***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
Random.org had a tough job of sifting through nearly 7,000 jewelry hungry ladies (and gentlemen!) but has selected two random winners as… Lisa S. (who, like many, always wears her wedding ring but never gets sick of it because her husband did a great job) and SJ (who also wears her wedding and engagement rings out everyday). Congrats!
Sherry here. I don’t usually write the giveaway posts, but we’re making an exception since I was the one who twisted John’s arm into this week’s giveaway. Instead of our usual DIY & decor-related prizes, this week we’re giving away some body decor that was DIYed (well, created) by two talented jewelry designers. Yup, we have two hundred dollars worth of sparkly, sparkly jewelry for ya (or for your mom/wife/sis/girlfriend/grandma if you’re a dude).
The bling comes from two designers that I couldn’t love more (nope, I didn’t get any swag to say that – I truly love their stuff). The first is Erin McDermott, a Charlotte-based designer who studied at both my and John’s alma maters (FIT in NYC and UVA here in Virginia) and has been featured in Real Simple. Here are some of my favorites things of hers:
And then there’s Towne & Reese, whose studio we crashed earlier this year. Not only do I love their stuff, but I love that they name their pieces after their friends’ children (Towne and Reese are the founders’ daughters’ names). And get this, Clara will actually have a piece named after her in their Spring collection. Do you know how excited that makes this geeky momma? Probably too excited. You bet I’m staking out their Facebook page for a sneak peek. Anyway here are some of my favorite things from their current collection:
- PRIZE: An $100 gift card to Erin McDermott Jewelry AND an $100 gift card to Towne & Reese
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “OOOH SHINY!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if there’s any item that you wear every single day. If so, is it a wedding ring? A watch? A meaningful piece of jewelry from a relative? An inherited pocket watch from grandpa? An i-Pod? The same pair of lucky underwear? Hope not.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 19 at 8pm EST (or at 10,000 entries)
- NUMBER OF WINNERS: Two (each winner gets both gift cards)
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the whole wide world! (yesss, we love when they’re international)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perked for hosting this giveaway, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Erin McDermott Jewelry and Towne & Reese
Stacy says
I use to wear a particular ring every single day, but not anymore. I mix it up now.
Meg says
Ohhhh Shiny!
I wear my watch my grandparents got me for my 21st birthday and my engagement ring.
Erin says
Ooooh, shiny! I wear my nose ring everyday. I just love that little thing. Most people don’t know it’s there, but it for some reason makes me feel secretly rebellious…who knows why? I will keep it forever…the Gramma with the nose ring. I love it!
Lauren Reed says
Ooh, Shiny!
I wear two things every day- a ring that my dad bought me on my 18th birthday, and diamond studs that my dad bought my mother when they were married. Reminds me of my parents and where I come from!
Andrea says
OOOH Shiny!
I wear the same two rings every day.
Michelle says
OOOH SHINY! I wear my wedding ring everyday!
Brittany says
I wear two Tiffany & Co rings everyday!
Jenny says
I have a ring I received from my mom as a high school graduation gift that I haven’t taken off in 10 years. It’s so simple and beautiful and goes with everything!
Clara says
i wear my wedding band and diamond stud earrings every day.
Stef says
Ooh shiny! I like to switch my jewelry up everyday, but I got engaged in may and have really enjoyed wearing my new bling everyday:)
Cabogirl says
OOOH SHINY! I switch back and forth between two rings….one is gold and one is silver…each with 3 bands for each of my daughters.
Lauren S says
OOH SHINY…I wear my wedding band and the diamond studs I received as a 21st birthday present.
Riley says
Ooohh shiny!
I was never really a ring girl — until he popped one on my finger and said, marry me? I’ve grown so attached to it, that if I slip it off for just a little while {to clean, shower etc.} I notice how strange it feels without it and I end up feeling better with it on. Strange?
Nikki says
I wear my wedding rings every day, and on the other hand one of two rings given to me by my grandmother. :)
James says
Oooh, shiny! My wedding ring and my gauges… keeps the wife happy :)
Chelsea says
I seldom leave home without my wedding ring. And, after 6 years of marriage I still get excited to put it on everyday.
Diana says
I need to have earrings in everyday. Not a specific pair per say but if I don’t I feel naked. haha
Destiny says
Oooh Shiny!
My wedding ring is my daily staple.
Joanne says
Oooh, Shiny!!!
My diamond and wedding band of course :-)And I still stare at them at least once a day after 4 years!
Christine says
Oooh, shiny!!
