***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Ashley says
PAINT MY PET!!!! I have red golden retriever who is OBSESSED with tennis balls.
Carrie M. says
Paint my pet! I have a little Puggle named Bella Roo and she is so hilarious! I think she’d get a kick out of seeing herself in a painting. I can totally see her little head turning from side to side as she tries to figure out what in the world she’s looking at. :)
Kayla says
My sweet chihuahua, Lily. She is full of personality and makes us all laugh, she is a silly little thing.
AnnE says
PAINT MY PET!!! The center of our household is an almost 3 year old West Highland terrier named Barkley. Barkley is a tv watcher. I know, I know, you might think this is crazy, but apparently it’s a typical trait of a westie. We are constantly on our toes when a commercial comes on (even in fast forward when we are watching something on dvr) as Barkley knows which commercials have dogs in them. She goes nuts!
PS – do you know how many commercials there are that have dogs on them?!?!
Spenser says
My Golden Retriever, Breck, is a notorious underwear eater – but I still love him anyways!
Kara M. says
I would get a painting of my future sister in-laws favorite puppy :) She runs a doggy day care and this would be aboslutely perfect for her!!
erin says
PAINT MY PET! I’d get a picture of my adorable chocolate lab… he’s my best friend and my rock. He is the most amazing dog ever.
Peg says
PAINT MY PET! Even though I love our 2-year old shih tzu Sage, the picture would have to be of our 9-1/2 year old Maci, another shih tzu. She’s now affectionately called Grandma because she’s starting to show her age. It makes me sad:(
Joanna says
Paint my pet! My sweet cocker spaniel is a rescue who was obviously very badly abused. I have worked extremely hard for the past two years to help make her feel safe and secure in her new home and the hard work is paying off. She is really coming out of her shell and revealing her gentle and loving temperament.
Laura says
PAINT MY PET! Margaret is our happy girl and just loves every single person she meets!
Stephanie says
Please PAINT MY PET! Baby Daisy is the newest addition to our family. She is a great source of love and entertainment, most especially when she howls at her purple hippo toy.
Rachel S says
Paint my Pet!
Palmer and Layla are both rescue dogs. I’d love to have a painting of them together!
Catie says
PAINT MY PET! The Harold is my Wheaten Terrier and although he isn’t the smartest cookie, he’s the sweetest, most loyal, loving, and adorable “puppy” (he’s 6, too!) you’ll ever meet.
Christina says
We have one dog Bosco that we adopted 6 years ago. He’s somewhere between 7 and 8 right now and he brings us nothing but joy. I would love to create a wall dedicated to him!
Cabogirl says
Paint my pet! Our good boy, Reagan. Our sweet golden is 10, and is living his last days. He is still such a joy and even though he’s not able to bounce down the street to the bus stop, he still walks his “girls” each morning, visits with the other parents and dogs as we wait for the bus, and waits patiently for Mr. Walt, the bus driver to toss him a treat. I’d love, love, love…even more now than ever, to have a picture of him. We love him so!!!
Geoff says
PAINT MY PET!! My dog Kuzco (he gets his name from a fav childrens movie of mine- the emperors new groove!) loves to be the center of attention so a portrait of himself would be most fitting! He is a cairn terrier mix who thinks he is a great dane or something so i joke that he is a self loathing small dog- clearly my lil nugget has tons of personality!!
K @ Claiming Our Space says
Paint My Pet! We have a GSP/Boxer mix named Willow who was a rescue (rescue dogs are best!!). She loves to play with her toys in front of the mirrored closet door, sleep with her butt pressed up against D or me, and basically pretend that she is a 50+ lb lap dog.
Kris says
“PAINT MY PET!” Please!!! The best feature of our dog Twister is that he sits on multiple levels. So if he’s sitting on the stairs, his front legs are one step lower than his bum and hind legs. It’s really adorable.
Natalie Derrickson says
I would love my two beagles, Wrigley & Staley painted together- I’d just have to get a photo of them together & standing still! I love that they both are obsessed with fleece, Staley waits for you while you’re in the shower & Wrigley knows if something hurts and will kiss it. They are some sweet boos!
Christi says
Paint my pet!
Dakota our 13 year old Lab is such a funny old man! He needs a painting to celebrate his final years!
Happy birthday to Burger!
Pauline says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have our “little buddy” painted! our wonderful and very affectionate cat buttons. That would make a purrfect Christmas present for my husband who loves to cuddle with her (although he’d never admit to it!)
Liz B says
We just adopted Lucca a month ago, and he’s a gigantic (70 lbs and still growing!) sweetheart. When he plays, he picks up his toys and runs back and forth across the apartment at full speed.
Amanda Stinger says
PAINT MY PET! I want my dogs Abby & Junior to be painted. I am a huge animal lover and scooped by dogs up while interning at a local animal shelter. Adopt!
Rochelle says
I’d have Leslie paint my goat Mabel. She acts just like a big dog. We call her “The Friendly Goat.”
carolyn~ says
Wow, I would love to give this to my husband for a birthday gift. Rocco, our chi terrior rescue puppy is the best addition to our home ever!
