***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
According to random.org, the winner this week is… Kat (who celebrated Father’s Day with cards, dinner for her husband and a called to her dad). Congrats!
In honor of Father’s Day (yes, I realize it was yesterday, but why not keep the celebration alive?) we’re giving away – you guessed it – TOOLS. But these particular tools are Ryobi TEK4 tools, a series of ten cordless gadgets that look pretty darn sleek, are crazy durable, and run on a long-lasting 4V rechargeable battery. And come to think of it, ladies would look just as good slinging these guys (so they’re not just for dads). We picked our three most go-to devices from the TEK4 line and are giving them (plus an extra battery and charger) to one lucky guy or gal this week. So without further ado, your trio of tools: the Self-Leveling Plumb / Cross Laser, the Professional Stud Sensor, and the Compact Drill / Driver (and the handy battery they all share).
- PRIZE: The three Ryobi TEK4 tools shown above, plus extra battery and charger.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “TEK ME!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … share with us what you did you celebrate Father’s Day yesterday. A special breakfast? A family dinner? A card from your dog (Burger makes me one every year). Maybe just a phone call to say “hello” to someone special? Or was yesterday just your average Sunday?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, June 22th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: The contiguous 48 United States
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perked for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers. See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from Ryobi.
Tad says
Stayed at home with my 2YO son and wife(8 months pregnant).
Karin says
TEK ME! We had a nice, normal Sunday- church, a walk, a quick trip to the pool with our Little Monster, and finished with fajitas and old episodes of Parks & Rec on Netflix. And of course we called OUR dads!
audrey says
it was a normal day for me since i dont have a dad; jealous of others though hehe
Lynn Johnson says
TEK ME! Great day with family.
mariela says
Spent father’s day with my DAD! I live far, so flying to see him on Father’s day was priceless.
Devon @ Green House, Good Life says
Phone call to Dad. He had just finished a round at the golf course and told me all about his great shots. I pretended to understand. Pretty much a regular Sunday talking to Dad. (The other option is that he tells me about his terrible shots, and I pretend to understand.)
Juliana says
Tek me! We barbequed steak, shrimp, and ribs. Total man meal! We kept trying to get our two year old to say “happy fathers day, daddy!” but it kept coming out as “thank you fathers day, mommy!” which was still the sweetest thing to my husbands ears :)
Jessica P. says
We celebrated with a lovely cookout.
Lindsay says
We had a beautiful blue bird day in Mount Washington Valley (NH) to spend our first father’s day together. Biking, trail running and pizza!
Heather says
Tek me!
Sundays are working days ’round these parts.
Nikki says
TEK ME nothing unusual ….thrift shopping.
Michelle says
We had pizza alfresco and my kids gave their daddy a robot picture frame we made at the library. It was a nice relaxing day.
Jennifer says
My sister surprised my dad with breakfast and he was so blessed by it and energized that he chose that day to help me install the closet kit for my up-coming baby boy (I didn’t even ask him to help that day I had wanted to help him with projects around his house)
My 2 fuzzy babies and paw stamped a father’s day card for my wonderful husband since he is now a daddy-to-be and we let him sleep in and relax all day.
melissa G. says
We went to lunch and then made our ’rounds’ to the other ‘father’s’ in our lives and then at night dropped some balloons & goodies to my friend who’s husband passed away about 6 months ago. (This is the kids 1st father’s day without him)
Kat says
TEK ME! A good father’s day crab feast works every year! :-)
Betsy Barnett says
TEK ME! Went to breakfast and church w my dad :)
Alicia says
Maybe this will help turn my non-handy husband into super handy man around the house!
Alicia says
oh yea- and we celebrated Father’s Day by making America’s Test Kitchen recipe for Steak Frites. Time consuming- but well worth it. Very delicious!
petra says
tek me
we spent the first day of our vacation in mexico
Pedro says
I called my dad to wish him a happy fathers day
Courtney McIlwain says
Tek Me
My kids gace their dad a new ipod. He loved it.
tara says
I had dinner with my dad and my husband. It was my hubby’s first Father’s Day!
Robert west says
Tek Me!
I got a card from my Yorky… Bella, she wrote Happy Fathers Day to the Scooper…..your the best from the Pooper. I thought it was pretty good.
