***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Becky says
It would be a toss up between my first dog, Stormy, who passed away 4 years ago OR my current betta fish, Lugosi von Munster! Lugosi is my husband and I’s “baby” & our first pet. He acts sort of like a dog too…as soon as he sees us walking around his bowl, he swims up to the top and wants fed. He’ll even “follow” us by swimming in every direction we walk. If we hold a food pellet slightly above his water, he’ll actually jump out of the water and get it! I’m thinking about teaching him to jump through a hoop ;)
Maura Williams says
Paint my pet! The two best things about Digby are he is part chihuahua part rottweiler (his teeth are too big for his mouth! So much comedy with his snarly grins) and while he only weights 10 lbs and is about 7 inches tall, he can walk/hike/run with the big dogs.
Maggie says
Brieanne Fazio says
Paint my pet! I’d love a painting of our yellow lab Cooper. He’s so handsome he deserves it ;)
Tracey says
I’d love a portrait of my chihuahua puppy, Eleanor Rigby. We adopted her 5 months ago and she’s brought so much fun into our home. We always crack up whenever a dog food commercial comes on (or any show with a dog on it) because she barks and growls at the TV.
Kelli Dahl says
PAINT MY PET! My darling dachshunds would be a great painting to have in our house. They are both miniature long hair pie bald weenies (pie bald=spotty) and we love them sooooooo much!
Claire says
Paint My Pet! Our pit bull was attacked last week by a feral cat in our fenced in yard and the cat lived to tell about it. That’s why I love our dog. She is the sweetest little thing that wouldn’t put a mark on the animal that was attacking her face. No joke. I had to beat the cat off of her.
Alexa @ Southern Living, Our Way says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love to have a painting of my pup, Holly. She’s a lab-hound mutt so she has these big, soft, floppy ears that we just loooove! And also, she lacks a full tail ~ she has this little “nub” that has grown with her since she was a puppy and whips around like a helicopter :)
Katie B. says
PAINT MY PET! Our rescue Nellie has truly made my husband and I feel like a family rather than a couple. There is a laundry list of things we love about her, our favorite being that she has become the Mayor of our South Philadelphia neighborhood. Her daily walks seem more like her going out to “see her people” than puppy exercise :) She’s a lovable, attention-loving gal and we are so happy she is ours!
Beth says
PAINT MY PET! My dog Bacon would make a great muse! He’s an almost 1 year old wheaten terrier and I already miss his puppy days :)
Holly says
PAINT MY PET! Our little Lucky may be a stubborn Doxie mix, and may be a little bit of a grumpy old man, but everyone falls in love with him, anyway. He has so much character in his face, he would make for one regal, distinguished portrait!
Emily U says
Paint my Pet!
I have two boxers, Vince and Ellie. Probably choose to have Vince painted, because Ellie is the troublemaker of the two. Always eating the baby’s toys, garbage, dirty laundry, high heeled shoes, etc. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them!
julia says
Paint My Pet!
Oh a give away on my birthday – fingers crossed.
I’d have a portrait of my dog Will (Golden Retreiver). Willy passed away in 2008 at 10 years of age. While I have two more beloved pets that are no longer with me, as a photographer I have good portraits I’ve taken of the other two. I’d like something special to commemorate Willy. Willy was an ambassador of goodwill (which was his breeder akc registered name) to everyone he encountered. The smartest and most loving dog I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.
Mitzi says
PAINT MY PET– Millie, my maltese, is my baby. Never had a pet before, but now with her, my life has changed–we now travel to pet-friendly places because I can’t bear to leave her home.
Jennifer says
Paint my pet!
I have two Maine Coon cats, so whichever one I can get a better picture of!
Katy says
Paint my pet! My dog Boo Boo for sure. We have had many pets (3 at current count), and we will have many more.. but none will compare to him. He is our “once in a lifetime dog”.
Laura C. says
PAINT MY PET! Our furkid is southwest Virginia’s answer to Air Bud. She plays soccer, basketball and football with our boys. (Though the game tends to turn into CHASE when she doesn’t bring the ball back!) She’s a rescue hound from the Human Society and our own (rather hairy) Mary Poppins. She watches over our children, plays with them, and helps wake them up in the morning. She’s one of the best decisions we ever made!
Abby says
Paint my pet! 2 adorable Boston terriers…Moxie and Oliver need their glamour portraits !
alexis says
PAINT MY PET I would paint my dog baron.. he’s my cuddle buddy when my husband is deployed!
Cynthia says
PAINT MY PET! I would have my husband’s cat Felix, a black and white tuxedo kitty, painted. My husband rescued him from the center of a very busy street when he was just a baby! He truly is a treasure!
Erica HB says
PAINT MY PETS! My husband and I have 2 rescues mixes, Penelope and Juno, that have brightened up our home! We would love a painted picture of them to hang on our wall!
Christen says
PAINT MY PET! My sister’s dog :)
Elizabeth says
PAINT MY PET!!! Her name is Lucy and she’s the funniest little beagle you ever saw.