Stephanie says
“PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
BONUS QUESTION: I’d want my dog, Zoe, painted. While I love both of my two dogs the same (Manny is a year old) Zoe will be turning 16 years old in March. It would mean the world to my family to have this portrait of her to cherish forever.
One thing that makes Zoe especially lovable is that, even now that she’s blind and deaf, she still seeks us out–wherever we may be in the house–and sits nearby. There’s nothing she loves more than being around her family, and we feel the same way about her. She is such a sweet soul.
Jessica @ The Desert Abode says
Our pride and joy is our orange tabby “Garfield” and I’ve been thinking about decorating the bathroom where we keep his litter box with a fun cat decor. Poor little guy’s had a rough summer recovering from a broken leg, but is finally feeling better!
Kelly says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to give my brother and sister-in-law a portrait of their min-pin Ninja!
Kristin says
PAINT MY PET! My little guy is a 17-lb poodle mix who is a major snugglebug. Whenever I’m sitting, he wants to be in my lap. (And I don’t just mean when I’m sitting on a CHAIR.) :-)
Amber W says
PAINT MY PET! There’s no way I could choose between my sweet boxer Robin and my crazy cat Marley. They get along so well, so a picture of them together would be very fitting.
Alex says
Paint my pet! My wife and I have Luna, who was our first “child”. Luna’s favorite activity is squirrel-watching out the sliding door. Doggy TV!
Marisa says
PAINT MY PET! Our dog, Yoda, walks to the bus stop with me every day to wait for my kids to get off the bus. He sits there and refuses to move until they arrive.
Vicki says
PAINT MY PET! I just lost my 8 month old puppy, Duncan a week ago, so I would get a painting of him.
Melissa Hinton says
Paint my pet!!!
My husky neiko! He has a helicopter tail when he gets really happy!!!
Katie says
PAINT MY PET! Hmm, tough call, dog or cat, dog or cat? I’d have to say paint our mixed breed dog Boz–the painting would be a lovely gift to my husband who is Boz’s best friend. Dignan the curmudgeonly cat will have to wait.
Donna says
Paint my pet!
I have an adorable little girl chihuahua named Lia. She’s special because she’s a chihuahua! DUH! Oh, and she has a goofy little asymmetrical face that makes me laugh. She’s the most beautiful dog in the universe!
Alma says
PAINT MY PET! I would have my three awesome chihuahuas painted! Tinkerbell, Moose and Butter. They all have such different personalities and combined make one crazy handful!
Ashton N. says
PAINT MY PET! I would have to choose my pit bull mix Ollie. His ice blue eyes brighten my day and I would love to be able to see those beautiful eyes while I am at work!
Emily says
Paint my pet!
My 2 year old Pomeranian mix is my pride and joy. I never knew how amazing and enriching the bond between humans and dogs could be until we adopted her!
Mike says
We have a pet crawdad that my kids LOVE! They even named her after their Mom.
Jolene Hanson says
I have a dog named Benji- he is from the pound. He is incredibly lazy and doesn’t bring much to the table!
But he is ours!
Kristina says
I would have my fur baby, Oliver painted. He is absolutely adorable! He is a one year old English Bulldog, Beagle mix and I know he would look amazing in a 20 x 20 portrait! He has such a sweet and funny personality!
Sara says
PAINT MY PET! I would want my dad’s mutt, Sparky to be painted. He is such a loving, wonderful dog and I love when my dad goes out of town and we get Sparky at our house. Sparky follows my dad around like his shadow and substitutes my husband when he stays with us. Sparky is getting old and can’t move like he used to (go on runs, backpacking, hiking, etc.). We are really going to miss him. I think a Sparky painting would be fantastic!
Christine says
I have a Chihuahua mixed with a Papillion so she looks like the fanciest Chihuahua on earth. She’s got a ‘tude but she’s been with us for 10 years so obviously she’s a big part of the fam!
Ashton says
PAINT MY PET! We just got our new Vizsla puppy, Riplee, a few weeks ago. We knew going into it that Vizsla’s are known for being ‘velcro’ dogs, but we had no idea the extent of it.. Miss Riplee makes sure that some part of her body is touching me when she is asleep. Not only that, but she insists that her head rest on my neck the entire night! It was certainly something to get used to, but I wouldn’t want her any other way. <3 Woof!
Rosemary says
The bonus question is easy for me because I only have one pet, my sweet puppy, Okie Homa. He is the most loyal dog I have ever had. He know exactly when to expect me to be home (without a watch, for that matter) & is always waiting on my front porch when I pull into the driveway. Now THAT is love!
Samantha says
PAINT MY PET! I have a dog and a cat…it would be hard to choose who to paint!
Sharon says
PAINT MY PET! I had have our dog, Bocce (AKA Mr. Naughty Pants), painted. While often naughty, he’s very sweet and lovable and actually gives us hugs when we pick him up.
Lisa says
Paint my pet! We would have a portrait of our dog, Josiah. He is getting up there in doggy years–10 now– but he is still as active and sweet as ever. He is a border collie mix
lisa says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have my cat painted!