***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
After clocking 10,000 entries under 24 hours, we’re already back to crown a random winner of the SINGER One sewing machine. The lucky person is… Angela (who says she’s a 1 on the sewing skills scale: “I can sew a straight line, but only if someone threads the machine for me first”). Congrats!
I’ve never touched a sewing machine in my life, but I’ve heard Sherry’s passionate muttering from the next room while using hers. Which is why anything labeled “Our easiest to use machine!” sounds compelling. And we’re so (sew?) excited that Singer is helping us give away a SINGER One – a feature-packed sewing machine that retails for nearly $500 – to one lucky reader! Something about an Automatic Needle Threader and OneTouch stitch selection sounds “approachable.” Plus the 24-available stitch patterns makes me believe you could fake your way into some pretty fancy stuff. Oh, and did we mention that Singer will ship this puppy anywhere in the world?
- PRIZE: A SINGER One sewing machine (a $499 value!)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SEW ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …where do you rank yourself on the sewing skills continuum? Are you a 1 like me (I couldn’t sew my way out of a bag)? A self-proclaimed 3 like Sherry (who could probably make “a wonky bag”)? Or are you more like a 10 (who could not only sew a bag from scratch, but do so blindfolded)?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, Dec 12th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide (we always beg every vendor to ship internationally but some companies are not legally able to vend things beyond the US – more on that here).
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of SINGER.
Amy @ a new old house says
I’m probably a 1 or 2… much better with the iron on hem-tape!
Melissa says
Sew me!!
Curtains for my living room and baby legwarmers to start…
Holly says
SEW ME! I haven’t sewn anything since eighth grade home-ec, but I really want to learn.
Anngela says
I’d say I’m a 4/5….I have sewn purses and accessories galore! But clothing or anything more intricate scares me! I currently have a Brother that’s getting a little finicky so something new would be lovely!
Jenny says
Sew Me!!! I’m a 0 right now, but would my life would be complete if I was a 10!!!
JB says
Definitely a 1 or 0. I need to get some lessons from my mom who can sew anything especially since there are so many great ideas on Pinterest!
Courtney Edwards says
SEW ME! I used a sewing machine in 6th grade, but haven’t used one since! I have so many projects I’d like to do.
Katie says
Sew me! I’m a wonky bag girl!
Stina says
Sew Me!
My mom is a home ec teacher and used to teach sewing so I sewed a lot back in junior high and high school. I was probably about a 5 back then. I recently picked it back up again, and I’m more like a 3…when my machine isn’t jamming up.
Erin says
My sewing skills are a 1…………but my mom’s sewing skills are a 9 so you see who I get to do the majority of my families sewing! We have been talking about doing “lessons” forever, this could be my chance as I don’t even own a sewing machine!
kim says
Sew me!
I’m probably a five. Not great. But, I’m cheap and a sahm. I have to sew to get what I want at the price I need. :)
Meghan says
I actually took sewing lessons after school for a few years in elementary school, and then in Jr. High home ec, this allowed me to coast during the sewing section. I’m not a pro, but I know enough to make simple projects and I’ve gotten into it again, and I’d put myself as in intermediate sewer. If there is no hemming I’d even say I’m an expert.
mary says
One would like to pass skills onto two, my daughter Ellie who is deperate for her own machine age 14.
Amanda says
Please…I’m probably about a 3. I understand what my item is SUPPOSED to look like, but something tends to go awry during execution. I’d like to improve though, and I’m hoping a sewing machine NOT from the 1960’s might help. :)
Chip says
A decent 4 on the sewing machine skills, but I rank much better on the hand sewing!
Sarah says
I’m probably a 3 as well.. I tried some projects while in 4-H but never had much sucess.
Emily Thompson says
SEW ME! getting to a 3… and hopefully moving up the ladder!
Erin Eberstein says
My mom is VERY passionate about sewing and crafting for others!!! I would love to give this to her so she could really take off and turn her hobby into a farmer-market-crafter-show business!
Kristina says
SEW ME! I am really interested in learning to sew, but have ZERO experience with it up to this point.
