***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
After clocking 10,000 entries under 24 hours, we’re already back to crown a random winner of the SINGER One sewing machine. The lucky person is… Angela (who says she’s a 1 on the sewing skills scale: “I can sew a straight line, but only if someone threads the machine for me first”). Congrats!
I’ve never touched a sewing machine in my life, but I’ve heard Sherry’s passionate muttering from the next room while using hers. Which is why anything labeled “Our easiest to use machine!” sounds compelling. And we’re so (sew?) excited that Singer is helping us give away a SINGER One – a feature-packed sewing machine that retails for nearly $500 – to one lucky reader! Something about an Automatic Needle Threader and OneTouch stitch selection sounds “approachable.” Plus the 24-available stitch patterns makes me believe you could fake your way into some pretty fancy stuff. Oh, and did we mention that Singer will ship this puppy anywhere in the world?
- PRIZE: A SINGER One sewing machine (a $499 value!)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SEW ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …where do you rank yourself on the sewing skills continuum? Are you a 1 like me (I couldn’t sew my way out of a bag)? A self-proclaimed 3 like Sherry (who could probably make “a wonky bag”)? Or are you more like a 10 (who could not only sew a bag from scratch, but do so blindfolded)?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, Dec 12th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide (we always beg every vendor to ship internationally but some companies are not legally able to vend things beyond the US – more on that here).
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of SINGER.
Danielle says
Considering that my idea of hemming pants is to use a stapler, I would say my sewing prowess is at about -15.
Ty Ann Beaty says
Sew me pt-II- which would make me a 4ish?
Elizabeth C says
Sew Me! I’m a 1 (sad face) and need to practice
Jennie says
0 or 1… but would like to one day be a 3 like Sherry!
Kelly E says
Sandy Rizzardo says
About a 5. Pretty Average.
Katie J says
I used to be awesome at sewing when I was in highschool but ever since I moved out on my own and no longer have a sewing machine, I have no idea if I still have skills! It would be nice to pick it back up!
Ashley Brown says
SEW ME! My sewing skills are a negative 10.5, but I’ve always wanted to learn.
Alicia C. says
SEW ME! I am a 1 but desperate to get to at least a 5. My husband uses our sewing machine but I am scared of it! I keep hoarding fabric to make things but I can’t seem to follow through. I can knit and crochet though!
Leanne says
Sew Me, please. I’m actually a 0…I screwed up no-sew curtains. For real. BUT, I want to learn to sew!!!
Jennifer says
I’m probably about a 2 – I could sew a wonky bag, but then it would fall apart within a week.
… if I were lucky.
Sjmatt says
SEW ME! i’m probably around a 3. i’ve got the general idea, and like experimenting, but without serious supervision i’ve never got very far… heh. a sewing machine would be very helpful in trying to get better tho!
Traci Ross says
SEW ME! I’m a zero, no clue what i’m doing. I have a lot of big ideas for when I learn though!
Amanda says
I would say I am a 6.5 ;)
Alissa Y says
I’d say that I’m a 4-5. I taught myself, and I can sew simple quilts. Someday I hope to sew clothes from patterns.
Sabrina says
SEW ME! Can I be a negative number? Because, for real, I can’t sew at all. I wish I could, but for some reason I’m terrified of the machine. It gives me the heebie-jeebies!! But maybe this one would help me get over my fears — I have “sew” many projects I’d love to tackle I wouldn’t know where to start (I blame you, Pinterest!).
Kim says
I’m more like a 2, I can make some *very* simple curtains. But I’m planning to pick up sewing lessons this spring/summer and was just thinking how I’d need a sewing machine!
Kari says
Sew me!! I’d say I’m maybe an 8 – definitely not a pro dress maker or anything like that, but I do have my own business where I sew kids’ items :)
Lauren says
Sew me! I’m probably a 1, but I have so many projects I’d love to do on a machine.
Megan says
Sew me! Probably a 4 – I can make simple quilts, but they’re a little wonky, too.
Angela says
Sew Me!!! I think I’d rank myself a 2… but only because I managed to sew 100+ napkins for my wedding. If I were to rank for stichery-witchery skills, I might award myself an 8. Two curtain panels, two valences and a pillow cover later, I’m pretty skilled with an iron! ;)
Alison says
I’m a 1. Wishing I paid more attention during a high school home economics class.
Julie Vogt says
Sew Me! I’d like to think I’m between a 6 and 7. I can follow a pattern or sew something without a pattern, but I usually have on fatal flaw that I have to rip out and start over.
Carol D says
SEW ME! I’m probably an 8. I have been sewing since jr high school. My grandmother sewed for a living and she and my mom taught me. I never took sewing in school – it was passed along to me.
I am in definite NEED of a new machine!
Amy says
I would love to be a 10, but I’m a 1 and hoping to sew my way into a wonky bag with this fab sewing machine!
Su says
Sew me! I am a 1, but I’d love to learn. I definitely need a sewing machine for dummies.
Gary says
Sew Me!
I’m a 1 for sure… something I need to learn.
Kristen N says
im AT LEAST a 2 :)
Leslie says
SEW ME! I am definitely a 1 but would love to learn and teach my 10 year old daughter!
allie says
SEW ME! A solid 3- wonky bags are my specialty.
Jess says
I would say somewhere in the middle.
I can follow a pattern…
Jess says
I’m about a 2. I think a new machine would be just the thing to raise that number.
SarahJ says
Sew me!
Probably a 7. I can sew simple projects and straight lines. Patterns are what get me!
Sarah Morgan says
Sew Me!
A one. I made a bag in 8th grade home-ec once, but that was a VERY long time ago. I’m a nightmare, but I’m hoping I can learn…
Lauren says
SEW ME! OOOOH my gosh….I would LOVE this. I’ve had to do all of my little sewing projects with iron-on tapes, which puts me at a ZERO on the scale, but have been dreaming of a sewing machine for ages! Hope I win!!
Meg says
SEW ME! I’m a 2… somewhere in between you and Sherry haha.
Barbara says
Sew me! Is it possible to be a negative number? haha….Probably a 1.
Carlye Hupp says
My former self about 20 years ago in high school was about a 6…
Now…probably a 2 =)
Sarah says
I’m probably a 2 or 3. I know how to sew, I just don’t have patience!
Maureen says
I’m a 2. I’ve sat at a sewing machine before, but I’m not experienced by any means. I actually broke my Mom’s 50+ year old machine when I tried to sew myself a santa suit for SantaCon a few years ago. It was a bit ambitious of me to say the least!
Jennifer says
I would say I’m a 3 like Sherry :)
Allison says
sew me! I’m a 2 – can’t wait to practice on some aprons and easy tote bags!
Bethany says
Sew me!! I am a three.
Mandi says
Sew me a new machine since my sister and I share our machine!
Candace says
I’m going to say I’m a 2, but really want to become a 10. I live in NYC and think do I have room for a sewing machine, and I tell myself I want to find the room, so often I say if I had my own machine I would make my own stuff and repair my own things.
Katie @ J&K Homestead says
I have zero sewing skills. But I’d learn if I got a free sewing machine!!!
Rita says
I hope I can say at 63 years old, that maybe I am a 5. It would be nice to dream and wish I were a 10. I hope to win and then maybe I can work on that 10!
“Merry Christmas!”
Ashley says
I think I am a 3 or 4. I took lessons as a little girl and would love to get back into it :)
Vanessa L says
SEW ME! I’m a zero. But in my head, if I only had a sewing machine – oh the things I could do. (Or at least try to do!)
issy says
I am a beginner, maybe a two but I love to figure things out.