***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
Thanks to random.org, our four winners are…Kathryn (who wants to know how long this paint will keep, since she’s in an apartment now), Kristen: Turning A House Into A Home (who wonders if it’s better to dust or vacuum first), Alisa Decatur (who’d like to get to the bottom of her daughter’s summer-time procrastination) and Kassie (who wants to know how much painting she’ll be doing when she buys a house). Congrats ladies!
Toss on some old clothes, because four of you are about to get painting. This week’s giveaway will cover everything you’ll need, starting with $60 worth of Olympic ONE paint. ONE is Olympic’s new paint + primer in… wait for it… one. It hides stains, resists mildew, and survives scrubbing. And at about $25 per can, you’ll be able to score at least two cans with your prize (and maybe even an extra quart).
But you can’t paint without the proper supplies, so the folks over at StackExchange are also hooking up our four lucky winners with a bunch of stuff that we hand-picked for ya (cause we paint kind of a lot, actually). So we know good rollers, Frog Tape, a drop cloth, and a short handled brush can come in handy. If you still need another boost to get painting, head over to one of StackExchange’s 50+ community-driven Q&A sites. Their DIY channel in particular is always abuzz with topics like “What is low VOC paint?” or “Can you paint a popcorn ceiling?”
- PRIZE: A $60 coupon for Olympic ONE paint and a big ol’ set of painting supplies (courtesy of StackExchange) including a complete 9-piece kit, extra rollers, a canvas drop cloth, an extendable roller frame, three rolls of Frog Tape, and (of course) a short-handled brush for cutting in.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … fill in the blank: what’s one big question you’re dying to know the answer to? Wanna know if there’s life on other planets? Would you love to hear the truth about an infamous conspiracy? Or maybe you’d be satisfied to get the real story behind the latest gossip headlines?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, August 24th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: The 50 United States
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perked for hosting this giveaway, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lowe’s.
Carlee says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS, how my kids have a sixth sense about me trying to make a phone call. I can not hear a peep out of them for what seems like eons…then the minute I sneak off to the other end of the house all h*!? breaks loose!
Jessica Gardino says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS…when am I going to be done with all my little projects in my house?!
SarahT says
Why did the previous owner actually pay someone to paint the interior of our new home horrid shades of pink, yellow, and (here’s the kicker) fluorescent lavender?
Erica says
One thing I want to know is..
How to find the perfect gray paint!
Melissa says
Ditto. A friggin’ mystery!
Maggie says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS…how can I convince someone to come paint my living room for me? for free?
Lindsay says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS…why my cat feels the need to headbutt be every morning at 4:30am?! EVERY MORNING.
Nicole says
How to decorate on a tight budget!
anne marie says
One thing I want to know is…which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Sharon L says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS how do I build a platform that is level so I can build my projects on it? (so my table legs are even, etc. When we moved to VA we gave up an entire barn and lots of other amenities that made building easier. Ideas are welcome!
Billie says
“ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS” … what room will I paint if I win this fabulous contest? :-) Thanks for this chance.
Penny says
One thing I want to know is…
Melissa says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS… am I the crazy one, or is it everyone else’s insanity that makes my sanity the exception? Anyone else wondering the same?
Sabrina G. says
Why the my previous house owners failed to roof the garage when they did the rest of the house roof..its attached!
sarahjane says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS. . . is it possible to make layering wallpaper upon wallpaper upon wallpaper a criminal offense? The small 1/2 bath in our new house has 4 layers of wallpaper, 2 of paint, and none of it’s budging!Ahhhhhh!
jeannette says
…did you know you can paint a laminate countertop? Yep- Rustoleum has a great $20 product!! We did it and it looks great as part of my $600 complete kitchen transformation!!!!
Chris says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS…will the neurologists ever give us a real answer?
Dana says
Why my hubby bought us a fixer-upper and HATES to DIY!
Liz says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS … What’s the best way to get a clean edge when painting?
Tux says
one think I want to know is… If I use wood shavings from untreated aged walnut lumber as mulch- will the juglone in the wood still be present?
Beth says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS … What’s an inexpensive piece of furniture that can spruce up a hallway?
Heidi says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS – will fixing up our foreclosure house ever be done? :-P
Danielle C says
One Thing I Want To Know Is…
Who really killed JFK and what was behind it?
Lea says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS…if I were to win, would I paint my office or bedroom first?
Amanda says
How do i deal with crazy in-law family?????!!!!
Sheila says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS how to sail a boat.
Ashlie says
One thing I want to know is… When do the house renovations end? Will we continue to change things until we move out? Ok, maybe that was two questions.
Holly says
One thing I want to know is… will I ever be able to make a decision?
Caroline W says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS…will the FHA approve my loan? I’ve been waiting all week and I really want this awesome 40s duplex I have my eye on. So much cool renovating I can do…!
Jaime says
how can I print white on black paper at home and not spend a fortune on custom printing…
Kay says
how I can scrape popcorn off my ceilings that are fairly high up without feeling like I’m going to fall off a ladder?
Paola says
How do you guys do it, i have on young one too and can’t even manage to clean the house when soon enough i have to do it again, and then add diy projects? i really admire you guys for your energy, skills and keeping your baby happy. She is so cute and love to see her big smile.
Ann H says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS how do other people balance work and children and the house and the laundry? I’m a mess! ;)
Kimberly says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS…what my kids will be like in 20 years. At 4yrs and 5 months, they are already such individuals. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see!
Meghan says
One Thing I Want To Know IS… Did we really land on the moon?
Gaidig says
Will I ever be able to convince my man to move into the city like I want to?
NancyY says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS….Will time travel ever be possible and if so will you be able to change events?
Ali says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS… when we we see (well, feel!) another East coast earthquake?
Michelle says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS how my toddler ALWAYS, without fail, every single night, manages to wake up within 20 minutes of my own head hitting the pillow (no matter what time I go to bed, even when I tried leaving the living room light/tv on to try and trick her into thinking I was still awake).
Jess says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS….if I am following the correct path or making monsterous disasters on my way to where I’m supposed to be.
Carrie Fisher-Hinkle says
The one thing I want to know is…
Where do broken hearts go?
Rcuad says
what is the best way to remove wallpaper border?
Laura J says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS why the contractor thought it was a great idea to put texture on all the walls in my new house. And the ceiling. Even if I wanted to tape off the ceiling it wouldn’t matter the texture’s so annoying. The texture also makes it impossible to paint without bubbles.
heather says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS…how do i find more time to do more in the day??
Jessica says
How do they reduce the Voc content and still have primer in the paint? (One other thing is- does it have as little smell as mythic paint?)
Jacie says
One thing I want to know is why the folks who built our house cheaped out on the dishwasher?????
Kelly K. says
How do I convince my husband that it’s ok to paint our oak trim to white in our 3-year-old house? We didn’t get to pick the colors when we moved in, and I really want a white trimmed house, but he says we should leave it! Help! :)
Liz says
How many kids should we have?!? Sounds dumb, but I think about it every day. Is two enough? I don’t want more, but will I regret it in say 20-30 years?
oh, and what color should we paint the exterior of our house… that one’s a doozy too :)
Tiffany Morrison says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS….when we will be able to finally be done with this renegotiating our mortgage term business so we can move out already and begin our life back in Texas?? Ugh.
Nicole says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS… Why the last 10% of a project always takes longer than the first 90%?
Mimi Koenig says
ONE THING I WANT TO KNOW IS where did the American Indians get the BEADS they used to make the gorgeous beading on their clothing?