***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Jordan says
We have two silly, snorty, stinky, and lovable fawn pugs: Dublin & Gremlin. I’d LOVE to have a portrait of the two of them! Dublin is a rambunctious “pup” (4 years old) and Gremlin is our sweet “old man” rescue (8 or 9); they balance each other out perfectly!
Sydney says
PAINT MY PET! Our Irish wolfhound Charlie is just dying to have his portrait made.
Jade says
Paint my pet!!
Monica says
Paint my pet!
We would get a painting of our beloved dog, Tao. Our current favorite thing is when we sit on the floor to play with our human baby, Tao brings every one of his toys out of the basket to remind us we should also be playing with him!
Amanda S. says
PAINT MY PET! I’d have to go with my Corgi, Dublin… the kittens might be upset, but he’s the most “photogenic” … paint-agenic? :/
Madelaine says
I don’t know if I will be able to pick just on of our fur-babies for a portrait and you don’t have enough space on your whole blog for me to tell all the little personality traits that make them so special and lovable to me.
Aimee says
I’d love to have a painted portrait of my Westie, Winston, who yes, is named after Winston Churchill. Who’s the history nerd? Oh wait that’s me. ;) He’s such a ham and in my (biased) opinion, the cutest Westie there is (even more so than the Cesar dog food commercial one!) :)
Sarah R. says
PAINT MY PET! Our adorable Wee-Chon Daisy Buchanan ;)
Lia Nudelman says
PAINT MY PET, please! I’d want it to be of my sweet Talulah Buttercup (our pound dog- a Catahoula Leopard hound mix).
Brie says
I would get a picture of my black lab. Even though he weighs 60 pounds he thinks he’s a little lap dog and will sit on your lap anytime you’re on the floor with him.
Lauren says
Paint my pet!! Oh man, how would I ever choose between our 3 lovable kitties..? Guess I’ll cross that bridge when you call my name as the winner! :)
Neal says
PAINT MY PET! My black lab, Kelso, is hilarious. He does the funniest things all the time, but is absolutely beside himself when he’s either on a beach or in the snow.
Allie says
PAINT MY PET! I have a handsome mutt named Oberon. He is named after a beer and a Shakespeare character, and his favorite thing to do is hang out at the tropical vacation-themed doggie daycare he goes to once a week called the Canine Cabana. We made up doggie-appropriate words to the song Copacabana that we sing to him on the days he gets to go.
Cheryl W says
PAINT MY PET! I got a lovely pack of 3 aussies and a ancient shelty. I have an awesome watercolor of the pack but it is minus the newest pack member 15 month old Spice. I would love to add a painting of Spice to our dog potraits and photos in the main hall.
quyen says
paint my pet! we adopted our dog chewie last year and he’s been such a joy to have. i was always the one resistant to getting a pet but he came into our lives quite serenditiously and now i can’t imagine life witout him.
Becca T. says
PAINT MY PET! I would want to have Oswald, my 10 month old puppy, painted. He is completely ridiculous and rambunctious and drives me crazy, but I love him and honestly can’t remember what life was like before him (and I don’t want to!) :)
Carrie says
Paint my pet Helo! A super sweet dog who loves popcorn….
Lynn says
PAINT MY PET! My Katie is an adorable Boston Terrier who steals everyone’s heart, she would make a great portrait,
Joanne B. says
PAINT MY PET! PLEASE? I would so love a painting of my wonderful 13 1/2 year old Golden Retiever Buck. He is such a sweet boy and although he is is pretty good health, sadly I know his days are numbered… I would love to have this painting of him to celebrate his wonderful personality and how he is my best boy! Thanks for this chance to win!
Karen says
My pup (or should I say baby) is the sweetest dog ever! Every time I pick him up, he curls up in my arms and lays his head on my shoulder. It melts my heart! We feel blessed each and every day that God chose us to raise our adorable, lovable baby pup.
Kate F. says
PAINT MY PET! My cutie, Scout, is my kitchen helper. He loves to eat the scraps when I cut up fruits and veggies for my lunch in the morning.
Kim says
Paint my pet! It would be such a tough choice between our family’s current chihuahua Buster or our beloved chihuahua Pepper who passed away four years ago. Both were rescues, both were named when we got them, and both stole our hearts completely!
Leslie says
PAINT MY PETS! My golden retrievers, Champ and Lily, would look soooo cute in a painting!
Lana says
Paint my pet!
I’d have to pick my sweet dog, Mollie.
Sally R says
Paint My Pet… Roscoe, who passed away three years ago last month, but who will always be my favorite.
Samantha says
Paint my pet! I would love to have a portrait of my cat Stella, she’s very photogenic and expressive.
