***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Alaina says
paint my pet!
my mom’s jack russell is the best…she’ll clean up any food you drop on the floor ;)
Nicole says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have a portrait of our new Boston Terrier puppy Birdie. We’ve had her for a week now and are so in love with her cuteness and sweet personality!
Lauren says
Mary says
Paint my pet! My dog Jenny is the sweetest, gentlest girl in the world. So glad I rescued her!
Traci says
My dog would be great painted.
LindsB says
Paint my pet! millie is the best cat ever! She stands up to eat treats and loves to have her belly rubbed!
Alice says
My rescued golden would love to have her very own portrait. She has lovely long lashes, is best friends with every single person she meets, and is hopelessly, shamelessly greedy.
Amy says
PAINT MY PET!!!!!! I’d want my queen sheba cat painted. Her name is Madge and she is 14 and morbidly obese. She won’t even sit up to eat. Actually, I don’t think she’s that fat, but the vet and I ahve differing opinions on that.
Jessica I. says
i’d love a portrait of my dearest doggy edie that passed away recently. she was the sweetest and kookiest looking (seriously… she looked like ed the hyena from the lion king) chihuahua pug mix. i miss her like crazy!
Kerry @ First Time Fancy says
Paint my pet!! Our pup Harley would have to be the subject! He’s so sweet and has so much personality… and he’s our baby girls’ favourite! I’d love to hang a painting of him in her room! :)
Kelly says
Paint my Pet!!
I have a beagle. He is more work then are toddler, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. He use to take my bra’s out of the laundry pile clean/to be washed (didn’t matter) and drag them into our large yard and just leave them there! all bright pink/white/yellow.. and very noticable for all neighbors to gawk at laying in the middle of the yard! For years, he finally has slowed down now, we love him dearly!
michele double you says
Our weimador–MagPie, Maggie, Magiliscious (her body stay vicious, she be out in the yard just working on her fitness–I’m her witness), Pup-a-dup, Puppers!, and more–is most loved, as her name tag testifies. She’s a funny girl, and quite worthy of a portrait. <3
collern says
Paint my pet!
We’d like our lab/border collie mix Scarlett painted. Mom was mad we got her before we were engaged… so she’s our scarlet letter. She spins furiously in circles and uses the centrifugal force to launch the ball for herself!
Susie says
Loki is my 7month old, wonderful weimaraner!!!!! He is a blue eyed, loving pup who loves to play like crazy then snuggle right up against you.
Kelly says
Paint my pet! My beagles, Toby and Tulip, would look great in a portrait!
Elisa says
PAINT MY PET! My husband and I adopted our dog Roxy when she was a puppy… she’s now 2 1/2. She really is our fur baby!
Colleen C says
PAINT MY PET! I want our wonderful all white bull terrier “CASH” painted. He looks exactly like the “Target Dog” and I know how you guys love Target. We are going to paint a red bulls-eye on his face and take him trick or treating!
elizabeth says
PAINT MY PET, pls! our dog atlas is our first baby, but he’s slowing down and getting older. He’s afraid of anything that seems unstable. When he was a puppy we got a baby gate to pen him into wherever, but we realized that rather than wrangle the gate into place (hard), all we had to do was lean it in the doorway and he would slink away from it.
Amy S says
I say paint my pug – we have three and I would tell them each (separately of course) that is was of them. :)
Jessica says
Paint my pet! My sweet kitty Ollie.
Eve says
Paint my pet! Our rescue, Roscoe, would be such a cute painting!! He’s my best little bud-love him so much!
Jen says
Paint MY Pet! My Jack Russell is the best thing in the world. I need a painting of him since no picture I take does that adorable face justice.
Madison says
Paint my pet! Tucker is the most lovable German Shepherd. He cuddles, loves, and is loyal beyond belief. Not to mention that he is a rescue that was only 5 pounds at two months old! He had a disease and we took care of him for weeks to keep him alive. He is our miracle pup.
Sara says
Paint my pet…
TheDoodleGirl says
PAINT MY PET! My little shih-tzu Jack is THE SWEETEST little doggie ever! When we get him up in the morning his whole body shakes all over with excitement at seeing everyone in the family. It is the cutest thing!!
Keegan says
PAINT MY PET. My husband and I adopted our first dog on Valentine’s Day 4 years ago. Zander is a German Shephard/Boxer mix rescue dog and gave us our first sense of “parenthood”. He’s such a spastic, lovable, cuddly, protective, crazy dog, and we couldn’t imagine our life without him. Our 6 month old son just lights up when Zander comes by him, and giggles if he rolls into him!
Leigha says
My cats Mel and Lou are my like my children and I love how they bring me their pom poms balls so I play fetch with them! They are awesome and I love them dearly!
Kate H. says
…or my friend’s pet, as I don’t have one. Wrigley is a sweet yellow lab who’s scared of trash cans and loves to undertake water rescues, whether they’re needed or not. His visage would make a sweet portrait for their home.
