***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Danielle says
PAINT MY PET! I have a dorkie (yes… that is the official term for a yorkie/daschund) Mosey who is diva… what better than a self-portrait of her?!
Yamaris says
Paint my pet! My husband’s family dog, Smokey, passed away a couple of years ago and he was a truly loved dog. He loved to be 12 years old and it would be a great gift for my husband to get this portrait of him. Thanks!
stacy says
paint my pet!! please
my shih tzu-chewy is the tiniest sweetest boy. we love how he dances around us when he wants to play
Katharine says
Paint my pet! Hank…He is the best cuddle buddy ever!!
Jessica says
I would love a painting of my lab/golden retriever mix who passed away last year. She was the sweetest, most wonderful dog and I miss her every day!
Danielle says
Paint My Pet(s)! I have two sweet dog babies and would love to capture one or both of them with a painting for our new apartment. We just moved to Albuquerque, NM from Virginia for a PhD program and a painting would make our apartment feel so cozy!
Kate says
PAINT MY PET! We would have our cat Scout painted. She is just a fixture in the family.
Lauren says
PAINT MY PET! We rescued Zeus nearly two years ago. He’s a gorgeous and goofy brindle great dane/rhodesian ridgeback that we love!! He goes to daycare about once a week, and they’ve named him Tiny Pony. Needless to say, he’s big and loved by all :)
Jessica Willis says
It’d be a toss up between my current “nephew” Sebastian, a miniature dachshund, and my sweet Teddy, a full blood pomeranian that passed a few years ago :(
kelly says
PAINT MY PET! My dog is the sweetest, floofiest dog in the world!
Jessica says
PAINT MY PET! I want my dog, Dave painted. He is a pug/shih-tzu mix and what makes him the most-special-best-dog-ever is that his tongue is always hanging at least 2 inches out of his mouth. So cute! Love him more than anything.
megan e. says
PAINT MY PET! No pets at my house due to allergies, but me and my husband are surragote parents to our friend’s cat Steve. He dislikes people but loves to give us nose nuzzles when we visit. He also loves water, so much so that he’s figured out how to turn on faucets (and only once stepping on the plunger and flooding their house…) Such a trouble maker, but still so lovable.
Melissa says
We have a crazy pug who is the absolute best family dog a family could hope for!
Meghan says
Paint my pet! I would love a portrait of my schnoodle! He’s “in the dog house right now”, but generally he is an awesome dog!
Julie Ann says
Everything about Barney, our Lab Mix, is adorable! We rescued Barney from a high kill animal shelter in WV and everyday we wonder who really rescued who. Barney mended our broken hearts after losing our 18 1/2 year old Lhasa Apso, Chewie.
Gena says
PAINT MY PET! My little ball of lovin’ is named Thumper, and her mission in life is to French kiss as many people as possible, as often as possible. She can worm that little tongue into any little crevice she can find. We don’t have to warn people that she might bite them – we have to warn them that she is going to make out with them!
Aleah says
PAINT MY PET! I would have our first pet, Fozzy Bear, painted. He was a shelter pup and he passed away much sooner than we ever expected – now over one year ago – from cancer. He changed everything and gave us a reason to come home each day; he even was excited enough to bark and “talk” as we called it for 5-10 minutes when we came in the door. There has not been a day that we haven’t mentioned his name or thought of him. He was just perfect and made us a family even though it was just my husband and me in the house. It’d be a great way to memorialize him on our gallery wall.
Theresa K says
PAINT MY PET! My “first born daughter” as I refer her to, my pug Mia just turned 7 years old on 9/30/12. Full of energy for an “older” dog (and pug), she’s a kid at heart and loves to carry her baby around (a stuffed pug toy) on our walks outside and around the house. Many turned heads and smiles are always greeting Mia while walking down the street! She’ll clean her mini me when relaxing on the couch as well, just like any great mama would do!
Sandy says
PAINT MY PET! I’d want my dog Mabel painted. And she’s weird because….she thinks she’s a lap dog, even though she weighs 55 lbs. She jumps into my lap when I’m in the recliner. The first time she did it, it came as a big surprise, and big “ooomphhh!” from me. (She’s a rescue, so clearly her former owner created this habit.)
Amanda says
PAINT MY PET… why you ask? because my russian blue loves sporting pink bowties.
Katy says
Our sweet 14 year puppy would be the subject. She’s been the sweetest dog and she’s getting older – lost her hearing – losing her sight. Her mama and daddy love her So much and can’t imagine life without her!!
Lindsey E. says
We have a grey tiger cat and an orange tiger cat. So I would have them both painted together!
Abbie says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love my cocker spaniel Kelton painted. She passed away a year ago an I miss her terribly! She was my first ‘baby’… and had more personality than I’ve ever seen in a dog :)
Allison says
Paint my pet! I would love to have this done for my dad who has a sweet Pit Bull rescue.
