***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Just as Holly guessed during last week’s winner post, our latest giveaway is indeed from our friends at Z Gallerie. They’re back after their much loved freebie last May to put a little sparkle in your holiday season. While the big Zee-G has tons of glittery items for your house, your tree and even your dining table, we somehow managed to comb through all the eye candy and pick out a collection of our absolute favorite holiday items. So here’s what this week’s winner will be snagging:
The Z Gallerie holiday prize pack includes: two ribbed Antique Mercury Votive Cups, a silver Antique Mercury Hurricane and a set of four Puccini Hiball glasses. We love them because not only do they provide a touch of holiday glam to a dining or console table, you can even get away with breaking them out during the other 11 months of the year. And if they look familiar it’s because Z Gallerie kindly sent a set our way (and we whipped them out for this Thanksgiving decor post a few weeks back).
So how do you get your hands on this sparkly set of holiday cheer? Here’s the 4-1-1:
- PRIZE: Two ribbed Antique Mercury Votive Cups, a silver Antique Mercury Hurricane and a set of four Puccini Hiball glasses from Z Gallerie
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “Z ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: …tell us if you plan to entertain people at your home this holiday season OR if you prefer to be entertained at someone else’s house. And either way, do you have any tips for being a great host and/or courteous guest?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, December 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: United States only
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Get more info about our freebies on our Giveaway FAQs page. Images courtesy of Z Gallerie.
Rachelle says
I would love to host Christmas, not sure though with a huge family and a small house. We’ll see..
nancy dawson says
Z me!
We plan to have a New Year’s Eve party here at home for couples with young kids (like us) we will have a 70’s theme for food and clothing (think Ice Storm but without the key party; yikes)
angela says
Just bought our first house and definitely plan on entertaining this holiday season! Can’t wait! =)
Ashlee says
Z Me,
Someday I will be the entertainer!! Just not yet.
erin says
Z ME! i love entertaining but unfortunately we’ll be traveling this year. boo.
melanie c says
love z gallerie!
had the ‘rents over for tgiving, but i’m going to their place for xmas. if i had a big apartment and a nice large kitchen where we wouldn’t step on our toes and argue… i’d love to entertain all the time! but preparing food for a ton of people in a tiny amount of space it really, really, hard…
linda@LimeintheCoconut says
Zme…..purty please!
I like to entertain…and be entertained, yes I do!
One of the most important things a good host can do is introduce guests to each other (and know your guests and maybe share something about them that your other guests may appreciate)
erin says
Z Me!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait to entertain and host dinner :)
Jess says
Z ME!!
liz tsang says
z me, please! how beautiful. i will be hosting many this year, which i love :)
i have found i am a better hostess if i pick recipes that only require “fussing” pre-cooking… that way i can do as much work ahead of time. i try to remind myself that it’s a time to enjoy each guest, not get worked-up over hosting details when they arrive.
jessica says
z me! i love to decorate and host!
Karen says
Z ME! I would love to host, but all of my family lives over 2 hours away. It’s easier for me to go there. Someday though…
Tara says
Z ME! I hope to entertain this year for Christmas. It would be our first hosting of Christmas at our house. I love using Tastefully Simple products for the holiday. Super easy. If you never have tried them, look for a sponsor near you and try Beer Bread! Bakes up like you made a loaf of bread all by yourself.
Mai-Brit says
I will be entertaining several times during the holidays. We always have a small fancy cocktail party for friends and then a large informal gathering for friends and their kids. This stuff would be amazing to include in the decor.
summer smith says
Z Me!!!
Sadly, no guests this year… next year!
ronda w says
I always entertain at my house, best tip…try to relax and enjoy!
Cameron says
I love entertaining at my house. I love any excuse to break out the cloth napkins, polish the silver, and generally go all out. But being entertained by others is definitely more relaxing!
Meagan says
My husband and I hosted Thanksgiving and unfortunatly we are both working this Christmas. I always make sure to bring something to the party, usually a great bottle of wine!
Julie says
Z Me!
I always make the Christmas brunch at my house, and my parents and siblings and their spouses come over. I prefer to do it at mine….more work, but less hassle than packing the kids up and going somewhere else. :)
Pollie says
Z ME!!!
This year I will be attending other homes for the holidays. Usually when I visit I like to take a potted plant or flower. This year I will be taking Money Trees to my hosts! They are so cute, live forever, and will bring good luck in this not so happenin’ economy….
Virginia says
Z me!
Last year I hosted Christmas at my house, and with a house full of guests, and only one bathroom, the tub plugged up (on Christmas eve!) and would. not. drain. We got it unplugged the same way you unplugged your tub, but at 2am Christmas morning.
