***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
Random.org had a tough job of sifting through nearly 7,000 jewelry hungry ladies (and gentlemen!) but has selected two random winners as… Lisa S. (who, like many, always wears her wedding ring but never gets sick of it because her husband did a great job) and SJ (who also wears her wedding and engagement rings out everyday). Congrats!
Sherry here. I don’t usually write the giveaway posts, but we’re making an exception since I was the one who twisted John’s arm into this week’s giveaway. Instead of our usual DIY & decor-related prizes, this week we’re giving away some body decor that was DIYed (well, created) by two talented jewelry designers. Yup, we have two hundred dollars worth of sparkly, sparkly jewelry for ya (or for your mom/wife/sis/girlfriend/grandma if you’re a dude).
The bling comes from two designers that I couldn’t love more (nope, I didn’t get any swag to say that – I truly love their stuff). The first is Erin McDermott, a Charlotte-based designer who studied at both my and John’s alma maters (FIT in NYC and UVA here in Virginia) and has been featured in Real Simple. Here are some of my favorites things of hers:
And then there’s Towne & Reese, whose studio we crashed earlier this year. Not only do I love their stuff, but I love that they name their pieces after their friends’ children (Towne and Reese are the founders’ daughters’ names). And get this, Clara will actually have a piece named after her in their Spring collection. Do you know how excited that makes this geeky momma? Probably too excited. You bet I’m staking out their Facebook page for a sneak peek. Anyway here are some of my favorite things from their current collection:
- PRIZE: An $100 gift card to Erin McDermott Jewelry AND an $100 gift card to Towne & Reese
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “OOOH SHINY!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if there’s any item that you wear every single day. If so, is it a wedding ring? A watch? A meaningful piece of jewelry from a relative? An inherited pocket watch from grandpa? An i-Pod? The same pair of lucky underwear? Hope not.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 19 at 8pm EST (or at 10,000 entries)
- NUMBER OF WINNERS: Two (each winner gets both gift cards)
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the whole wide world! (yesss, we love when they’re international)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perked for hosting this giveaway, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Erin McDermott Jewelry and Towne & Reese
Kasey says
I wear a pair of crystal studs that my husband bought for me when we went to Venice, Italy 5 years ago. He proposed to me on that same trip and little did I know I’d be leaving two very shiny pieces of jewelry that I wear every day. One real and one fake, but no one can tell the difference!!
KarenG says
“OOOH SHINY!” My wedding ring…
EHS says
I wear my wedding band and a fourth generation diamond engagement ring!
Aly Wags says
I wear my engagement and wedding ring every day, plus a watch – for everyday I wear a cheapo no-name watch, because I am the girl who breaks watches! I gave up on having nice watches long ago… but I looooove nice earrings and necklaces like on Erin’s and Towne & Reese’s shops! I would be beyond thrilled to win.
Jen H says
OOOH Shiny!
I wear my engagement and wedding rings, the small diamond studs that my dad gave me when I graduated high school (my first diamonds!), and the “something blue” ring I treated myself to before I got married.
Haley C says
These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I have a watch that I wear everyday. I am also a big fan of pearls, and usually wear some form of them almost daily!
Tara F says
Besides my wedding ring I wear a pair of diamond stud earring my best friend gave me for Christmas a few years ago.
CH says
I always carry a rosary in my pocket.
britt@knewlywifed says
I usually wear a pair of earrings and my wedding band every day. I could use some new earrings :)
Katie Thomas says
I wear my wedding rings and a gold sideways cross necklace every day:)
Daniel says
I wear my wedding ring everyday.
Riane says
I have two pieces I wear daily. A pair of diamond earrings I actually received from my now ex-boyfriend. And a diamond necklace that my parents gave me when I graduated high school many, many moons ago. I never leave home without one or both on my person.
Kara says
Ooh, Shiny!
I wear my beautiful wedding ring everyday!!
Karen says
“OOOH SHINY!” I make alot of my own jewelry, so I wear that alot, but my every day staple is my wedding ring!
Kristie says
I wear my Tiffany’s charm bracelet… everyday :)
miriam javid says
OHHH SHINY! love it! I wear a pair of gold screw back earings every day and love them since they cant come off even if my hair gets stuck in them!
Kristin says
OOOH SHINY!! I wear my ‘Mother’ necklace that my husband bought me for my first Mother’s Day. It’s got a tiny diamond in it that is the highest level of cut/color/clarity. My husband said “I could have gotten you one with a bigger diamond, but this one reminded me of Kyleigh (our daughter), tiny but perfect.” Ohmigoodness. I melt!!
marjan says
OHHH SHINY!! i wear my watch every day and cant go without it!
