***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
And the lucky random pet parent who’s about to get a cheery pet portrait is… Kirstin (who’s excited to get a portrait of Lola, her “adorable Boston Terrier/English Bulldog mix”). Congrats Kirstin AND Lola! UPDATE: Kirstin sent us a photo of Lola. Isn’t she a heartbreaker?
Somebody turned six last week around here. And his name rhymes with Schmurger (video evidence to come on Young House Life – we just have to upload it). Anyway, in honor of that exciting canine milestone, we’re hosting an exciting canine giveaway, courtesy of our good friend (and fellow Virginian) Lesli Devito. She’s got an incredible knack for turning a photo of your pet into a brightly colored, cheerful piece of artwork that’ll wake up any wall. So start digging out that perfect snapshot of your pup (or kitty or whatever else) and hunting for the perfect spot for that 20 x 20″ custom painting that just may be coming your way!
- PRIZE: A custom pet painting from Leslie Devito Paintings up to 20″ x 20″ in size (a $500 value)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “PAINT MY PET!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what pet you’d want painted. And while you’re at it, what’s one thing that makes your pet especially lovable, weird, loyal, or just generally fun to have around?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, October 3rd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States & Canada
- DISCOUNT: 15% off any order when you mention YHL with your order (through October 15th)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Lesli Devito.
mary says
paint my pet!
our bull terrier, sofie, pulls blankets up around her at night while our bully mix, riley, curls his 60 lbs. body into tight little balls. they’re such lovies, they’re making my sick day waaaaay better :)
Aleigh Chvatal says
PAINT MY PET! I have an adorable bloodhound named Lenny who’s sweet droopy face greets me at the door every day after work.
Lara says
I would love to have my cat Frankie Angel Eyes painted, he is a very goodlooking orange tabby and he knows he is handsome too. He is always finding ways to sneak into every photo we take around our house, even when you do not intend on taking his picture!
Harmony says
Paint my pet! My dog Jones is awesome. I mean, he does eat his own poop sometimes, which makes me question his judgement, but our family would be incomplete without that lil’ shihtzu. I just love him.
Erin B says
PAINT MY PET! I would have my dog Chili painted and she’s six, too. We’ve had her since she was a puppy and have been through a lot with her. She was hit by a car when she one year old. Only God can explain how she didn’t have one broken bone, but lots of scaring. We are so glad to still have her with us. She’s crazy and gets into the garbage, but we love her as if she were our child.
Mary @ Ms Redo says
Paint my pet, Casper, Golden/Lab mix …. named after Dave Casper, #87 Oakland Raiders, the greatest tight end in football history according to my nephew Steve who originally owned our dog Casper, but who eventually gave Casper to us because Steve and his wife were having their babies and didn’t have time to devote to Casper but we did. And for that world’s longest run-on sentence, I hope we win this contest!!! Mary
Barbara says
Pleassssssssssse Paint My Pet. Bleu is a chocolate labrador retriever. I get him shaved to help control the shedding and it looks like a puppy every time!
Suzanne says
PAINT MY PET! I have a shi-poo named Georgia & a new house to decorate :)
Amanda Elliott says
Paint my pet! My sweet girl Ella, a shitzu/ Maltese mix! She is the best puppy ever-so sweet and loving. She has a bed at the foot of ours, but always seems to sneak under OUR covers once we are asleep;) Stinker! I would love a painting of her:)
Cory Ann Ellis says
PAINT MY PET! His name is Guinness and he is brindle great dane. He is 4 years old and super lovable. During the winter he is hilarious leaping through the snow and then burying his head in the snow. For what reason I don’t know. He also thinks he’s a lapdog and will cuddle any chance he gets.
Mindy C says
Paint my Pet!
I would have Rocky, our boston terrier, painted. He jsut tuned 4 this year and is the best dog ever! The kids love him and we take him everywhere with us.
katie says
PAINT MY PET! Our family dog, Kelsie, is a 8 year old Golden Retriever and is the sweetest girl ever! We just finished a renovation and have a perfect spot for a portrait of our “first born”!
