***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
According to random.org, the winner this week is… Kat (who celebrated Father’s Day with cards, dinner for her husband and a called to her dad). Congrats!
In honor of Father’s Day (yes, I realize it was yesterday, but why not keep the celebration alive?) we’re giving away – you guessed it – TOOLS. But these particular tools are Ryobi TEK4 tools, a series of ten cordless gadgets that look pretty darn sleek, are crazy durable, and run on a long-lasting 4V rechargeable battery. And come to think of it, ladies would look just as good slinging these guys (so they’re not just for dads). We picked our three most go-to devices from the TEK4 line and are giving them (plus an extra battery and charger) to one lucky guy or gal this week. So without further ado, your trio of tools: the Self-Leveling Plumb / Cross Laser, the Professional Stud Sensor, and the Compact Drill / Driver (and the handy battery they all share).
- PRIZE: The three Ryobi TEK4 tools shown above, plus extra battery and charger.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “TEK ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … share with us what you did you celebrate Father’s Day yesterday. A special breakfast? A family dinner? A card from your dog (Burger makes me one every year). Maybe just a phone call to say “hello” to someone special? Or was yesterday just your average Sunday?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, June 22th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: The contiguous 48 United States
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perked for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers. See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Ryobi.
Tristan B says
My new father-in-law grilled ribs for everyone and we sat around and had a picnic of sorts and my father had a cook out as well. We also got them both very silly cards.
Meggan says
TEK ME! My 2 older boys went fishing with their dad, we bought him a grill and mom had some lovely quiet time while the 3rd boy was napping! Good times for all!
Coleen says
TEK ME! Had breakfast with my dad and dinner with my FIL.
Allanna says
Tek Me!!
The kiddos gave my husband cards and a Ryobi sander (we’re fixing up the master bath). He got a cookie at church, too.
Michael and I called up our dads (and my grandfather) to wish them a happy Father’s Day.
Melissa L says
Went to the lake and played in the sand.
Verena says
My brother lives in DC so the family met there for a Father’s Day celebration. We went to see a movie, then took a boat ride on the Potomac and had a yummy italian dinner. On Sunday, my sister in law made an awesome lunch and we gave “Papi” his presents – a selection of fancy culinary items to eat during the next month. He sent as an email thanking us for the great weekend! Now if I get these tools, maybe I can build him something for 2012 Father’s Day!`
Laura B says
TEK me! We did a appetizers only feast (all the good stuff that makes you need to run a marathon to recover – jalapeno poppers, grilled potato skins, grilled artichokes, etc. etc.)
Lauren says
Live far away from dad, stepdad and father-in-law – spent time on the phone with each! :-)
danielle says
TEK US! (Well, TEK “ME”, but both of us want it)
We went for a father’s day hike with our 13 month old babykins and our crazy, under-appreciated-since-baby-was-born Lab.
Staci says
Had lunch with my dad for Father’s Day and then sent him to see Spamalot!
Allie says
We had a BBQ for the best grill master I know! :)
Renee says
Wished a couple people “Happy Father’s Day.” Otherwise, pretty average.
Allison says
TEK ME! Just an ordinary Sunday for me, but celebrated with my grandpa, step father and uncle on Saturday with a BBQ!
Rob O. says
I started my Sunday morning with a deep tissue massage (neato Father’s Day gift, sweetie!) and spent the rest of the day lounging at home with my family.
Megan Richard says
TEK Me! Just a phone call to say ‘hello’ and how much I love them since all the Dads in my life live out of town!
Stefanie says
I had a lot of celebrating to do! I called my dad, cross country, and let him know my sister and I were gifting him a massage gift cert. It was also my hubby’s first father’s day and we were on a mini vacation in norcal – baby girl’s first!
Katie says
Tek me!
We enjoyed steak and Guiness on the deck and watched the kids play on the slip and slide.
Louisa T. says
TEK ME! Our daughter came in town for the weekend and our two boys were here as well. Nothing over the top, just a good meal and good company.
