***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to the bottom to see who won!***
We’re always on the lookout for new art these days (lots of empty walls!) so we’re excited to bring you this giveaway from Barcelona-based illustrator Judy Kaufmann. Her bold prints – sometimes colorful, sometimes stark – have a charming combo of simplicity and intricacy. Here are a few of our favs below, but you can of course browse more in her Etsy shop.
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards any print from Judy Kaufmann.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’M BOLD!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about something bold or brave you’ve done. Have you gone skydiving? Did you chop all of your hair off just because you felt like it? Or did you confess your love to an unsuspecting friend?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Random.org has chosen our winners and they are… Melissa (who boldly bought some bright red faux leather fabric for an upcoming project) and Stephanie L (who went whale watching in a tiny boat despite her fear of the ocean). Congrats!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from
Letty says
I agreed to help my boss teach two classes at a local university– and I’ve never taught before! *gulp*
Anne K says
Lets see, I chopped of 10 inches of hair for locks for love, traveled across the world alone to study abroad in Australia and wanted a new hobby so I just signed up for photography classes! All while being a single independent lady about to turn 30, ugh!
Aviva says
I’M BOLD! I left my office job (and all its nice benefits) last July to freelance full-time. The first few months were kinda rough, but things are picking up now and I couldn’t be happier – I love the freedom!
Stephanie says
I consented to marry my sometimes annoying, and ever-present guy friend about 6 years ago. Turns out he makes a great hubby! :-D
jen says
I’m bold! This weekend went on a toboggan chute! Fun stuff!
Tara says
I’M BOLD! 7 years ago I confessed to my T.A. that I had a crush on him and invited him out for a beer (after the quarter was over of course!). We’ve been together (and married for 2+ years) ever since!
Sophia says
I’M BOLD! I jumped in freezing mountain snow runoff in Yosemite for a swim.
Caitlin says
Levi says
julianne7 says
Boldest move: Buying a house by myself!
Lynn says
I’m bold!
Jen R. says
I’m BOLD! I went to Haiti one summer when I was in college to help build a hospital run by a Pignon, Haitian born Dr. Guy Theodore… I auditioned for 2 plays in school on a lark and was cast… I spent a year in Austria as an exchange student in college after only one year of German…
MelanieO says
Right after New Year’s, I quit a job that has been making me miserable, before finding another job. However, the peace of mind I gained was absolutely worth the couple of times I’ve awoken at 3am in a cold sweat…and freelance projects have begun to trickle in!
Z says
Carrie says
I”M BOLD. Not as bold as I used to be, though.
Tara says
I’M BOLD – my husband and I were crazy enough to adopt to puppies at once. They drive us nuts…but we love them!
dana828 says
I ran my first half marathon last spring at the tender age of 38! ;)
Krystal says
When I was a kid, I used to drag my trampoline right under the treehouse, and then I’d jump out the treehouse window for the ultimate bounce. It was a pretty brave move, considering it once resulted in having the wind knocked out of me and a sprained back (oh yeah, and my dad disassembled my trampoline after that…)
Jen says
Joanna says
I’m BOLD!..Not so much lately, but anyway.
Claire says
I’M BOLD!!!! I’ve lived in three different states in the past 5 years all for the sake of jobs. But all of the moving has made me a better person than I could ever imagine. =D
Krysta says
IM BOLD!! I moved in with my boyfriend after knowing him for three weeks and we are still happily living together after more than two years!!
danielle says
I’M BOLD! Red shoes on my wedding day…and skydiving.
Brittney says
I’m Bold! I grew up with 3 brothers!
Elizabeth says
I’m bold!
Except that now that I think about it, I’m not.
Ursula says
I’M BOLD! Because I went to Europe by myself at 16, which I probably wouldn’t even do now at 26!
karen @ our slo house says
Background story: I never dance in front of people. I’m just too self-conscious…
So…a year ago, at my sister’s wedding, I had to make a speech. After talking,…blah, blah, blah… I pointed to the DJ and he started Flo Rida’s Low. You know the one, “Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur…”
Anyhow, in front of 100 guests, I got down with my bad self. Needless to say, I had people crying (from laughter) because it was so unexpected.
courtney says
i’ve moved around to various places (around the country, and once internationally) without knowing anyone just so i would know that i could. scary, but highly recommended.
denisef in c'ville va says
I’m Bold! I flew with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels …. because the opportunity presented itself! What a memory.
Lesley says
I’M BOLD!! Im a southern belle that married a yankee =)
Haley says
I’M BOLD…I finally bought something from ETSY!
Nicole says
I’m Bold!
I just booked a spontaneous weekend trip to Barcelona! By myself! So this print would be a perfect way to celebrate.
Liz says
I’m Bold! I decided to go to grad school for math!
Stasia says
I’m BOLD :)
I went skydiving for my birthday…painted my living room HOME DEPOT orange and would do both again :)
Sarah says
I’M BOLD! I love sponteniety and adventure!
Alexandra says
I’M BOLD! I am terrified of heights, but I took a flying trapeze class on a whim because it looked like fun. I laughed, I cried, and while I’m still terified of heights, I’m no longer terrified of trapeze :)
Drew says
I’M BOLD!! I am risking my future by quitting my bank analyst position to bring delicious dumplings to the streets of my city!
Jenny H says
I’M BOLD!!! and…I can’t wait for our vacation to Costa Rica!
Allison says
I recently went to the hair salon for a trim then decided to go short, add bangs and dye it dark just because I felt like it!
Erin says
I’m bold because I substitute at elementary schools :)
stephanie says
In May I’m going to have two children under two. ;)
Jacque says
I’m BOLD!!!! Took a solo trip to Maui and Virgin Islands within 3 months of each other!!! :)
Regina says
I’m bold! I do “crazy” stuff all the time. Rock climbing, sky diving, playing in traffic, telling people what I really think. Normal day. ;)
Dennis says
I’m bold.
I got rid of my car and my bed. I dare to live simply!
allie says
I climbe over gate.
Amy M says
I’M BOLD! I have to be, I’m a short Asian lady in law enforcement… but sometimes the toughest things come in little packages! The gun helps, too :)
Kristen says
After budget cuts at the school I taught at left my jobless, I packed up my things and moved across the country from Delaware to California! I’ve only lived in Jersey and Delaware and never had been past Indianapolis before, but I’ve moved and never been happier with a decision!
That being said, after the move, my walls are still fairly bare and could use some cool artwork ;)
Gloria says
“I’m bold” I married an Indian man. This is not ideal to Indian families. But we are doing good, and I get along with his family just fine.
B says
I’m bold – I rappelled down a 60 foot waterfall!
Beth says