I am REALLY looking forward to going to my sister’s house this year.
One tip for hosts would be to have working plumbing.
kristen says
“Z ME!” I am hosted a cookie making party where we will all be making cookies to send to soldiers overseas..
james says
z me! we will be spending the holidays with my in-laws this year. we love having drinks ready when folks arrive – greet them with some bubbly!
tricia says
Z ME! I plan to have family over. Offering to help with the dishes is always welcomed from a guest.
Traci says
I love to entertain…the key is to enjoy yourself and not take it too seriously. They are YOUR family and friends afterall :)
Erin says
**Z ME!!**
Thanks for another fabulous giveaway opp! I love Z Gallerie! We’ll be hosting some friends & my husband’s mom this Thanksgiving! xoxo
Kendi Weygand says
Z Me!
I really enjoy entertaining anytime of the year but especially during the holidays.
Best tip for hosting, have someone do the dishes!
Best tip for being a guest, do the dishes!!
Pretty simple really
Nicole says
I’ll be entertaining at our house first and then visiting relatives later. Entertaining at our house is the best because there’s no long drive home at the end of the visit!
lucinda says
I always host at least one or two happy hours at my home. Don’t stress about getting together is the most important thing. There are so many easy things you can pick up at the grocery store. I love to use Christmas wine glasses I always pick some up after the holidays on sale. Same with cocktail nampkins.
Sorry for the double post I forgot to ZME.
Asheley says
Not hosting this year, but my tip is to have great wine, and lots of it!
Smitha says
Bethany says
“Z ME!” I would love to host some happy hours with appetizers at my home, but unfortunately we still have to travel to see family. I plan on cleaning as I go at my mom’s house and leaving her a household gift when I leave to thank her for the hosting.
Melissa says
Z ME! I am attending parties this year, not hosting them! I always try to pick up a little hostess gift to express my appreciation!
Becky M says
i’d love to host at my home this year, but we’re in the midst of a full kitchen reno, so maybe next year.
Caroline says
Z Me!
I love having people at my family’s house for the holidays… decorating for Christmas is lots of fun!
shelby says
I prefer to be entertained :)
Amber @ Two Nuts in a Shell says
Z Me (me me)!
We hosted Thanksgiving, so Christmas is on someone else! ;) My best advice to anyone, be they gust or host, is just to grin and bear it. Family always gets under your skin, but when you look back at the holidays no one is going to remember that mom made a fuss over dry turkey, or grandma swiped the butter (like mine did, but by accident LOL). Hopefully what you’ll remember is that at the end of the night everyone was fed, happy, and thankful for another holiday together.
Amy says
I would love to play hostess a little more often, but my friends all moved into the city after college, and I live in the suburbs. So, I try to have little gatherings with my friends nearby as often as I can. :)
Laura says
Z ME! In the past my family has always had family stay with us from out of town for Christmas. To make him feel at home we always asked what their favorite Christmas morning foods were growing up or back home and we made sure to have those ready for them Christmas morning to remind them of home.
Kelly says
Z ME!! I love to entertain, but we had Thanksgiving so Christmas will be everywhere else. It’s fun to be able to relax & enjoy things without worrying about keeping everyone happy.
Christina says
I love to host definately and am going to try to host my boyfriend’s and mine’s close family [our moms and siblings] a couple weeks before Christmas. :) I say good food, good drinks, some fun games [scrabble, clue and scene it!] are always the trick to a party going well :)
Crystal says
Z Me!!!!
I’d love to entertain but my home is too small and too far away. Just me and the hubby this year.
Amanda says
Z ME! I love doing both! We love having people over for football games and the holidays.
renee brown says
Having a party this Friday, as a matter of fact. Think I can get the whole house painted by then? LOL
Jermaine D says
Z ME! I am just now starting my holiday decorating and looking forward to entertaining over the holidays!
Anne says
Z ME! My husband and I will be spending Christmas this year at my newly married daughter and son-in-law’s new home, along with our other daughter, and my son-in-law’s family. Since their marriage this past May, we have become one new, big family that really enjoys each other’s company.
As a good guest, I will be preparing and bringing with me a few dishes to help the host cooks with their large Christmas dinner.
allison says
Z Me!!
i have just recently stumbled upon zgallerie and love their stuff. i, luckily, am not hosting any holiday parties at my house, but am happily going to the in laws for the whole production. it is bliss to come home to a clean house with no dishes to wash or mess to clean.
jenna says
Z me!
No plans of yet to entertain here. I cannot wait to have a home of my own though so I can start entertaining year round!
Rachel says
I prefer to be entertained and enjoy the holiday food!
Laura says
Z Me!I plan on hosting family at my home, as far as tips, dont have any yet because this will be my first time as host!