***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
heather says
paint my pet!
even though i have a new dog love my life life (my new puppy dakota) i would love a painting of my two boy cats that i lost last year (5 months apart.) i had them for 12 and 12.5 years and i miss them every single day. they were my partners in crime.
my new little girl is such a character- she likes to chase leaves, walk herself to the elevator by carrying her leash or poop bag holder and loves everyone in the neighborhood. she spends most of her time on her back asking people to rub her belly.
Alice H says
“PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
•BONUS QUESTION: I would want a painting of my black lab, Jerry, who passed away years ago or my cat Maximus, who ran away almost 2 years ago :( I looked for him for over 2 months.
Courtney C. says
PAINT MY PET! I have a one year old Shih Tzu named Edison – he’s crazy but always makes my family smile
Karen R. says
PAINT MY PET! My husband and I are in love with our mutt, Denali. We would cherish a painted picture of our best furry friend.
Melissa says
PAINT MY PET! Would it be possible to paint both my dogs? I can’t bring myself to pull to a Sophie’s choice and pick one over the other :( Best things about the dogs: Maggie has the most amazingly unattractive underbite ever, and Emily thinks she’s in a relationship with my boyfriend. Like he wakes up during the night to find that she’s crawled on the bed and is watching him sleep. It’s pretty creepy. She adores him.
LaNaya says
PAINT MY PET! I would have our big and lovable St. Bernard, Sirus, painted. He is 4 years old, 160lbs but thinks he is a tiny puppy. We have used a 2 foot tall metal gate to block him in our room or in the kitchen etc.. and he has never tried to get around it. It’s so funny.. literally he could probably knock the thing over if he breathed out too hard, but he sees that thing and instantly knows he is stuck. ;)
gingela5 says
Paint my pet! It would be hard to choose which pup to have a portrait painted of. The chocolate lab mix that wakes us up at all hours of the night or the shar pei mix that just got sprayed by a skunk and spread it all over the house. Tough choice :)
Ashley @ The North Carolina Cowgirl says
PAINT MY PET! Humm..well let’s see.
Jill (Female Jack Russel) – LOVE her because she loves attention and is the lapdog I always wanted.
Jack (Male jack Russel) – LOVE him because he is my loyal companion that goes with me everywhere and is my protector.
Jet (Quarter Horse)- LOVE him to death. I’ve had him for 14 years and he’s been the best riding horse I’ve had. He does anything and everything I ask and is like a dog and follows me around.
Heza Special Te (Paint Horse) – LOVE him because he is so good with my son. He’s a BIG horse with an even BIGGER heart!
Vinni (Thoroughbred horse) – LOVE this horse because of his fun personality. He loves to play around and act silly. He’s 11 but acts like he’s still a baby.
Ashley @ The North Carolina Cowgirl says
Oh yea..forgot to say which one I would want painted..well that would be a difficult decision because I love them all equally. I guess if I won I would probably get Jack or Jet painted since I’ve had them the longest.
Amy says
PAINT MY PET! Our 7 1/2 month old, 70 lb yellow lab, Auron, is a big ball of chaos wrapped in adorable. He’s incredibly sweet and is about as graceful as a moose (his nickname is “moose”). He also likes to “talk,” “hold hands” (by putting your hand in his mouth and walk around the house or yard) and is incredibly smart. He’s really helped make our house a “home,” even that means reconsidering the idea of having a coffee table (labrador tails + coffee table = drinks spilled everywhere).
Sara says
PAINT MY PET! I would go with our dog Trinket. Shes a Stafford-Shire Pit Bull mix, who loves to give kisses. Shes her Daddy’s girl, I would give it to my Husband for Christmas!
Amber says
PAINT MY PET! We lost our dog Belle to cancer in March. She is missed. My challenge would be to pick one photo to have painted.
Kerri says
PAINT MY PET… I’d want my little Oscar painted because he is just my precious, furball, cuddlebug.
Heather says
PAINT MY PET! Ace…because he is the sweetest pit bull you’ll ever meet! :)
Lori says
Paint my Pet!
Her name is Izzy, and she’s a yellow lab-husky mix with one pointy ear and one floppy one :)
Sara says
PAINT MY PET! My mom’s sidekick, Georgie, turned 13 last February and is really showing her doggie years. We’ll miss the old gal–she’s raised 2 abandoned litters of kittens, knows to say her prayers and always chases off the UPS guy to keep mom safe. Georgie makes sure to hog the covers at night and snores because of what we’re sure was an inhaled jelly bean many years ago. Before her hearing went, she even played hide and seek with all the kids when we would count down for her. Never have I know such a unique girl.
Kim says
Paint my pet(s)!
I have 2 mini dachshunds that are getting up there in age (10 and 15). I’d love to immortalize them before… well, you know…
Haley says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to win this, so I can give it as a gift to friends / dog worshippers who recently hosted my family in Atlanta.
maryam says
Paint my Pet!
This’ll be a gift for my friend.
Robin says
I have 2 amazing pets, a dog (Crickett) and a cat (Gizmo)… I would love to get a potrait painted of one of the RARE moments where they are sitting STILL TOGETHER!
Gizmo is 12 and Crickett is 3 and does Crickett ever keep Gizmo young, they play together like 2 puppies or kittens… it is super cute!
Holly says
We have 3 dogs and they’re all so different from the others, but totally loveable and sweet. Their goofy antics have us laughing daily!
Crystal says
My family has a 3 year old mini doxy named Bailey. She is our family clown and is constantly doing things that make us laugh.
Stephanie says
PAINT MY PET!! I have a fun loving jack russell and he love jumping! And giving that “I know I’m not allowed to do this but look how cute I am” look. We love him to pieces!
