***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Amy Faler says
PAINT MY PET! Dinero (mucho, not Robert) is our American love-a-Bulldog. He is the sweetest nature and truly loves to be loved. His sole mission in life seems to be bringing joy to us daily and he does. He even keeps our feline in line (gently of course). We just love him and would love to have him portrayed in beautiful art!
Amelia says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have a portrait of our little dog Cherry. What makes her so unique is that she is a mix of dachshund and chocolate lab (we think). She retrievess the ball, loves getting in the ocean, and is so sweet and loving.
Liz says
I have a GREAT dog Maggie who has kept me in good spirits for 9 years. She is a treasure and the sweetest friend a girl could have!
Cali says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have his face on my wall!,
Sarah says
PAINT MY PET! I’d have our Siamese kitty “Misa” painted. She’s the most amazing cat around. But, I may be a little biased.
heather says
PAINT MY PET! My best friend is going through a divorce but she has her 3 babies – Maddie, Bo and Abbie – all labs – to give her big kisses and bring her slobbery toys and all squish together in one chair to cuddle. They are starting over in a new home and the artwork would be a great gift for her new start!
Nora says
PAINT MY PET! We have a perfect mixed breed named Gertie (the wonder pup), and my husband would be so thrilled to have a portrait of her!
Leah C says
PAINT MY PET! I’d have my little girl chihuahua, Honey Bea painted. She is just like a little human, esp the way she sleeps with her head on my pillow at night!
Lisa says
Bella is a shepherd/lab mix who I adopted from the shelter 10+ years ago. She has been the best, most faithful companion you could ever ask for!
Alison C says
PAINT MY PET!!! My sweet Wini (short for Winifred) the Cockapoo is the apple of my eye! My favorite part of any day is coming home to her and having her get so excited she almost chokes on her own spittle, (MUCH cuter than it sounds) lol!
Mary says
PAINT MY PET! Mason is six and the first born of our four sons (his human brothers are 4, 2, and five months). he could use a little extra attention right about now!
Brenda says
Paint my pet! Our chocolate lab rubs on your leg when no one is petting her. She insists on being the center of everyone’s attention, and being 100lbs it’s hard to ignore her!
deb says
Paint my doggers! Her name is Bella and we adopted her about a year and a half ago. She is fiercely loyal to us, and recently her life was turned upside down with the addition of a baby to her normally calm household. I think she would feel pretty special to have her own portrait!
Bridgit says
My two dogs tolerate my crazy kids and I love them for that. Would love to get a portrait of each.
Melissa says
PAINT MY PET! I have 2 adopted Dalmatians my first Owen I got at 6 months old after he had been bounced through 5 houses that couldn’t handle a hyper puppy, the second Flora I adopted so he would have a playmate as by the time he was 1, I was EXHAUSTED! Owen has the most beautiful distinctive black right eye, and Flora’s look as if she is wearing smoky eye makeup.
Robin says
Paint my pet! I would choose my adorable Boston Terrier, Giovanni! His welcome when I get home is a highlight of my day :)
Erin Kaven says
Paint My Pet!! I would need to choose between our sweet Sugar who passed away last year due to being born with kidney dysplasia (non cautious breeders breeding for money, not for the breed) or our new girl Gracie whom we purchased because, once you’ve had one Golden you must have one always. She’s seven months and a real shoe stopper (no not show stopper.) She MUST take your shoes. She does not chew them but she must take them. It’s in her DNA. And she must wake you to take her out at 6 a.m. by sitting on your head. Our dear Sugar, because of her illness, never weighed more than 55 lbs. Gracie, well she’s already 65. Ever had 65 pounds on your head?
Christy says
PAINT MY PET!! I have the most adorable cockapoo, Dixie, who is my baby! She makes me smile everyday & loves chasing after her sticks!
Molly says
PAINT MY PET!!! I would want my cute little poodle named Scout painted! Scout is super special because he has a terrible bad underbite and is in desperate need of doggy braces! Also, he is super well trained and plays dead fabulously!
Melanie says
Paint my pet! Our German shep would look quite dashing in a painting :)
HeidiJJJJ says
PAINT MY PET! My kitty, Bruce, is so weird. He likes to sleep with me. But before he can relax and zonk out, he must spend about 10 minutes sucking on the blanket! He is a full-grown tom cat. But, he snuggles up to my side and purrs while kneading and sucking on the fuzzy blanket like a kitten with its mother. Sweet, goofy cat!
Doris Johnson says
PAINT MY PET! My puppy, Finn, is the CUTEST dog ever. And no, I’m not biased. :)
Sierra says
PAINT MY PET! Our Miniature Australian Shepherd, Jake, is our adopted son and means the world to us.
Lakeya Moore says
PAINT MY PET!!! I would love to do a portrait of my 2 month old Yorkie, Dior!! My husband & I waited 3 years to finally get him & I would love to be able to commemorate reaching that goal finally! He’s pretty laid back, but he loves to play around with his daddy & his stuffed raccoon! =)
Britt says
Paint my pet! Our rescue Gus is a corgi shepherd cross and is the love of our lives!
Jennifer Y. says
Paint my pet! I’m about to lose my 14 year old Finnish spitz, Zoe. We’re not even sure she’ll make it through the night, but I’d love a painting of her in her happier days to remember her by.
Lauren says
Paint my pet! I have a jack Russell rat terrier mix named penny who is the craziest little thing I have ever met, and I love her so.
Matt says
PAINT MY PET! Would love a painting of our pup, Rook. My mother in-law has a perfect saying that describes him to a “T”. “I hope no one tells Rook that he’s a dog. It would break his heart!” We love our crazy and cuddly pup!
Jolyn says
PAINT MY PET! Dante passed away two years ago. I miss how he loved to “hide” his stuffed animals from me by burying them in my laundry basket.