Kristina says
For Father’s Day, my children made special cards for their dad. We tried to dote on him during the day, then later we went to my sister’s home for a Father’s Day Grill Out. I was able to spend it with both, my husband and dad. =)
Tammy says
Tek Me Please!
Lynn says
TEK ME! Sent my step-dad a father’s day card, and then just spent the day chilling out.
Carrie says
We haven’t been blessed with children, but we have wonderful fathers. So we had lunch with my family and then played cards and ate pizza that night with his parents and a few siblings.
Tiffany says
Tek Me
We were ecstatic at the news our little family of 4 was soon to be a party of 5!
3 babies in 3 years!! Daddy needs some tools!
alison says
tek me and my husband. we spent father’s day with my dad who helped us around our new house, but not too much because it was a holiday! hopefully we can diy ourselves by next fathers day!
Wendy says
Well, it was uneventful. Woke up, made coffee and pancakes for my hubby and two boys. It was very relaxing. Since it was Sunday, we went to church. However, our church was doing a “bring your big toys” to church in honor of Father’s Day. My husband’s big toy is his CJ-7 Jeep. He painted it, built and put the engine in its pretty decked out. After washing it and driving it to church (I drove in our van with the children) – he parked it right-smack on their lawn for everyone to see. Tada. Church was over, I left for home, hubby jumped in his jeep – dude. It wouldn’t start! Ended up towing it back to our house just THREE MILES away. Wah! Wah! Wah!
Needed something to cheer him up b/c he was so bummed and embarrassed!! Super mom to the rescue, upgraded his 3gs iPhone to the iPhone 4. He was in heaven! And our 6 yr. old scored his old iPhone.
Eileen McDonald says
Tek Me, Please. Sent a card from the 2 fur babies
and Mommy. (me)
Lauren says
TEK ME I went to my husbands grandfathers house for a traditional Sunday dinner.
Karen F says
We baked a cake for my husband. Unfortunately, it got the kids all hopped up on sugar and therefore a bit crazy. He said the cake was good, but asked me not to make it again :)
guenevera says
TEK me!
I called my Dad to say Happy Father’s Day…on Monday. Oops!
lauren says
Tek me!
We had lunch with my husband’s grandfather then we went and met a momma cat and her baby which we decided to adopt, making my husband a father :)
foo says
I took my new boyfriend to my parents house, where he met the rest of my family of six. It went quite well. If he can hang with them, he’s gold.
Megan says
We had a great brunch to help our “new dad” friends celebrate their first father’s day. Also lots of e-cards and phone calls for family not in the area. Fun day.
megan g says
We celebrated father’s day with an awesome breakfast and phone calls to our wonderful fathers.
Eva C. says
TEK ME!! Just your average Sunday plus a homemade dinner for the hubby. At six months preggo, I am taking it easy these days.
LizzieBeth says
My dad is not a fan of Father’s Day. He is retired and spent the afternoon at their shore house in Long Beach Island.
While my husband hung out with his father, I took time to paint the walls of our nursery– and thought about how we would spend our first official Father’s Day next year ;)
thisnomad says
I was away from my sweet dad, since he lives in Idaho.
Annie says
Spent camping all weekend with my Dad and family.
Andrea says
Had dinner with my father in-law and the rest of the family.
Cait says
TEK ME, please!
It was my husband’s first father’s day (we had our little Emily in March of this year) so I wanted to make it extra special. I bought him a new battery for the boat he’s rebuilding, and I upgraded our phones to iPhone 4gs each- this way we can video chat if she starts doing something new (talking, walking…) and one of us is at work!
I made him a big breakfast of pancakes and eggs, and we spent the morning at his dad’s house with all of his brothers, sisters, and their kids.
This weekend my mom and dad will be coming into town and we plan on going to the farmer’s market, and taking a train ride through the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Kristin says
Since he lives in a different state, he got a phone call and a card in the mail :)
Chris L says
We had a nice family dinner with the father-in-law. And had a phone conversation with my dad who is currently on a sailboat in Lake Michigan.
Kate says
TEK ME! A good family dinner for us!
Amber says
Phoned home to the papas and had a relaxical day!!
Brooke says
Spent Father’s Day celebrating my new grandfather-in-law’s birthday via family dinner in Douglas, GA!
Cheryl S says
We enjoyed our favorite Mexian Place for Lunch!
Debby says
Our daughter was leaving for a summer in Europe, so we celebrated one Sunday earlier with lasagna and a big family get together.