***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
After clocking 10,000 entries under 24 hours, we’re already back to crown a random winner of the SINGER One sewing machine. The lucky person is… Angela (who says she’s a 1 on the sewing skills scale: “I can sew a straight line, but only if someone threads the machine for me first”). Congrats!
I’ve never touched a sewing machine in my life, but I’ve heard Sherry’s passionate muttering from the next room while using hers. Which is why anything labeled “Our easiest to use machine!” sounds compelling. And we’re so (sew?) excited that Singer is helping us give away a SINGER One – a feature-packed sewing machine that retails for nearly $500 – to one lucky reader! Something about an Automatic Needle Threader and OneTouch stitch selection sounds “approachable.” Plus the 24-available stitch patterns makes me believe you could fake your way into some pretty fancy stuff. Oh, and did we mention that Singer will ship this puppy anywhere in the world?
- PRIZE: A SINGER One sewing machine (a $499 value!)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SEW ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …where do you rank yourself on the sewing skills continuum? Are you a 1 like me (I couldn’t sew my way out of a bag)? A self-proclaimed 3 like Sherry (who could probably make “a wonky bag”)? Or are you more like a 10 (who could not only sew a bag from scratch, but do so blindfolded)?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, Dec 12th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide (we always beg every vendor to ship internationally but some companies are not legally able to vend things beyond the US – more on that here).
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of SINGER.
Rebecca says
Sew Me!!! Sewing a bag (a very simple bag) I’d be a five. Every other day I’d be a three!
Sarah says
SEW ME! I would say I am a 7. I have been sewing since I was a kid, and a lot more in the last couple years. Just started sewing clothes for myself in the last 3 months. Lots more to learn!
Jenn M says
See me, please.
Courtney H. says
SEW ME! I’m probably a 3. But I definitely want to learn more!
Arianna says
I am a complete novice I hate to say. Looking forward to hopefully learning on this beauty though!
Kristen F. says
I think I have a lot to learn! But I don’t think I’m too bad.
Susan says
I would say I’m a 3, but I aspire to greatness!
Sarah says
Sew Me!!
I am a 2, I could figure something simple out, but that’s about it:) I am very open to learning some new skillz:)
tracy says
sew me! I would rank myself a solid 2…but have been eager to step up my game- having my own machine would certainly help in that regard!
Katie B says
Sew me!
I’m about a 7.5. Haven’t sewn in a while, last major thing I made was my newborns crib bedding.
Lauren McKay says
SEW ME! I’m probably a 2 or 3. I’ve made a dress, pillows, and a few other small things but I always have to ask my grandmother for help!
Tacy says
A three, I suppose – I could probably make a wonky bag. possibly. It might end up having five handles, but I could do it:)
Erin says
Sew Me!!!! I am a 2. I went to school for fashion and took sewing classes, but did horribly in them! Now, I have a renewed interest in sewing given my love for frequently changing out fabrics in my house and would LOVE my first sewing machine!
Sarah says
I’m around a 2 to 3… made some curtains out of table cloths and a couple of couch pillows. Haven’t dared to attempt anything wearable. Yikes.
Theresa says
#6: curtains, baby slings and doll clothes!
Clarisa B says
SEW ME! I’m a 3, wonky bag all the way!
Kristina says
SEW ME! I would rate myself precisely a 2.1 because I have made exactly two pillows in my life time!
Kelley says
Sadly, I am a 1 – but would love to learn.
Debbie says
I’m definitely a 1 — but I’ve been telling myself I’m going to learn how (to at least make wonky pillows and curtains) for years!
Liz Mann says
I’m maybe a 2.5 or 3. Im a little out of practice since my sewing machine broke so this would be a great giveaway to win.
Heather says
SEW ME! Love to sew, but not great at following patterns… maybe a 5 or 6?
Kimberly says
I dunno…… What is the level that involves having to use the seam ripper on every.single.project?
Jess says
Sew me six! I’ve outgrown my current machine, and would love an upgrade :-) As an international reader (Australia),I’m so glad I can enter this one!
Amber B. says
I used to be a 7, but I’m pretty rusty!
Nikki_W says
SEW ME! I am at a one, my new life goal is to be at a 2
Krista says
I would be about a 6.
Kimberly says
Sew Me! The timing of this giveaway could not be better. I would rank myself a 7 for sewing skills; although, I probably should not have little ears in the same room with me when I’m sewing because I tend to speak a little French when I’m sewing ( if you know what I mean).. My 40+ year old Singer sewing machine just stopped working and I was hoping to make a slipcover for my two-year olds new ( new to her) daybed for Christmas. I’m borrowing a machine now but would love to say I have a new one on the way! ;) Kimberly
Jayne says
SEW ME! Unfortunately, I am a sad 1. But with hopes of being more.
Ginny says
I have the skills, what I lack is the time!!
I’m about a 7 or 8.
Jill Galmarini says
I want to be a 3 like Sherry and strive to one day be at 4 status.
Kelly says
SEW ME! I’m a 5.4.
Lindsay says
I would give myself about a 4 – I’ve made a Hallowe’en costume or two.
Alden says
I’m a 1, maybe a 2 on a really good day. But I really want to learn, and a sewing machine has been on my wish list for a while!
Deelynn says
I am for sure a 1, however I so desire to be a 3! I have always wanted a sewing machine, perhaps this will be it!
Heather N says
SEW ME!!! Probably a 4 :)
Jillian L says
SEW ME! I can sew by hand, but have only used a machine once or twice. I want to make sewn zip pouches using fabric from my old clothes (that have cool patterns but don’t fit anymore), sew I’ve been wanting a sewing machine! :)
Emily W says
SEW ME! I’d say I’m about a 5 or 6.
Mary says
SEW ME! About an 8. I really need a new machine!
Brittany says
Sew me!
Definitely a 1 haha but I’ve been wanting to learn for years!
madeleine says
SEW ME! I’d say I’m a 3, if we’re being generous with ourselves…I’ve made a few pillows that are basically square…
Heather says
Probably a 3 or a 4. I can do it but I’ll work around it if possible.
Shae says
Sew me! Definitely a 1… but I’d like to improve!
TamaraC says
SEW ME!! I’m a 3 I think. I could probably sew a zipper on wrong the first three times and then call my mom for help.
Sarah says
SEW ME! I’d say around a 6. I love looking at things in magazines or on Pinterest and figuring out my own pattern! They don’t always turn out great, though… :)
Shannon says
Sew me!!!
I’d say I’m around a 2-3, depending on how complicated :) I’m just about to start making duvet covers which should be a happy rectangular sort of project!!
Kim says
Sew me!
I am an optimistic 2.5.
Melissa Letkeman says
SEW ME! I am definitely a one! I would love to learn more, but all I have right now is an old machine that I can’t figure out!
Wendy says
I’m about a 5.
Anne says
I am a 3. I have imagined a purse in my head and made it when I was 16. I still have it to this day. I am so proud. I currently use my mother’s older than dirt machine.
Chelsea Jo says
Sew me! Wow, my family has a Singer, but we’ve had it forever. Ours has a knob instead of buttons. As for ranking, I’m going to say 4, as I could *definitely* sew a “wonky bag”.