Jessica@CapeofDreams says
Paint My Pet! I love, love, LOVE Lesli’s pet portraits and would be thrilled to have one of my beloved dog. Freckles the Freak was my best friend from June 1996 until January 2011, when she passed away. She was a unique dog in every way from her looks to her personality. I still miss her every day.
Kit says
Paint my pet!!
My buddy Aero who’ve I spent three years training and who would definitely survive the zombie apocalypse with me.
Lisa says
PAINT MY PET! Osa is my black lab and cracks me up daily. Right now I am watching her walk around the yard pretending to sniff things, then rolling in the grass. Classic!
cheep3r5 says
PAINT MY PET! If she can do a duo it would be our cats Pippet and Junior, who both passed away in recent years.
Sara says
Paint my pet! My husband and I would absolutely love to have a portrait of our Boxer pup named Daisy! She is the light of our lives, the most affectionate, loving and playful girl you could imagine. We’d love to have a gorgeous painting of her to display in our new home!
Emylee says
PAINT MY PET! We have one furbaby named Ed – he’s a shih tzu!
Liliana says
I am going to chose Argus. He is the most stable, loyal and loving dog (aside for all my other 4 of course) I have eve met. Once when a Mastiff crawled under a chain link fence into our yard and was coming straight at me, Argus “wrestled” him (without barking, without growling, with fur spiking up) until the Mastiff was tired enough to just plop on the floor. After the Mastiff’s owner came to get him, Argus was like, “boy that was fun” and his tail would not stop wagging. Even though the Mastiff was aggressive, Argus did not show a mean bone. He is the perfect dog who loves everyone (loves older people so much that at times he’d jump off the car and start walking with old men!).
I just realized I need to write a post about Argus = ) sorry for the long comment!
Katie says
Our English Bulldog turns 9 this year and I’d love to have a painting of her. She shares one of Burger’s favorite hobbies: sleeping! And she snores very, very loudly.
Devin says
Paint my pet! I’d love my Pug, Lola, immortalized. :D
Katy King says
PAINT MY PET! My goldendoodle, Tinsel, is the best all around dog you could ask for. I just cant narrow it down! (she does chase her tail on command – which is awesomeness)
Tricia says
I would love to have a painting of my 11 year old Beagle named Odey!
He is a wonderful old man whom I rescued at 9 years old and I was told would only live another 6 months. Well two years later he is still going strong and I couldn’t imagaine life without him!
Sharon W. says
PAINT MY PET! Please. Our darling Lucy longs to have her portrait painted. Perhaps in one of her many Halloween costumes – the hot dog, the chicken, the cow or the skunk??? Decisions, decisions, decisions …
Sarah says
PAINT MY PET! My grandmother’s BFF is her little chihuahua, Taco. I just realized the resemblance to Burger! Anyway, I’d get a Taco portrait as a gift.
Sara R says
PAINT MY PET! I have been looking around for a while to get a portrait done of our dog for a while now. She was our first baby before our son came along. Since she doesn’t get as much attention with a baby around the house, I would love to have a picture to tell her we still love her just as much!
Andrea says
paint MY pet!! Our boxer daisy is a 40 pound lap dog…that makes her lovable, right?!?
Linda says
Paint my pet! I have always wanted a painting of my crazy and adorable wire fox terrier, Murphy!
Carli Jo says
Paint my pet!
Monica Cain says
PAINT MY PET!!! Santa surprised everyone with a maltese puppy about three years ago and he has been a part of the family ever since!!
Ali Knaak says
I would get a portrait of our first family dog, Brie. We got her when I was 2 and afraid of dogs. She passed away 14 years later. I credit her for giving me a love of animals. She was a Brittany Spaniel and would spend hours sitting on a rock in the yard pointing at birds in a tree.
Kathy says
I would have Misty Mouse painted. She is a 14 year old cat who survived 21 days this past April trapped in the attic of a house being renovated. When the workers finally found her (oh, no, there’s no cat in here….) she was emaciated but so happy she tried to purr, hoarsely, into my chest as I carried her home tucked in my vest.
Mary says
Two weeks ago, I lost my best feline pal. He was a Devon Rex cat. All white with stinky breath, and an attitude! He was the king of this castle and I would love to have a painting of him!
Ginger says
Paint my pet! My little dachsund Hershey because he puts up with two little boys in the house.
Kristen K says
Paint my pet! My amazing perfect puppy dog Otto. He died earlier this year and I miss him so much!
Rachel says
PAINT MY PET! I’ve never been so excited for a giveaway! I would get my special pupper, Lexie painted. We got her from a rescue a year ago after she was returned to the rescue by someone who said she was too playful! How is that a bad thing!? She is a beautiful girl and we love her very very much, even if she is playful.
erin marie says
paint my pet!
zada, our boxer mix, deserves a place on the mantel too!
Rose C. says
PAINT MY PET! I would love a portrait of our handsome Caucasian Ovcharka, Odin. He has the cutest face. I compare everything to him and can usually find some quality of his in whatever I’m looking at (deer, pig, lemur, wolf, sign on building, etc. My husband thinks I’m crazy).