***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Anna H says
PAINT MY PET! I have two of the best daschunds in the world.
Laura M says
PAINT MY PET! I’d want a picture of Sam. He is my 4 yr old golden.
Amelia says
I’ve always wanted to get a portrait of our dog Elvis done – this is a great giveaway :-)
Elvis is my husband and mine first pet together, really he’s our first fur-baby. He’s 3 years old and what they call a wauzer – mix between a miniature schnauzer and westie. He’s super cute and super friendly. He gets to work with my husband everyday at our dog store, Mutt Life. All our customers love him and everyone in town knows who he is. He is also the best big brother to our daughter Lily who loves him to bits. At 8 months old she giggles and plays with Elvis everyday. They are definitely bff’s for life!
Jordana says
PAINT MY PET! We would love a painting of our rescue American Eskimo, Yukon. He’s the smartest and sweetest boy…not to mention that he’s the best cuddler ever…he just loves to spoon!! He’s getting a little brother (we’re expecting in January) so it would be nice to have a portrait to show that he was our ‘first’ :)
Rebecca says
Paint my pet!!!
I would lover to have my Newfoundland pint because he is amazing in so many ways.
Colleen says
PAINT MY PET ReeBee! She’s got the sweetest personality of any dog I ever met.
JessIca shivers says
I would have my dog-ter Ellie painted. I am able to walk to work and she sees me from clear down the street and her whole body wiggles until I get home. It is a great way to end a long day!
Angie @ Bug Meets World says
I would have our cat Mona painted. Her talent is that she can play fetch. She is the only cat I have seen that can do that.
Laura W says
PAINT MY PET! We have a cat Zoe, and we’d love a portrait. She is a total psycho spaz, but we love her anyway. :)
Laura says
Paint my pet. Would love to get my cat Bunny painted.
Traci says
Paint my pet!
My lab retriever mix Brady is the sweetest dog alive! I love it when I’m reading or on my iPad, and he puts his head right on top of either. Play with me please, lol!
Brooke says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love to have a painting of our adorable Bernese Mountain Dog Olive :)
Jackie says
PAINT MY PET! My pup Dexter is the kindest doggy I’ve ever met – we adopted him about 2 years ago and could not be happier. I would love to have him painted to display in our home!
Wendy says
I would want a picture of my fur-son, Rudy!
Liz says
Paint my pet! Our little fur baby Bella is 5 and we had to leave her with my parents when we moved 1,000 miles away because we couldn’t find a rental that accepts pets. :o( I miss my puppy.
Shanna says
Paint my pet!!
Our rescued boxer Hudson is a goofball and a 60 lb baby all rolled into one.
Jeanne says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love a portrait of our 3 year old German Shepherd. Although we have a baby girl due in 2 months, he will always be my first born – he is an absolute joy in our lives.
Sarah says
I have a 5 year old miniature dachshund, and he is the best snuggle-buddy!
Kelly Morley says
PAINT MY PET…..My English Bulldog Lola is so beautimous…. she would love a portrait!! :)
Skye says
Jen from insideways says
PAINT MY PET!! My orange kitty, Maggie, is adorably clumsy. I blame her bizarrely short tail – so cute!!
Dawn says
Paint My Pet! My dear Shetland sheepdog, Cody, who was my best bud in my single days, then our baby in my newlywed days, and now the sweetest big brother in our baby days. He’s getting up there in years, but let’s my 1 year old daughter hang and pull all over him with without a single protest. He’s the best!
Erin says
I’d pick my dog. He’s a bassador (half basset hound, half lab). He’s all black, with a giant lab head and short basset hound legs! I’ve had people pull over on busy streets to ask about him! In addition to his striking looks, he has a fantastic personality.
Gretchen says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love a painted picture of my two cats, Max and Mia, who are great at chasing bugs.
Natalie says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have my dog Sadie painted! We adopted her last year from a shelter and she has brought us so much love and joy! She loves to cuddle and give kisses!
Jessica says
PAINT MY PET! Our three year old chug, Meko. She is the sweetest dog. She gets so excited when she sees us put our sneekers on because it usually means shes going for a walk.
