***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Sherry and I can’t stop talking about how good the toasts were at my cousin Casey’s wedding in Dallas (Wedding Crashing pics to come…). There were five in total (two groomsmen, two bridesmaids and my other cousin, the bride’s teenage brother) and each was remarkably funny, articulate and touching. Most weddings are lucky enough to have one of those, let alone a handful. So in that spirit, we think this week’s prize from Mikasa Crystal & Dinnerware is quite fitting.
Mikasa’s been dishing out classic and stylish servingware for over 60 years (perhaps they were even on your wedding registry?) so we were stoked when they contacted us to offer up some free goodies for you our lovey readers. This week we’re serving up prizes to three lucky winners from Mikasa’s new Cheers Too line of glassware. Each set of four crystal drinking glasses features simple, modern designs that just make you wanna throw a dinner party. With lots of “beverages” on hand, of course.
- PRIZE: Your choice of the Cheers Too White Wine, Double Old Fashioned, or Highball Set of Four by Mikasa
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’ll DRINK TO THAT” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: Tell us about a memorable toast you’ve heard (or given!) and what made it great. We could all use a few good toastmaster tips, right?
- CONTEST CLOSES: Wednesday, August 26th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: United States only this time.
- THE USUAL: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Get more info on our freebies at our Giveaway FAQs page. Images courtesy of Mikasa Crystal & Dinnerware.
Stefanie says
I’ll Drink To That!
Just this last weekend, I heard two of the best toasts I’ve ever heard at a wedding. The bride and groom eloped to Vegas and then had a formal reception when they got home. The maid of honor and best man wrote really great toasts that made us laugh and cry. They were kind to the bride and groom but also teased them enough to make it interesting. Such good stuff!
I love, love, love the highball variety of these glasses. I don’t drink the stuff that’s actually supposed to go in a highball glass (couldn’t even tell you what the proper filler would be!), but can’t you imagine how lovely my Mountain Dew will look in them? I can. And it’s amazing. :)
Lauren says
I wish I had a memorable toast to share but I can’t think of one right now! Maybe these glasses will help inspire me!
Laura A. says
My advise to the toast master is practice, practice, practice!
mel says
I’ll Drink to That!
Jennifer says
I’ll Drink to That!
I LOVED the toasts that my sister and my husbands brother gave at our wedding. They were so sweet and totally from the heart!
Jennifer says
I was at a wedding and saw a charming and funny toast by the Best Man. It was written in rhyme and was really sweet. I copied the idea when I was Maid of Honor in a wedding this past Spring.
Erin P says
I had been waiting 15 years to toast my best friend at her wedding. I actually used the phrases “the groom looks like a Backstreet Boy”, and “cats are Jenny’s passion”. People laughed. I thought it was a success!
Jacquelin Hicks says
I’ll Drink to That!
I gave the toast at my best friends wedding… the toast wasn’t so memorable, what happened after the toast was. Her wedding was on the rooftop of an art museum [amazing] and you had to take the elevator down to use the restroom. Immediately after the toast I took the elevator and GOT STUCK! The elevator broke. I screamed for help and finally someone heard me. I was in it for about 45 minutes and had to be rescued by the fire department… I finished off the toast with a bang! :)
dawn says
I’ll drink to that! Don’t remember the toast at my wedding, must have been enjoying the champagne a bit much!
Taryn W. says
I’ll Drink TO THAT! MY favorite toast was when my Dad toasted us at our wedding – so sweet!
Jen says
My dad gave a toast at my wedding that made nearly the entire room cry (both from the humor and all the love). I can’t give any specific tips for giving a toast, but I can say he kept it real, he didn’t try to hard, he was honest and said what was on his heart. :) I’m sure people will find those tips vvvvery helpful!
Susie says
I’ll drink to that!
I went to a wedding last summer and the best man worked in the title of a children’s book and then gave the bride and groom the actual book (as a gift from the best man’s children). It was sweet.
Cassie says
I’ll drink to that! The best man at our wedding gave a great toast…sweet and funny with a few stories about my husband that even I did not know. My tip? If you’re going the funny route, don’t use a lot of inside jokes because people in the loop won’t get it.
Karen K says
I’ll drink to that
Maycie says
I’ll drink to that!
Nell says
I’ll drink to that!!
My brother-in-law toasted my husband and I at our reception. It was beautiful, sweet and so loving and made me realize and be so proud that I not only married the man, I married his family too.
Tiff A. says
My wedding party gave a great toast! they each told a story of how they knew we were made for each other. My best friend couldnt stop crying, it was so sweet!
Kea says
I’ll drink to that!! cheers
caitlin says
My favorite toast was one that my boyfriend gave when he was best man at his brother’s wedding. It started off broad and extremely philispohical, which was kind of a joke. But at the end everyone understood what he was talking about. (he’s deep into a psych phd…)
Susie says
Dana G. says
I’ll drink to that!!
Charity says
I’ll drink to that! The most memorable toast recently was the one my now fiance and I gave each other when we got engaged on August 8. He surprised me with two bunches of Sunflowers and Queen Anne’s Lace that he picked for me, got down on one knee, and asked me to marry him. We then toasted each other and our life together with a few glasses of Virginian Rose! Our toasts were from the heart which made it the best!
Nicole says
I’LL DRINK TO THAT! My friends love to toast – we are always toatsing to each other’s successes, joys, good news – it’s a fun (and personal) way to start a night together.
Hale Winchester says
I’ll drink to that!
Joanne says
Anna says
I’ll drink to that!!!
Be honest and candid and always speak from the heart!!
