***This giveaway is now closed – see who won below!***
After clocking 10,000 entries under 24 hours, we’re already back to crown a random winner of the SINGER One sewing machine. The lucky person is… Angela (who says she’s a 1 on the sewing skills scale: “I can sew a straight line, but only if someone threads the machine for me first”). Congrats!
I’ve never touched a sewing machine in my life, but I’ve heard Sherry’s passionate muttering from the next room while using hers. Which is why anything labeled “Our easiest to use machine!” sounds compelling. And we’re so (sew?) excited that Singer is helping us give away a SINGER One – a feature-packed sewing machine that retails for nearly $500 – to one lucky reader! Something about an Automatic Needle Threader and OneTouch stitch selection sounds “approachable.” Plus the 24-available stitch patterns makes me believe you could fake your way into some pretty fancy stuff. Oh, and did we mention that Singer will ship this puppy anywhere in the world?
- PRIZE: A SINGER One sewing machine (a $499 value!)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SEW ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …where do you rank yourself on the sewing skills continuum? Are you a 1 like me (I couldn’t sew my way out of a bag)? A self-proclaimed 3 like Sherry (who could probably make “a wonky bag”)? Or are you more like a 10 (who could not only sew a bag from scratch, but do so blindfolded)?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, Dec 12th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide (we always beg every vendor to ship internationally but some companies are not legally able to vend things beyond the US – more on that here).
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of SINGER.
Joanne says
I’m a 5 who’d love to be an 8 – and I’d love a machine of my own rather than borrowing from friends.
Fingers crossed!
Wendy says
I’m about a 5, average. I don’t have a machine but I borrow my mother’s.
Greg says
Sew Me!
I’m a 0, good thing I have a wife who’s better!
Katie says
Definitely a 1, maybe a 0! I haven’t touched a needle and thread in probably 15 years.
Kristin says
Sew me! Definitely a 2-3 but would love to continue learning!
Colette says
I think I would be around an 7. I recently starting making quilts and have made tons of bags and zipper pouches for gifts this year.
Cristy says
I’d definitely be a 1…maybe 1.5 because I’ve hand sewn a couple things…does that count?
Tad says
I’ll go with a 2, which is good for a dude, right?
Kala says
SEW ME!! I’m a 1, but with a little patience, practice, and the right machine, you never know!
Kristen says
SEW ME!!!…I would give myself a 2 because I’m feeling generous.
Jules says
I’m totally a 2!
Toni says
Sew Me!
I would rank my sewing skills at a 6 (a very generous 6)!
Elisabeth A. says
I’m probably a 3. I can make a pillow. :)
Amber says
Sew me!
Solid 4, I’d say.
rachel p says
I’m a total newbie, so I’m definitely at a 1. I have had a sewing machine on my wishlist for about 2 years now, and, well, it’s still there.
Casey @ Waffling says
Im like a 7. my actual sewing skills on the machine are easy peasy lemon squeezy, but I get lost when trying to layout patterns and follow directions. Plus Im lazy and rarely measure or pin- oops! hahaha
Sara says
I’m maybe a 4.32? I can follow a pattern, and sometimes make up my own. My machine has been outsmarting me lately, though, and throws the needles back at me when it gets cranky.
Dee says
Sew me! I could probably stitch a wonky bag!
Lindsay Butler says
I would say I am around a 4.97 on the sewing scale.
Jayce says
SEW ME!! Please? I’m a 3.
Jessica says
I’m at around a 4 these days….the hardest part is threading the darn machine. If the machine would do that itself (which this one DOES!!!) I’d be a 10!!! lol!
sonia says
I’m probably an 8 or 9. I can sew a mean diaper! But my machine is nearing the end of it’s life and this one would come just in time!
Cali says
Wonky bags sound about right, so I guess I’m a 3. I really would like to be more around a 7.
Ashley F says
SEW ME!! I would say I’m a 2-3. My grandmother taught me when I was younger and would love to freshen up my skills!