Laura says
We lost our 7 year old boxer in May to cancer. He was the most kindest, gentlest, sweetest, well behaved dog EVER! we miss him dearly!
Amy says
Paint my pet! I just adopted a dog from the Humane Society, and I think he’d be a great subject!
jill robbins says
Paint My Pet! My dog Maxx is the best. He is 10 years old this week, and like all his birthdays, he gets his very own Cheese Pizza. He is just always happy to see me when I get home. I love him dearly!
Kierstin says
PAINT MY PET! My French bulldog, Stitchy Nuggets, is the best Craigslist find ever! He’s so snorty, bouncy, sweet and comical, he’s like a clown. And due to his unique look, he’s known all over town.
Beth says
I’d love to have a custom painting of our two yellow labs, Dodge and Cummins. We recently painted our living room a more neutral color. Only after Cummins laid on the floor against a still wet wall, did we realize the color we picked was a perfect match to our pups! Thus, we have affectionately renamed Wool Skein from Sherwin Williams to Puppy Love. I love the bright colors that Lesli uses in her paintings and I would love to have one of her paintings capture the personality of our two boys and brighten our new Puppy Love painted living room!
Brittany Powell says
PAINT MY PET!! I’d love a painting of my Rottweiler, Tesla. I love her because she’s the perfect combination of smart, goofy, adventurous and loyal. She’s my homie.
kelsie says
paint my pet!!
i have a lovely kitty that i got from a local shelter. the shelter told me she was 2 years old and healthy when i got her…turns out she was about 15 and had tons of health problems. i have had her for 5 years and she is a darling, getting healthier every day.
Shaina says
PAINT MY PET!!!! :) I am due with our first human baby on 10/29, and I would love to have this memento of our fur sweet baby, Oscar, to put on the nursery wall! <3
becca g says
Paint my pet! We’d go with our chocolate lab, Daisy. She is never fully relaxed unless both myself and my husband ate home.
Amy says
PAINT MY PET! The painting would be of our cat, Maebey. She’s the best cat because she always makes us laugh. Also, she is polydactyl with 6 toes per paw, a Hemingway cat!
Brianna says
Paint my pet!
I’d want a portrait of my 14-year-old cat who’s been a part of my life for so many important milestones.
Mandy says
PAINT MY PET of my sweet mutt Jessie! She was rescued from the roadside and is just the sweetest, smartest dog ever. Would love to have a portrait of her – our beloved pet!
Lauren C says
PAINT MY PET! I have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Bauer who cracks me up. He loves being near me, but he dislikes being touched. Sometimes I think he is a cat!
Emily H says
Paint My Pet!
I’d love a pic of my sis’s poochie pie, Patches. After being given up to a shelter not only once, but TWICE, he had a “ruff” start to life before ending up with a great Mom. I think he deserves some narcisity (new word!).
Suzanne says
Paint My Pet! While I love my cat Winnie, my sister is obsessed with her dog Briley so I would give this to her as a gift. :)
Ann says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love to have a painting of our dog Wrigley. Three years ago he had to have 2 surgeries in one month to remove pacifiers he’d eaten and gotten lodged in his intestines. The 1st time it was shocking and scary, and the 2nd time just maddening. Needless to say our house has been paci-free since. :)
Lissa says
Paint My Pet! We have an 11 year old Bischon that we all adore. He certainly rules our house, and now that our daughters are out of college and on their own, Rory gets ALL the love. It’s hard to realize that he’s nearly 12 because he still looks and acts so much like a puppy. We would love a painting of his sweet face.
Deb H says
PAINT MY PET Would love to my have my grand doggie Belle painted; why cause she is the most lovable doggie ever!
Sandie says
Paint my pet! My cockapoo- i love her and would love a painted picture of her!
Kristen says
Paint My Pet!
I would choose our only pet, our dog Penny. She loves to run around and bounce off the furniture! We call it Pinball Penny. :)
eileen marie says
Paint my pet(s)!
Do you guys have one of Burger? My pets are weird b/c she (Scarlett) humps him (Peanut). There, now their secret is out.
Maya says
PAINT MY PET! I have a 3 year old Vizsla, Kiwi, that was diagnosed with 2 different types of cancer in June. She’s still an active girl who loves to mountain bike and chase birds. I’d love a painting of her so we will always remember how much joy she’s brought to my life!
Laura says
PAINT MY PET! Our dog Macie, a genuine SUPER-MUTT, is a wonderful pet. Her weirdest quirk has to be the fact that she will no longer walk on a leash with us. It just started this summer and for some reason she refuses to go on walks. She just puts the breaks on when we leave.
Taylor says
PAINT MY PET! I have the most amazing dog-like cat in the world named Rafa. He is named after tennis hunk Rafael Nadal. Not as hunky, but very snuggly.