MaryS. says
I always wear my wedding and engagement rings (clearly), my college class ring and my watch. Other than that, I try to make sure everything else is different from day to day!
Erin says
I wear my wedding band and engagement ring every day (sparkly!) and big, dangly earrings whenever I remember!
Allison says
The only jewelry I wear every day is my engagement ring and my wedding ring. I like to mix the rest up depending on outfit/how I’m feeling, which would make this a great giveaway to win – more fun accessories to play with!
Lauren says
I wear a necklace from my boyfriend and a ring I made in a jewelry class every day. I love them both… diamonds and sapphires for the necklace and a Russian wedding ring.
Linda says
OOOH SHINY! I wear my engagement ring everyday but rotate everything else, including watch, bracelet, left-hand ring, necklace and earrings. Can you tell I love jewelry? :)
Ashley says
I never take off my diamon earrings that my hubby gave me. I actually take my wedding ring off, but never my earings.
Amy S. says
OOOH Shiny!
I wear my wedding ring every day. Otherwise I love switching out earrings, necklaces and bracelets to match what I am wearing that day.
Ashley says
Aside from my wedding ring, I wear a bracelet that is the symbol of the Virgin Islands on my right wrist. I haven’t been without it since having it gifted for graduation over 10 years ago.
Lauren says
I always wear my wedding ring and every day I wear a piece (though not always the same one) that once belonged to my dear, sweet mother.
Kelly says
I used to wear a gold locket every day, but it was just lost on a recent trip across the country. This contest has perfect timing- I need a replacement!
Margarita says
OOOH SHINY! I wear my wedding band every day.
Bridgett says
Well, I should say that I wear my wedding/engagement ring every day…but to be honest, they come off Friday night when i wash my face after work, and then I end up washing hands or cleaning things so much throughout the weekend I tend to forget to put them back on til Monday morning (I am trying to get better, the hubby gets tired of going out with his ‘mistress’ all the time). I think my nose ring (simple silver stud, barely noticeable) is the only piece that i wear all the time. my necklaces and earrings rotate daily…and i could sorely use some more….
Tiffany says
OOOH Shiny!
I wear my wedding ring every day.
jackie says
Oooh Shiny! I wear my wedding band every single day.
Elle sees says
Ooh shiny!
It’s my birthday today! Woot!
And I wear my fimonds (faux diamond) earrings!
Katie says
OOOH SHINY!!!! I love these pieces— they are beautiful!
I definitely wear my wedding band everyday and I love wearing the first ring my husband ever gave me, it is a chunky stone ring that I wear on my right hand— I make it go with every outfit that I wear!
Jody says
OOOH SHINY! I always wear my wedding/engagement ring combo on the left and the ring my husband gave me for Valentines when I was pregnant with our son.
jacqueline says
Ooh, shiny!
My weakness are earrings, I have a few favourite sellers on Etsy that I order from all too frequently.
Trish says
Wedding ring and diamond stud earrings
Kelly says
Oooh, Shiny
I always have my wedding rings on, even in my sleep :)
Maggie Horn says
Oooh shiny! I wear my wedding ring and a necklace with charms given to my by my husband when we first started dating and my mom a few years back, they make me feel dressed and special :)
Janice Smith says
OOOHH SHINY!!! I wear a diamond ring my parents gave me for high school graduation every single day :)
Mia says
I am totally naked. Well, of shiny things that is..that is why I neeed to win..
Stephanie D. says
Oooh Shiny!!!
I wear my wedding ring every day. I never take it, not even to shower or to sleep!
Plus, I feel pretty naked without my watch too.
Laura says
I wear my wedding band everyday. I also always have to have earrings in, but those vary from day to day.
Mel says
OOOOOH Shiny!!
I always wear some type of earrings every single day…I will never leave the house without them, or walk around the house without them for that matter.
Aimee says
OOOH Shiny!
The only item of jewelry I wear every day is my wedding band. I teach in a not-so-good neighborhood so it is not smart to wear my e-ring, but I can’t resist wearing my wedding ring. I love seeing the reminder of my marriage on my finger every day!
J Schmiett says
I wear my wedding band everyday!
Katelin says
I love wearing chunky rings!
April says
OOOH SHINY!!! Every day, I wear an amethyst birthstone ring that my parents gave me (ironic, since amethyst is the birthstone of February, and I was born in April…weird…that’s me…), and a white gold ring with a white star sapphire in a molded leaves setting that I gave myself for my 21st birthday six LOOOOOONG years ago.