***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Danielle says
My golden retriever/germansheperd Molly loves grunting and running circles around the house, even though she occasionally pulls a lamp down, it’s so funny to watch her go! Recently though, she’s gotten into FaceTime, too cute!
Anne F. says
paint my pet!
I’ve got two very fuzzy and amiable cats. They’re pretty cute, too, in my completely unbiased opinion.
Jenn says
Paint my pet:
Gosh, I’d have to put both dog’s names in a hat to decide which one, though I lean toward our older dog. She’s a total mutt but dangerously smart. We think beagle, Shepard, terrier mix. Our other dog is a lab mix. She’s not as smart. We call them Pinky and the Brain for a reason…
Lindsay says
PAINT MY PET! My cat, Puke N’ Rally (Mr. Rally on official records and when introduced to grandmothers) was my husband’s fraternity cat (could you tell by the name?), and barely made it out of kitten-hood despite his numerous “uncles.” I was NOT a cat person, but this little guy is now most certainly my very favorite furry creature on the earth. He is more dog than cat; waits on our front stoop for me when I get home from work and gives me a “Hello” when I arrive. He is so loveable that he comes home every now and then with another collar on….that’s right, people try to steal him. He’s the best. And he loves hot sauce.
Danielle says
Paint My Pet!
My black lab mix, Zed. When he puts his paw up on my lap to say hi, and make sure i know he’s there… so cute!
Theresa Granados says
I have a bunny named Nala and he is so precious and fun! He acts like a puppy, but also thinks he is “one of the guys” when hanging out on the couch with my husband. He’s solid gray and makes us laugh constantly when he runs through the house and does his happy dance by jumping in the air and twisting around. We love our little Nugget!
Andrea says
My dog learned to smile. So every time I walk in the door she does this little toothy grin. It’s hilarious and slightly scary for newcomers who think it’s menacing.
She also wags her tail at an enormously fast speed knocking down everything in her way.
She’s the best :)
Oh she needs to sleep with a pillow, so when she sleeps with me it ends up being her bed.. :/
Michelle W says
Scrappy, our 17 year old hunter, would be the first pet done. He’s the shadow chaser, old man of the house, and loves my husband more than anything. Not a night goes by that he’s not perched on top of John’s chest for his nightly lovin’s. :)
Valerie says
Paint my pet! I would want our blue heeler Taz painted. She’s the only pet we’ve had as a family- rest were all childhood pets. Its had to say why she is so loveable… she is just very quirky.. she is kind of demanding and strong willed but is so protective of us, and so patient with our 1 year old!
Melyssa says
Paint my pet! I am the proud fur-mama to a 5 month old boston terrier pup and a sassy sassy cat.
Megan says
Paint my pet!
My spaniel Magnus turned 1 this year and I can’t imagine life with out my little footwarmer <3
Krista says
Paint my Pet Please!
I have a sweet tri-colored Cocker Spaniel named Molly Muggle. She is our pup princess and worthy of having her portrait painted because she brings such happiness to our little family. My four-year-old even thinks of the dog as her sister.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Megan Humphrey says
PAINT MY (ROOMIE’s) PET!! My roommate’s chocolate lab is the light of our household. He always keeps us on our toes as he tries to eat everything in sight (yes, that has included stuffed animals and bug spray). No worries, he is all good and healthy! This painting would be a beautiful and cheery addition to the house, but don’t tell Buddy I said that!!
Rainey says
Paint my pet! Our little scottie mix, William Wallace, has been the best big brother to his 15 month old human bro. This year he’s had his hair pulled, his tail chased, and he’s been taken on numerous “walks” around the house. He deserves to be honored with a gorgeous painting! Plus, he’s just plain handsome.
Julia says
Paint my pet!
We just adopted a little sphinx kitten and we completely love him. His name is Papi, the french word for grandpa, because he’s all wrinkled!
Natasha says
PAINT MY PET! I’d want to get my dog Coco painted, because she’s my baby. She’s crazy and was so difficult to train, but she’s extremely loving and sweet. She’s excellent at catching treats in her mouth while standing on her hind legs. Love that girl!
Kali says
We have a Norman and we have a Leo. Both Bassets, both boys, both babies. We bought Norman as a puppy in 2005 and adopted Leo from a rescue a few years back. They are the sweetest pets and are 14.5-month-old friendly. Norman prefers inside nearly laying in the fireplace and Leo prefers outside chasing any small creature that comes in the yard. They are both highly motivated by food and love nothing more then to be loved.
drew says
The little guy with the pointed ears on the top left of the photo looks so much like my Rexy! I can already see him getting painted.
Missy Holden says
PAINT MY PET!!!!! I have the cutest little Pom, and she has so much personality that she seems almost human! If only she could talk….
Kathy D. says
Paint my pet!
My two dogs, Abby and Zara, are both refreshing silliness after a long, boring day of working.
Rachel says
PAINT MY PET!!! My sweet Sophie (Yorkie Poo) will be turning 7 this year! She is attached to my hip, and is definitely the Alpha dog in our house…her pack includes our 2 1/2 year old Springer Spaniel, Rudder, and our 16 month old daughter, Darby :)
Lindsey says
PAINT MY PET! I have two adorable chihuahuas named Max and Bella. Bella is the brains behind the duo while Max distracts everyone with his baby-face cuteness.
Cindy says
PAINT MY PET! a great dane who thinks he’s a lap dog
Meg says
Rosie and Daisy, my two kitties, would make great potraits!
