Lauren says
Sping Clean Me…I need to declutter the table in my entryway, and clean once all that mail has been moved, lol.
Kelly Crow says
Spring Clean Me….I really need to deep clean the whole house top to bottom ;)
Amber says
SPRING CLEAN ME! Our bi-level house’s first story windows are at the ground level, and they’re soooo dirty right now.
OMG-YHL says
This carpet could definitely use a good vacuum. Too bad I only have a hand-vac! Darn you, dorm carpeting!
Dorothea Lunt says
My entire house before we have to move in a few months.
Elizabeth says
Spring clean me! We just moved into a new house and we need to get things organized in every room!
theresa says
Spring Clean Me! My entire house needs it, we’re still unpacking boxes from when we moved in August so an overhaul is definitely needed!
Sara says
Spring Clean Me! My windows and garage need a good cleaning as does the yard.
Ryane says
I can.not.wait to get some fresh air in this house! In upstate NY we have 5 months of windows closed weather. With two of my kiddos still in diapers I feel like the whole place smells like babies! I am so ready for some spring cleaning!
Thanks for the chance.
Heather S says
We are renovating an old house right now, so I will have tons of scrubbing and polishing to do soon!!!
Lyndsey says
My dresser drawers need to be cleaned out!
Molly says
My entire office is a disaster!
Lara says
Spring clean me! I am determined to get my photos and photo albums organized this spring. In addition to cleaning the windows, inside and outside.
Candice S. says
SPRING CLEAN ME!…and my kitchen backsplash.
Jessie Love says
The backyard patio is just crying to be washed down, scrubbed and raked.. the windows overlooking the patio are dying to be opened and scrubbed down. And I wish I could go out there and just hang the darling little fairy lights in the tree and some gorgeous plants to be planted.
Natasha M says
SPRING CLEAN ME! My kids’ closets.
Marg L says
My sewing/craft room needs some HUGE, BIG TIME HELP…..fabric stash, rubber stamps, scrapbooking, etc., etc.
Floor scrubbing/windows and walls. These products will make the whole room fresh and clean.
Andrea says
Basically my entire house needs a good spring cleaning. Top to bottom, inside and out.
I doubt it’ll happen.
Katie Thomas says
SPRING CLEAN ME! My kitchen and bath need a good tidying for Spring!
Kathy says
Spring clean me….I can’t wait to clean the windows on my sun porch! It’s still a little to cold but hopefully soon!
Amy says
I really need to go through all of my craft supplies.
Dana says
The garage is first on my hit list. Not that I would use these lovely products to clean it since they’re far to nice for that!
Kelly Lewis says
We’re in the process of becoming foster parents so our whole house needs a good cleaning.
Karen says
The WHOLE house needs a BIG soapbox right now.
Dawn says
My kitchen needs a good spring cleaning and that pantry needs some organizing!
Brittnee says
I am dying to get ahold of the office and guest bedroom and organize those puppies! I am holding a garage sale soon to get rid of all that accumulated stuff! (Having fresh smelling and environmental friendly cleaners and soaps would make me and my husband very happy!)
Alison S. says
My boys share a room that is yelling “spring clean me” and it certainly needs some good smelling stuff in there!
Libby says
Can’t wait to powerwash the deck and yard furniture this weekend!
Beth C says
I really need to clean windows.
Kara J. says
We are getting ready to move into a new home soon, and I am excited and ready to make it sparkle from top to bottom!
Allison says
I definitely need to rid myself of desk clutter!
MaryBe says
Spring Clean Me!
We live right on Main Street, and the windows in the front of the house are horrible! Seems like all the winter grime makes a beeline right for them!
Marilyn says
Spring Clean Me!
Windows need scrubbed!
Shannon says
I need to clean the storage area just off our house. It’s driving me CRAZY!!!!
Laura says
We just had our hardwood floors refinished so it was total chaos and a complete mess, but my floors look FABULOUS! After the floors came paint and now that I have re-painted all the rooms too we are cleaning up and putting furniture back into the rooms! Talk about a spring clean!! Everything is fresh and clean :) that makes me happy!
Erin I. says
Spring Clean Me! My whole house needs work before baby comes in July!
Lindy says
Spring Clean Me!!!!
I am so excited to get to spring and start cleaning up and clearing out- with 3 little boys it’s the best time of the year in our house!! Goodwill here we come!
Emma G. says
Spring Clean me!
I live in a rental and I’ve been dying to pull out the oven and clean the “gunk” that has accumulated along each side of it….oh and and I’d love to clean the wall behind the radiators…
Danielle says
It would be amazing to use these to clean my new house!
frocky says
Spring clean me!!
I have been procrastinating cleaning out my closet and dresser for months… I think now is the time!
Chelsea says
I’m dying to clean my granite, which is not yet installed in my kitchen, because the kitchen cabinets haven’t been delivered yet!
Meg says
SPRING CLEAN ME.. I’m in that nesting stage of pregnancy and eager to clean everything in the house.
jen says
Spring clean me! The outside of our windows. We had construction on our street and lots of dust as a result!
Edward says
I”m dying to clean my pool!
Catie says
I need to clean out the guest closet, aka the dumping ground!
Libby E. says
Spring clean me please!
**We have a new house that seriously needs to have the previous owners “gunk” cleaned off. Also we cloth diaper and could put a serious dent in that awesome laundry detergent pretty quick!!
Jen says
Spring Clean Me!
I’ve started cleaning my office/guest room, but there’s a looong way to go!