Wendy Bradley says
PAINT MY PET! Our dog “Frisky” arrived on Santa’s sleigh as a Christmas present for our family. She is a “shichon” with one black eye. Some call her a COG…..half cat half dog and she has a cat name……she is a sweetie
Julie J says
PAINT MY PET! I would get a painting done of my parent’s dog who we are currently pet-sitting. She is all poodle. Prissy, high maintenance, high-strung and beautiful. Good thing we love her so much!
Monica says
PAINT MY PET! I would have you paint my sister’s boxer Bruno. He is so stinking adorable and sweet and not too terribly slobbery. He has two little hair swirls on his butt so we call him Captain Swirly Butt and Sir Cinnamon Buns. He’s quite debonair but both of his eyes look two slightly different directions so he looks a little crazy sometimes and thats a great combo!
Ashley Pena says
PAINT MY PET, please! I would have my, excuse me, my dad’s spoiled-rotten Rat Terror, Lola, painted for my dad. He would adore it!
Michelle says
PAINT MY PET! I would love a painting of my dog Rosie! She is almost 14 but still acts like a crazy puppy sometimes!
Cathy says
Ooh, what an exciting giveaway! I have a 5-year old shih-tzu mix that is just so darn lovable. Why? Well, he gets along with everybody and seeing his face and seeing his tail wag just lights up my day.
Tiffany F. says
PAINT MY PET!! His name is Cash and he would really love a self portrait ;)
Kristy says
Paint my pet! It would be so fun to have a pet portrait of our dog.
Nicole W. says
PAINT MY PET!! I would love a sweet puppy portrait of my loveable mutt Sheldon! He’s such a fun, sweet little guy with lots of personality! Thanks for the opportunity :]
Melissa says
PAINT MY PET! Our doggy is a sweetie -everyone falls in love with her, especially when she howls!
Barbara Z. says
PAINT MY PET(S)!! Which of our two dogs should be forever captured in Leslie’s great artwork? Angel ‘followed’ our son home (on a rope leash)10 yrs ago, was ‘claimed’ 4 mos later by a nearby family (nearly breaking our hearts), happily returned to us that Christmas (a family allergy and no fenced yard)w/ open visitation rights. She’s the sweetest-spirited Lab mix in the world! Next came Gracie, a 3-legged Rottie mix who had a very rough early life, was rescued, & came to spend a weekend 4 yrs ago and never left! Turned out we needed her as much as she needed us! DOGS RULE!
a says
Although I would LOVE to have a portrait of each of my sweet fluffies, I’m sure my husband and I are in total agreement we would elect our “first born” Gracie to be painted first. She is a rescued brindle staffordshire terrier, the leader of our ragtag pack of 2 cats and 2 dogs, and absolute apple of her Papa’s eye! Seriously, he jokes about having her cloned someday (I think that’s just crazysauce and prefer rescue and adoption instead, but he adores her so much I can’t read him the riot act too badly)! She is a goofy ham whom insists upon being covered with her own special blanket and wont go to bed until she is tucked in right! And at 11-years-old she is finally growing into her name =]
Laurie Moodie says
PAINT MY PET! Our little boy Kobe is a rescue who is the happiest creature that I have ever met! He wags his tail non stop, loves to play ball – also non stop, and only lets up when you leave or he is asleep. Such a sweet soul. Thanks for the opportunity to have his little face captured by this talented artist. Oh, he has the most gorgeous Cleopatra rimmed eyes!
Jessica B says
Paint my pet!!! My doggie is my baby, I’ve had him longer than my husband (7years) and my little girl treats him like a brother:)
Brenda Jacobs says
PAINT MY PET! My beloved girl Ophelia (domestic long-haired black cat, former stray that wandered onto my porch one fine day) is in her golden years and I am thankful every day I wake up and find her still snuggled beside me in bed. I have photos, of course, but would love to have her immortalized for eternity (my eternity, anyway) in a beautful painting. She is the first living creature for whom I have been solely responsible for the care and upkeep of. During those uncompromisingly dark days after I was laid off, subject to the whims of our fragile economy and desparately seeking a job, she was not only a comfort, but a galvanizing figure for my efforts – come hell or high water she would have a roof over her head, and food even if I went without. This sounds like grand hyperbole, but it is not – I ate a lot of “woven wheat crackers” and cheese for dinner to make sure she had her preferred food and appropriate veterinary care. She is my baby who can’t purr but rather breathes really heavily, and more than once has wakened me thinking that some weirdo was in my bedroom but it is actually just her stealing my body heat and blankets for her own comfort. Such is the nature of a cat, and this one is one in a million!
Laura M says
PAINT MY PET! I would love a painted picture of my Pitbull Elle. She is my love! She has many characteristics too many to choose from, but she is so loveable and clumsy. People are too quick to judge pitbulls but she loves any type of animals even frogs! I would love a painted picture of her because she is my pride! She brought me up when I was having hard times! I love her to death!
Jessica W. says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love to have my cat Luna painted. She is our first baby so naturally I’d love to incorporate her in the family gallery wall.
Christie says
Paint my pet!! I would have my black lab, Jack Daniels, painted….he’s a 70lb baby, and would love to capture those puppy eyes!
Kristen says
PAINT MY PET! Our rottweiler mix Addie is the biggest sweetheart. She wins over everyone she meets including our friends who were afraid of dogs. She loves giving hugs (leaning) and flashing her underbite when she is thinking really hard or trying to get a treat.
Anna says
Paint my pet!!! I have two awesome dogs! I would love to have them on canvas :)
Jen O says
My fiancé and I have a gigantic lab (we say he’s part horse) named Teddy and I can’t think of a better wedding present for Mike than a portrait of his favorite furry friend!