***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Brianne says
Watson is our new Basset Hound puppy, and I forgot how funny puppies can be! oh and his massive ears are awesome!
Kristen says
Gibson the Wondermutt is the best dog ever! He was found as a puppy in the woods behind our home, flea-covered and malnourished. After taking him to the shelter to see if anyone would claim him, we told them that we would LOVE to adopt him if they couldn’t find his owners. Now, five years later, he is the most LOYAL dog. It’s as if he remembers being abandoned because he seriously gets excited to see us when we come out of the restroom, let alone home from work/school!!!
Kelly says
PAINT MY PET! My little corgi/terrier mix, Gertie (aka “Miss G”, “Gertie McGerterton” and so forth) is a neurotic, anxiety-ridden little rescue dog who is essentially my shadow and loves every opportunity I give her to cuddle up and leave tons of red-tipped fur coating everything I own. And I love her for it.
Lauren@FilingJointly says
I have two dogs and would have a terribly difficult time deciding which to have painted. So if I win Leslie DeVito might be both giving away a painting and being commissioned to do another. (Don’t tell my husband.)
Erin L says
I’d have my dogs, Rolex & Maddie, painted. They are both super sweet & so loyal. They were both rescues and are so happy with their new lives.
Ash says
Paint MY Pet! My little black & white Pomeranian, Teddy Bear, is just the cutest :D I hadn’t been intending to adopt the day I dropped off some supplies at an adopt-a-thon, but he does this standing-on-his-hind-legs-and-begging thing that just could. not. be. resisted. And to be honest, I didn’t try very hard! I’ve mentioned him on here a few times, so I should totally link to a pick of him here someday…
Angela DQ says
Paint my pet! My welsh corgi Ein- he’s such a ham! Despite his stubby little legs he has more personality than a dog 5 times his size.
Rachel says
PAINT MY PET! We have three inside dogs and one who lives on the porch in a doghouse. They’re each special in their own way, but they all fit perfectly into our family!
Mandy Kuehn says
PAINT MY PET! I would have my Mr. Oliver painted. He is a 2 year old tea-cup yorkie that I could not live without. He greets me at the door everyday with kisses, but its the completely opposite for the hubby. He gets barked at (cause he wants to play)!!
Jessica says
Paint my Pet!
We have to have a painting of our silly dog Cosmo! He is super photogenic, so I bet he’d look great in a painting too!
Elizabeth says
My Lazlo would be painted, for sure. He is a white boxer and is just as handsome as can be. He came to the shelter as a humane police case (so sad), but has gotten nice and healthy since we’ve had him. This summer, he passed the Canine Good CItizen test and is getting ready to take the Therapy Dog International test–such a smart boy!
Jessica says
Paint my pet
I would love to have a painting of my dog Aja who passed away. I think a pet comes along once in everyone’s lifetime who is their doggie/kitty version of a soulmate. She was mine.
Kari Sauber says
PAINT MY PET! We have a chi-weenie that is our little girl! We treat her just like we would any human child!
Clare says
Paint my Pet! Because he is the absolute BEST in every way! We adopted him about a year and a half ago and are so fortunate to have such a lovable playful pup.
Kim Schadrack says
PAINT MY PET! I would have our dog, Scooter, a terrier/Schnauzer mix. He’s so in love with his family…a rescue dog appreciates a loving family!
Kate says
We have 2 cats and a dog, but I would choose to have the dog painted. He is a 10 month old English Setter named Gus. He’s being trained for hunting. He’s super energetic….he’s literally run the perimeter of our fence line so much that there is no grass left; it’s just a dirt path now. We’re looking into installing astroturf or some other product to prevent muddy paws from the rain and/or winter! Any ideas?
Nicole says
Jessica S. says
PAINT MY PET! My sweetie and I had to put down our 4 year old English Mastiff, Bowie, exactly one month ago after he became diagnosed with a terminal bone cancer, Osteosarcoma. He was the gentlest 220lb. giant you’d ever seen! We miss him every day and I think this would be a great way to commemorate him (and also surprise my sweetie!).
Carrie says
My 7 year old boxer loves to chase the light beams from flashlights, laser pointers, etc.
Kesley says
This is in my opinion the best giveaway ever! I’d have my sweet Basset Hound Athena painted :)
Larissa says
I would love for Leslie Devito to PAINT MY PET! I have 4 dogs (2 Dachshund + 1 German Sheppard + 1 Retriever)…I would love that she can paint the 4 of them because I love them all, but if this is not possible and I needed to select one, the I would choose my black Dachshund called “Habichuelita”.
All my dogs are kind, playful, friendly and full of love but “Habichuelita” stands out because she is the one that loves to cuddle the most. She loves to be pet in the belly by everybody. She turns around belly up as soon as she sees someone coming, so she can get pet and she will stay like that forever and if you stop petting her she will start barking so you can keep doing it.
Jessica says
PAINT MY PET!! STELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!! (my golden)
Sandy says
PAINT MY PET! We have two mixed breed rescues that joined our family last year, Daisy and Tucker. It seems like they’ve been part of our family forever, and the loving relationship my children have with them is priceless!
Momcat says
Paint MY pet!!
Gotta be my sweet Pepper dog, who is going to be 12 this February. She started out all black but is now a graceful gray-haired lady. Much more personality in her face now!
Cathy D says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have my mastiff, Murphy, painted. He’s just a big, loveable oaf!
