***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – look below to see who won!***
First, a reminder that you can always get 15% off your WallQuotes.com order with code YHL15. But the three people who are getting $100 credit to go along with that (thanks to random.org) are… Kaycie Christine (whose walls would talk about episodes of shows like American Idol and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills), Michelle (whose walls would say “these people are nuts!”) and Bette (whose walls would complain “too many photos already!!”). Congrats ladies!
WallQuotes.com is hopping on the giveaway train this week and hooking up a trio of winners with $100 worth of vinyl wall quote-y goodness. They’re removable and damage-free, so there’s nothing to fear (even if you rent). There are lots of design to love, from something cheeky for the laundry room to something romantic for your master suite – and even something playful for a kids room (you can design something custom if you’d like as well). Plus they’ve got a bunch of graphic and ornate decals if text ain’t your thang, chicken wang (sorry, had to finish what I started there).
- PRIZE: A $100 credit towards WallQuotes.com
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “QUOTE ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … if your walls could talk, what would they say about you and your household? Would they divulge how secretly boring / existing / hectic your daily life really is? Would they have hilarious stories about you dancing and singing while you clean? Or would they whisper that you strut around in your birthday suit all the time?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, April 27th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from WallQuotes.com.
Cherie says
Quote Me! My walls would be my nanny-cam for my sneaky dog. They would tell me everything she’s been up to while I was out.
Susan says
QUOTE ME! My walls would say please get the horrid 80’s wallpaper off of me!
Monica says
QUOTE ME! My walls would say I talk to my pets too much.
Bert says
I think my walls would say Turn down the TV!
Thanks for the contest guys!
marie t says
My walls would probably ask for a vacation from my three year old son! :-)
jennifer says
If my walls could talk, they would share a really great margarita recipe!
Grace says
Quote Me!
Cindy says
QUOTE ME! My walls would say “put down some new flooring in the kitchen already!”
Kim says
If my walls could talk, you would have to clear a few days from your schedule to hear all the stories. My kitchen walls alone had NINE layers of wallpaper on them! I think those same walls would tell my family to hurry up and put on the base trim!
pattilouwho says
I think my walls would say “stop staring at me!” hahaha!
Jessi says
My walls say that I’m obsessed with my daughter (and also a little bit with my camera)! We have pictures of her everywhere! We’re moving to a new house in a month and a half and I can’t wait to decal my walls!
Nikki G says
My walls would say “paint me!”
Laura K says
Quote me, pretty please! It’s seriously on our family to-do list to decide our family “Mantra” and put it up in the living room.
Our walls would speak of lots of love and teamwork.
Ashley says
Our walls would say that we’re boring and need to have people over more often…
Marianne says
Want to do a “TO DO” wall. This would be perfect.
Marisa says
Quote me! :)
Chandy says
Quote Me! My walls would say we are boring and sit around to much and that they need new paint :)
Marilyn says
QUOTE ME. If my walls could talk they would say, this place is so dreary!
Color me pretty!
jessica W. says
That it is slowly looking and turning into a home rather than a college looking pad
process says
If my walls could talk, they’d laugh!
neglegb says
they hear a lot of screams and giggles!
Lindsay says
Quote Me!
My walls would probably tell everyone how you can barely see the floor on a regular basis! (Due to my 2-year-old, not me!)
Jackie says
Quote me
Katharine says
Quote Me! My walls would comment on the mess, for sure.
Susan L. says
Quote Me! My walls would say nothing. They’re walls. ;o)
abi says
Elizabeth says
My walls would say, “These people are a little kooky, but they sure do love each other…”
Chrissy says
My walls would say decorate me! We are moving into a new place next month! Fresh walls, fresh decor start!
emily says
quote me!
my walls would scream the same frustration i do… wishing they weren’t part of this terrible rental house i live in right now!
Beylah says
QUOTE ME! My walls might divulge that my guy and I are super big dorks. From 80’s/90’s dance sessions in the kitchen while cooking, or *occasionally* talking to our cats when nobody else is around, or the constant groan-worthy (though in my opinion amazing) cheesy puns, I’m pretty sure my walls would be ashamed to be seen with me in public.
Julie K says
Quote me :)
They’d probably say “come visit me more”…I’m not home much.
Jen says
QUOTE ME! My poor walls would probably say “when are those kids going to college?!” Our 5 year old and 14 month old makes messes everywhere they go including the walls.
Maya says
I always find things like this EXTREMELY cheesey, but I guess that’s just my personal opinion.
Jackie says
Quote Me!
My walls would say we treat our cat like our child!!
Dawn Martinello says
Quote me!
My walls would tell you the fabulous story of a 4 year old boy that streaks anytime he can!
Misty says
My walls would tell you they just saw my 2 year old daughter sneeze in my husbands cup, then give it back to him.
Mary Anne says
QUOTE ME. What happens in these rooms stays in these rooms.
Lindsey D says
My walls would welcome you with a big hug.
Nicole says
If my walls could talk, they’d dish about the fact that my husband and I spend our free time dancing around the house and singing to our pets (inserting their names into the latest hits, of course).
Wendy M. says
Oh man… I thought my boyfriend and I were the only people who did that! Glad to know we aren’t TOO insane… :P
Tyler says
Amy says
My walls would tell what the cats did while I was away!
Wendy M. says
One could only hope for such a thing, I think.
Sarah says
Quote me! My walls would say PAINT ME
Brenda says
Quote me! My walls would say “turn the tv off and shut the computer!”
Romney says
If my walls could talk they would say how boring they are LOL. Just plain white walls begging for some pizazz!
Meagan says
My walls would probably say “PAINT ME, in any color other than tan!!”
Miranda Hanna says
Quote Me!!
I prefer that my walls stay quiet! ;)
Amber says
QUOTE ME! My walls would probably say, “Decorate me,” and “Why aren’t you more cheery and awake in the mornings?”
Aron says
If my walls could take, they could tell me of all the history my 1920 built house holds… oh how I would love it if my walls could talk!
Eugenia says
Quote me!!!!!!!!
My walls would say stop thinking and star doing!!!!!
Ps: sorry about my english….I’m still learning ; )
Nick says
Quote Me!!!
Our walls would say enough already, put a nail in me I’m done!