***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Sherry and I can’t stop talking about how good the toasts were at my cousin Casey’s wedding in Dallas (Wedding Crashing pics to come…). There were five in total (two groomsmen, two bridesmaids and my other cousin, the bride’s teenage brother) and each was remarkably funny, articulate and touching. Most weddings are lucky enough to have one of those, let alone a handful. So in that spirit, we think this week’s prize from Mikasa Crystal & Dinnerware is quite fitting.
Mikasa’s been dishing out classic and stylish servingware for over 60 years (perhaps they were even on your wedding registry?) so we were stoked when they contacted us to offer up some free goodies for you our lovey readers. This week we’re serving up prizes to three lucky winners from Mikasa’s new Cheers Too line of glassware. Each set of four crystal drinking glasses features simple, modern designs that just make you wanna throw a dinner party. With lots of “beverages” on hand, of course.
- PRIZE: Your choice of the Cheers Too White Wine, Double Old Fashioned, or Highball Set of Four by Mikasa
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’ll DRINK TO THAT” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: Tell us about a memorable toast you’ve heard (or given!) and what made it great. We could all use a few good toastmaster tips, right?
- CONTEST CLOSES: Wednesday, August 26th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: United States only this time.
- THE USUAL: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Get more info on our freebies at our Giveaway FAQs page. Images courtesy of Mikasa Crystal & Dinnerware.
Krista says
And the best toast was at my girlfriend’s wedding, given by her Maid of Honor. Best line: She turned to the groom and said “And I may be M’s oldest friend, but now you’re her best friend.” *insert bawling here*
michelle says
I’ll drink to that!
Marissa Marsh says
“I’ll Drink to That”, I was my sisters maid of honor and gave too long of a speech, lol, wont even watch the wedding video because I am embarassed!
Sydney says
Most fabulous toast was at the wedding of my best friend of 12 years. Obviously there were too many memories to recount, but some of them included rolling around in a cardbaord box in her back yard, eating whole cartons of icecream and justifying it by it being fat free sugar free, and countless years of heartache and sorrow, in love and out of love, and her finding her newest best friend, her husband. I wished them just as much fun as we had had over the past 12 years and for many more years to come!
Bri B says
I’ll drink to that!!!
My most memorable toast was the one that my sisters gave at my wedding. It was the best day, and their words brought me to tears!
Chelsea says
I’ll DRINK TO THAT… but I have no toasting tips other than keeping it short and sweet keeps everyone’s attention.
Melissa F says
“I’ll drink to that!” The best speech that I can remember is the one my dad gave at my wedding. The best ones are the most heartfelt and simple…..and his was!
Jen B says
madelaine kingsbury says
Kathy says
My best friend and college roommate for four years got married a few weeks ago. I was blessed to be her maid of honor. I had the hardest time trying to come up with the right words for my speech, but one day it hit me with what I had to say. I realized that she was not only marrying her soulmate but her new best friend and it was during my speech that I passed my title of BFF to her new husband. I told him I trusted him to take care of her, and that I would always be there to support the two of them. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but it’s one of life’s chapters. :) (And yes, we all cried…)
Kristin Cronk says
Rebecca says
I’ll drink to that! I like the Highball glasses best! I gave a speech at my best friend’s wedding and unexpectedly started crying. She really thought that was touching. (But I didn’t!)
Audra says
“I’ll DRINK TO THAT!” Unfortunately, I don’t think I have a memorable speech to share. Hopefully someday at my own wedding there will be one!
kelly says
I’ll Drink to That!
linny says
I’m still pretty proud of the speech I gave at my sister’s wedding. I managed to incorporate their competitive love of Super Mario Kart and still jerk some tears — the perfect encapsulation of their fun love!
maria d says
i’ll drink to that!
i’d love the double old-fashioned glasses. they match another mikasa set we have of champagne glasses! thanks so much!
Joelle says
I’ll Drink to that!
Brent says
I’ll Drink to That!!!
danielle K says
Courtney says
I love wedding speeches when someone tells funny stories about the past they’ve had together – of course only when they are appropriate to be told in front of family and friends!
jessica says
I’ll Drink to that!!!!
My sister was my maid of honor at my wedding and she gave an amazing speech that brought us both to tears!
Jen Z. says
Chad G says
I’ll drink to that…had to have a drink or two before giving the best man speech at my buddy’s wedding!
Kristie says
I’ll drink to that!
Shawna says
I’ll Drink to that!!
The speech my father-in-law gave at our wedding was pretty memorable. He described seeing a change in my husband and knew, even before my husband probably realized himself, that there was something pretty amazing happening between us.