Samantha says
I’d have our dog Patti done. We adopted her from the Richmond SPCA in 2009.
Lindsay says
PAINT MY PET! I would have our dog, Jackson, painted. My husband and I adopted Jackson, a Basenji mix, after I finished my doctorate last year. In addition to his large and expressive ears that we adore, we call him “wiggle-butt” because when he gets excited he shakes his rear uncontrollably!
Kelly says
PAINT MY PET!! I would love my pitbull mix Izzy painted, i rescued her 5 years ago and she has brought lots of love and laughs to our family!
Whitney says
Paint My Pet!
My sweet yellow lab loves everyone, especially strangers. So, not much of a watch dog…but she could lick them to death!
Lisa says
PAINT MY PET!! We just rescued our baby girl Kaia and love her to pieces. We are very proud parents!
Mari says
PAINT MY PET! Oh man! I want to win this soooo badly! My dachshund/jack russel, Tulip, is the love of my life! Yes, my husband knows so it’s okay. She always makes me laugh. She a nervous little thing but so sweet. I have been begging for an modern, happy looking oil painting of her for a year now! Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Sally says
Paint my pet! My 110lb male German shepherd who brings me incredible joy and keeps me active- he MUST be walked!
Wolfie is wonderful with our new baby. He will lay down next to her and watch over her. He is very protective of her, but doesn’t lick her or bother her. He is awesome!
bev olfert says
PAINT MY PET – please :) I have such a great shot of my cat in a buddha pose that is begging to be immortalized :) Thanks for the daily entertainment – I start each day with you guys :)
Sarah says
Paint my Pet! My dog (first ever!) is a sweet boxer mix!!
Jenn Wiley says
My pet Penny. She is getting older and I’d love to have this of her. She inspired me to foster dogs, So i’d love to have that to remind me forever why I have a house full of dogs! lol
Tara F says
Karen says
PAINT MY PET! We have two black labs. It would be hard to choose. . . so probably the cat, Mishu, would get his portrait done. . .
Lindsey says
Definitely my dog Violet. Shes mamas girl definitely! Shes VERY protective of me, and when people come over, she will sit on the back of the couch with her head on my shoulder so they KNOW this is HER mommy. <3 her.
Richelle says
PAINT MY PET! Our lovable olde english bulldogge Bogey is big and intimidating looking, but he’s the biggest chicken!
JessG says
Kristin K says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have a painting of our dog Layla. My kids are in love with our sweet dog (my son actually decided that he loved her so much that he held a secret wedding ceremony between himself and the dog up in the playroom. They even snuck some snacks upstairs for the “reception”)
Heather says
Last week, after escaping from our yard, I found our pup 2 miles away at a child’s birthday party. I guess she thought she was the guest of honor as she played in the sprinklers and let the kids spray her with the hose. When I drove up she quickly stopped frolicking thinking she was in trouble, but all I could do was laugh!
Alicia Saint Ives says
Paint my pet!
I would love to have a painting of my long haired chihuahua, Dorian. He cracks me up because he has a whole ritual when getting ready for bed. It starts with him being downstairs sitting on the floor and staring at me until I accept that it’s time to go to bed. Then when we go upstairs, he climbs up on the bed and first comes to lay by my side and have some cuddle time. Then, after a while, he moves down to the foot of the bed where it isn’t quite as hot. He always ends up at the foot of the bed, but he isn’t willing to give up the cuddle time! :)
Johnna says
PAINT MY PET! I have a cute little pound puppy, Lady! She brings a smile to everyones face. I would love to capture her doggie personality to have forever in a painting. And if she puts her ears just the right way she looks like Dobby from Harry Potter! (that is her other name, Dobby. Not Harry Potter)
Lauren (in PA) says
My kitty is as black as black can be, his name is Dipstick, because when I saw him at the rescue, his tail was dipped in white paint. So cute.
He is a really friendly cat, and the cutest thing he does is when I walk away from him or out of a room, he’ll chase after me and then grab/hug my leg. It’s adorable, until he does it when I’m trying to go upstairs. Then it’s chaos!
Brooke says
PAINT MY PET! I would want a portrait of both my puppies when they’re up on two legs looking out the windows… they’re both a little weird (one sits like a bear sometimes when he licks your hand and the other leaps up like a jumping bean when you walk in the door) but that’s why we love them, right?
Chelsea says
PAINT MY PET! Oh, baby. I’d love to have a painting of Cisco!
hollie says
I have three cats so I would have to pull a name out of a hat!
Thalie F says
PAINT MY PET! I’d have to choose my little Charlemagne! He’s the cutest and unfortunately, at nearly 17, the oldest of the gang. He recently decided that at his age, he could go for a walk by himself, we just had to follow him…
Heather Petersen says
PAINT MY PET! Rosie is our 4 year old miniature schnauzer. She’s super naughty but beyond adorable and our household wouldn’t be the same without her. Rosie loves our 2 year old daughter and she is so good and gentle with Charlotte, we can’t help but forgive Rosie for things such as: attacking tape measures, chewing shoes and barking at chipmunks in the yeard. We love our crazy Rosie!
Elaine says
Paint my pet! We just adopted a sweet black lab mix named Gracie who finally completed our family – we’d love to have her portrait!
Angela B says
PAINT MY PET! I have a cat named Emmett who thinks he is a dog. He fetches better than any dog I’ve ever seen.
Sarah K says
PAINT MY PET! We have an adorable (almost) 1 year old toy poodle that I definitely need a portrait of! My favorite thing she does is when she realizes you’re starting to wake up too she “army crawls” up from the foot of the bed to come snuggle.