Lynn van Slyke says
PAINT MY PET!!! We love the way our Boston Terrier drops his Kong at our feet when he wants peanut butter. He is such a funny Puppy!
Allie says
paint my pet!
i have three dogs, how i pick just one?!?!
Mabel is my first adopted, a beagle/hound mix who is a ginger, just like her mother.
Then came Pepita de Pollo. She’s a street dog from Puerto Rico and has Spanish flair.
And lastly, Miss Eloise. She’s got funny stumpy legs and big bat ears.
They’re all very sweet and super snuggly. They help keep my heating bill down :)
Cori says
PAINT MY PET! My Ginger Rogers, our english mastiff!
She was our best dog, loyal, loveable.
Tif says
PAINT MY PET! Our family dog, Gromit, is getting to be an old boy and as our first pet I would love to have a portrait of him.
Leah says
I have to weird pound puppies who I love. Despite always causing trouble, we love them a ton!
Jennifer says
Paint My Pet!
Oscar my cat was rescued from the bush and has become the most loving, gentlemanly, awesome cat that ever lived. We personally feel he could be a professional cat model too!
Brandi says
PAINT MY PET! I would have our Cairn Terrier painted. Rescued from Second Chance almost 2 years ago. She is full of so much personality and spunk! Her biggest downfall is that she licks A LOT!
Tammy Eblin says
Paint MY pet PRETTY PLEASE! Hopefully this isn’t too morbid but I would have a pic painted ofour Annie who became unexpectedly and inexplicably I’ll a few years ago and passed away waaaayyy before her time. Obviously life goes on but we still miss her and think of her fondly. Of course if that doesn’t qualify I could pick 1 of the 3 crazies we currently have.
Erin says
PAINT MY PET! Our family dog, Camo, is a Bullmastiff. He’s ginormous! He is our family protector, yet he is so gentle with our new born. He is so loyal and the best dog ever!
Allison says
Paint my pet! I have a jack russell terrier who is simply weird. She naps all day curled up in the sun like a cat, refuses to play, and grooms herself by licking. We rescued her about a year ago, and we love her quirks and all.
Ariel says
PAINT MY PET! My dog Samson has ears bigger than the rest of his head! He loves our cat Bailey, who puts up with him occasionally. I’d love a painting of Samson looking like his normal goofy self and Bailey giving him the stink eye!
Justin Chilton says
PAINT MY PET! My wife and I have an amazing 4-year old Black Lab named Windsor. We absolutely love his head-tilting self when he hears some of his favorite words – bathroom, outside, ball and eat!
Carla says
PAINT MY PET! Murphy, my sweet yellow lab, was dumped on my rural road as a puppy in 2004. Little did I know how much he would add to my life! Now a big 105 pound love bug, he is the most devoted dog I have ever had, watching through the windows at me if he is not inside, and when inside, constantly by my side. My husband calls him a “momma’s boy” and I wholeheartedly agree, as Murphy was in my life way before hubby arrived!!
Lynda says
My boyfriend’s beloved cat, Chelsea, died at the ripe old age of 24 in February of this year. She was a beautiful Siamese with an incredible personality. It was the first time in 12 years I ever saw my boyfriend cry. She was a year older than his oldest child!
I would love to memorialize her for him with one of these paintings.
Lindsay Gannon says
Paint my pet! My cat Aurelius, aka Rilly, who is my special little buddy. He sleeps under the covers with me!
Amanda McLaughlin says
I would paint my puppy!! She’s my favorite because she’s always ready for any adventure :)
Laura S says
PAINT MY PET! I would love a painting of my sweetie dog, Max. One cute thing he does, is if I try to call him in from outside and he wants to stay out, Max lowers his head or lays on the ground, as if he can hide that way.
Heather says
I’d love a portrait of my schnauzer, Teddy Bear! He’s a handsome guy that loves to smile when you are scratching his belly. He rolls to his back and just grins so funny when you scratch his big ole belly!
Heather says
I’d love a her to PAINT MY PET – my schnauzer, Teddy Bear! He’s a handsome guy that loves to smile when you are scratching his belly. He rolls to his back and just grins so funny when you scratch his big ole belly!
Louise says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love to have a painting done of my Mom’s dog, Baboo. My Mom just had open heart surgery and she missed her Baboo terribly while she recovered from the surgery. Now back home, she’s happily going for walks on the beach with her favourite pal. Baboo is also the talking dog that is featured almost daily in Tell Me a Story in the car with our five year old Son.
Sara says
PAINT MY PET! My dog Freckles always gets compliments on his walking skills. And he has the cutest curly tail :)
Amy Jane says
My precious chihuahua, Woogie, has so much personality it’s crazy. One of my favorite things she does is scraping her back legs backward like a bull about to charge when she wants your attention!
Nicole says
Paint my Pet! We have a black lab mix that is beautiful in person…she’d look great as a painting, too!
brita says
PAINT MY PET!I have a lot of pets, it’d be hard to choose! i have a pug named Mr. Ruggles who snores louder than a train and always has to be on a lap, I have a four month old lab hound mix puppy named Jackson who loooves chilling out in the hot tub and can sleep anywhere, i have a 7 year old tabby cat named Benny who is terrified of wild turkeys, and i have a 5 month old kitten named Oswald who is best friends with Jackson and loves sneak attacking peoples ankles. I’m a major animal person.
Samantha says
PAINT MY PET!! I’d love to have our dog Henry painted! He is our one eyed German shorthaired pointer that forever changed our lives when he entered our family. :)