***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
Random.org had a tough job of sifting through nearly 7,000 jewelry hungry ladies (and gentlemen!) but has selected two random winners as… Lisa S. (who, like many, always wears her wedding ring but never gets sick of it because her husband did a great job) and SJ (who also wears her wedding and engagement rings out everyday). Congrats!
Sherry here. I don’t usually write the giveaway posts, but we’re making an exception since I was the one who twisted John’s arm into this week’s giveaway. Instead of our usual DIY & decor-related prizes, this week we’re giving away some body decor that was DIYed (well, created) by two talented jewelry designers. Yup, we have two hundred dollars worth of sparkly, sparkly jewelry for ya (or for your mom/wife/sis/girlfriend/grandma if you’re a dude).
The bling comes from two designers that I couldn’t love more (nope, I didn’t get any swag to say that – I truly love their stuff). The first is Erin McDermott, a Charlotte-based designer who studied at both my and John’s alma maters (FIT in NYC and UVA here in Virginia) and has been featured in Real Simple. Here are some of my favorites things of hers:
And then there’s Towne & Reese, whose studio we crashed earlier this year. Not only do I love their stuff, but I love that they name their pieces after their friends’ children (Towne and Reese are the founders’ daughters’ names). And get this, Clara will actually have a piece named after her in their Spring collection. Do you know how excited that makes this geeky momma? Probably too excited. You bet I’m staking out their Facebook page for a sneak peek. Anyway here are some of my favorite things from their current collection:
- PRIZE: An $100 gift card to Erin McDermott Jewelry AND an $100 gift card to Towne & Reese
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “OOOH SHINY!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if there’s any item that you wear every single day. If so, is it a wedding ring? A watch? A meaningful piece of jewelry from a relative? An inherited pocket watch from grandpa? An i-Pod? The same pair of lucky underwear? Hope not.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 19 at 8pm EST (or at 10,000 entries)
- NUMBER OF WINNERS: Two (each winner gets both gift cards)
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the whole wide world! (yesss, we love when they’re international)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perked for hosting this giveaway, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Erin McDermott Jewelry and Towne & Reese
Roshni says
OOH Shiny!!
I wear my engagement ring and a wedding bangle ( we do not get wedding rings)!!
Megan says
Oooh shiny! My wedding ring, of course.
Sarah says
There is nothing I wear every day. I love to mix up all my jewelry!
Leah - Bogue Living says
OOOH SHINY! I wear my prescription sunglasses every day, inside too, like a rockstar! I drove to Kmart one night with my normal glasses and when I got inside, it was TOO BRIGHT :D
CATHY says
i wear my wedding band everyday and a special portuguese ring that my husband bought me. its called “anel de sete aliancas” and translated it means ring with 7 bands. each band is super thin (the whole ring is maybe 1/4 inch high) and each band is designed with different engravings. they’re all joined by a seperate piece. its suposed to symbolize that the person loves you everyday of the week (therefore 7 different bands)
Christine says
“OOOH SHINY!” Wedding ring and a bracelet made from silverware with a wave print and a few charms dangling!
indigorchid says
My (almost, almost) always present items are my glasses- I have contacts, but I’m too lazy to spend time doing that every day! I’ve had new lenses fitted in my mom’s old glasses – carrying a bit of history with me every day!
H. says
The two items I wear everyday are my engagement ring (from my beloved, late grandma) and my wedding band. Though, like a kitten, I am attracted to anything shiny. Or ribbony.
Emma says
I don’t have anything that I wear EVERY single day – not even my wedding ring! Wait, stop, does lipgloss count? That I do wear every single day.
Michelle says
I wear two items everyday! One is a diamond ring with a center aqua diamond. This ring was given to me by my boyfriend when we found out we were expecting our first daughter. The second item that I wear everyday is a silver heart-link bracelet from Tiffany’s. My daughters grandma gave to me when I was in the hospital waiting for the arrival of my princess. The bracelet represents that I will always have a piece of my daughters heart with me at all times.
Julia says
“OOOH SHINY!” I wear my wedding ring everyday. And most days (every day I work) I wear the bracelet my students made for me out of soda can tabs.
Michelle Z. says
Nope. I don’t wear any jewelry on a daily basis. Not even my wedding ring. This may sound crazy, but I am so claustrophobic that even wearing a ring for too long makes me feel all hinky. I’ll wear bracelets or a necklace if I’m getting dressed up, but I have to take them off immediately in the car on the way home.
Nutmegs says
I wear my wedding ring and watch everyday. Sometimes I see people where the same necklace every day and think its cute, but I could never do that. Gotta mix and match with the outfits, yo.
