***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
Lorien says
Paint My Pet!
Our rescue dog, Angel, is such a dignified dog! She’s a total mutt, but obviously has some Chihuaha and Jack Russell in her — people are shocked that she’s so calm. She has a real sense of feeling self-aware, so when she does get silly and run around, it’s so cute… especially since she’s so embarassed after :)
Susan M. says
Paint my pet! I’d want to have my Boston Terrier, Gabby, captured in a painting. She is super cute, even though she farts a lot.
Gillian says
Our dog, Lucky! He’s a 12 lb. min pin/maltese mix but tears through toys, treats & food like he’s a 100 lb dog. I wish I could figure out how to get him to be a toy tester since he destroys everything (including those “level 10 tough” toys) within SECONDS.
Teresa S says
PAINT MY PET!! Our little Bull Terrier, Tess, is the “House Queen” – she rules the roost and is always ready for a walk, a game, or a party.
Allison says
PAINT MY PET! We adopted a black lab a few years ago and she has the most lovable dog ever. Our son thinks she is incredible and she makes him very happy. :-)
keri says
PAINT MY PET!Woody is a mini weinerdog but dont tell him that! he has a girlfriend ( the golden lab next door) and although small can keep up with the 3 little men in this house. We have loved him like family since we rescued him a Hes getting older and the family jokes that he need just for men to take care of the grays.I think a painting of him would be a great thing.
Kerry Trice says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have my dog Baxter painted! Baxter is hilarious because he is big for his breed (shih tzu) and flops his front paws when he walks. It is too cute! Oh, and he talks :)
Mike says
I have the most adorable chocolate lab in the world who would look great on canvas!
Kerri says
PAINT MY PET!! Our bestest doxie Max. He is a little guy with a big old heart and an awesome personality. He is quite handsome too!
Connie says
Hamilton, a big fluffy boneless cat. He understands most of what I say and likes to ‘ride the dryer’ while I do laundry. He also gazes at our past cat Bob’s portrait.
Pam says
Lucy is our dog, half jack russel, half english pointer. She is eight and still acts like a pup!
Jessie says
PICK ME!!! I have an adorable lab and grey/white cat that would look wonderful together in a painting.
Laura Jordan says
PAINT MY PET! My dog Riley is all love. She can spend all day cuddling with me. Side note -She’s the best $40 I’ve ever spent with my student loan money in college. She’s from the Huntington, WV animal shelter. Go Herd! :)
Jessica says
PAINT MY PET! I adopted my cat while in college and he was my best buddy throughout my 20’s and into my 30’s. Besides being the best cat ever, he played hide and seek! He passed last year and I would love to have a painting to remember him by.
Hallie says
Paint my pet! (please!) I would love a painting of my sweet puppy, Wallace. He’s a cavalier king charles spaniel, and he’s the cutest and sweetest dog of all time. Seriously, we did a survey, tallied the results and Wallace totally won. :-)
Kris Stacy says
PAINT MY PET!!!!! I would love to have a painting of my dogs – Guinness and Captain Morgan.(we are not alcoholics I swear) Its funny how they get a long so well but are so different personality wise – funny in that one has a lot of my personality traits and the other my husband’s.
Christine says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have a portrait of our baby Gus! He’s the sweetest little dog and having him cuddle inbetween me and the hubs every night for bed just makes me happy!
jerri says
PAINT MY PET!! my weimaraner greta was truly a daddys girl and my husband recently passed. i had a weimaraner topiary at the funeral to represent his beloved greta. i would love to win this!!!
Caylen says
paint my pet!! my 9 month old saint bernard, Watson!!
Jennifer says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have a painting of Cody, our Maltipoo. He is so sweet and allows my daughter to dress him and push him in her doll stroller!
Sally says
PAINT MY PET! Doug the pug would be the perfect model for a bright painting. Pugs are usually very sedentary, but Doug is quite the opposite, flying through the air to catch frisbees.
Stesse says
Paint my Pet! Or rather, paint my mom’s pet! She’s got a ditzy lab named Daisy and a geriatric girl cat named Bob and I’d love to give her something like this!
Sara says
PAINT MY PET! I would have a portrait of my cat Olivia Kittyface (she’s more embarrassed by her middle name than she lets on). And Olivia is pretty normal for cat – the weird one is me – I decided I liked her coloring (gray and white with green eyes) so much that I decided that would be my color scheme for my bedroom. So a portrait of her would go perfectly!
Kristen says
PAINT MY PET! Sammie, the yorkie, still loves jumping into frozen pounds to catch geese in his old age.
Karrie says
Paint my pet! My goldendoodle sure would look cute painted!
Diana says
PAINT MY PET! Pleeeaassee I want a portrait of my dear sweet black labrador Riley. No generic paintings I’ve seen capture her petite little face and those precious brown eyes.
Christina W. says
Paint my Pet! I have two cats. My girl is Himalayan and she is such a high-maintenance, diva! The other is male who we pick up at a homeless shelter. Both have such funny little personalities!
McCaulie says
PAINT MY PET!! I would need both of my boys on one print cause their our furbabies!