Heather says
This machine is SEW ME! I am a self- taught 2 currently sewing away on a vintage 1905 Singer. I LOVE my machine, but would definitely welcome a new generation into the family… One with some new tricks and more than 1 setting :)
Valerie says
I’m a 1. I can sew on a button, but I prefer to have the dry cleaners do it. I do knit though, and I would love to sew some of my own baby clothes as well!
Jessica says
Definitely a 1!
Cortney says
“Sew Me!” I can sew a straight line…after that I’m out! I am maybe a 2.
sherri says
SEW ME! I can actually sew pretty well and I sure could use a new machine ;-)
Danielle H says
I am a deiinite 1 on the sewing skill scale! The last time I sewed anything was back in grade 10 Home Ec class. We had to sew boxers and I forgot to tighten the elastic in my waistband so they were just a big square! Have been wanting to learn though so I can sew pillow covers out of all of the beautiful fabric I come across!
Alexis says
SEW ME! I’m about a 5 on a good day, but certainly have room for improvement!
Elizabeth says
Sew Me! I’m probably a 3 or 4 depending on how interested I am in the project.
Monica says
Sew me!
I’m a 3 like Sherry, but it’s been a while, so who knows! Ha
Lauren S says
Sew me! I’m still a beginnner.
Theresa says
Sew Me!
I’m probably a 1. Or lower. But I have great ambitions about learning how!
Aisling says
I haven’t touched a sewing machine since elementary school…but it’s on my list of things I want to learn (so that I can patch my kids jeans!!).
Sew, I’m a 0, or a 0.5, and I want to be a 3 :)
Meg says
I think I’m probably a 3 or a 4…I love sewing and my projects usually turn out ok but they are all really simple little projects…But I would love to be able to do more complex stuff! Thanks!
jackie says
I am about a 3, working on my skills would really help with my own sewing machine! :)
Meghan B. says
SEW ME! I used to be about an 8, but haven’t touched a sewing machine in years. I’m probably around a 2 now, and I would love to get back into it!
Tanya says
I can’t sew to save myself but i desperately want to learn. I have visions of sewing my own clothes one day…..
Elizabeth says
I have decent sewing skills, but I usually stick with simple things. My machine in ancient though and I would love to replace it!
jenny longstreth says
A 5, I still have a lot to learn but can make basics like simple skirts but have never even attempted anything like a shirt before!
Emily says
Sew Me!
I’m probably a 3. Could make a wonky, straight forward bag; re-attach a button or two; pseudo-repair tears and sorta hem in a straight line, as long as the stitch isn’t visible
Bridget says
SEW ME! I am a 1 looking to become a 3.
L.Chua says
beautiful beautiful!
I have always wanted a sewing machine and have projects waiting for one. I’d say I’m a 4.
Stephanie says
Um… I MAY be a 4. I can successfully sew anything that only has straight lines and it turns out looking great. Once curves and more intense stuff starts, count me out!
Sarah Dunbar says
I am right around a 3 with the sewing skills, but I’d love to get better….
Mary T. says
SEW ME!! I’m probably a 1. Did some sewing in home ec class and I can see myself sewing my sleeves to a few things I am trying to hem
Misty says
SEW ME! I love sewing. I am around a 5.
KatieM says
I would say I am a two :-)
Connie Hahn says
I would say I a probably a 5 or 6. I can do quilts and bags but have never done any apparel sewing other than hems
Kristin says
I’m about a 6 or a 7 – I know how to do it and can when I concentrate, but don’t always have the patience to go for “perfection.”
Debora J says
SEW ME!!!!!!
I am a 2 on the sewing curve. I can sew a straight seam and occassionaly a zig zag gets in there too. No clothes or fancy stuff, but boy do I admire those that can.
Jessica McLaughlin says
SEW ME!!! I cannot sew at all – save some hand stitching or button repair. Winning would be an excellent opportunity to learn! I’ve always wished that I knew how to sew!
Leah says
SEW ME!!! I made some fleece pj pants about 7 years ago… they were definitely wonky, but my friends and family LOVED them (that’s what they said…) I was great at “one size fits most”. I’d love to try my hand at it again, with a new machine!