TanyaK says
I wear a silver Silpada ring every day. It’s a nice thick plain one. On my other hand I wear a Celtic silver ring on my middle finger.
Thad says
OOOH Shiny!
I wear a wedding ring and a watch … but this is for my wife!
Katie J. says
I wear a David Yurman necklace from the BF and my Aggie ring.
Elizabeth says
I always, always, always wear my wedding ring; I feel naked without it!
Sue says
querencia says
My mother’s engagement ring. My parents divorced unhappily but they were happy while they were engaged and my mom wore it every day for many, many years. She gave it to me when my parents divorced because she said i was the good that came of the marriage. The day she died i put it on and i have worn it since then. Easy to share when it will be lost in 10,000 comments.
Nolwenn says
I always wear my watch and a hair band on the right wrist, and of course my wedding ring.
Bracelet(s), earrings or necklaces depending on my clothes and/or my mood :)
Thanks for this give-away!
Gillian says
OOH SHINY! Although it certainly isn’t original, I wear my wedding band and engagement rings every day. I don’t get to see my husband nearly enough, so it is always nice to have such a beautiful reminder of him no matter were the day takes me.
Kelly L. says
OOOOh Shiny!
Vicky says
Oooh shiny!!
I wear a cuff everyday – I have tattoos on my wrist and it covers them just perfectly for my office. My grandma got the cuff when my dad’s family moved across the country during the 70s. It’s goldish brass/copper and it used to have a heart in the middle made of hundreds of little turq. chips. I’ve worn it so much that the stones have all fallen out.
Alyssa says
OOOH SHINY! I wear a tiny owl necklace every day in memory of my grandpa ‘Hoot’
SarahH says
College signet ring!
Kelly says
OOOH SHINY! The only jewelry I wear EVERY day is my wedding ring!
Not My Mother says
The two things I wear every day is my wedding ring and my engagement ring, because I absolutely LOVE shiny things and they are the shiniest shinies I’ve ever owned :-)
Lauren H. says
Danielle C says
Oooh Shiny!!
My wedding ring and some earrings from my mom.
Andrea says
There isn’t one specific piece I wear everyday but I am always wearing earrings, I just don’t feel dressed without them!
Bryn says
I don’t have something I wear everyday…I wear my wedding ring every work day…but weekends, I am pretty much “naked” of jewelry…doesn’t really go with sweat pants =)
Lindsay says
OOOH SHINY!!!! Can’t leave the house without my wedding ring!…I have forgotten a few times and had to turn around and go home because I just feel so naked without it!
Meg says
I wear a ring I picked up in Ireland in 2002 every day.
chelsey says
Oooooo Shiny!!
I wear my wedding ring as well as a memorial bracelet to remind me that I need to cherish every day and be greatful for what I have!
Sarah says
I wear my wedding rings every single day!
Carol Adams says
Definitely my wedding ring.
Luv u guys. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Allyson says
My daily jewelry “uniform” consists of my wedding bands, my diamond studs, and a simple necklace with very small diamonds. Simple and easy.
Stacy says
I wear my wedding ring every day. Even when I’ve had too much to eat/drink the day/night before, and it feels a little tight, and I’m reminded all day long that I shouldn’t eat/drink so much ever again.
Pam the Goatherd says
I wear a gold braided chain necklace that was my engagement “ring”. My then-to-be husband said that the braided chain is so strong that it is impossible to break and that’s how strong he wanted our love to be. We’ve been married 17 years now and our love grows more every day. I also wear my wedding band along with the emerald and diamond ring he surprised me with on our first anniversary.
Alana says
OOH SHINY! I wear my wedding ring and a pair of earrings every day. Can’t go without the staples!
Mimi H says
Heather says
Wedding ring always.
Fatima says
I wear my glasses everyday :)
Megan says
ooohhh shiny :) I wear my spoon ring everyday and a necklace that used to be a part of my aunt. weird I know….
April says
oooh shiny!!
My wedding ring!!!!!!
Tiffany Pham says
I wear a sterling silver ring that my two best friends gave me when I turned 18. It’s a heart that ties into a knot; and I wear it because it reminds me that my friends are always around even though we go to separate colleges!
Mary says
I always wear a diamond band on my right hand that was a special gift from my boyfriend. We don’t like to call it a promise ring but it’s more like a pre-engagement ring!
Kristen T says
OOOH SHINY! I have to say I am a mix and matched of jewelry so I don’t wear anything the same every day except that good ol wedding ring. I will never take that sucker off.
rose babic says
Ooohh Shiny……my hoop earrings although a lot less shiny these days
Whitney S. says
OOOH Shiny!
I wear a necklace that was given to me on the first Valentine’s Day together with my SO.