***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
After clocking 10,000 entries under 24 hours, we’re already back to crown a random winner of the SINGER One sewing machine. The lucky person is… Angela (who says she’s a 1 on the sewing skills scale: “I can sew a straight line, but only if someone threads the machine for me first”). Congrats!
I’ve never touched a sewing machine in my life, but I’ve heard Sherry’s passionate muttering from the next room while using hers. Which is why anything labeled “Our easiest to use machine!” sounds compelling. And we’re so (sew?) excited that Singer is helping us give away a SINGER One – a feature-packed sewing machine that retails for nearly $500 – to one lucky reader! Something about an Automatic Needle Threader and OneTouch stitch selection sounds “approachable.” Plus the 24-available stitch patterns makes me believe you could fake your way into some pretty fancy stuff. Oh, and did we mention that Singer will ship this puppy anywhere in the world?
- PRIZE: A SINGER One sewing machine (a $499 value!)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SEW ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …where do you rank yourself on the sewing skills continuum? Are you a 1 like me (I couldn’t sew my way out of a bag)? A self-proclaimed 3 like Sherry (who could probably make “a wonky bag”)? Or are you more like a 10 (who could not only sew a bag from scratch, but do so blindfolded)?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, Dec 12th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide (we always beg every vendor to ship internationally but some companies are not legally able to vend things beyond the US – more on that here).
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of SINGER.
Kate B says
I’m, maybe, a 3? I really want to try sewing patterns, but I get intimidated. I’ve turned out a few cute stuffed animals by hand-sewing them. I’m currently working on 20 pull-through scarves for the ladies in my life for Christmas!
Michele A says
I’m probably around a 5 or 6…I’ve been sewing on and off since I was a little girl and both my mom and grandmother were 10s. Like crazy 10s…more like 15s!
Derk says
I’m probably in the 3-4 range? I’ve got several pillows under my belt and I’m moving up to some more challenges (a duvet cover?). Basically, square things.
Annie says
Sew me!
I am definitely a 1… I need a a machine to practice!
Stephanie says
SEW ME! If the sewing machine is set up (I don’t have to mess with the bobbin, etc), I can definitely sew! My grandmother taught me when I was little and we spent many hours making blankets, jackets, pillows, and more for family members.
Katie says
I would have to say I am probably a 5 or 6. I can set up a machine and sew mad pillows (with zippers). My mom and I did 20 in one day for her house and mine!
Lisa E says
SEW ME!!!! I’m guessing I’m a 2. Definitely a novice, have lotsa doll bedding under my cap, but want to branch out to literally bigger and better things!
Melissa Mann says
SEW ME! I’m totally a 1. I’d love to win this. Since it can auto thread, I think I would actually be able to use it.
Megan says
SEW ME! I started making my first quilt this weekend, but I still need a lot of sewing practice. I’d put my skill level at a 3.
Carly says
SEW ME! Definitely a 1, but I would like to at least be a 2 or 3 :)
Tara says
For someone who used to be part of a sewing club in middle school, I am still sadly only a two.
Leiann says
I would definately be in the 0 to 1 category. I can re-sew a button on a shirt or fix a ripping-at-the-seam pillow but that’s about it. I haven’t touched a sewing machine since 7th grade Home Ec where I made a pillow shaped like a whale!
ajd says
Sew Me!
I’m a 3; better by hand than with a machine. :)
Rachel says
I’m gonna go 1.5… but having a sewing machine that isn’t ancient would definitely help up my skill level – and maybe even help me attempt the 57 bajillion quilts I have pinned on Pinterest. :)
Athena says
I’m a 2, my husband is probably a 5. We’re using my mom’s old Singer 337 from the 60’s, it still works, but the bobbin knots up every 25 seconds, so we’ve only actually finished 3 projects we’ve started – it’s so frustrating.
I wonder, if we had a working machine, if our skills would be closer to a 4 and 7?
Jennifer A says
I think I am a 4. I can follow a pattern for simple clothing…. but hem’s, zips and button holes still leave me floundering!
