***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
MinnieK says
PAINT MY PET! Our beloved Louie, a 95-lb Rottweiler-German Shepherd mix, passed away this summer. We had him for 9 great years, and he brightened every day with his unconditional love, goofiness, and affection. We miss him tremendously.
Cortney says
PAINT MY PET! My amazing Clementine is a beautiful black lab(mix) rescue that is also a cancer survivor. Almost two years ago she was diagnosed with a mast cell tumor on one of her rear legs. Mast cell tumors can be very nasty and the only way to remove the cancer completely was to have her hind leg amputated followed by chemo since it had started to move into her lymph nodes. It has been 18 months since her surgery and my three legged super girl is doing amazing. We treasure every minute we have with her.
Kathryn M. says
PAINT MY PET!! I would love a painting of our dog, Gus. Gus is a nut (and also a malti-peke) with a ton of funny quirks. He is our furry and only child and he should totally become a piece of art for our home.
Gretchen says
“PAINT MY PET!” – Duke, my family’s dog who lives with my parents. He’s the best because he knows the sound of car down when I come visit and comes running to the door :)
Rebecca says
Paint my pup kaiya!
She loves you and she doesn’t even know you yet!
Pam T. says
PAINT MY PET! PLLLLEASSEEE! my Coco Chanel is 1/2 toy fox terrier, 1/2 chihuahua. It’s her world and I am just living in it.(seriously) She has gotten me through soo many trials and tribulations. She is my baby and my best friend! Truely a gift!
Anna says
PAINT MY PET- my husbands beloved German Shepherd passed away last year and a pet painting of him would be an amazing Christmas present, no?
Amy says
PAINT MY PET! Our dog Wrigley is 5 years old and such a snuggle bug. He likes to sleep with us in bed under the covers :)
Alicia says
PAINT MY PET! We have a bulldog named Sophie. My husband would be the happiest person alive with a portrait of her for Christmas. I love Lesli’s style
Erin says
PAINT MY PET! Winston our lovable, sweet, laid back, super lazy PUG! He’s the perfect subject for a portrait like this!
Sandra F says
PAINT MY PET! I’ve got an energetic little chihuahua named Amos who barks at everything but it’s difficult to stay irritated at something so cute!
Mariola says
PAINT MY PET! PINTA MI MASCOTA! Our “mature” weim Luna is tri-lingual (English, Spanish and dog, of course) and the poor thing is getting used to a toddler baby sister whose name is the same as your bean’s. A portrait would make her feel special!
Traci Curtiss says
Paint My Pet!!!
I would love to have a portrait of my dog Roxy. She is a 10 year old black lab. We call her our ‘1st baby’. She’s a lover, not a biter and even at the mature age of 10, she still gets excited like a puppy when something gets her going. She has 3 younger ‘two-legged’ sisters who I think would love to look at a picture of her up on their wall!
Thank you!
Traci Curtiss
Jennifer R says
PAINT MY PET! We have two pups to paint, Dexter (havanese mix) & Jaime ( yorki poo mix). They’re named after a couple of tv shows and love to wrestle each other. So cute! They’ve brought so much love and laughter to our home!
Lisa says
My dog Juno has the biggest ears and I would love to look at her sweet face on the wall!
Melissa S says
Paint my pet! I’d love to get my 2 cats painted, but am looking to adopt a dog, so maybe he could be the star of the show!
Ness says
I’d want my pup, Otis, to be painted. He’s almost 5 now (we think; he’s a rescue), but everyone still mistakes him for a puppy because his ears are too big for his head.
Alex Cosgrove says
Paint My Pet! I adopted a dog from a shelter about 5 years ago but she currently lives with my parents because I can’t have animals in my apartment! I miss her tons!!
Kristina says
PAINT MY PET! Would love to have a portrait of our lab/schnauzer mix Heidi. She’s such a sweetie.
Carly H says
PAINT MY PET! I gave my dad a rescue pup for Christmas two years ago and she has been the love of my parents’ life ever since. I could not imagine a better Christmas gift for them than a painted portrait of Milli to hang in his office.
Mimi says
PAINT MY PET! Our adopted older Persian cannot close his mouth all the way, so he often has his tiny pink tongue sticking out from his flat, fluffy, furry face. We call it his “taco tongue.”
And thank you — not only for offering fun giveaways like this — for being such a great example of one way of being successful and popular bloggers. Your generous sharing of your knowledge and skills (sometimes as you are learning them!); your budget-friendly approaches to home improvements; the balance you strike between personal privacy and making us all feel as if we are invited into your living room to play with Clara and Burger while chatting about paint and pillows with you; the financial transparency and the step-by-step decision processes that you share so painstakingly…you are wonderful.
There are a lot of awesome blogs out there and yours is one of my favorites. I hope your book tour takes you to Boston; I’ll be in line with a book to sign and starstruck tears in my eyes as I stammer out an in-person thank you to you both.
Thank you and I look forward to blog posts about renovating Clara’s college dorm room!
Christina M says
Jess says
PAINT MY PET…my wonderful dog, Zoey! She is a boxer mutt from a pound and is the light of my home…she deserves a beautiful painted, picutre in our hallway.
Amanda says
Paint my pet! Hoover, my English Bulldog is so weird that we’re certain that if they diagnosed dogs he would have Asbergers. We love him for his weirdness.
