*** This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to see our winners!***
You guys seemed to enjoy our “Pump Up The Volume” freebie with Vol. 25 so much earlier this year, that we took her up on her offer to do another giveaway. And this time she’s the one pumping up the volume… by doubling the prize pot to FOUR $50 gift cards towards anything in her shop. You’ll also find a few new prints along with some oldies-but-goodies (we’ve always loved her unique way of bringing a sweet quote to life). Plus now you can get them printed on 16 x 20 canvas. Oh, and did we mention that anyone in the world is eligible to win?
Here are the giveaway deets:
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards Vol. 25
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “QUOTE ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … share one of your favorite quotes. Perhaps it’s something inspirational or moving? Or maybe it’s just from a movie that makes you crack up every time you hear it.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, November 3rd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Worldwide
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
This giveaway’s FOUR random winners are:
- Clarissa (who’s favorite quote is “This is an ’81 Honda….HOW DARE YOU?!!” from Employee of the Month)
- Leona (“Sometimes I sit and look at life at a different angle.”)
- Anita (“The future will not belong to those who sit on the sidelines. The future will not belong to the cynics. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Paul Wellstone)
- Erin Nusbaum (“Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life.” -Pablo Picasso)
Congrats everyone! And don’t forget to take advantage of the Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal that Vol. 25 is offering on prints (free print of equal or lesser value). Just put the title of your free print (along with requested size) in the message to seller upon checkout. Sorry, sale does not apply to already discounted print sets, or customized prints.
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just take them on to reward our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Vol. 25.
Ashley says
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
-Theodore Roosevelt
rachel says
Quote me!
Jenny says
One of my favorites is one my mother always says – “Be flexible, and you won’t get bent out of shape.”
MegMD says
“I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun.” – Katharine Hepburn
katie says
all you need is love…
Candice says
“Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear.” ~ Jane Weideman
brandt @ New House on the Blog says
“Just follow your heart. That’s what I do. ”
– Napoleon Dynamite
Erin S says
“Sarchasm (n): the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who just doesn’t get it.” (attribution unknown)
Erin says
‘If I could tell the world just one thing it would be, we’re all ok. And not to worry cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these.’ – Jewel
Kathleen says
Quote me!
“I am not young enough to know everything.” (Can’t remember the author-sorry!)
Ashley says
Turn that frown upside down!
Sarah says
“Wherever you are, be all there.” – Jim Elliot
Mandi says
Quote Me!
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” -Albert Einstein
Lauren says
Quote me!!!
“Home sweet home. This is the place to find happiness.
If one doesn’t find it here, one doesn’t find it anywhere.”
Kelsey says
“When I count my blessings, I count you twice.”
-Irish Proverb
Stephanie says
“I’ll be your platform shoes, undo what heredity’s done to you, you won’t have to strain to look into my eyes…”
-Postal Service
Juli D. says
QUOTE ME! “People never really grow up, they just learn how to act in public.”
Jaime says
Every man dies. But not every man truly lives. – William Wallace from Braveheart
Kristin says
QUOTE ME!!! A good friend of my sent me a card with this written in it and I thought it was amazing! “NEVER FROWN, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.”
Teresa says
What will you do with your one wild and precious life?
-Mary Oliver
Erin Nusbaum says
Quote Me!
“Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life.” Pablo Picasso
elizabeth says
“We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.”
Becca says
“What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger!”
Molly says
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Shauna says
QUOTE ME: “Worrying is wasting time.”
Holly says
“We have to rethink this- it’s about a 2 pounder. WOW.”
From The Great Outdoors -Funniest movie ever!
Nicole B. says
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.” (antoine de saint-exupery)
kathie says
Two roads diverged in a wood
and I– I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
Nicole says
Quote me! “I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person.” -Audrey Hepburn
Jen B. says
Quote me!
“You don’t have to be brave, you just have to show up.”
Bethany says
My favorite quote is actually the lyrics to a song that was sung at our wedding! “Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be…”
Lindy says
My favorite quote, by a Holocaust survivor: “They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
Cathy says
“QUOTE ME!” “I see you’re drinking 1%. Is that ’cause you think you’re fat? ‘Cause you’re not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.” – one of the many Napoleon Dynamite quotes that crack me up.
Rachel says
“A faithful friend is a strong defense”
Gretchen says
“Your love is better than ice-cream.” — Sarah McClachlan
julie says
Because right now, this is a job. If I advance any higher, this would be my career. And if this were my career, I’d have to throw myself in front of a train.
-Jim Halpert from the office
Aryn says
Quote Me!
“This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (my favorite).
Jennifer says
This is my favorite quote (of the moment :-)… Just kind of makes me think about what’s important and how the little pleasures can bring so much joy.
“It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
Broolyne says
Quote me!
Leeann says
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” I try to live my life by this quote!
Katherine says
Quote me!!
Eat drink and be merry!! :)
Heather C says
“We dare not trust our wit for making our house pleasant to our friends, so we buy ice cream.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Elizabeth says
I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand & the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep & there are no words for that.
MS says
“the hottest corners of hell are reserved for those, who in a time of moral crisis, preserve their neutrality.” ~Dante
Dana says
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” — Bill Cosby
Jenni says
Quote ME!
“There’s no half-singing in the shower, you’re either a rock star or an opera diva.”
Josh Groban
Mandy Ford says
QUOTE ME! I love her prints. :) One of my favorite quotes: I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou
Laura J says
“You never know all the good a simple smile can do.” (Life is Good brand)
“That’s what she said.” (Michael Scott) ;)
Kim T says
Quote me!
“If you haven’t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me.”
Ellen says
Quote Me!
“You should love everyone. You don’t always have to like them, but you should always love them.”