Heather Hernandez says
paint my pet! i’d have my pooch roland painted. he’s my co-pilot through thick and thin, and my favorite dog i’ve ever owned!
kory says
I am the 4%, I don’t get to play :( But I am also the 56% (well actually it’s 44%) and would really like to art my dog up. It’s the sad life of a European… (Brought to you by “1st world problems”!)
charlotte says
My 16yr old cat Chewy disappeard almost a year ago! We never found him :( He was such a cool cat – perfect for a painting like this :)
KarenH. says
PAINT MY PET!!!! Buster is a Siamese, which by his way of thinking should be reason enough. But also because he’s my supervisor around the house–nothing gets done without his inspection and opinion. He is especially mindful to check out every antique sewing machine that comes in the house. Clearly I could get nothing done if he weren’t here to keep me productive.
Sheryl says
PAINT MY PET! I’ve got the best picture of our cat, Professor, wearing my husband’s glasses from his toddler days. I’d love to see it immortalized in paint!
Kelly says
Paint my pet! We have a 7 yr old terrier mix who is our baby! He’s such a good dog who loves PB and long walks!
Katie says
Paint my pet!
I’d love to have a portrait of my black and tan beagle-terrier! Toby has human eyes (makes eye-contact constantly with humans) and the personality of a 4 year-old child. I’d love to see him on canvas!
Margo says
PAINT MY PET! Our family would love a portrait of “Sam”. He’s our chocolate lab who is an important part of our family. He’s special just because he’s Sam! LOL Sam is always happy and has the most expressive face. We just love him so much I can’t put it in words. Thanks for sharing such a generous giveaway.
Jen says
That would have to be my chihuahua-jack russell Henry. He was rescued from Mexico and is the snuggliest little guy.
Trisha W says
PAINT MY PET! We lost our beloved black lab, Harley, last October 4 at the age of 13 and 1/2. Her registered name was “Candler’s Only Harley”, because my husband, Candler, laughingly said she was the only Harley he would ever get to have. Her favorite thing in the world was to be kissed on the head and snout and she would sit motionless and soak in those kisses for as long as you would give them to her. She was one of a kind and we miss her every day. A portrait of her would bring back wonderful memories of all of those kisses we shared with our precious Harley girl.
Laurin says
PAINT MY PET! My adopted pit/English pointer mix is not as bright as one might assume from her dominant breeds. However, she makes up for it with her good looks and puppy eyes (most of the time, anyways). Like today when she sat and then lay across my partner’s mom’s feet to ensure that she couldn’t possibly leave without paying more attention to her. (She does this to everyone who comes over). She also runs into stuff daily because she’s looking the other way while walking. Today it was a parked car.
Sarah says
I would paint my pooch Franklin (aka Frankie aka Frank aka baby puppy!) Everything about his is adorable and special!
Erin E says
PAINT MY PET! I have our first dog in mind, Jojo. A sweet and shy little pug who passed last year too early. She was only six and was always devoted to my husband. It’s our 10th anniversary coming up and I was planning on getting an art piece done for him anyway. This would be perfect!
Molly says
Paint my pet!
Jessica says
PAINT MY PET! would love to have our dog “Shadow” painted. She is a Siberian husky and even though she has destroyed our yard ( we have craters everywhere)we can’t imagine our life without her, she is our furry baby :)
Cassandra says
Paint My Pet! At first, I was going to say I’d love to have my 2 Irish Setters, Sophie and Tucker painted. My husband and I have been married for 42 years and Sophie and Tuck are our 4th and 5th Irish Setters! They are 12 and 10 years old and we realize their time with us is drawing to a close. There are their “Senior” years. So, to get them painted would be wonderful! But, if I were to win, I think I’d give the prize to my very good friend, Dianne. She has Chronic Leukemia and has both some very good days, some very painful days and quite often some very depressed days. She often found peace with her sweet Cat named Cali. Unfortunately and very coincidently– Cali developed the feline version of Dianne’s Leukemia. She died a week ago and Dianne has been very down these days. A portrait of her beloved Cali would hopefully bring some joy to my very sad friend.
Grete says
PAINT MY PET! Our dog, Rocco, is a cocker spaniel/golden retriever mix – he basically looks like a smaller golden with longer ear/leg hair. He lives on a university campus with us (a live-in position, we aren’t students), so he thinks anyone who looks about 20-ish is his BEST FRIEND EVER!
Meghan A says
PAINT MY PET! I’d have my ten year old cat Potter painted. She’s all white, with two different coloured eyes. When she was little she had a grey streak on her forehead, just like the famous Harry Potter’s lightning bolt. She’s a cutie!
Sandra says
I would love to have a painted picture of our Gracie Pooh Bear! We get a kick out of “talking for her.” Over the last 11 years she has given us plenty of “looks” that we just can’t resist adding our own “interpretations” to.
Nes says
Paint my pet! She’s been treat trained since she was a pup to pose with crazy accessories for a good photo!! She’d be so perfect for this!!
Beth says
I have two dogs, so it’s a tough decision on which one I would have painted. Might have to order an extra painting to keep things fair If I win this :)
Both of our dogs have personalities of their own, but one thing they have in common is that they love to greet any other dogs or people that happen to walk by our house.
Alyssa says
Paint my Pet! My fiance and I have a super-sized red dobe named Prometheus I would love to have Leslie paint. He thinks hes a little lap dog rather than a 125lb end dog. If hes around us we must be touching him in some way at all times, unless we are in the pool he wont come near us… maybe because we threw him in a few times to test his lifejacket out.