Laine says
Paint my pet! I’d have Kona, our black lab painted. Our goofy girl likes to wake us up in the morning by “tap dancing” with her nails on the hardwood floor.
Sara says
PAINT MY PET…and that would be Indy, our rescue dog from Indiana!
Meghan says
Paint my pet! I would have my beagle mix, Hatch, painted. He’s so happy and loves to snuggle!
Susan says
I only have one pet, so it would be a pretty easy choice…my cairn terrier puppy, Bela. She will be 3 in December, so she isn’t really a puppy, but she still has the puppy attitude that makes her super lovable! She has the best personality and while we still have our moments when she chews on the rug instead of her bone, I wouldn’t trade her for the world!
Andrea Piorkowski says
PAINT MY PET! I would have our family black lab, Ellie, painted. She is the energizer bunny of our house. She is so playful, fun, makes us laugh everyday and loves on you like crazy. She also thinks she is a lap dog and constantly tries to cuddle up right next to you. Our house just wouldn’t be the same without her :)
wendy Chatterton says
Paint my Pet! We have two dogs, Coalton and Chase. Chase joined us in March from my in-laws. They had a garage(shop)/house fire and couldn’t take him to their new place. Chase saved my Mother-in-law by forcing her to go out the back door instead of the front door where she wanted to go. The front door became engulfed in flames by the time they got around the house. He’s our hero and Coalton’s bff!
Sheryl says
We’d love to get a painting of our dog, Bailey. He’s 1/2 maltese/pomeranian, and 1/2 miniature american eskimo dog. My husband works out of state, so it’s nice to have someone to cuddle with on chilly nights :)
Jill Scott says
PAINT MY PET! His name is Pete and he loves the beach. He’s my nephew dog, and I know my sister would love a painting of him.
Sarah says
Paint my pet…our dog’s name is Walter. He’s a Bassett Hound that we adopted from a pound about 6 months ago. He is so loving!
Jennifer says
Paint my pet! I would love a picture of my mutt Mugs.
Susan says
Paint my pet!! My little Bichon Holly who will be 17 on Thursday. What a great gift for her and for us. Thanks!
Crystal says
PAINT MY PET! My dog Lunar has an awesome personality and he is really a member of our family. I love that when he lays down he crosses his paws like he is a proper dog.
Meg Paquette says
PAINT MY PET! Purkinje is my pup, who I rescued three years ago, and she is a complete goof ball and has so much personality, including her sleeping regiment. : ) Love this!
Jesette says
PAINT MY PET! I would lovee for my dog to be painted!! Our dog is like our child! She loves to be with us and gets jealous whenever my husband and I start kissing…she’ll jump on us, get in between the two of us and start licking us! hehe (:
Marissa says
I’d love a painting of my kitty, Noble! He was a stray, missing a leg. We don’t know his history but sure love him. :)
Natalie says
I have a horse that comes when you call him.. just like a dog! He LOVES people, and would sit in your lap if you let him!
Rachel says
PAINT MY PET! Milo is the most awesome dachshund-corgi mix ever. He has survived numerous illnesses (including a self-inflicted consumption of 3 chocolate bars WITH coffee beans) and a couple of vicious attacks by other dogs. Totally in love with our toddler despite the tasks she sets for him.
Kelly says
Paint my pet! Our dog Casual, adorable and energetic!
Kate says
Paint my pet!
I would love a painting of my beloved dog and BFF, Bailey. <3
Kelley S. says
Paint My Pet! I have 2 rescue dogs. Buddy is the oldest (3 yrs.) but he still acts like he’s the one more afraid of things.
Kate says
Paint my pet! I have a boxer puppy who loves playing in the fall leaves.
Plantyone says
Paint my pet! I’d want my new girl cat that we took in last month painted. She is the most beautiful cat I’ve ever seen, plus super sweet, and also kind of clumsy for a cat, which is adorable.
Maria Flores says
Paint my pet! I don’t have dogs, but my friends have a pair that I just adore.
Justine says
Paint My Pet! I would get my “first born”, Beck painted. He’s a miniature pinscher/pug mix, and the cutest guy ever, right down to his underbite with his tiny teeth. I may have a human child now, but Beck is my baby still.