***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Kate K. says
PAINT MY PET! Our black lab has the longest tongue! Because he has a few teeth missing on the bottom, when he closes his mouth his tongue sticks out just a little bit. It’s so ridiculously funny and cute!
Leslie says
PAINT MY PET! I have a lovable mix breed dog named Guster. Who gets freaked out by watermelons and will start howling when my husband or I make monkey sounds (which actually happens pretty frequently with a 6 month around!)
Lauren says
Paint My Pet!
We would paint Emma, our 2 year-old Hound/Shepherd mix. Emma is a ham all of the time, but one of the cutest things she does is launch herself down our 1/2 flight of stairs and land in a barrel roll. She’s got us trained; she knows we’ll pet her if she does that.
Laura says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have a portrait of my lovely Lily, our beloved Norwich terrier.
Carlo L. says
PAINT MY PET! Maddie, our little brown rescue pup, is neurotic and beyond lovable!
Joanie says
We have 2 dogs Kaylee and Serafina – they are both adorbs. It would be tough to decide but likely Kaylee would get the portrait because she is all brown and most people comment that Serafina is the prettier dog when we are out for walks. Kaylee is beautiful to me!
Juli says
My friend, Jesse, is a Kuvasz (looks like a tall, skinny Pyrenees) who helps us raise foster kittens for our local Humane Society by grooming orphan babies and snuggling lonely kittens without litters. We would love to immortalize this handsome old guy.
Jenner says
PAINT MY PET! I would have the painting done of my Sammy, who left us 6 years ago at the age of 13. I’ve missed her every day since.
Lindsey says
PAINT MY PET! My dog Oscar is the best big brother that my son could ever have. Oscar is a German shepherd, so he may look big and tough, but he is a real softy and happily lets my 19 month-old climb all over him.
Lisha says
PAINT MY PET!!! I would want my dog Reese painted! She’s the first dog I’ve ever had. I got her when I was 17 and am now 25 and she lives with my husband and I. She is my “child” since I don’t have any kids yet.
tia says
Paint my pet!
We have a lot of pets to choose from, but I think my whole family could appreciate a portrait of Rusty Dog who was such a sweet tolerant old boy.
Monique says
PAINT MY PET! We have a miniature schnauzer named Gracie. She’s fun because she is such a snuggle bug. Always wants to be right next to you and she is so friendly.
Pam says
This would be hard for me since I have four wonderful dogs all with their unique personalities! I’m sure I could probably choose one of them…I think!
Andrea B says
Paint my pet!!! Our spunky miniature schnoodle, Archie, needs a portrait done!!! love y’all!
Leanette says
PAINT my PET! My dogs mean everything to me! They’re seriously like children. The love they share with us is so worth all the dog hair I wear on my clothing. I have been wanting a painting of my two fur babies forever!! Hope I win! YAY!
Megan says
PAINT MY PET! My Fiance and I just adore our vizsla, River. He is a little over 1 yr old and is completely our baby and we refer to him as our son. He is absolutely the snuggliest pup you will ever meet and must sleep in the bed, in between us, and have his own pillow, but we love every cozy second of it!
Meredith says
My sister has this beautiful white cat that she calls Miss Wumplekins – she’s the sassiest thing I have ever seen! At 5am each morning she meows like an alarm clock in my sister’s ear until she gets her food. She takes one bite, and falls back asleep! I would be beyond excited to see her face Christmas morning when she got a painting of her kitty!
Courtney says
PAINT MY PET! I’d have my beagle/border collie mix, Maggie, painted. My husband is lucky enough to work in an office that allows you to bring your dog to work, and it is Maggie’s absolute favorite place to be.
Heather says
PAINT MY PET! Our dogs Harkes and Leary are standard poodle/Rottweiler mixes. They are super sweet, smart and the most patient dogs with our 18 month old daughter. They let her climb all over them and never get upset with her no matter what she does!
Amy B says
PAINT MY PET! Our dog, Zebbie, was my first baby. With each birth of the two-legged babies, he has accepted his “demotion” with dignity. He is the best dog- he patiently has let toddlers climb all over him and takes seriously his job of protecting his little ones from dangers like the mail carrier and the tiny chiauha next door. Best dog ever!
Christine says
Paint my pets! I have two adorable dachshunds Tiller and Trudy who get even more adorable when they are sleepy and cuddley.
Luke says
Paint my pet! (please)
Jynx is my ever chill, shoe-lace obsessed cat. He was actually my first big purchase when I moved out on my own!
Erin B. says
PAINT MY PET… Bear! She’s a rottweiler/german shepherd/lab mix that my family adopted about 4 years ago and is as smart as can be (for a dog who eats her own poop).
Amy S says
I’d love for our dog, Millie, to be painted. We adopted her, and actually, October is her birth month (we have no idea her birthday) and she’s 3 years old. :-) She’s a border collie mix, and has such a fun personality.
Addy says
I’d love to have my kitty Walter painted! He was a rescue cat and initially didn’t even want to be touched, and well now you can’t get him away from you. He’s just so lovable!