Eugenia says
My Pit bull/ German shepherd dog thinks she’s a chihuahua. She’s always trying to get into the tiniest of places and makes friends with all the little dogs. It makes me laugh so much.
jennypenny says
Paint my pet!
My yellow lab, Axel, is so awesome, but he will eat anything! Some thhings he’s eaten: crayons, plastic hot dog, several bottles of lotion, diaper cream, toothpaste, etc, plastic toy animals, two packages of dry stuffing and a 5 lb bag of potatoes the day before Thanksgiving last year and just yesterday, a whole box of cookies, plastic sleeve and all.
stephanie says
Paint My Pet! Would love a portrait of our dog, Riley. To get our attention, he sneezes!
Christina V says
Our four-legged family member, Manny, is the love of our lives. She’s a wonderful companion, a true love-bug, and will be turning 7 next month!
jae says
A very special black lab named Diesel who was born with
a disability. He’s an inspiration to many.
Dana says
PAINT MY (FRIEND’S) PET! I’d love to give my best friend a nice painting of her dog Gracie. She recently adopted her and they are two peas in a pod. It’s so funny how Gracie’s personality almost exactly matches that of my friend!
Kate says
PAINT MY PET! Our corgi, Maximus Almitus, sometimes looks like a fox and sometimes looks like a baby deer, and is universally loved wherever he goes.
Lisa in Seattle says
I would probably get a painting of one of my ferrets, Hurricane Gabriel, based on a pic I have of him laughing while we were playing one day. We originally named him after the archangel without stopping to think that yeah, this was the angel that literally destroyed the walls of a city – not so smart. Hurricane Gabriel gets into everything (from pulling all the keys off my laptop to tearing thin strips out of magazines that I’m still reading), but he is so utterly adorable that I have to forgive him.
Karen J says
PAINT MY PET! I would paint our dog. He’ a nut!
DaveN says
Paint my pet
My greyhound Bow is the most lovable dog ever
Natalie says
I have a little poodle and he is my best friend! He sticks by my side and he has helped me through a lot. It also helps that he is just so darn cute!
Trilby says
PAINY MY PET! We have a new puppy in our house that everyone just adores. It would be fun to have her adorable tiny self commemorated. As with kids, they grow way too fast, and it’s often hard to remember just how sweet they were at this stage.
Anne says
I would have a picture of my cat, Avonlea, painted. She is 5 years old and oddly enough likes to pet my face. Literally she stands by my head and pets my face with her paw.
Sara says
PAINT MY PET!! I have two 13″ beagles, one of which is a runt, at that! Our girls are VERY different- the smaller would take on a great dane when given the opportunity and the larger (by a whopping 3 lbs and 3 inches) runs when you set down your glass on the table too loudly.
Erin says
I would have my dog Penny painted. She’s a recent shelter rescue, and a mutt of unknown heritage. Currently her favorite pastime is diving into the evergreen bushes outside out building to scatter the birds in the morning. I think she enjoys it more than they do…
Jen Karel says
Paint my Pet! Matilda, aka stinky bottoms, is a pointer/lab/pit mix. She is the constant companion, waiting at the door to wave good bye and kiss hello. She is a lover of food and has recently (while living with my mother during a remodel in our home) found a sneaky way to eat her cousin’s food. Goes down to her bowl in our “basement condo” takes a couple of bites, runs up to the laundry room, eats all of Greta’s food and then returns to her own food. Her knew name is Bob Evans, she looks like a sausage after 2 months of 4 meals a day!
Kelly K says
This is tough; I’ve had wonderful pets who have passed, and my husband and I have two cats we adore right now. But if I had to pick one, it would be Toby, our comical 2-year-old orange tabby. His expressions are priceless – in fact, I already know which photo I would choose for the painting – and his vibrant orange color would actually complement our decor nicely!
Celisa Lehew says
PAINT MY PET! Our chihuahua is named Mr. Moe Littles, most adorable is our 5 year old dressing him up in her doll clothes.
Cassidy Carter says
Paint my pet!
It would be a toss-up; however, we would end up painting Jackson, our beautiful blonde golden over our ornery blonde barn cat, Buttermilk. We love them both though!
Leah says
PAINT MY PETS! Our two pittie mixes are the sweetest babies. Jackson always has to have a job to do around the house. His favorite tasks are helping with laundry and picking up items we drop. Ginger keeps an eye on our little kitty, warning her of any “surprise pounces” from our big kitty. They all pile into the bed with us at night. Thank goodness we have a king size bed!
Kerby Pacheco says
I would love to have either of my dogs painted! I have a Bernese Mountain dog named Motley and a Chihuahua (HOLLA!) named Rokko. Maybe Rokko & Burger can be BFF’s?
Both are adorable boys that treat me like a Rock-star every day. It’s a wonderful feeling.
Crystal B says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love to have a painting done of my first furbaby, Kirra. She was an Alaskan Malamute and my partner in crime. She passed away from an autoimmune disease all too young right before our first baby boy was born last year. I’d love to have a painting to put up in his room of her. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.
Shanda says
Paint my pet! My Basset, Bailey, should be immortalized in paint. One of the funniest things he does is lays on his back on the couch, spread eagle, and snores. We like to say he’s just cooling things off.
Cait says
Paint My Pet!!
julianne says
My baby, Ava, who is a 7.5 month old French Bulldog :)
She is very lovable, but one must beware of the loud snoring!!!
Catherine M says
Kimbo, Zoey, and Chewby Doo are the loves of our lives! Two are Boxers and one is a Cocker Spaniel, and between them they do everything from “talk” to open doors to watch TV. ;)