Jacqueline says
SEW ME!!!! I’m like a -3…can i say that? I’ve never touched or even seen a sewing machine in person…well except for on Project Runway! But I have dreams of sewing curtains for our apt or something cute for my daughter! So fingers crossed!!!
Sarah Tucker @ Tucker Up says
I’d say in the 1-2 range…I can patch a hole…not very well, but I can do it!
Meg says
SEW ME! Well, if John is a 1 and Sherry is a 3, then I’m probably a 2. I attempted to sew my son a chef’s apron this Christmas and my Mother (who is probably a 7) felt the need to re-do most of my hemming. Oh well, I keep telling myself practice makes perfect!
Heather says
I’m a 3……maybe a 4??? My projects still pretty much consist of straight lines but with a decent tut I can sew some fun stuff (super hero capes, hooded towels)
crystal says
i’d definitely be a -1…not sure to to even thread a needle, but i want to learn sew bad :)
Jennifer says
SEW ME! I’d give myself about a 6 – but I’d love to improve my skills! My own sewing machine is in need of repair so it would be awesome to win a swanky new one!
Ariel says
I’m right around a 3 or 4. I’m planning on making a barn for my niece using this tutorial
but after gathering all the materials I’m a bit intimidated. I also need to find some time when the toddler’s asleep and the chores aren’t piled high ;-)
Teresa says
Sew me! I can rock a pillow case and I’ve sewn some pretty sweet yoga mat bags. I’ll rank myself a 4.8.
Morgan says
SEW ME! No experience what so ever with a machine but looking to learn. Definitely a big fat 0!
Michelle says
Melissa Rector says
SEW ME! I can manage some simple stuff but always want to try something a little more challenging
Lisa Summerhays says
SEW ME! I’d say on on the verge of making it to a 4. I just finished a couple sewing classes so I’m getting a little more confident and willing to attempt project I wouldn’t have before.
Jennifer Lentz says
Sew Me!!
I’m a 0 but wish I were at least an 8. I’m totally envious of everyone who pins sewing projects on Pinterest.
leslie says
I’m probably a 2.5– I can hand-sew for mending and small projects but machines scare me. Maybe this one could help me conquer my fear!!
Katie says
a 0 or maybe a .5. I can sew a button on and that’s about it.
Julie says
Jenna M. says
SEW ME!!!!! I would say that I am a 1ish. I dont have a machine and have asked for one in the past. Maaaaybe today is the day!!!
Anna M says
Sew me! Definitely a 1, unless you count tying millions of little knots to affix a button “sewing”
Rachael says
SEW ME!! And I would rank my sewing skills at about a 4.5. Thanks for the chance!! :)
Heather says
SEW ME! i’m probably a 2. can’t do much, but would love to do more!
Meri says
SEW ME! I’m shamefully unable to sew much of anything, so I’d say between a 1 and a 2 (occassionally able to repair a button).
Loran says
I would say I’m probably around a level 5 or 6 on the skills range. I’ve made a few pillows here and there. My mother was a incredible seamstress. She use to make all of our clothes and Halloween costumes. Now that I’m about to have kids I feel inspired (and a feel lil pressure) to learn a more about sewing so I can enjoy making stuff for them…because it’s probably not a good idea let your baby wear a pillow case.
Alexis says
SEW ME! I’m a five … maybe … on a good day :)
Dayla says
SEW ME! I’m a strong 1.5 – I can hem something but the curses that fly from my mouth just getting the bobbin ready = a score along the lines of -2.
Tracy says
I’m probably a 5. My mom taught me how to sew a bit when I was a kid, but I never kept up with it much. I can make a pillow case I guess. My daughter used her own money to buy herself a machine a couple years ago (not a toy machine, but also not a $500 machine) and she’s partially learning by trial/error with a lot of “Grammy” instruction :-)
Kelsey says
I’m probably a 4 or 5. I’ve pieced a few quilt tops and sewn a bag or two, but give me a pattern to make an article of clothing and all bets are off.