Sarah says
Paint my Pet!
Our Pit bull Zuzu who we rescued 3 years ago is the most wonderful dog we have ever had the privilege of owning. She acts like Nana the dog from Peter Pan towards our 16 month old son and is the most well mannered pup you could ever met. She gives Pit Bulls a good name. Our veterinarian believes she was used as a bait dog for dog fighting based on the scars around her neck and head and then thrown out once they didn’t have a use for her. We are lucky to have such an amazing dog and a beautiful one too that deserves a pretty painting of herself.
Melissa says
PAINT MY PET! I have a very handsome greyhound of an unusual color (red) who knows he is beautiful and would love to have a picture as further evidence.
Ahsamon says
Paint my Pet!
My favorite thing about my cat, Puffy, is that he is sooo fuzzy! We joke that when he walks around the house, he puffs his fur all over the place. :P
David L. says
PAINT MY PET! I dearly love my dog Remington. He is a 7 year old puggle that has been part of our family since I was in middle school. Remington is devastatingly cute. One of his best qualities is how excited he gets when every time my wife and I come visit him, even if we saw him the day before. Remington loves people and other dogs, in fact, he has a girlfriend across the street from us named Zoe. Remington is just so adorable that he needs to be captured on canvas.
Michele says
PAINT MY PET! Id love a painting of our Weimaraner, Babs! She thinks she is one of the people and will not settle down unless she can have her fav spot on the couch between my husband and i. From there she can also see out the bay window and watch for squirrels in the backyard. Love her!!
pagerz says
PAINT MY PET!! Jasper is a 9 and a half year old pit mix and he’s just the best boy in the world. I’ve been saying for a while I need to add painted picture of him to the wall next to the great photos that my sister took. The best thing about the “Bubba” is his one cocked ear…it makes him look curious about evertyhing.
maria c says
PAINT MY PET! We adopted our bulldog mix Rubicon in January and he has completely changed our lives! He’s just a big ball of love with the most friendy, goofy, and expressive personality.
Krista says
PAINT MY PET- My sweet 12 year old Siberian husky…she is the love of our family and we know our days with her are getting shorter.
Marta says
“PAINT MY PET!” we adopted a dachshund named Harry, and he is really turning into a pleasent dog and member of the family. He is very energetic and can leap tall fences in a single bound. We often refer to him as Harry Houdini. We are so glad we had him chipped, no telling when he might wander off to find his own destiny:):):)
Chris says
We’d like to remember our wonderful cat, he was so much fun and was always there to play and snuggle when we needed cheering up. He was also a pretty big cat too (25lbs!) so I’m sure he would be fun to paint.
JoAnn Hoppe says
I would offer up my Maddie (aka Maddie Boombaladdie!) a Shihzu Poodle mix. Maddie turned two last Thursday so she is a libra like Berger. She is the sweetest snuggle bug ever and bringing her into our lives was a great family decision! (besides our cat would be so honking jealous if we got a great portrait of Mads and not one of her!)
Thomi says
PAINT MY PET! I would love a portrait of my one eyed sphynx rescue Maysee. She is a constant companion and one of the most loving animals I have come across
Linny says
PAINT MY PET! We have a pint-sized kitty named Twinkie. We love when she channels her canine companions and plays fetch.
Courtney S says
PAINT MY PET! I would want our border collie painted – our dogs are our fur babies, so smart and sassy! :)
Jacque K says
I would love to have our dalmatian Fenway painted. He is by far one of the most loving gentle dogs I have ever owned. The best thing about Fen is that he talks (well moans a lot) to us when he is happy and lets not forget that his tail is in perpetual motion!
Ashley says
Paint my pet! My Goldendoodle Addison is the silliest dog. When we go to the dog park she runs from person to person so everyone there can pet her.
Catie says
paint my pet!
I never thought about having dog art on our wall, but it would be sweet to have a little portrait of “Auggie the Doggie” somewhere in our home :o)
Becky H. says
Paint My Pet!
My little pooch, Jilli, is quite the character. She completes our little family and it would be great to have a painted picture to capture her personality.
Jennifer says
PAINT MY PET! The subject of the painting would be our lovely cat Spalding.
Sara says
PAINT MY PET! I would want a portrait of my 5 yr old love bug Louie (aka the 60lb pit bull who whishes he was a Burger!). He is mine & my husband first dog together and he will always hold a special place in our hearts. I know that a time will come when he is no longer here, and a portrait of him would be a beautiful reminder of all the great times he has brought to our family.
Lindsey in Dallas says
PAINT MY PET!! I’ve had Henry for a little over eight months, and he recently turned one year old. I really can’t remember what life was like before him! He is the sweetest dog, so loveable and incredibly smart. I’m so lucky that he found his forever home with me.
Natalie Straight says
Paint my Pet! My puppy Virgil is a German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd mix. One of my favorite of his quirks is when he gets up from a long nap, he stretches his whole body out and drags his back feet behind him to give his front legs the best possible stretch. Seeing his little paws trail behind him is adorable. He makes life so much sweeter.