Alexandra says
I have a three-legged cat named Karma, who would make a dashing portrait.
Emma says
PAINT MY PET!!!! This is so cute! I’ve got a 16 year old miniature schnauzer that is still going strong, but this would be great to have to remember him.
Ann says
Paint my (sister-in-law’s) pet! This would make an awesome Christmas present for my dog-lovin’ sister.
Claire says
PAINT MY PET! Our french bulldog Louis loves to cuddle, snores in our ears and always makes us laugh when he tosses his toys around to entice us to play with him!
Kay Mal says
PAINT MY PET! Her name is Sydney she is a 1yr old mini Aussie. He is the most loving dog you will ever meet. She can fetch a fribee and tries to heard us around the back yard :) it makes me laugh! we love her very much!!
Gretchen says
I would have to get both of my doggies painted. My 8 year old Beagle/Jack Russell is so patient with his 1.5 year old mini doxie sister. Even when she pulls on his ears to get him to play!
Kelly says
Paint my Pet!
I would like my adorable dog, Lily to be painted!! She is the cutest.
Stacy says
PAINT MY PET! Winston is 79lbs of butt-wiggling boxer goofiness.
Sarah says
PAINT MY PET!! We have a wonderful terrier mix named Moses. We rescued him 4 years ago from a local shelter and he is our son’s best friend! He has wonderfully wise, almost human-like eyes and a shaggy grey beard (which is what inspired his name!!)
Jessica A. says
PAINT MY PET!!! Our boy Petey, who is a Catahoula Leopard Dog, is the love of our life. He is a master frisbee catcher and knows that when my husband gets home from work, it is his time to shine :)
Sara says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to give a painted picture of our dogs to my hubby. We have a giant lab mix (Zeus) and an Australian Cattle Dog (Foxy).
Whitney says
I’d have a painting done of my very first dog, Lady. We got her when I was five, and she died when I was 20–she was the sweetest dog ever! And such a precious face–a black lab/retriever mix! I miss her all the time!
Pam says
PAINT MY PET! My yellow lab Jerry would make a great painting. He’s got a hilarious personality. Every day he does something that makes me laugh out loud.
Tamara says
PAINT MY PET (please)! Lola, our black lab mix, has brought so much love and joy into our family. She has a favorite rock (yes, a plain river rock) that she loves to play with in the backyard, she does full-body leaps in the air when we get home from work, she loves to take our shoes and move them around the house (but she doesn’t chew them), and she comes to my side of the bed every morning, puts her paws up on my chest and just looks at me with her big brown eyes. Also, she has the most charmingly crooked ears I’ve ever seen on a dog.
Shanna Wallace says
PAINT MY PET! Oly is a mutt from a shelter who is really dumb but the sweetest thing ever!
Teresea says
Paint My Pet! I would like a painting of my little Frito. She is just the cutest, best natured, little adoptee.
Hillary says
Paint my pet… because they really don’t come any cuter. Or drooly-er.
Stephanie B says
PAINT MY PET! I would love a painting of my Springer Spaniel, Riker! We just spent five days at a K9 Nosework seminar (a super fun detection-type sport for dogs) and had a blast! He spent the whole weekend trying to give people surprise smooches.
Amanda B says
I would definitely paint our pup, an akita/husky mix. He’ll likc you to death given the chance, and it’s favorite thing to do is lie is head on your lap and lick your knee (or arm – whichever is closer!).
Cara says
Paint my pet!!! The subject would be my daughter’s cat Pinto. Pinto is special for many reasons including he has an extra, sixth toe on his two front paws. It’s sort of a weird deformity that made us love him.
Jennifer Wahl says
PAINT MY PET! My childhood doggy, Eddie passed away this past April from cancer after living a full 14 years! My mom had to put Eddie down two weeks after my Uncle/mom’s brother passed away. We all say my Uncle wanted a Eddie up in heaven with him. This would be an awesome gift for my mom and the rest of us as we all miss Eddie.
Mindy S. says
PAINT MY PET!!! We would have our Yorkie, Molly, painted. She is the sweetest little dog that we rescued. She came from a breeder where she was a Mama dog, but she is the sweetest little dog with our 3 girls. And our girls would be thrilled to have a painted portrait of her.
Missy Vallino says
PAINT MY PET!!! I would love a painting of my goof ball Boston Terrier, Frankie – he is the most loyal dog ever, and his black and white coloring would make for an awesome graphic painting!
Allison N. says
PAINT MY PET Booker (aka Booger) our rescue boxer of over 4 years. Booker is full of boogers, snot and possibly the worst breath on planet earth (think death and hot garbage) but he is sweet and loyal AND he tolerates our rough and tumble toddler. We love our Booker T Doggerton!
Krista Mount says
My Sierra dog. She is 12 and not doing great. She is the first dog my husband and I got together and my children’s first dog. There is going to be a huge whole in our family when she goes.
Kristi says
PAINT MY PET! Our baby dog, MAPLE. We adopted her a year ago. She is half Mini Siberian Husky and half Mountain Cur. We treat her like she is royalty and she believes she is. Our favorite thing that she does is how she turns a game of fetch around!! She catches the ball and instead retrieving it back to us, she stays in one spot on the top of the hill, drops it down the hill, watches it carefully and waits until we “fetch” the ball. THEN REPEAT! After we are done playing, the humans are exhausted and Maple is not. Oh Maple!!