Kay says
TEK ME!!!!!
We took my Dad to lunch and his favorite, ice cream.
Cheryl says
My boys and I took Hubby to Sears to pick out a JawHorse!
Jenny M says
TEK me! We just got together and ate all day long. My family does not know how to do moderation.
Kerri says
Tek me!
We enjoyed crab cakes on the couch with the US Open finals.
Ashley says
Tek Me!
Made brunch and relaxed around the house watching golf. Had a great day with my dad and family!
Sarah says
Cassie (age 10) made a special banana split pancakes breakfast with gingerbread muffins on the side. Healthy it was not, but adorable and tasty it was! We spent the rest of the day surrounded by extended family, and it was perfect. :-)
Erika says
I got my dad a 12-pack of Montana-made beer from our road-trip from Omaha to Seattle and back.
Kym says
I called my dad, and sent some love east coast –> west coast!
angie says
I made breakfast for my my husband and tried to give him the rest of the day off- but due to the fact that we have 3 kiddos, one being a newborn….it wasn’t so “off”.
Rebekah B. says
Thank you.
Lydia says
TEK ME! :) Just a call to my father — he enjoyed the card I’d sent in the mail. Plus I gave a pre-first-father’s-day card to my husband — we’re expecting a little one in November!
Tuli says
We went camping this weekend. It rained all Saturday, but cleared up Sunday. Had steel cut oats cooked on the fire for breakfast and took a nice walk before heading home :)
Amy in Richmond says
TEK Me! Father’s Day was all about playing in the new blow up pool in the backyard. Two toddlers versus Daddy.
Matthew West says
Went out for breakfast and hung out with family!
Adrienne S says
TEK ME!!!!!! My dad and I are in two different states, so I could only give him a father’s day call. :-(
Jamie says
Called my dad for a father’s day chat and for the daddy of my babies (my husband hahaha)we made hand print cards and home made pizza :)
Katherine says
“TEK ME!” and we spent fathers by having a large family dinner, even including the grandparents!!
Jan C. says
TEK me!
The kids and I made a fabulous feast for my husband and they washed, waxed, and detailed his car while he went swimming. He didn’t know what to do with himself, since we wouldn’t let him do any chores, mow the lawn, or anything else!
Patrick says
TEK ME! I spent my first Father’s Day doing some deep cleaning and hanging shelves in our bedroom – after three months of sleeping in with our new baby, we’re finally getting a handle on how our bedroom needs to be arranged to accommodate the additional resident…
Natasha P. says
TEK ME! I cooked a Father’s Day Feast for my dad… my mom, brother and grandparents got to join us as well. It was a great day!
Melanie says
We went out to a classic car show with my father and father-in-law. :-)
Kristina says
I was able to be on vacation with my dad for Father’s Day this year which was really special!
Laura M says
Tek ME! We live in different states, so we video chatted!
Courtney says
TEK ME! We had a big BBQ with all the special dad’s in our life. It was great!
Jaime says
Mine was an interesting father’s day…since my father passed more than 15 years ago, but I married in October I had a father-in-law to call…VERY SPECIAL!!! Other than that it was an average sunday beating the heat with a dip in the pool :)
cindy says
TEK ME! pretty please. I have projects galore!
Lacey says
Tek me!!
Kimberly says
TEK ME! My Dad traveled to NC from OH just for the day to celebrate!
Cat F. says
I got FD wrong and called a week early! So, Pops got a double dose of cheer!
Sara R. says
Tek me! My husband was traveling home from a two week trip abroad that day. When he finally arrived home around 10pm that night, our 15-month old son and I met him at the door. The first words our of our son’s mouth were, “da-da”. It was perfect!
Zelda says
TEK ME! For my hubs’ first father’s day we had a special breakfast (which baby helped make, of course)and hung out with friends.
The Landises says
Tek us! We called our Dads on Father’s Day :)