***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Since our eyes are constantly peeled for fun nursery art lately, we’re psyched to bring you this week’s giveaway from Grace Hester Designs. And even if you’re not expecting a little one, you might just spot the perfect piece to commemorate your wedding, your brood, or even your love of foreign languages amongst Grace’s type and silhouette-based art.
We love the idea of our little beanette learning some Spanish numbers or French animal names through these punchy designs (or even picking up a Chinese character or two). And it’s because of Grace’s fun range of prints that we couldn’t bear to narrow down this week’s prize to a specific group of designs – so TWO of you are gonna score a $50 credit toward anything in Grace’s etsy shop.
Here are this week’s entry details:
- PRIZE: A $50 credit towards any item from Grace Hester Designs
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “GRACE ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: …share with us your favorite word or saying from another language. Do you love the way a certain Italian word rolls off your tongue? Or maybe you have a go-to phrase that you learned when traveling abroad? If nothing else, is there an English word that sounds especially funny to you in Pig Latin?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 17th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: All over the globe!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Find more freebie info on our Giveaway FAQs page. Pics courtesy of Grace Hester Designs.
Erika says
Grace me!
“Mon petite chou-chou” is my favorite French phrase. I studied abroad in Paris when I was younger and one of my friends called her sweetheart his. It literally means “my little cabbage” and I always thought it was a funny term of endearment.
Jamie S says
Grace Me :)
I don’t think it translates into anything but in high school our french teacher would always exclaim ‘zoot allor’ whenever something surprised or overwhelmed her. Made all of us students laugh.
Loren Auch says
Uff da.
Taylor says
Grace me! I took four years of Spanish and I honestly don’t remember a thing… I think I could read it pretty well but speaking it is a different story!
Mary L Cottingham says
BONUS QUESTION: As I told my nephew (who just started studying spanish in school) the other day, the most important thing you can learn in any foreign language… “?Donde esta el bano, por favor?” (Where is the bathroom, please?) and just as important… “a la derecha o a la izquierda” (to the right or to the left).
Barbara says
grace me…..my favorite is “je t’aime.” it means “i love you” in french, and it’s what my husband has for me in his cell phone when i call.
Claire A says
jenny k says
Stephanie says
Grace me!
My German teacher in high school would wish you happy birthday by saying “hertzliche gluckwusch zum geburtztag!”
Emily says
Grace Me
My mom calls me “ma petite chou” That’s a French term of affection. It means, literally, little cabbage head.
jeff says
grace me!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch = congratulations
Maria says
A simple but peppy “Ciao!” always makes me smile. :)
Carrie says
C’est la vie — such is life!
Tiffany C. says
Voulez-vous. Thank you ABBA.
cassie says
grace me! with your present!
bonus question…. my husband speaks fluent spanish, and i don’t speak a lick. when we travelled to costa rica, i always knew when he was mentioning me as i would hear “mi esposa” and i like the way that sounds! :)
Julie says
Grace me, please!
Although it may be cliche, I like “Que sera, sera” — what will be will be. For a planner like me, it helps to remember that we can’t control everything!
Sarah Jessica says
Grace me, but don’t hate me because I have to use a phonetic spelling. My favorite foreign phrase, learned in anticipation of a trip to China that was canceled by SARS, is “Wo yo y bo nong pong yo.” Roughly, that means, No, I don’t have a boyfriend.
I thought it was important that I be able to flirt while in China. I still think that’s important, really!
Marianne says
Grace Me!
My all-time favourite French word, after growing up bilingual in Ottawa, Ontario has to be “pamplemousse”. I know I’m not the only one out there, but there is no better word to roll off a person’s tongue. Very gratifying. Extra points awarded since it describes one of the best flavours ever, as well. Double win!
Katherine says
I really like the way Auf Wiedersehen sounds… but mainly when Heidi says it on Project Runway. Ha ha.
Shannon says
Grace Me
Jessica says
Grace me!
My favorite word in Spanish is canela….cinnamon! When living in Spain, I ran out of cinnamon and had to ask to borrow it from the neighbor…without knowing the word! I talked my way around it in Spanish, and now I’ll never forget the word canela.
Teeny says
Grace me!
M.R. says
Oh my gosh, grace me!
I love love love the French days of the week poster.
I incorporate French into everyday life. For instance, if someone asks me a silly question, I say “mais, oui!” (“But yes!”)
Amy Mantay says
GRACE ME! My favorite is “je ne sais pas, pourquoi” for no other reason than it’s French and its rhymey. :)
Christina says
Grace Me!
carrie says
Ashley says
Loving the Chinese bunnies.
Katie R says
Grace Me!! I have a fun button from a nearby jewelery store that says “I am loved” in Spanish. “Soy Amada” What cute stuff Grace has!
Mandi R says
Grace Me!!
AlonZee, is my current fave because my whole family are big Dr. Who fans. :)
Cait says
Grace me! :)
Tae says
Grace Me!
petit bateau! Because their clothes are adorable especially for little children… and i love little french kids (i know that’s clichéed but oh well). also, when standing in the store one time with my husband, we heard- at the end of every song played over the speakers – a little kid say “petit bateau!” in a funny, high-pitched voice, and it still makes us laugh when we think about it. and also what a funny name for a store: little boat.
colleen a. says
Grace me!
I am embarrassed to admit this, but my favorite German word is schadenfreude – taking pleasure in the misery of others. I am evil! ; )
This Thrifted Life says
I love pretty much all pig latin. It’s so fun. :)
Jill says
Vamos a ver…a nice way to say “we’ll see”
Allison says
GRACE ME please!
“pamplemousse” (french for grapefruit) always makes me smile :)
Melinda says
Grace me!
I love the sound of “Comment allez-vous”, French for ‘how are you?’
jacqueline says
Grace me!
Haha, one of the few phrases I memorized from French class in high school (and one that I made my personal goal to use while studying abroad): M’excuser monsieur, vous approchez la fin d’un trottoir en mouvement
Which means, “Excuse me sir, you are approaching the end of a moving walkway”.
Brooke says
Grace Me! I would say that my favorite non-english word would have to be j’taime! Can I speak french? No. Do I desperately want to live there anyway? Obvi….
Kelly says
Bozhoo, it’s the Ojibway word for hello!
Jessica says
Grace me!
Pamplemousse en francais, is the word for grapefruit.
Note that the word for grape is raisin, and the word for fruit is well, fruit. Pamplemousse is wonderfully silly, and
expresses the joy that comes with learning a foreign language.
Sara says
Grace me!
I have lots of favorite sayings in Spanish, which I studied for 7 years. In honor of Valentine’s Day being yesterday though, I will go with “Dame un beso!” Give me a kiss :)
Laura says
Grace Me!
Amanda Prentice says
I grew up with my mother always shooing us out the door yelling VAMANOS! VAMANOS! Now I know that means, WE GO or LETS GO! Definitely comes in handy with a family who’s always late.
Katie says
Grace Me Please!
I lived in Mexico for a semester and whenever my real family would call my host family they would have to say, “Puedo hablar con Katie, por favor?” My mom still says it when she calls me now :)
Mel Mal says
Grace Me.
Krystal says
Grace me…Ciao Bella!
Clare says
Grace me!
Andiamo – it means “let’s go” in Italian.
Alison says
Grace me!
Molly says
Grace me! Although je t’aime is certainly a more beautiful way to say I love you, I think danke is my favorite word to say. It’s so much more fun.
Jessica says
I have the words “vino rosso” and “vino bianco” in my kitchen. In Italian, they mean red wine and white wine.