Maureen says
The best toast I ever heard was at my good friend’s brother’s wedding. The couple, now in their late 20’s, had been dating since junior high. My friend was the best man and hit the JACKPOT while looking for inspiration for his toast: he found a “TOP 10 REASONS WHY I LOVE YOU” list which the bride had written for the groom when she was 14! It was hysterical, touching and right on the money.
Ashley Boyd says
I’ll drink to that!
Chloe says
- Sarah :-) says
I’ll Drink to That!
the best toast I ever heard was at a wedding where a good friend was marrying another good friend – and they had quite the wedding party, but each person gave a toast. The best was the youngest – he was about 17, I guess, and told us all about how the Groom had been the Big brother that ne needed and kept him out of trouble and made him feel like he was a real person that meant something, unlike how everyone else treated him growing up. We were all crying RIVERS by the end! It was amazing.
…and also the fact the my big sister quoted Shel Silverstein at my wedding was pretty awesome. ;-)
Susan says
I’ll drink to that!
The best toasts I’ve heard have all had two things in common: they made the most out of the fewest words. Short and (very) sweet is best, I think. :)
Vicki K says
I’ll Drink To That!
The toast from my husband’s best man at our wedding was unexpected as he is a very witty and eloquent speaker. The problem – he got completely tongue tied and stumbled over something about the two of them being in the army. Over all our wedding was all we wanted it to be but we still laugh about that crazy toast.
Kelli N says
I’ll drink to that! My most memorable toast was my father’s toast at my brother’s wedding. My dad is a quiet man of few words and few emotions so it meant so much that he toasted the bride and groom in front of everyone. It was a heartfelt yet funny toast – it was awesome!
schmei says
I’ll drink to that!
At our wedding, my sister read a poignant poem that got everyone choked up… and my brother-in-law told a story about my husband learning to ride his bike that involved forehead impact with a mailbox! Laughter and tears – the perfect combo.
Megan J says
“I’ll Drink to that!”
My most memorable toast was at my wedding in June. My sister toasted us and told the story of when I toasted her and her husband at thier wedding. I had prepared a Top-10 list of why my sister and her husband were perfect for each other, but I didn’t write it down. So, the top-10 turned into a top 6-ish and weren’t in order. She was kind enough to remember that and re-hash it at my own wedding to hilarious effect. Thus, my advice is to always write down some notes about what you want to say so that nerves don’t take over and cause you to forget!
Sara Jane Roupe says
I’ll Drink To That!!
I don’t think I’ve ever been to a wedding where anybody toasted. I do recall a rehearsal dinner where the bride’s family walked out before the dinner started but her sweet boss stepped in and made a beautiful fatherly toast that I’m sure meant a lot to her.
sally says
I’ll drink to that! I love touching, funny stories in toasts.
Megan says
I’ll drink to that! The best toasts all follow the same format – (1) funny story about bride/groom (whomever you know); (2) When you first met their soon to be “better half”; (3) What you wish for them in the future :) Stick to that, and you’re set!
Carrie says
I’ll drink to that . . . hopefully in one of those high baller glasses!
I’ve had the honor/embarrassment of speaking at both of my sister’s weddings. My advice, keep it short, honest, and light hearted. And try not to cry through the entire thing, like I did.
CaitStClair says
I’ll drink to that!
But unfortunately, I don’t have any toasting advice.
Shelley says
I’ll drink to that!
The best toast I’ve given was at my best friend’s rehearsal dinner a few weeks ago. I think I combined sentimentality and humor well and told a little-known story about the groom’s penchant for baking chocolate chip cookies. The best part about it was that I wrote it in 15 minutes while at the rehearsal dinner and my lovely boyfriend helped me jazz it up with a few good one liners.
JenniB says
I’ll Drink to That!
I think the best toasts are short & sweet. The shortest one I ever witnessed was by my friend’s spunky Grandma. The MC announced to the crowd that her dear 80+ year old Grandma would like to say a few words about s-e-x. There was a lot of eyes dashing around the room when she hoisted herself up, raised a glass and stated, “It gives me great pleasure”…. and then sat back down. I’ve never heard a bigger laugh at a wedding before :)
Kelly says
The best toast I’ve ever heard was at a friend’s wedding. She was from Wisconsin, he was from Vietnam. Father of the bride beamed from ear to ear as he doted on the new couple. Then, he recounted that while he was in Vietnam serving in the war, he had no idea that his future son-in-law was being born in a village just down the road, only to grow up, move to America, put himself through college, meet his daughter and sweep her off her feet. His words were so touching and as he teared up, so did everyone else. There was so much love in that room, wow.
Joy George says
I can’t think of a specific toast, but I think the best ones are when people share specific stories about the couple and/or Bride/Groom. Rather than just blessings or wishes. A story goes so much farther and helps everyone “know” the couple a little better.
Alicia says
I’ll Drink to That!!
Still remember both of my wedding toasts (one from my maid of honor/BBF from college and my husband’s best man) both were filled with the perfect mix of humor and sentiment!!
Kyley says
my father and brother-in-law gave some great toasts at my wedding last year. Both were quite unique and funny. Being the animal lover that I am, I had my beloved pony attend as the “flower pony”. Thats right, my pony walked down the isle and tossed flowers out of a basket. Quite amazing. Anyway so the theme of the toasts seemed to be “when are the rest of the circus animals going to show up”? Even though they were cracks at my UNIQUE wedding guest – they still had me laughing – and my guests.
Renee says
I once gave a ‘maid of honor’ speech at my dear sister’s wedding, I was nervous as all get out, but I got compliments galore when I was finished! :)
It wasn’t hard to beat the best man’s speech though… “ahh…umm…ahh….ahhh…..umm….love you guys!”
Carrie says
Phoebe S says
renee brown says
I’ll drink to that!