Karla says
My cats are the cutest on earth. They just are. ;) You’ll have to trust me until I get my portrait to share. Hee hee…
schmei says
PAINT MY PET! Actually… paint my sister’s pet. She has a black lab/chow/etc mutt who is just the best dog you could hope for: super patient with the toddler who pulls her ears, always up for a run or a hike, possibly saved my sister’s life once when a creepy guy was following her… best. Pup. Ever. This would be a perfect gift for my sis and her family.
Kim Freestone says
PAINT MY PET! I would want our rescue pitt, Peyton (P, P-Girl, Sweet-P, PP, Poopers) painted. She passed away at 16 yrs, just days before I had our second daughter. I was devestated. It’s been a year and a half and I still miss her sweet face; always happy to see me, tail wagging so much her whole body would wiggle :) Best friend ever!
Carla Mahnke says
Our family adopted Aiden, a border collie, from a rescue organization. He is my shadow and waits for my every move. He was very shy at first but has really warmed up to our family and to strangers that he meets.
I crack up when he chases butterflies, birds, and bees in the backyard, barking and trying to catch them.
Jessica says
Paint my Pet!!
I love my littlest cat Dash. He’s a Blue Russian who is permanently kitten sized. He’s a goofball who loves to stick his head in your mouth if you yawn and headbutt you if you ignore him.
Cheryl liberty says
PaintMy Pet! Love Leslie and her work! I have two litter brother clockers,so twins, that are so different. One is a goof ball and the other is the observer. Too fun. Cheryl
jill says
PAINT MY PET! Oh, these are so wonderful. I’ve got two pups from the same rescue. The second is actually a “failed foster.” She was SO damaged when we got her—no touching, no eye contact, hiding under the table. It took several days and her falling in love with our first dog to open her up. And then of course we fell in love with her. A keeper.
Jennifer Himburg says
Paint My Pet! I have a Yorkie- Jackson who is most afraid of brooms and vaccums!
Danielle says
PAINT MY PET! The love of my life, my English bulldog Chubbs! He’s a momma’s boy. The idea that the pet looks like the owner does not apply here! He is your typical bullie – snores, grunts, and farts!
Sheri Johnson says
our cat, Jack… he’s the best!!
Misty says
Just two months ago I got a Bullmastiff puppy. This is a very time thing for me because I have been waiting for this moment for the past four years! After an ex and I split and he got custody of our Mastiff I was bound and determined to one day get my own Bullmastiff. However I knew I needed my own house first. So that is what I set out to do. And I did it! I bought a home this past spring… now I have Rue, the queen of my heart. I’d love a painted pic of her to hang on the gallery wall in my house, a small reminder that dreams do come true… you just have to work hard for them!
Misty says
*a very exciting time/thing for me
Stacey says
Paint My Pet!
My dog Bailey, a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix rescue, is so lovable and full of life so I would love to have her picture hanging in my house forever!
Natalie S says
I would love to have my dog Daisy (cocker spaniel) painted, such a cute idea!
Kali says
PAINT MY PET! I would have my beagle, Moxie, painted because she is soooooooooooo cute!!!
shay says
Paint My Pet! Our dog Baxter would love to have his picture painted!!
erika says
Paint My Pet
I would love to have a portrait painted of my 7 year old lab Madison – she is such a personality and a photographic hog….she loves to pose :) She makes me laugh and smile and I think it would be amazing to have a portrait that could capture her love, her joy and the happiness she brings to our family!
Eliza says
Paint my Pet!
I’d love a portrait of our dog Sam – he is so sweet and gentle and weird and neurotic and awesome – perfect for our little family.
David says
“PAINT MY PET!” My Chocolate Lab Chipper, who has a way of making us feel wanted even at our lowest points. Truly mans best friend.
Carissa says
PAINT MY PET!! Our sweet little Maltese (Wyatt) would love to be painted :) He’s got a hilarious personality and makes us laugh every day. I can’t help but smile when I see him.
Michelle says
Paint my Pet(s)!! I would love to have our two pit bull mixes painted! They are about 50-55 lbs. each, and both think they are lap dogs :o)
Carolyn says
Paint my pet, Little Miss Olive, our one-of-a-kind pup in all her underbite-ery glory!
Ann says
Paint My Pet!
My dog Oscar! Because he’s such a special part of my family!
Laura says
My cute beagle Jonah. He’s a crazy little thing that adores attention and love kids so much he can’t be still when they are around.
April P says
PAINT MY PET! We would LOVE to have a portrait of our sweet dog Ruby. She brings us all so much joy and deserves a portrait of her own. She does think she’s a person after all.
Naomi says
PAINT MY PET! My dog Lickerish – he’s great because he’s stuffed.
Hilliary says
PAINT MY PET! I have a border collie and a German short haired pointer, they are so cuddly and very precious! A huge part of our family.
Ashley says
I’d love this for my aunt and uncles poodle dog, Tater Bug. He LOVES to chase his blue ball and my son especially loves to chase after him while he runs for his life!