Katie Cooper says
I would have my Boston Terrier, Elsie, painted! She is only 8 months old, but already runs our lives! One thing that makes her “special” is that she licks the kitchen cupboards!
Raquel says
Paint my pet! I’d immortalize Katie the dog who sits behind my feet when I’m in the kitchen and will one day cause my death when I turn around and trip over her, breaking my neck!
Amanda says
Paint My Pet! I would have my sweet miniature schnauzer, Fletch, painted. He will actually “argue” with me sometimes out in the yard, and I know it must give our neighbors a good laugh!
Ashley says
My puggle Tucker is my favorite teddy bear. He was born with a medical condition that makes every day extra precious, and he deserves an artistic homage! He turned 6 right before the Burg-meister – Happy birthday, puppies!
Sile says
PAINT MY PET! I’d have a painting of my Pepper Purl, who is such a spitting image of Burger that sometimes I see his face on this site and I think, “When did I take that picture of her?”!
Kate says
Paint my pet!…a little love for felines here…I’d do my cat Scotch who is a little scrapper and has a love/avoidance relationship going on with my one year old daughter right now. Mobility + excited shreiking = retreating cat.
Ashley says
PAINT MY PET! I would love to have my Toy Fox Terrier, Sally, commited to canvas for infamy. She is a hilarious little dog and life is so much more fun with her.
Courtney A. says
My Welsh corgi, Solo. He truly is another member of our (small) family. We boast that he understands English. You can tell him to do just about anything and he looks at you as if he understands.
Amy says
PAINY MY PET! Hidalgo is 110-lbs of Chocolate Lab friendliness. He is a gentle giant whose tail never stops wagging and always a crowd pleaser when we take him out.
Mary Beth says
PAINT MY PET! I want my sweet pup, Bauer, the chocolate lab, to be painted. I’ve been wanting an awesome painting of him to hang over his bowl in the dining room to add some character. Oh yea, why is he so lovable? Because he is still a cute and cuddly puppy. Everything is still so new to him!
Kathleen says
PAINT MY PET! Our dog Penny has so many weird habits, it’s hard to nail one down. She has always eaten the strangest things ever since she was a puppy–coins, nails, necklaces, Qtips, evening my wedding ring (twice–but she barfed it up both times thank God). Thankfully as she’s gotten older, she’s grown out of the metal-eating and stuck to Qtips & tampons mainly… We still love her :)
Rebecca says
PAINT MY PET! I’d love to have a painting of my English Bulldog Hank! He greets me when I come home from work by shimmying towards me, and I pretty much die from happy every time!
Roxanne R. says
Paint my pet!
Dash, my yellow lab, is lovlingly referred to as “Comfort Dog.” He will push around pillows and blankets to make a nest, and will cover himself up when he naps. It’s completely ridiculous.
Emily says
paint my pets!
my dear dog, Ben, needs to be made immortal in paint. His smile & spirit are unparalleled in their kindness and heart.
Berry says
My puppy Robinson is the sweetest cutest sweetest guy in the world. He does a really good impression of a cat when I dangle string in front of him, and he’s so into string that he’ll even nibble my hair a little since it’s pretty similar to string.
Bonnie S. says
PAINT MY PET! We have an adorable lab mix who has the sweetest personality :) We love her!
Hayley M. says
We would definitely want a portrait of our cat Miles. We rescued him when he was a week old and he’s the most lovable kitty ever. :)
Mariel says
PAINT MY PET! We have an adorable 3-year-old Boston Terrier who is 12 pounds of trouble. He was a rescue, and his old owners neglected him so he’s blind in one eye. My Dad even thought he had one blue eye & one brown! He is hilarious when we’re walking him…he kind of walks diagonally!
Jennifer Meadows says
We have an adorable mini weiner dog named Sadie who rules the house and would love to be immortalized !
