***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
Random.org had a tough job of sifting through nearly 7,000 jewelry hungry ladies (and gentlemen!) but has selected two random winners as… Lisa S. (who, like many, always wears her wedding ring but never gets sick of it because her husband did a great job) and SJ (who also wears her wedding and engagement rings out everyday). Congrats!
Sherry here. I don’t usually write the giveaway posts, but we’re making an exception since I was the one who twisted John’s arm into this week’s giveaway. Instead of our usual DIY & decor-related prizes, this week we’re giving away some body decor that was DIYed (well, created) by two talented jewelry designers. Yup, we have two hundred dollars worth of sparkly, sparkly jewelry for ya (or for your mom/wife/sis/girlfriend/grandma if you’re a dude).
The bling comes from two designers that I couldn’t love more (nope, I didn’t get any swag to say that – I truly love their stuff). The first is Erin McDermott, a Charlotte-based designer who studied at both my and John’s alma maters (FIT in NYC and UVA here in Virginia) and has been featured in Real Simple. Here are some of my favorites things of hers:
And then there’s Towne & Reese, whose studio we crashed earlier this year. Not only do I love their stuff, but I love that they name their pieces after their friends’ children (Towne and Reese are the founders’ daughters’ names). And get this, Clara will actually have a piece named after her in their Spring collection. Do you know how excited that makes this geeky momma? Probably too excited. You bet I’m staking out their Facebook page for a sneak peek. Anyway here are some of my favorite things from their current collection:
- PRIZE: An $100 gift card to Erin McDermott Jewelry AND an $100 gift card to Towne & Reese
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “OOOH SHINY!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if there’s any item that you wear every single day. If so, is it a wedding ring? A watch? A meaningful piece of jewelry from a relative? An inherited pocket watch from grandpa? An i-Pod? The same pair of lucky underwear? Hope not.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 19 at 8pm EST (or at 10,000 entries)
- NUMBER OF WINNERS: Two (each winner gets both gift cards)
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the whole wide world! (yesss, we love when they’re international)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perked for hosting this giveaway, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Erin McDermott Jewelry and Towne & Reese
Amber says
I wear my wedding and engagement ring, a beautiful reminder of love and committment!
Leigh Anne says
OOOH SHINY! I always wear a special ring my parents gave when I was 16.
Jenna says
My wedding ring is the only thing I wear every day.
Sarah says
OOOH SHINY!! I wear my wedding/engagement ring every day! Love it and never take it off!
Marcia says
OOOH SHINY! I’ve worn my engagement and wedding rings for 23 years, EVERY day!
Kristin says
OOOH SHINY!!! I wear my wedding bands 24/7!
Jennifer says
I wear my beautiful engagement and wedding rings every day – the only expensive jewelry I own! But I also wear earrings daily – I’m a bit of an earring junkie :)
Charity says
Ooh, Shiny!
I wear my wedding ring (1 year now!) everyday. Got it on Etsy and I love it!
Janny says
OOOH SHINY! Never leave home without my wedding ring!
Julia says
OOOH SHINY!! I actually have two extra special pieces (besides my wedding ring, cuz that’s a gimme…) that I wear everyday. The first is a small silver locket on a chain with two silver initial tiles (W & J) in honor of my husband and son. The second is a wide silver cuff bracelet that belonged to my mom and is inscribed with her name- Nancy. They are both also my “good luck” charms whenever I fly on an airplane- I wouldn’t feel safe without them!
Jes says
OOOH SHINY! I wear my watch everyday. It’s not very exciting and I would prefer to wear the ring my great grandmother left me every day, but it’s a bit much for every day wear.
Candace says
I wear my engagement ring every day, but other than that things change with the winds!
Ali says
I wear my wedding bling every day as well as my watch. I totally feel naked without them! I switch up which earrings, necklaces and other rings I wear…I’m slightly jewelry obsessed! What can I say, I’m a girl who loves her accessories!
Ashley C. says
OOOH Shiny!!
I love my classic silver Burberry watch my husband bought me 6 years ago. It goes with everything and never makes me late… well almost:0)
Alene says
I wear my wedding band and engagement ring everyday. But I would love some more stuff to add to my collection.
Kristen says
Oooh Shiny!! I wear my wedding band daily!
Jenn says
I wear my wedding ring every day and wear pearl earrings about 350 days of the year. Boring but classic, I hope!
EKR says
I wear my wedding band/engagement ring every day – it’s so beautiful and sparkly (and I’ve only been married a few months), so of course it’s an every day thing!
Maria says
Oooh shiny!