Mrs M says
Engagement ring and wedding ring, except when pregnant — then I wear my grandmother’s wedding ring, as I guess her fingers were a little bigger. Makes me feel closer to her during an emotional/special/stressful time!
Lynne says
I wear my wedding right and a diamond ring my husband bought me some 29 years ago when our daughter was born.
Sarah says
I wear my wedding and engagement rings everyday. They were my husband’s great grandmother’s and are engraved with her wedding date – 98 years ago!
Mary Lyn says
OOOH SHINY! I wear my engagement and wedding rings every day…along with the simple, but pretty silver watch my parents bought me in high school.
Erin says
I wear my wedding and engagement ring everyday as well as a bracelet I had made with my daughter’s name engraved on the front and her birthday date engraved on the inside.
Jo @ Jo In the Kitchen says
I wear my wedding ring and a yogo sapphire ring every single day. I definitely feel unbalanced if I take them off.
Robin says
Oooh Shiny!
I wear my engagement and wedding ring and one of three pair of earrings: diamond drop earrings, diamond studs, or a pair of gold hoops.
Kristin H. says
I really only wear my wedding ring everyday. I have a pair of pearl earrings I wear most days, but usually I change it up. I don’t know how people with tattoos do it. I can’t even commit to a piece of jewelry!
Erin says
OOOH SHINY!!! I wear my engagement ring every day :) meanwhile my engagement ring is patiently waiting for it’s future bffl [best friend for life], wedding ring.
Pedro says
OOOH SHINY! I don’t leave the house without my wedding band or my running shoes.
rachel says
ooooooh shiny!
my wedding ring is about the only thing i wear every day – i like to switch things up!
Lauren Olivia says
Oooh shiny!!
I always wear a small pair of diamond stud earrings; I briefly lost one last year, so now I never take them for granted!
Holly says
I wear my engagement ring every day of course, and I have a new watch that I wear every day, a Fossil with loads of BLING! ooooooh shiny…. sparkly things distract me every time!
Jenni says
OOO shiny!! The only jewelry I wear everyday is my engagement ring (and I suspect my wedding ring when the time comes) and a ring I received for my 16th birthday.
Meri says
I wear my wedding band everyday (the engagement ring ring is in our safe…keeps scratching our little guy when we are playing). And I always have to have a watch, I’m just obsessive like that. :)
Morgane says
I wear a necklace my grandmother had made of my grandfathers wedding ring when he passed away. It makes me feel close to both of them.
Alex says
OOOH SHINY! I wear my watch and my UVA class ring every day…WAHOOWA!
KaraJo says
Every day I wear my engagement ring, wedding band, and new birthday watch :)
Ann Pennington says
Oooh, Shiny! The only item I wear every SINGLE day are my glasses, lol. Some days, life is just too busy to accessorize, when you work 3 jobs and single-handedly raise a 3 year old and a 1 year old. I’m working on getting back to my old stylish pre-single-mom self, so I’d LOVE a chance at these prizes!
Susan Vahlkamp says
OHHH SHINY! I used to wear a ring my grandma handed down to me every day, until some of the stones fell out.
Alexis says
I used to wear my wedding ring all the ring, but then sadly I bent it :( Hoping soon I’ll get a cheapy (but made to look expensive) replacement. Currently I’m lusting over the pen necklace Joan from Mad Men wears, if I had that, I’d probably wear it everyday.
Vilmarie says
OooH Shiny!! For the last 10years I’ve been wearing everyday my wedding ring :-)
Natalie says
The only piece I wear everyday is my wedding ring and band. Other than that I swap out other jewelry to what matches the outfit. I am hoping for a solitaire necklae soon that I can wear everyday!
Rachel says
I have a few silver bracelets I wear everyday, and I just got engaged a month ago so I now have my beautiful ring to wear as well :)
Amy says
OOH SHINY! I don’t have anything I wear everday. Hopefully someday I’ll have a wedding ring to wear :)
Penny says
A watch everyday. And a silver bracelet on the other arm. No matter what.
Shirley says
Oooh Shiny!
I wear my engagement ring and small white gold hoop earrings. I feel naked without them!
Courtney says
Oooh Shiny!
I wear a pair of fake silver hoops almost everyday. They are starting to get quite tarnished so its probably time for an upgrade!
Whitney says
I wear my wedding bands, engagement ring, and an amethyst ring that my husband has gotten me. My husband picked out my engagement ring and weddings bands by himself and they mean so much to me.
Courtney says
I don’t travel away from home without wearing my Faith, Hope & Charity charm…it’s been to Italy, England, France and all over the US with me.
cris says
I have been wearing the same watch for years…
Jessica F. says
I don’t have anything I wear daily, but I do wear this diamond necklace at least 2-3 times a week that’s from my great great grandmother. I love knowing my great grandmother wore it, as did my grandmother, mother, aunt and now me!