Colleen says
Please PAINT MY PET!! My Daisy is a 4 year old Schnoodle. She looks like a black teddy bear, and snuggles like one too. We brought her home at 6 weeks, weighing 2.2 pounds, and now she’s up to 20! She is big sister to our daughter, Lily. The two of them are our little flower garden :-) Her quirk is that she can jump up on furniture just fine, but barks until you stand behind her to give her moral support while jumping.
Barbara says
I had my Buddy and Trixie painted together (since Buddy had died before I got Trixie…). Since then I’ve also adopted Minnie and Jeep. They deserve their own painting too!
Shannon says
I would *lurve* a picture of our little pup, Kentson.
Allison says
PAINT MY PET!! My dog is so crazy–she does has such a personality. It kills me. Because she’s an all black pug, it’s hard to get good pictures of her. This would be great to have!!
Karen O says
She’s a little shelter mutt who was very badly abused before we got her and was really afraid all the time. It took about 6 months before she’d wag her tail and over 2 years before she barked – she still has some issues, but she’s getting better all the time.
Also thank you for a Canadian contest!! woohoo!!
Vanessa says
My 3 year old beagle / sheltie mix, Elle. She sleeps on her back all sprawled out on the carpet. Cutest thing ever!
Becca says
Paint My Pet!
Kara says
PAINT MY PETS! I have a goofy, ridiculous boxer named Tyson and a sweet little aussiedoodle named Darla.
Caitlynne says
PAINT MY PET! We have a little puggle (pug + beagle) named Scarlett who is the sweetest dog ever.
Stephanie says
Paint my pet(s)!
I have a pair of sister kittens. They are the sweetest, and I’d tell you more about them if one weren’t meowing at me to come into the other room.
Anna says
Paint my pet! If I won, I would actually use this for my Dad. He has a weimaraner that he absolutely adores. This dog is so connected to my dad! She (Dixie) is loyal as they come, and my dad is like her hero. Their favorite hobby is mountain biking – Dixie gets on the leash and her and my dad take off. It is the sweetest relationship, and proves the faithfulness of a dog to its owner. Dixie has had some medical issues the last few years and we are not sure how much longer we will be blessed with her companionship, so a painting like this would be a perfect gift for my dad to have, so he can always remember his Dixie girl. :)
Meaghan says
PAINT MY PET! My boxer Moose loves to pose for pictures, there are more photos of the dog than anyone else in the family… So of course he needs a painting of himself too lol!
April was in CT now CA says
PAINT MY PET! We’d definitely get a portrait of our dachshund Calvin, who is also our child and you can’t tell us any different. He’s the center of our universe!
Johanna B says
I’d love to have a painting of my old black kitty. He was my mothers and when she passed I inherited him.
Erin says
PAINT MY PET! My furbaby’s name is Rooney and he’s a 1 year old Plott Hound mix (one of the least known dog breeds in the great U-S-of-A <– super fun fact of the day). He's 70+ pounds of sweet, sweet awesomeness, and he pretty much completes my life. One of my favorite things about him is how he caters to my incessant need for photo taking. Part of me thinks he's vain and likes to have his picture taken…you can see a picture of him here serving as my go-to pooch model on my photography page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=406356749431010&set=pb.130920543641300.-2207520000.1349203219&type=1&theater
Amelia Woodford says
we’d love to have our muffin painted… our male 12 years old kitten who actually has OCD. No we did not name him Muffin, we tried to change it to Muffler because of the similar sound but to no avail. The reason behind picking our cat over our two dogs (we would still love them painted too!) is because the cat came from my husband’s father who passed away few years ago- you can imagine the sentimental value there.
Kyla says
That is, my pup, Henry! He’s recently become a big brother to our new bouncing baby boy and he watches so protectively over our new arrival, sleeping on the floor beside his crib every night. And to think we thought we couldn’t love him more! :)
Marybeth says
PAINT MY PET! Please paint the sweetest most, infuriating dog, my Montgomery. He has eaten and destroyed countless items of mine.
Sarah G. says
Paint My Pet!
My cat Millie would love to be painted. She is a high-spirited calico with the most expressive face. We’ve been together for about a year, I got her as a kitten shortly after losing my beloved calico of 20 years.