I used to feel naked without my engagement and wedding rings on but they don’t fit at the moment. :(
I’m always on the lookout for jewelry I like just as much and this seems to ft the bill. So pretty!
Bet says
Ooooh Shiny!
I always wear my wedding rings; I couldn’t get them off if I wanted to!
kat says
ooh shiny!!! you got me at SHINY. ok, for every day- my platinum/diamond wedding & engagement rings, and my glasses (which i would walk into walls/furniture without, lol.) what else, well, i used to wear earring every day but got lazy. shiny, sparkly pendants are my thing!
wendy says
I always wear my engagement and wedding ring, as well as a diamond ring my daughters and husband gave me for Christmas a few years ago. Everything else gets changed up daily :)
Jessica says
i wear my wedding band, engagement ring and my grandmothers wedding band every day.
Lindsey says
OOOH SHINY! There are three items that I wear everyday. I wear my wedding and engagement ring on my left ring finger. On my right ring finger I wear a lovers knot ring that my husband purchased for me for our second Christmas together. In some ways it is even more special than my engagement and wedding rings because it represents our history and the length of our relationship. I think of him every time I look at it or twirl it around my finger.
carissa says
I wear my wedding ring every day. And a ring that my husband gave me earlier this year after his grandmother passed away. She had given it to him a few months before, knowing she didn’t have much longer, to give to me. It was her aunt’s original wedding band from 1912. It’s really special to me :)
Karen says
Everyday I wear my wedding ring. I also wear a mother & child pendant.
Robyn in Chicago says
My wedding ring!
Katie says
ohhh shiny!! I used to wear my grandmas wedding ring (her diamond, my mom had it reset when she was 16) that I received when I was 16. But recently the diamond fell out:( I wanted to give it to my daughter one day
Lauren says
OOOHHH Shiny!! I can’t leave home w/o my wedding ring
busylizzy says
Oooh, shiny!
not married yet, but I guess I’d wear my wedding ring every day. For now, it’s just a watch (Thomas Sabo at the moment)
Laura Ender says
I wear a Fossil watch every.single.day. that I bought for myself (wasn’t that nice of me) and I love it!
Sarah says
I wear my Burberry watch every day, plus a ring my boyfriend bought for me 4 years ago.
Meredith @ La Buena Vida says
Oooh Shiny!
I just recently took off a toe ring that I had been wearing since high school–I got it on a trip to Mexico to build houses, and wore it all through high school sports. But after my feet swole so much with Lizzy, it ust didn’t feel right anymore :(
Now, I just wear my wedding rings.
Melissa says
I wear a necklace from my parents after i graduated from college and a watch!
Sarah says
I’ve worn a simple silver ring every day since I was in middle school.
wynonah says
Oooh Shiny
I wear my wedding ring, my watch my husband bought me for christmas a few years ago, a bracelet my husband’s mother gave me, diamond earrings my husband bought me for christmas when we were dating, and a simple sterling silver necklace by Laura Ashley, that says, hope.
Virginia says
I don’t have any specific item that I wear everyday, but a more general item that I tend to not be found without is some type of small earrings.
Abby says
I wear my wedding band and engagement ring every single day. I never take them off (well, except when I was pregnant and my fingers were too swollen for my rings!)
Emili says
I were a pair of stud earings from Anthro. about 4-5 days a week!
Emili says
I wear a pair of stud earings from Anthro. about 4-5 days a week!
Corrin says
The one beautiful item I wear every day without fail is “right hand” ring passed down to me from my Mom. It is a family heirloom the eldest daughter of the family receives.
Kim R. says
Oh Shiny! I always wear my wedding rings – engagement ring from my hubby’s grandmother and my wedding band from my grandmother – a match made in heaven :).
Erin says
The only jewelry I wear everyday are my wedding rings and the diamond earrings my husband bought me for our first Valentine’s day!
Lisa in Seattle says
Wedding ring every day, and this pendant almost every day.
Alison says
I end up wearing the same pair of earrings everyday. So much that my now sister-in-law bought me a new pair because I always had the same ones on!
Lauren Murph says
OOOH SHINY! Wedding and engagement rings ;-)
Amanda says
OOOH SHINY! My vintage wedding ring, discovered in a small Texas town antique shop :)
Rebekah says
“OOOH SHINY!” I always wear my wedding/engagement rings and lately have been wearing a beautiful butterfly necklace my sister gave me when I was in her wedding.
Kelly Adams says
OOOH SHINY! I never leave home without the ring my grandmother gave me for my 16th birthday
Jeanna says
I actually just wear my engagement ring and wedding band everyday. But I am looking for the perfect excuse to wear something else :)