Kate H. says
Ehh, Probably a 2. I’m not very good.
Margaret says
SEW ME!! I’m probably a 4 although, i haven’t attempted it in a long time!!
Abby says
I LOVE to sew, always have ever since I took a sewing class at the age of 8. Curtains, pillows, halloween costumes; you name it! :) I would love this (I currently use a hand-me-down!)
Christina T says
SEW ME … I would put myself at a 2 I know how so sew some simple things but I’m no expert.
Michelle Carter says
I’m probably a 5–I can usually get it done, though not always the easiest/fastest/smartest way…and I stress like crazy until it’s complete.
Becka says
Sew me! I’m definitely a 1 :)
Chrissy says
Maybe a 3 or 4. I can do an almost straight line!
Elina says
I’m a 3, but aspire to be a 10 someday!
Kari says
Sew Me!
I’m a 1.5…still not quite there, but working at it.
stephanie says
I would probably be about a 5 or 6 – I have taken on some bigger projects, but I just self teach as I go along!
Nicole says
Sew me!
I’m a 1… :-/ But I have a College T-Shirt Quilt project I’m dying to make, eventually!
Melissa says
Def a 1. Buy I’d love to be able to make some clothes for my boys!!!
Regina says
I’m right around a 4 or so. I SEW want to SEW a quilt…been thinking and planning and scheming about one for several days now. :) This would be cool to use for my first endeavor.
Laura P. says
I’m definitely a 1 – super beginner but I want to start working on my own projects!
Amanda says
Sew me! I made a Santa costume for my three-year-old one Halloween (not so easy to find off-the-rack in October) and…that’s about it. I had to glue on the fake fur ;)
kylee says
Sew me!
Kayla says
I’m a 1-2 :)
Valerie says
I’m a 6 or 7. But considering the reverse function on my sewing machine broke last week (meaning, the lever FELL OFF), this giveaway is particularly intriguing to me!
Amanda Janel says
I learned back in high school and I so badly want to learn again! I used to use my grandma’s really old machine to mend things and then I have no idea why, but we donated it about 5 years ago so now I do everything by hand which never turns out as good or goes as fast!! I’d say I’m low on the scale… I just haven’t had enough practice.
Sangeeta says
I was at level 2 years ago, but now down to level 1. With a new machine, i can surely try to climb up the ladder again :)
Jennifer says
SEW ME! I’m probably a 5 — just made my first big (but very wonky) quilt.
Beth says
SEW ME! -1, but I’d like to make a tshirt quilt one day!
Kirsten says
And I would be a zero… but would love to learn!
Jessica C says
I’m probably around a 6. I’ve made a few quilts :)
Joanna says
My sewing skills are home ec public school style so lots of room for improvement.
alisha says
SEW ME I would rank myself as a two, if I set myself to something I could probably make it. It might not be pretty but it will be done.
Amy S. says
SEW ME! I would probaby put myself at a 3-4. I can make the basics but am still working on more complicated patterns.
Amber says
Sew me! I’d rate myself a 4. I’ve sewn a few things that I’ve been pretty proud of but nothing too fancy. :)
Amber says
I know nothing about sewing, but I want to start!
Jessica C. says
SEW ME! I rank myself at about a 6-7 as i’ve been sewing since i was a kid. BUt, my machine is about to die, and i won’t be able to finish up the christmas presents, so this would be fantastic!
J+H @ Beyond The Stoop says
SEW ME!! last thing i sewed was in 8th grade… best way to brush up on some skills is a shiny new sewing machine ;)
Deb says
SEW ME!!! I’m about a 4 or 5 – I have sewed a few things in the past, but on my grandmother’s 60+ year old Singer. I would love to try out a new one!
Gillian says
Definitely a 1. My current sewing machine is a glue gun. I would love the opportunity to learn!
Sarah R says
I took a couple of home ec classes in middle school and got a pretty nifty pillow out of the deal, so I’m going to say a 3.