Connie says
having to give the toast at my sister’s wedding was an amazing and unforgettable experience!
Meredith says
Best toast was by my brother at my wedding. simple, short and sweet are the best.
Catherine S. says
Definitely my sister’s speech at our wedding, so touching and funny, everyone had tears in their eyes.
Carolyn says
“I’ll Drink to that!”
Robyn says
I’ll drink to that….
At a wedding I heard this once…I wasn’t smart enough to say this…it was someone else…
After a few lines about the bride and groom, the maid-of-honor ended with…
“Marriage is like a roller-coaster….remember to scream thru the peaks, hold hands in the dips, and laugh thru the loop-de-loops.”
I thought that was cute :)
Miranda says
I’ll drink to that! Or with that!
Best toast I’ve ever heard was given impromptu by a kindly old gent I work with to commemorate another co-workers 60th birthday. With his shoddy beard, worn jeans and old-blue Hanes worker T-shirt (cigs in the front pocket), I never expected such flowing elegance in the form of a 5 stanza poem that took Dick (the birthday boy) from his early years straight on through to 60! Right off the top of his head, no lines, unpracticed. It had our whole office shocked and cheering when it was over.
Jamie says
I’ll Drink to that… HELL YEAH!
I should say the best toast I heard was at my wedding from my father and the best man! But what might be the BEST toasts are the little ones between friends. So the most memorable toast in my life has been all the late night toast when in college when you are with friends and really growing up! Those were the best because you were still so young and innocent but on verge of adulthood (plus you might have been a little underaged!) Those memories make adulthood seem more fun as we trade in searching bar web sites to looking at blogs about home improvement :)
Sarah says
I’ll drink to that!
I loved my brother’s toast at our rehearsal dinner. It was completely off the cuff and cracks me up!
KIM says
Rhea says
I’LL DRINK TO THAT! Really enjoy your blog…
Kimberly says
I wasn’t able to attend the wedding, but I did get to read the speech my husband gave as best man at his best friend’s wedding, and it was amazing; classy, funny, real. There’s something about macho men genuinely wishing each other well that stirs the heart.
Julie B says
Oh my goodness, I’m such a sucker for a good toast! Two of my friends and I did a fun little poem for a friend’s wedding last year. We all had different parts, and the whole thing rhymed. So cute and fun!
I’ll drink to that!
Kara Dame says
I was recently at a wedding where the best man was the bride’s brother and he mentioned how lame all her old boyfriends were! He was slightly in-appropriate, but hilarious!
Christin says
One of the best toasts I ever heard was at a friend’s wedding. The bestman is a friend who is never sentimental or emotional and always sarcastic and negative. Well, his toast was so touching, he himself cried (a HUGE shock to anyone who knows him) and of course made all of us attending cry. It was well done, and so nice to see that he doesn’t have to be sarcastic and negative ALL the time
megan says
I’ll drink to that! Some of my favorite toasts have been words the newly weds said to each other and their friends/family who traveled so far to be with them.
Jessie says
I’ll drink to that
Alyssa says
Rachel says
Love all the glasses… It would be a hard choice! The best toasts to me are cute, catchy and quick!
Amanda says
I’ll Drink to That!
Just recently discovered your blog and love it! So many great ideas. My husband and I got married last year…as did both of his brothers and his wives. They all swapped best man speeches and they were great. I think when you can infuse a little inside joke in the mix, it makes the toast meaningful…yet not too embarassing.
doahleigh says
This past weekend two of my sisters and I gave a toast to our sister and her husband. It was short, but we told a story we thought encapsulated our sister perfectly, said a few sweet words and cheers!
I’m giving a solo toast in October and I’m nervous. Need tips!
Kerry says
My littlest sister gave a fantastic toast at our wedding about how I’ve taught her to swim, ride a bike, sneak Skittles in church, and now I’ve taught her to love. It was really cute!
Stephanie says
I’ll drink to that!!
Denise L says
“I’ll drink to that!” The best toast I have ever heard was one that my husband gave at his brothers wedding. I kept asking him if he had thought about what he was going to say and he said nah. Well the day off their wedding he spoke from the heart and it was one of the sweetest things I have ever heard.
Anne with an E says
I’ll drink to that!
Debby says
Bonus Question:
My twin sister was my maid of honor and her toast was really funny. I don’t remember all of it, but she mentioned how well she knows me and said “I mean we were in the womb together…can I say that?!” It was probably once of those “had to be there” moments, but we all got a good laugh and still talk about it. I think she was just so nervous and as soon as she used the word “womb” she felt like she’d said something she shouldn’t have in mixed company. Silly! =)