Kylie W. says
PAINT MY PET! Why? Because my kitty is currently in the hospital recovering from surgery – he ate a darn cat toy that caused a blockage! There goes one of his 9 kitty lives…
Laurie says
Psint my pet. He is adorable!
Katie says
PAINT MY PET! I would love a painting of my sweet yellow lab, Olive. One thing we love about her is whenever she gets in trouble (which usually involves dragging socks out of the laundry basket and chewing them), her eyes get squinty and she smiles really big and it looks like French Stewart! haha :)
Katie says
PAINT MY PET! My rescue pup Georgie loves to sleep under the covers with us.
Cori says
I’d have both my pets painted together, my cat and my pup, since they haven’t learned how to coexist in our house together yet! The puppy is just shy of six months old and we’ve only had him 3 months, so he’s still working out his chasing instinct. Our cat is 9 years old and just isn’t having it!
Dawn says
PAINT MY PET! Our Riley is getting up there in dog years. Would love a beautiful painting of him!
Cheryl liberty says
PAINT MY PET! I have two litter brother cocker spaniels. Twins really but so different. One the observer and one is a goof ball. Cheryl liberty.
Abigail says
Paint my pet! My boyfriend and I would love to have a painting of our York Chocolate Cat, Klaus! Thanks!
Eden says
PAINT MY PET! Our German Shepherd “Shelby” is our baby. We got her two weeks after we got married and have often wondered how we survived without her. My husband and I both work long days and many evenings we will come home to find our belongings (shoes, socks, etc) in her bed – not destroyed, only moved. It’s as though she needs us with her every second of the day. It’s hard to get upset at what is a simple act of attachment.
Sarah says
PAINT MY PET! We Ms. Magic-Pants last September – she has stopped shaking all the time and has turned into a real ham!
samantha says
Please paint my pet! I just got married and would love to give a picture of our pit bull to my husband since he was sad that he could not be in our wedding.
Sharon says
I’d love for you to Paint My Pet! We have two dogs, a bird, and two rats, so it will be hard to choose.
Danyelle says
Pet me! I’d love a painting of my basset hound, Waylon.
Gretchen says
PAINT MY PET! My Great Dane puppy. She is so sweet, playful, and doesn’t understand how big she really is.
Amanda says
Paint my pet! We had a dog for nine years, from the time he was four weeks old until he died last month. He was incredibly loyal, and one of the best things, he did not bark. Can’t stand barking. We loved that dog.
Diane C says
Artie is my boy’s name and he is the sweetest rescue dog. I would be honored to have a painting of him.
Mari says
PAINT MY PET! My kitten, Paddington is a rascal and a half! There is nothing better than coming home from a hard day at work to a fluff ball running down the stairs while mewing “welcome homeeee”. Paddington is a one and a half year old silver persian with the signature black eyeliner and green eyes. He is absolutely lovely and we couldn’t imagine our home without him!
Joellen says
PAINT MY PET! My wonderful boxer/border collie dog is the BEST. BUT, she is fearful my camera will suck her soul out of her and won’t allow any photos! Therefore a painting of her would be perfect!
Ashleigh says
PAINT MY PET! My sweet Phoenix is a boxer miz who just turned 12 this year. He’s not having the best year since arthritis has kicked in pretty hard core – but he’s hanging in there. He’s such a handsome fella – so this would be fantastic :)
samantha says
PAINT MY PET! I have a mutt, a straight up mutt. Seriously we did a breed DNA test on him and it came back “inconclusive” so maybe he’s not even a real dog. We rescued him from the mean streets of Brooklyn and nobody wanted him because he was a black dog (read up on this, they don’t get adopted as much as lighter dogs) and he has a funny little snaggle-tooth smile. He was on the list to be put down, but due to a purchasing error they didn’t have enough evil dog killing juice. We were able to swoop in and bring him home with us. The poor guy was terrified of everything… except us. It’s like he knew we saved him! His tooth is his signature trademark and it’s made him a celebrity in our neighborhood (and up and down the East coast!). He’s the sweetest meek and feeble little pup and we can’t imagine our lives without him. He even stood at our wedding and stayed the whole night partying it up on the dance floor :)
This is our little snaggle-tooth…
WebSavvyMom says
–>Paint my pet.
I’m in Virginia too!
Carolyn Taylor says
PAINT MY PET! my favorite thing about Harley is not only his love to cuddle under a blanket on the couch, but how he sits by the back door and toots out loud but then looks around to see who farted. it is one of the funniest things i have seen him do!
Lisa R says
PAINT MY PET! I would probably have our first dog Holly painted. She is the sweetest Dachshund mix. The thing I love about her is that she always has to be snuggled up right next to me when we are sitting on the couch.
carla says
PAINT MY PET! Max – he thinks he’s a cat…:0
Amanda says
PAINT MY PET! We would paint Biggie Smalls. A Chihuahua who rivals Burger on personality and being a part of the family.